Source code for floris.core.turbine.turbine

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from import Callable, Iterable
from pathlib import Path

import attrs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from attrs import define, field
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from floris.core import BaseClass
from floris.core.turbine import (
from floris.type_dec import (
from floris.utilities import cosd

    "operation_model": {
        "simple": SimpleTurbine,
        "cosine-loss": CosineLossTurbine,
        "simple-derating": SimpleDeratingTurbine,
        "mixed": MixedOperationTurbine,
        "awc": AWCTurbine,
        "peak-shaving": PeakShavingTurbine,

[docs] def select_multidim_condition( condition: dict | tuple, specified_conditions: Iterable[tuple] ) -> tuple: """ Convert condition to the type expected by power_thrust_table and select nearest specified condition """ if type(condition) is tuple: pass elif type(condition) is dict: condition = tuple(condition.values()) else: raise TypeError("condition should be of type dict or tuple.") # Find the nearest key to the specified conditions. specified_conditions = np.array(specified_conditions) # Find the nearest key to the specified conditions. nearest_condition = np.zeros_like(condition) for i, c in enumerate(condition): nearest_condition[i] = ( specified_conditions[:, i][np.absolute(specified_conditions[:, i] - c).argmin()] ) return tuple(nearest_condition)
[docs] def power( velocities: NDArrayFloat, turbulence_intensities: NDArrayFloat, air_density: float, power_functions: dict[str, Callable], yaw_angles: NDArrayFloat, tilt_angles: NDArrayFloat, power_setpoints: NDArrayFloat, awc_modes: NDArrayStr, awc_amplitudes: NDArrayFloat, tilt_interps: dict[str, interp1d], turbine_type_map: NDArrayObject, turbine_power_thrust_tables: dict, ix_filter: NDArrayInt | Iterable[int] | None = None, average_method: str = "cubic-mean", cubature_weights: NDArrayFloat | None = None, correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: bool = False, multidim_condition: tuple | None = None, # Assuming only one condition at a time? ) -> NDArrayFloat: """Power produced by a turbine adjusted for yaw and tilt. Value given in Watts. Args: velocities (NDArrayFloat[n_findex, n_turbines, n_grid, n_grid]): The velocities at a turbine. turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at each turbine. air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] power_functions (dict[str, Callable]): A dictionary of power functions for each turbine type. Keys are the turbine type and values are the callable functions. yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each turbine [W]. awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline" and "helix" are implemented). awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline" and "helix" are implemented). awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each turbine [deg]. tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each turbine. turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[wd, ws, turbines]): The Turbine type definition for each turbine. turbine_power_thrust_tables: Reference data for the power and thrust representation ix_filter (NDArrayInt, optional): The boolean array, or integer indices to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None. average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean". cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to None. multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None. Returns: NDArrayFloat: The power, in Watts, for each turbine after adjusting for yaw and tilt. """ # Down-select inputs if ix_filter is given if ix_filter is not None: velocities = velocities[:, ix_filter] turbulence_intensities = turbulence_intensities[:, ix_filter] yaw_angles = yaw_angles[:, ix_filter] tilt_angles = tilt_angles[:, ix_filter] power_setpoints = power_setpoints[:, ix_filter] awc_modes = awc_modes[:, ix_filter] awc_amplitudes = awc_amplitudes[:, ix_filter] turbine_type_map = turbine_type_map[:, ix_filter] if type(correct_cp_ct_for_tilt) is bool: pass else: correct_cp_ct_for_tilt = correct_cp_ct_for_tilt[:, ix_filter] # Loop over each turbine type given to get power for all turbines p = np.zeros(np.shape(velocities)[0:2]) turb_types = np.unique(turbine_type_map) for turb_type in turb_types: # Handle possible multidimensional power thrust tables if "power" in turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type]: # normal power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type] else: # assumed multidimensional, use multidim lookup # Currently, only works for single mutlidim condition. May need to # loop in the case where there are multiple conditions. multidim_condition = select_multidim_condition( multidim_condition, list(turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type].keys()) ) power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type][multidim_condition] # Construct full set of possible keyword arguments for power() power_model_kwargs = { "power_thrust_table": power_thrust_table, "velocities": velocities, "turbulence_intensities": turbulence_intensities, "air_density": air_density, "yaw_angles": yaw_angles, "tilt_angles": tilt_angles, "power_setpoints": power_setpoints, "awc_modes": awc_modes, "awc_amplitudes": awc_amplitudes, "tilt_interp": tilt_interps[turb_type], "average_method": average_method, "cubature_weights": cubature_weights, "correct_cp_ct_for_tilt": correct_cp_ct_for_tilt, } # Using a masked array, apply the power for all turbines of the current # type to the main power p += power_functions[turb_type](**power_model_kwargs) * (turbine_type_map == turb_type) return p
[docs] def thrust_coefficient( velocities: NDArrayFloat, turbulence_intensities: NDArrayFloat, air_density: float, yaw_angles: NDArrayFloat, tilt_angles: NDArrayFloat, power_setpoints: NDArrayFloat, awc_modes: NDArrayStr, awc_amplitudes: NDArrayFloat, thrust_coefficient_functions: dict[str, Callable], tilt_interps: dict[str, interp1d], correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: NDArrayBool, turbine_type_map: NDArrayObject, turbine_power_thrust_tables: dict, ix_filter: NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None = None, average_method: str = "cubic-mean", cubature_weights: NDArrayFloat | None = None, multidim_condition: tuple | None = None, # Assuming only one condition at a time? ) -> NDArrayFloat: """Thrust coefficient of a turbine. The value is obtained from the coefficient of thrust specified by the callables specified in the thrust_coefficient_functions. Args: velocities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines, grid1, grid2]): The velocity field at a turbine. turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at each turbine. air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each turbine [W]. awc_modes: (NDArrayStr[findex, turbines]): awc excitation mode (currently, only "baseline" and "helix" are implemented). awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each turbine [deg]. thrust_coefficient_functions (dict): The thrust coefficient functions for each turbine. Keys are the turbine type string and values are the callable functions. tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each turbine. correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (NDArrayBool[findex, turbines]): Boolean for determining if the turbines Cp and Ct should be corrected for tilt. turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[findex, turbines]): The Turbine type definition for each turbine. ix_filter (NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None, optional): The boolean array, or integer indices as an iterable of array to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None. average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean". cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to None. multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None. Returns: NDArrayFloat: Coefficient of thrust for each requested turbine. """ # Down-select inputs if ix_filter is given if ix_filter is not None: velocities = velocities[:, ix_filter] turbulence_intensities = turbulence_intensities[:, ix_filter] yaw_angles = yaw_angles[:, ix_filter] tilt_angles = tilt_angles[:, ix_filter] power_setpoints = power_setpoints[:, ix_filter] awc_modes = awc_modes[:, ix_filter] awc_amplitudes = awc_amplitudes[:, ix_filter] turbine_type_map = turbine_type_map[:, ix_filter] if type(correct_cp_ct_for_tilt) is bool: pass else: correct_cp_ct_for_tilt = correct_cp_ct_for_tilt[:, ix_filter] # Loop over each turbine type given to get thrust coefficient for all turbines thrust_coefficient = np.zeros(np.shape(velocities)[0:2]) turb_types = np.unique(turbine_type_map) for turb_type in turb_types: # Handle possible multidimensional power thrust tables if "thrust_coefficient" in turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type]: # normal power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type] else: # assumed multidimensional, use multidim lookup # Currently, only works for single mutlidim condition. May need to # loop in the case where there are multiple conditions. multidim_condition = select_multidim_condition( multidim_condition, list(turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type].keys()) ) power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type][multidim_condition] # Construct full set of possible keyword arguments for thrust_coefficient() thrust_model_kwargs = { "power_thrust_table": power_thrust_table, "velocities": velocities, "turbulence_intensities": turbulence_intensities, "air_density": air_density, "yaw_angles": yaw_angles, "tilt_angles": tilt_angles, "power_setpoints": power_setpoints, "awc_modes": awc_modes, "awc_amplitudes": awc_amplitudes, "tilt_interp": tilt_interps[turb_type], "average_method": average_method, "cubature_weights": cubature_weights, "correct_cp_ct_for_tilt": correct_cp_ct_for_tilt, } # Using a masked array, apply the thrust coefficient for all turbines of the current # type to the main thrust coefficient array thrust_coefficient += ( thrust_coefficient_functions[turb_type](**thrust_model_kwargs) * (turbine_type_map == turb_type) ) return thrust_coefficient
