Source code for floris.optimization.layout_optimization.layout_optimization_random_search

# Copyright 2022 NREL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

# See for documentation

from multiprocessing import Pool
from time import perf_counter as timerpc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

from floris import FlorisModel
from floris.optimization.yaw_optimization.yaw_optimizer_geometric import (

from .layout_optimization_base import LayoutOptimization

def _load_local_floris_object(
    # Load local FLORIS object
    fmodel = FlorisModel(fmodel_dict)
    return fmodel

[docs] def test_min_dist(layout_x, layout_y, min_dist): coords = np.array([layout_x,layout_y]).T dist = pdist(coords) return dist.min() >= min_dist
[docs] def test_point_in_bounds(test_x, test_y, poly_outer): return poly_outer.contains(Point(test_x, test_y))
# Return in MW def _get_objective( layout_x, layout_y, fmodel, yaw_angles=None, use_value=False ): fmodel.set( layout_x=layout_x, layout_y=layout_y, yaw_angles=yaw_angles ) return fmodel.get_farm_AVP() if use_value else fmodel.get_farm_AEP() def _gen_dist_based_init( N, # Number of turbins to place step_size, #m, courseness of search grid poly_outer, # Polygon of outer boundary min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, s ): """ Generates an initial layout by randomly placing the first turbine than placing the remaining turbines as far as possible from the existing turbines. """ # Set random seed np.random.seed(s) # Choose the initial point randomly init_x = float(np.random.randint(int(min_x),int(max_x))) init_y = float(np.random.randint(int(min_y),int(max_y))) while not (poly_outer.contains(Point([init_x,init_y]))): init_x = float(np.random.randint(int(min_x),int(max_x))) init_y = float(np.random.randint(int(min_y),int(max_y))) # Intialize the layout arrays layout_x = np.array([init_x]) layout_y = np.array([init_y]) layout = np.array([layout_x, layout_y]).T # Now add the remaining points for i in range(1,N): print("Placing turbine {0} of {1}.".format(i, N)) # Add a new turbine being as far as possible from current max_dist = 0. for x in np.arange(min_x, max_x,step_size): for y in np.arange(min_y, max_y,step_size): if poly_outer.contains(Point([x,y])): test_dist = cdist([[x,y]],layout) min_dist = np.min(test_dist) if min_dist > max_dist: max_dist = min_dist save_x = x save_y = y # Add point to the layout layout_x = np.append(layout_x,[save_x]) layout_y = np.append(layout_y,[save_y]) layout = np.array([layout_x, layout_y]).T # Return the layout return layout_x, layout_y
[docs] class LayoutOptimizationRandomSearch(LayoutOptimization): def __init__( self, fmodel, boundaries, min_dist=None, min_dist_D=None, distance_pmf=None, n_individuals=4, seconds_per_iteration=60., total_optimization_seconds=600., interface="multiprocessing", # Options are 'multiprocessing', 'mpi4py', None max_workers=None, grid_step_size=100., relegation_number=1, enable_geometric_yaw=False, use_dist_based_init=True, random_seed=None, use_value=False, ): """ Optimize layout using genetic random search algorithm. Details of the algorithm can be found in Sinner and Fleming, 2024: Args: fmodel (_type_): _description_ boundaries (iterable(float, float)): Pairs of x- and y-coordinates that represent the boundary's vertices (m). min_dist (float, optional): The minimum distance to be maintained between turbines during the optimization (m). If not specified, initializes to 2 rotor diameters. Defaults to None. min_dist_D (float, optional): The minimum distance to be maintained between turbines during the optimization, specified as a multiple of the rotor diameter. distance_pmf (dict, optional): Probability mass function describing the length of steps in the random search. Specified as a dictionary with keys "d" (array of step distances, specified in meters) and "p" (array of probability of occurrence, should sum to 1). Defaults to uniform probability between 0.5D and 2D, with some extra mass to encourage large changes. n_individuals (int, optional): The number of individuals to use in the optimization. Defaults to 4. seconds_per_iteration (float, optional): The number of seconds to run each step of the optimization for. Defaults to 60. total_optimization_seconds (float, optional): The total number of seconds to run the optimization for. Defaults to 600. interface (str): Parallel computing interface to leverage. Recommended is 