

axial_induction(velocities, ...[, ...])

Axial induction factor of the turbine incorporating the thrust coefficient and yaw angle.

power(velocities, turbulence_intensities, ...)

Power produced by a turbine adjusted for yaw and tilt.

select_multidim_condition(condition, ...)

Convert condition to the type expected by power_thrust_table and select nearest specified condition

thrust_coefficient(velocities, ...[, ...])

Thrust coefficient of a turbine.


Turbine(turbine_type, rotor_diameter, ...[, ...])

A class containing the parameters and infrastructure to model a wind turbine's performance for a particular atmospheric condition.

floris.core.turbine.turbine.select_multidim_condition(condition, specified_conditions)[source]#

Convert condition to the type expected by power_thrust_table and select nearest specified condition

Return type:


  • condition (dict | tuple)

  • specified_conditions (Iterable[tuple])

floris.core.turbine.turbine.power(velocities, turbulence_intensities, air_density, power_functions, yaw_angles, tilt_angles, power_setpoints, awc_modes, awc_amplitudes, tilt_interps, turbine_type_map, turbine_power_thrust_tables, ix_filter=None, average_method='cubic-mean', cubature_weights=None, correct_cp_ct_for_tilt=False, multidim_condition=None)[source]#

Power produced by a turbine adjusted for yaw and tilt. Value given in Watts.

Return type:

ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]

  • velocities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • turbulence_intensities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • air_density (float)

  • power_functions (dict[str, Callable])

  • yaw_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • tilt_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • power_setpoints (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • awc_modes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[str_]])

  • awc_amplitudes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • tilt_interps (dict[str, interp1d])

  • turbine_type_map (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[object_]])

  • turbine_power_thrust_tables (dict)

  • ix_filter (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[int64]] | Iterable[int] | None)

  • average_method (str)

  • cubature_weights (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None)

  • correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (bool)

  • multidim_condition (tuple | None)

velocities (NDArrayFloat[n_findex, n_turbines, n_grid, n_grid]): The velocities at a


turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at

each turbine.

air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] power_functions (dict[str, Callable]): A dictionary of power functions for

each turbine type. Keys are the turbine type and values are the callable functions.

yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each

turbine [W].

awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline"

and "helix" are implemented).

awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline"

and "helix" are implemented).

awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each

turbine [deg].

tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each


turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[wd, ws, turbines]): The Turbine type definition for

each turbine.

turbine_power_thrust_tables: Reference data for the power and thrust representation ix_filter (NDArrayInt, optional): The boolean array, or

integer indices to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None.

average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points

to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean".

cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to


multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate

thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None.


NDArrayFloat: The power, in Watts, for each turbine after adjusting for yaw and tilt.

floris.core.turbine.turbine.thrust_coefficient(velocities, turbulence_intensities, air_density, yaw_angles, tilt_angles, power_setpoints, awc_modes, awc_amplitudes, thrust_coefficient_functions, tilt_interps, correct_cp_ct_for_tilt, turbine_type_map, turbine_power_thrust_tables, ix_filter=None, average_method='cubic-mean', cubature_weights=None, multidim_condition=None)[source]#

Thrust coefficient of a turbine. The value is obtained from the coefficient of thrust specified by the callables specified in the thrust_coefficient_functions.

Return type:

ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]

  • velocities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • turbulence_intensities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • air_density (float)

  • yaw_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • tilt_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • power_setpoints (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • awc_modes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[str_]])

  • awc_amplitudes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • thrust_coefficient_functions (dict[str, Callable])

  • tilt_interps (dict[str, interp1d])

  • correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[bool]])

  • turbine_type_map (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[object_]])

  • turbine_power_thrust_tables (dict)

  • ix_filter (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[int64]] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[bool]] | Iterable[int] | None)

  • average_method (str)

  • cubature_weights (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None)

  • multidim_condition (tuple | None)

velocities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines, grid1, grid2]): The velocity field at

a turbine.

turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at

each turbine.

air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each

turbine [W].

awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline"

and "helix" are implemented).

awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each

turbine [deg].

thrust_coefficient_functions (dict): The thrust coefficient functions for each turbine. Keys

are the turbine type string and values are the callable functions.

tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each


correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (NDArrayBool[findex, turbines]): Boolean for determining if the

turbines Cp and Ct should be corrected for tilt.

turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[findex, turbines]): The Turbine type definition

for each turbine.

ix_filter (NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None, optional): The boolean array, or

integer indices as an iterable of array to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None.

average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points

to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean".

cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to


multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate

thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None.


NDArrayFloat: Coefficient of thrust for each requested turbine.

floris.core.turbine.turbine.axial_induction(velocities, turbulence_intensities, air_density, yaw_angles, tilt_angles, power_setpoints, awc_modes, awc_amplitudes, axial_induction_functions, tilt_interps, correct_cp_ct_for_tilt, turbine_type_map, turbine_power_thrust_tables, ix_filter=None, average_method='cubic-mean', cubature_weights=None, multidim_condition=None)[source]#

Axial induction factor of the turbine incorporating the thrust coefficient and yaw angle.