[docs] def axial_induction( velocities: NDArrayFloat, turbulence_intensities: NDArrayFloat, air_density: float, yaw_angles: NDArrayFloat, tilt_angles: NDArrayFloat, power_setpoints: NDArrayFloat, awc_modes: NDArrayStr, awc_amplitudes: NDArrayFloat, axial_induction_functions: dict, tilt_interps: NDArrayObject, correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: NDArrayBool, turbine_type_map: NDArrayObject, turbine_power_thrust_tables: dict, ix_filter: NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None = None, average_method: str = "cubic-mean", cubature_weights: NDArrayFloat | None = None, multidim_condition: tuple | None = None, # Assuming only one condition at a time? ) -> NDArrayFloat: """Axial induction factor of the turbine incorporating the thrust coefficient and yaw angle. Args: velocities (NDArrayFloat): The velocity field at each turbine; should be shape: (number of turbines, ngrid, ngrid), or (ngrid, ngrid) for a single turbine. turbulence_intensities (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The turbulence intensity at each turbine. air_density (float): air density for simulation [kg/m^3] yaw_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The yaw angle for each turbine. tilt_angles (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): The tilt angle for each turbine. power_setpoints: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): Maximum power setpoint for each turbine [W]. awc_amplitudes: (NDArrayFloat[findex, turbines]): awc excitation amplitude for each turbine [deg]. axial_induction_functions (dict): The axial induction functions for each turbine. Keys are the turbine type string and values are the callable functions. tilt_interps (Iterable[tuple]): The tilt interpolation functions for each turbine. correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (NDArrayBool[findex, turbines]): Boolean for determining if the turbines Cp and Ct should be corrected for tilt. turbine_type_map: (NDArrayObject[findex, turbines]): The Turbine type definition for each turbine. ix_filter (NDArrayFilter | Iterable[int] | None, optional): The boolean array, or integer indices (as an array or iterable) to filter out before calculation. Defaults to None. average_method (str, optional): The method for averaging over turbine rotor points to determine a rotor-average wind speed. Defaults to "cubic-mean". cubature_weights (NDArrayFloat | None): Weights for cubature averaging methods. Defaults to None. multidim_condition (tuple | None): The condition tuple used to select the appropriate thrust coefficient relationship for multidimensional power/thrust tables. Defaults to None. Returns: Union[float, NDArrayFloat]: [description] """ # Down-select inputs if ix_filter is given if ix_filter is not None: velocities = velocities[:, ix_filter] turbulence_intensities = turbulence_intensities[:, ix_filter] yaw_angles = yaw_angles[:, ix_filter] tilt_angles = tilt_angles[:, ix_filter] power_setpoints = power_setpoints[:, ix_filter] awc_modes = awc_modes[:, ix_filter] awc_amplitudes = awc_amplitudes[:, ix_filter] turbine_type_map = turbine_type_map[:, ix_filter] if type(correct_cp_ct_for_tilt) is bool: pass else: correct_cp_ct_for_tilt = correct_cp_ct_for_tilt[:, ix_filter] # Loop over each turbine type given to get axial induction for all turbines axial_induction = np.zeros(np.shape(velocities)[0:2]) turb_types = np.unique(turbine_type_map) for turb_type in turb_types: # Handle possible multidimensional power thrust tables if "thrust_coefficient" in turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type]: # normal power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type] else: # assumed multidimensional, use multidim lookup # Currently, only works for single mutlidim condition. May need to # loop in the case where there are multiple conditions. multidim_condition = select_multidim_condition( multidim_condition, list(turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type].keys()) ) power_thrust_table = turbine_power_thrust_tables[turb_type][multidim_condition] # Construct full set of possible keyword arguments for thrust_coefficient() axial_induction_model_kwargs = { "power_thrust_table": power_thrust_table, "velocities": velocities, "turbulence_intensities": turbulence_intensities, "air_density": air_density, "yaw_angles": yaw_angles, "tilt_angles": tilt_angles, "power_setpoints": power_setpoints, "awc_modes": awc_modes, "awc_amplitudes": awc_amplitudes, "tilt_interp": tilt_interps[turb_type], "average_method": average_method, "cubature_weights": cubature_weights, "correct_cp_ct_for_tilt": correct_cp_ct_for_tilt, } # Using a masked array, apply the thrust coefficient for all turbines of the current # type to the main thrust coefficient array axial_induction += ( axial_induction_functions[turb_type](**axial_induction_model_kwargs) * (turbine_type_map == turb_type) ) return axial_induction