'concurrent' or 'multiprocessing' for local (single-system) use, and 'mpi4py' for high performance computing on multiple nodes. Defaults to 'multiprocessing'. max_workers (int): Number of parallel workers, typically equal to the number of cores you have on your system or HPC. Defaults to None, which will use all available cores. grid_step_size (float): The coarseness of the grid used to generate the initial layout. Defaults to 100. relegation_number (int): The number of the lowest performing individuals to be replaced with new individuals generated from the best performing individual. Must be less than n_individuals / 2. Defaults to 1. enable_geometric_yaw (bool): Use geometric yaw code to determine approximate wake steering yaw angles during layout optimization routine. Defaults to False. use_dist_based_init (bool): Generate initial layouts automatically by placing turbines as far apart as possible. random_seed (int or None): Random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None. use_value (bool, optional): If True, the layout optimization objective is to maximize annual value production using the value array in the FLORIS model's WindData object. If False, the optimization objective is to maximize AEP. Defaults to False. """ # The parallel computing interface to use if interface == "mpi4py": import mpi4py.futures as mp self._PoolExecutor = mp.MPIPoolExecutor elif interface == "multiprocessing": import multiprocessing as mp self._PoolExecutor = mp.Pool if max_workers is None: max_workers = mp.cpu_count() elif interface is None: if n_individuals > 1 or (max_workers is not None and max_workers > 1): print( "Parallelization not possible with interface=None. " +"Reducing n_individuals to 1 and ignoring max_workers." ) self._PoolExecutor = None max_workers = None n_individuals = 1 # elif interface == "concurrent": # from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor # self._PoolExecutor = ProcessPoolExecutor else: raise ValueError( f"Interface '{interface}' not recognized. " "Please use ' 'multiprocessing' or 'mpi4py'." ) # Store the max_workers self.max_workers = max_workers # Store the interface self.interface = interface # Set and store the random seed self.random_seed = random_seed # Confirm the relegation_number is valid if relegation_number > n_individuals / 2: raise ValueError("relegation_number must be less than n_individuals / 2.") self.relegation_number = relegation_number # Store the rotor diameter and number of turbines self.D = if not all( == self.D): self.logger.warning("Using largest rotor diameter for min_dist_D and distance_pmf.") self.N_turbines = fmodel.n_turbines # Make sure not both min_dist and min_dist_D are defined if min_dist is not None and min_dist_D is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of min_dist and min_dist_D can be defined.") # If min_dist_D is defined, convert to min_dist if min_dist_D is not None: min_dist = min_dist_D * self.D super().__init__( fmodel, boundaries, min_dist=min_dist, enable_geometric_yaw=enable_geometric_yaw, use_value=use_value, ) if use_value: self._obj_name = "value" self._obj_unit = "" else: self._obj_name = "AEP" self._obj_unit = "[GWh]" # Save min_dist_D self.min_dist_D = self.min_dist / self.D # Process and save the step distribution self._process_dist_pmf(distance_pmf) # Store the Core dictionary self.fmodel_dict = self.fmodel.core.as_dict() # Save the grid step size self.grid_step_size = grid_step_size # Save number of individuals self.n_individuals = n_individuals # Store the initial locations self.x_initial = self.fmodel.layout_x self.y_initial = self.fmodel.layout_y # Store the total optimization seconds self.total_optimization_seconds = total_optimization_seconds # Store the seconds per iteration self.seconds_per_iteration = seconds_per_iteration # Get the initial objective value self.x = self.x_initial # Required by _get_geoyaw_angles self.y = self.y_initial # Required by _get_geoyaw_angles self.objective_initial = _get_objective( self.x_initial, self.y_initial, self.fmodel, self._get_geoyaw_angles(), self.use_value, ) # Initialize the objective statistics self.objective_mean = self.objective_initial self.objective_median = self.objective_initial self.objective_max = self.objective_initial self.objective_min = self.objective_initial # Initialize the numpy arrays which will hold the candidate layouts # these will have dimensions n_individuals x N_turbines