Return type:

ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]

  • velocities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • turbulence_intensities (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • air_density (float)

  • yaw_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • tilt_angles (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • power_setpoints (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • awc_modes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[str_]])

  • awc_amplitudes (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])

  • axial_induction_functions (dict)

  • tilt_interps (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[object_]])

  • correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[bool]])

  • turbine_type_map (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[object_]])

  • turbine_power_thrust_tables (dict)

  • ix_filter (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[int64]] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[bool]] | Iterable[int] | None)

  • average_method (str)

  • cubature_weights (ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None)

  • multidim_condition (tuple | None)

velocities (NDArrayFloat): The velocity field at each turbine; should be shape:

(number of turbines, ngrid, ngrid), or (ngrid, ngrid) for a single turbine.

turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at

each turbine.

air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each

turbine [W].

awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each

turbine [deg].

axial_induction_functions (dict): The axial induction functions for each turbine. Keys are

the turbine type string and values are the callable functions.

tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each


correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (NDArrayBool[findex, turbines]): Boolean for determining if the

turbines Cp and Ct should be corrected for tilt.

turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[findex, turbines]): The Turbine type definition

for each turbine.

ix_filter (NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None, optional): The boolean array, or

integer indices (as an array or iterable) to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None.

average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points

to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean".

cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to


multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate

thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None.


Union[float, NDArrayFloat]: [description]

class floris.core.turbine.turbine.Turbine(turbine_type, rotor_diameter, hub_height, TSR, power_thrust_table={}, operation_model='cosine-loss', correct_cp_ct_for_tilt=False, floating_tilt_table=None, multi_dimensional_cp_ct=False, power_thrust_data_file=None, turbine_library_path=PosixPath('/home/runner/work/floris/floris/floris/turbine_library'))[source]#

A class containing the parameters and infrastructure to model a wind turbine's performance for a particular atmospheric condition.


turbine_type (str): An identifier for this type of turbine such as "NREL_5MW". rotor_diameter (float): The rotor diameter in meters. hub_height (float): The hub height in meters. TSR (float): The Tip Speed Ratio of the turbine. power_thrust_table (dict[str, float]): Contains power coefficient and thrust coefficient

values at a series of wind speeds to define the turbine performance. The dictionary must have the following three keys with equal length values:


"wind_speeds": List[float], "power": List[float], "thrust": List[float],


or, contain a key "power_thrust_data_file" pointing to the power/thrust data. Optionally, power_thrust_table may include parameters for use in the turbine submodel, for example:

cosine_loss_exponent_yaw (float): The cosine exponent relating the yaw misalignment

angle to turbine power.

cosine_loss_exponent_tilt (float): The cosine exponent relating the rotor tilt angle

to turbine power.

ref_air_density (float): The density at which the provided Cp and Ct curves are


ref_tilt (float): The implicit tilt of the turbine for which the Cp and Ct

curves are defined. This is typically the nacelle tilt.

correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (bool): A flag to indicate whether to correct Cp and Ct for tilt

usually for a floating turbine. Optional, defaults to False.

floating_tilt_table (dict[str, float]): Look up table of tilt angles at a series of
wind speeds. The dictionary must have the following keys with equal length values:

"wind_speeds": List[float], "tilt": List[float],


Required if correct_cp_ct_for_tilt = True. Defaults to None.

multi_dimensional_cp_ct (bool): Use a multidimensional power_thrust_table. Defaults to


  • turbine_type (str)

  • rotor_diameter (float)

  • hub_height (float)

  • TSR (float)

  • power_thrust_table (dict)

  • operation_model (str)

  • correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (bool)

  • floating_tilt_table (dict[str, NDArrayFloat] | None)

  • multi_dimensional_cp_ct (bool)

  • power_thrust_data_file (str)

  • turbine_library_path (str | Path)

turbine_type: str#
rotor_diameter: float#
hub_height: float#
TSR: float#
power_thrust_table: dict#
operation_model: str#
correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: bool#
floating_tilt_table: dict[str, NDArrayFloat] | None#
multi_dimensional_cp_ct: bool#
rotor_radius: float#
rotor_area: float#
thrust_coefficient_function: Callable#
axial_induction_function: Callable#
power_function: Callable#
tilt_interp: interp1d#
power_thrust_data_file: str#
turbine_library_path: Path#
condition_keys: list[str]#
check_power_thrust_table(instance, value)[source]#

Verify that the power and thrust tables are given with arrays of equal length to the wind speed array.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (dict)

reset_rotor_diameter_dependencies(instance, value)[source]#

Resets the rotor_radius and rotor_area attributes.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (float)

reset_rotor_radius(instance, value)[source]#

Resets the rotor_diameter value to trigger the recalculation of rotor_diameter, rotor_radius and rotor_area.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (float)

reset_rotor_area(instance, value)[source]#

Resets the rotor_radius value to trigger the recalculation of rotor_diameter, rotor_radius and rotor_area.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (float)

check_floating_tilt_table(instance, value)[source]#

If the tilt / wind_speed table is defined, verify that the tilt and wind_speed arrays are the same length.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (dict | None)

check_for_cp_ct_correct_flag_if_floating(instance, value)[source]#

Check that the boolean flag exists for correcting Cp/Ct for tilt if a tile/wind_speed table is also defined.

Return type:


  • instance (Attribute)

  • value (bool)