[docs] @define class Turbine(BaseClass): """ A class containing the parameters and infrastructure to model a wind turbine's performance for a particular atmospheric condition. Args: turbine_type (str): An identifier for this type of turbine such as "NREL_5MW". rotor_diameter (float): The rotor diameter in meters. hub_height (float): The hub height in meters. TSR (float): The Tip Speed Ratio of the turbine. power_thrust_table (dict[str, float]): Contains power coefficient and thrust coefficient values at a series of wind speeds to define the turbine performance. The dictionary must have the following three keys with equal length values: { "wind_speeds": List[float], "power": List[float], "thrust": List[float], } or, contain a key "power_thrust_data_file" pointing to the power/thrust data. Optionally, power_thrust_table may include parameters for use in the turbine submodel, for example: cosine_loss_exponent_yaw (float): The cosine exponent relating the yaw misalignment angle to turbine power. cosine_loss_exponent_tilt (float): The cosine exponent relating the rotor tilt angle to turbine power. ref_air_density (float): The density at which the provided Cp and Ct curves are defined. ref_tilt (float): The implicit tilt of the turbine for which the Cp and Ct curves are defined. This is typically the nacelle tilt. correct_cp_ct_for_tilt (bool): A flag to indicate whether to correct Cp and Ct for tilt usually for a floating turbine. Optional, defaults to False. floating_tilt_table (dict[str, float]): Look up table of tilt angles at a series of wind speeds. The dictionary must have the following keys with equal length values: { "wind_speeds": List[float], "tilt": List[float], } Required if `correct_cp_ct_for_tilt = True`. Defaults to None. multi_dimensional_cp_ct (bool): Use a multidimensional power_thrust_table. Defaults to False. """ turbine_type: str = field() rotor_diameter: float = field() hub_height: float = field() TSR: float = field() power_thrust_table: dict = field(default={}) # conversion to numpy in __post_init__ operation_model: str = field(default="cosine-loss") correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: bool = field(default=False) floating_tilt_table: dict[str, NDArrayFloat] | None = field(default=None) # Even though this Turbine class does not support the multidimensional features as they # are implemented in TurbineMultiDim, providing the following two attributes here allows # the turbine data inputs to keep the multidimensional Cp and Ct curve but switch them off # with multi_dimensional_cp_ct = False multi_dimensional_cp_ct: bool = field(default=False) # Initialized in the post_init function rotor_radius: float = field(init=False) rotor_area: float = field(init=False) thrust_coefficient_function: Callable = field(init=False) axial_induction_function: Callable = field(init=False) power_function: Callable = field(init=False) tilt_interp: interp1d = field(init=False, default=None) power_thrust_data_file: str = field(default=None) # Only used by mutlidimensional turbines turbine_library_path: Path = field( default=Path(__file__).parents[2] / "turbine_library", converter=convert_to_path, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(Path) ) # Not to be provided by the user condition_keys: list[str] = field(init=False, factory=list) def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None: self._initialize_power_thrust_functions() self.__post_init__() def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._initialize_tilt_interpolation() if self.multi_dimensional_cp_ct: self._initialize_multidim_power_thrust_table() else: self.power_thrust_table = floris_numeric_dict_converter(self.power_thrust_table) def _initialize_power_thrust_functions(self) -> None: turbine_function_model = TURBINE_MODEL_MAP["operation_model"][self.operation_model] self.thrust_coefficient_function = turbine_function_model.thrust_coefficient self.axial_induction_function = turbine_function_model.axial_induction self.power_function = turbine_function_model.power def _initialize_tilt_interpolation(self) -> None: # TODO: # Remove any duplicate wind speed entries # _, duplicate_filter = np.unique(self.wind_speeds, return_index=True) # self.tilt = self.tilt[duplicate_filter] # self.wind_speeds = self.wind_speeds[duplicate_filter] if self.floating_tilt_table is not None: self.floating_tilt_table = floris_numeric_dict_converter(self.floating_tilt_table) # If defined, create a tilt interpolation function for floating turbines. # fill_value currently set to apply the min or max tilt angles if outside # of the interpolation range. if self.correct_cp_ct_for_tilt: self.tilt_interp = interp1d( self.floating_tilt_table["wind_speed"], self.floating_tilt_table["tilt"], fill_value=(0.0, self.floating_tilt_table["tilt"][-1]), bounds_error=False, ) def _initialize_multidim_power_thrust_table(self): # Collect reference information power_thrust_table_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.power_thrust_table) self.power_thrust_data_file = power_thrust_table_ref.pop("power_thrust_data_file") # Solidify the data file path and name self.power_thrust_data_file = self.turbine_library_path / self.power_thrust_data_file # Read in the multi-dimensional data supplied by the user. df = pd.read_csv(self.power_thrust_data_file) # Down-select the DataFrame to have just the ws, Cp, and Ct values index_col = df.columns.values[:-3] self.condition_keys = index_col.tolist() df2 = df.set_index(index_col.tolist()) # Loop over the multi-dimensional keys to get the correct ws/Cp/Ct data to make # the thrust_coefficient and power interpolants. power_thrust_table_ = {} # Reset for key in df2.index.unique(): # Select the correct ws/Cp/Ct data data = df2.loc[key] # Build the interpolants power_thrust_table_.update( { key: { "wind_speed": data['ws'].values, "power": data['power'].values, "thrust_coefficient": data['thrust_coefficient'].values, **power_thrust_table_ref }, } ) # Add reference information at the lower level # Set on-object version self.power_thrust_table = power_thrust_table_
[docs] @power_thrust_table.validator def check_power_thrust_table(self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: dict) -> None: """ Verify that the power and thrust tables are given with arrays of equal length to the wind speed array. """ if self.multi_dimensional_cp_ct: if isinstance(list(value.keys())[0], tuple): value = list(value.values())[0] # Check the first entry of multidim elif "power_thrust_data_file" in value.keys(): return None else: raise ValueError( "power_thrust_data_file must be defined if multi_dimensional_cp_ct is True." ) if not {"wind_speed", "power", "thrust_coefficient"} <= set(value.keys()): raise ValueError( """ power_thrust_table dictionary must contain: { "wind_speed": List[float], "power": List[float], "thrust_coefficient": List[float], } """ )
[docs] @rotor_diameter.validator def reset_rotor_diameter_dependencies(self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: float) -> None: """Resets the `rotor_radius` and `rotor_area` attributes.""" # Temporarily turn off validators to avoid infinite recursion with attrs.validators.disabled(): # Reset the values self.rotor_radius = value / 2.0 self.rotor_area = np.pi * self.rotor_radius ** 2.0
[docs] @rotor_radius.validator def reset_rotor_radius(self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: float) -> None: """ Resets the `rotor_diameter` value to trigger the recalculation of `rotor_diameter`, `rotor_radius` and `rotor_area`. """ self.rotor_diameter = value * 2.0
[docs] @rotor_area.validator def reset_rotor_area(self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: float) -> None: """ Resets the `rotor_radius` value to trigger the recalculation of `rotor_diameter`, `rotor_radius` and `rotor_area`. """ self.rotor_radius = (value / np.pi) ** 0.5
[docs] @floating_tilt_table.validator def check_floating_tilt_table(self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: dict | None) -> None: """ If the tilt / wind_speed table is defined, verify that the tilt and wind_speed arrays are the same length. """ if value is None: return if len(value.keys()) != 2 or set(value.keys()) != {"wind_speed", "tilt"}: raise ValueError( """ floating_tilt_table dictionary must have the form: { "wind_speed": List[float], "tilt": List[float], } """ ) if any(len(np.shape(e)) > 1 for e in (value["tilt"], value["wind_speed"])): raise ValueError("tilt and wind_speed inputs must be 1-D.") if len( {len(value["tilt"]), len(value["wind_speed"])} ) > 1: raise ValueError("tilt and wind_speed inputs must be the same size.")
[docs] @correct_cp_ct_for_tilt.validator def check_for_cp_ct_correct_flag_if_floating( self, instance: attrs.Attribute, value: bool ) -> None: """ Check that the boolean flag exists for correcting Cp/Ct for tilt if a tile/wind_speed table is also defined. """ if self.correct_cp_ct_for_tilt and self.floating_tilt_table is None: raise ValueError( "To enable the Cp and Ct tilt correction, a tilt table must be given." )