self.x_candidate = np.zeros((self.n_individuals, self.N_turbines)) self.y_candidate = np.zeros((self.n_individuals, self.N_turbines)) # Initialize the array which will hold the objective function values for each candidate self.objective_candidate = np.zeros(self.n_individuals) # Initialize the iteration step self.iteration_step = -1 # Initialize the optimization time self.opt_time_start = timerpc() self.opt_time = 0 # Generate the initial layouts if use_dist_based_init: self._generate_initial_layouts() else: print(f'Using supplied initial layout for {self.n_individuals} individuals.') for i in range(self.n_individuals): self.x_candidate[i, :] = self.x_initial self.y_candidate[i, :] = self.y_initial self.objective_candidate[i] = self.objective_initial # Evaluate the initial optimization step self._evaluate_opt_step() # Delete stored x and y to avoid confusion del self.x, self.y # Set up to run in normal mode self.debug = False
[docs] def describe(self): print("Random Layout Optimization") print(f"Number of turbines to optimize = {self.N_turbines}") print(f"Minimum distance between turbines = {self.min_dist_D} [D], {self.min_dist} [m]") print(f"Number of individuals = {self.n_individuals}") print(f"Seconds per iteration = {self.seconds_per_iteration}") print(f"Initial {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_initial/1e9:.1f} {self._obj_unit}")
def _process_dist_pmf(self, dist_pmf): """ Check validity of pmf and assign default if none provided. """ if dist_pmf is None: jump_dist = np.min([self.xmax-self.xmin, self.ymax-self.ymin])/2 jump_prob = 0.05 d = np.append(np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*self.D, 99), jump_dist) p = np.append((1-jump_prob)/len(d)*np.ones(len(d)-1), jump_prob) p = p / p.sum() dist_pmf = {"d":d, "p":p} # Check correct keys are provided if not all(k in dist_pmf for k in ("d", "p")): raise KeyError("distance_pmf must contains keys \"d\" (step distance)"+\ " and \"p\" (probability of occurrence).") # Check entries are in the correct form if not hasattr(dist_pmf["d"], "__len__") or not hasattr(dist_pmf["d"], "__len__")\ or len(dist_pmf["d"]) != len(dist_pmf["p"]): raise TypeError("distance_pmf entries should be numpy arrays or lists"+\ " of equal length.") if not np.isclose(dist_pmf["p"].sum(), 1): print("Probability mass function does not sum to 1. Normalizing.") dist_pmf["p"] = np.array(dist_pmf["p"]) / np.array(dist_pmf["p"]).sum() self.distance_pmf = dist_pmf def _evaluate_opt_step(self): # Sort the candidate layouts by objective function value sorted_indices = np.argsort(self.objective_candidate)[::-1] # Decreasing order self.objective_candidate = self.objective_candidate[sorted_indices] self.x_candidate = self.x_candidate[sorted_indices] self.y_candidate = self.y_candidate[sorted_indices] # Update the optimization time self.opt_time = timerpc() - self.opt_time_start # Update the optimizations step self.iteration_step += 1 # Update the objective statistics self.objective_mean = np.mean(self.objective_candidate) self.objective_median = np.median(self.objective_candidate) self.objective_max = np.max(self.objective_candidate) self.objective_min = np.min(self.objective_candidate) # Report the results increase_mean = ( 100 * (self.objective_mean - self.objective_initial) / self.objective_initial ) increase_median = ( 100 * (self.objective_median - self.objective_initial) / self.objective_initial ) increase_max = 100 * (self.objective_max - self.objective_initial) / self.objective_initial increase_min = 100 * (self.objective_min - self.objective_initial) / self.objective_initial print("=======================================") print(f"Optimization step {self.iteration_step:+.1f}") print(f"Optimization time = {self.opt_time:+.1f} [s]") print( f"Mean {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_mean/1e9:.1f}" f" {self._obj_unit} ({increase_mean:+.2f}%)" ) print( f"Median {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_median/1e9:.1f}" f" {self._obj_unit} ({increase_median:+.2f}%)" ) print( f"Max {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_max/1e9:.1f}" f" {self._obj_unit} ({increase_max:+.2f}%)" ) print( f"Min {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_min/1e9:.1f}" f" {self._obj_unit} ({increase_min:+.2f}%)" ) print("=======================================") # Replace the relegation_number worst performing layouts with relegation_number # best layouts if self.relegation_number > 0: self.objective_candidate[-self.relegation_number:] = ( self.objective_candidate[:self.relegation_number] ) self.x_candidate[-self.relegation_number:] = self.x_candidate[:self.relegation_number] self.y_candidate[-self.relegation_number:] = self.y_candidate[:self.relegation_number] # Private methods def _generate_initial_layouts(self): """ This method generates n_individuals initial layout of turbines. It does this by calling the _generate_random_layout method within a multiprocessing pool. """ # Set random seed for initial layout if self.random_seed is None: multi_random_seeds = [None]*self.n_individuals else: multi_random_seeds = [23 + i for i in range(self.n_individuals)] # 23 is just an arbitrary choice to ensure different random seeds # to the evaluation code print(f'Generating {self.n_individuals} initial layouts...') t1 = timerpc() # Generate the multiargs for parallel execution multiargs = [ (self.N_turbines, self.grid_step_size, self._boundary_polygon, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, multi_random_seeds[i]) for i in range(self.n_individuals) ] if self._PoolExecutor: # Parallelized with self._PoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as p: # This code is not currently necessary, but leaving in case implement # concurrent later, based on if (self.interface == "mpi4py") or (self.interface == "multiprocessing"): out = p.starmap(_gen_dist_based_init, multiargs) else: # Parallelization not activated out = [_gen_dist_based_init(*multiargs[0])] # Unpack out into the candidate layouts for i in range(self.n_individuals): self.x_candidate[i, :] = out[i][0] self.y_candidate[i, :] = out[i][1] # Get the objective function values for each candidate layout for i in range(self.n_individuals): self.objective_candidate[i] = _get_objective( self.x_candidate[i, :], self.y_candidate[i, :], self.fmodel, self._get_geoyaw_angles(), self.use_value, ) t2 = timerpc() print(f" Time to generate initial layouts: {t2-t1:.3f} s") def _get_initial_and_final_locs(self): x_initial = self.x_initial y_initial = self.y_initial x_opt = self.x_opt y_opt = self.y_opt return x_initial, y_initial, x_opt, y_opt def _initialize_optimization(self): """ Set up logs etc """ print(f'Optimizing using {self.n_individuals} individuals.') self._opt_start_time = timerpc() self._opt_stop_time = self._opt_start_time + self.total_optimization_seconds self.objective_candidate_log = [self.objective_candidate.copy()] self.num_objective_calls_log = [] self._num_objective_calls = [0]*self.n_individuals def _run_optimization_generation(self): """ Run a generation of the outer genetic algorithm """ # Set random seed for the main loop if self.random_seed is None: multi_random_seeds = [None]*self.n_individuals else: multi_random_seeds = [55 + self.iteration_step + i for i in range(self.n_individuals)] # 55 is just an arbitrary choice to ensure different random seeds # to the initialization code # Update the optimization time sim_time = timerpc() - self._opt_start_time print(f'Optimization time: {sim_time:.1f} s / {self.total_optimization_seconds:.1f} s') # Generate the multiargs for parallel execution of single individual optimization multiargs = [ (self.seconds_per_iteration, self.objective_candidate[i], self.x_candidate[i, :], self.y_candidate[i, :], self.fmodel_dict, self.fmodel.wind_data, self.min_dist, self._boundary_polygon, self.distance_pmf, self.enable_geometric_yaw, multi_random_seeds[i], self.use_value, self.debug ) for i in range(self.n_individuals) ] # Run the single individual optimization in parallel if self._PoolExecutor: # Parallelized with self._PoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as p: out = p.starmap(_single_individual_opt, multiargs) else: # Parallelization not activated out = [_single_individual_opt(*multiargs[0])] # Unpack the results for i in range(self.n_individuals): self.objective_candidate[i] = out[i][0] self.x_candidate[i, :] = out[i][1] self.y_candidate[i, :] = out[i][2] self._num_objective_calls[i] = out[i][3] self.objective_candidate_log.append(self.objective_candidate) self.num_objective_calls_log.append(self._num_objective_calls) # Evaluate the individuals for this step self._evaluate_opt_step() def _finalize_optimization(self): """ Package and print final results. """ # Finalize the result self.objective_final = self.objective_candidate[0] self.x_opt = self.x_candidate[0, :] self.y_opt = self.y_candidate[0, :] # Print the final result increase = 100 * (self.objective_final - self.objective_initial) / self.objective_initial print( f"Final {self._obj_name} = {self.objective_final/1e9:.1f}" f" {self._obj_unit} ({increase:+.2f}%)" ) def _test_optimize(self): """ Perform a fixed number of iterations with a single worker for debugging and testing purposes. """ # Set up a minimal problem to run on a single worker print("Running test optimization on a single worker.") self._PoolExecutor = None self.max_workers = None self.n_individuals = 1 self.debug = True self._initialize_optimization() # Run 2 generations for _ in range(2): self._run_optimization_generation() self._finalize_optimization() return self.objective_final, self.x_opt, self.y_opt # Public methods
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Perform the optimization """ self._initialize_optimization() # Run generations until the overall stop time while timerpc() < self._opt_stop_time: self._run_optimization_generation() self._finalize_optimization() return self.objective_final, self.x_opt, self.y_opt
# Helpful visualizations
[docs] def plot_distance_pmf(self, ax=None): """ Tool to check the used distance pmf. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ax.stem(self.distance_pmf["d"], self.distance_pmf["p"], linefmt="k-") ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Step distance [m]") ax.set_ylabel("Probability") return ax
def _single_individual_opt( seconds_per_iteration, initial_objective, layout_x, layout_y, fmodel_dict, wind_data, min_dist, poly_outer, dist_pmf, enable_geometric_yaw, s, use_value, debug ): # Set random seed np.random.seed(s) # Initialize the optimization time single_opt_start_time = timerpc() stop_time = single_opt_start_time + seconds_per_iteration num_objective_calls = 0 # Get the fmodel fmodel_ = _load_local_floris_object(fmodel_dict, wind_data) # Initialize local variables num_turbines = len(layout_x) get_new_point = True # Will always be true, due to hardcoded use_momentum current_objective = initial_objective # Establish geometric yaw optimizer, if desired if enable_geometric_yaw: yaw_opt = YawOptimizationGeometric( fmodel_, minimum_yaw_angle=-30.0, maximum_yaw_angle=30.0, ) else: # yaw_angles will always be none yaw_angles = None # We have a beta feature to maintain momentum, i.e., if a move improves # the objective, we try to keep moving in that direction. This is currently # disabled. use_momentum = False # Special handling for debug mode if debug: debug_iterations = 100 stop_time = np.inf dd = 0 # Loop as long as we've not hit the stop time while timerpc() < stop_time: if debug and dd >= debug_iterations: break elif debug: dd += 1 if not use_momentum: get_new_point = True if get_new_point: #If the last test wasn't successful # Randomly select a turbine to nudge tr = np.random.randint(0,num_turbines) # Randomly select a direction to nudge in (uniform direction) rand_dir = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=2*np.pi) # Randomly select a distance to travel according to pmf rand_dist = np.random.choice(dist_pmf["d"], p=dist_pmf["p"]) # Get a new test point test_x = layout_x[tr] + np.cos(rand_dir) * rand_dist test_y = layout_y[tr] + np.sin(rand_dir) * rand_dist # In bounds? if not test_point_in_bounds(test_x, test_y, poly_outer): get_new_point = True continue # Make a new layout original_x = layout_x[tr] original_y = layout_y[tr] layout_x[tr] = test_x layout_y[tr] = test_y # Acceptable distances? if not test_min_dist(layout_x, layout_y,min_dist): # Revert and continue layout_x[tr] = original_x layout_y[tr] = original_y get_new_point = True continue # Does it improve the objective? if enable_geometric_yaw: # Select appropriate yaw angles yaw_opt.fmodel_subset.set(layout_x=layout_x, layout_y=layout_y) df_opt = yaw_opt.optimize() yaw_angles = np.vstack(df_opt['yaw_angles_opt']) num_objective_calls += 1 test_objective = _get_objective(layout_x, layout_y, fmodel_, yaw_angles, use_value) if test_objective > current_objective: # Accept the change current_objective = test_objective # If not a random point this cycle and it did improve things # try not getting a new point # Feature is currently disabled by use_momentum flag get_new_point = False else: # Revert the change layout_x[tr] = original_x layout_y[tr] = original_y get_new_point = True # Return the best result from this individual return current_objective, layout_x, layout_y, num_objective_calls