Source code for floris.optimization.yaw_optimization.yaw_optimizer_scipy

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from .yaw_optimization_base import YawOptimization

[docs] class YawOptimizationScipy(YawOptimization): """ YawOptimizationScipy is a subclass of :py:class:`floris.optimization.general_library.YawOptimization` that is used to optimize the yaw angles of all turbines in a Floris Farm for a single set of inflow conditions using the SciPy optimize package. """ def __init__( self, fmodel, minimum_yaw_angle=0.0, maximum_yaw_angle=25.0, yaw_angles_baseline=None, x0=None, opt_method="SLSQP", opt_options=None, turbine_weights=None, exclude_downstream_turbines=True, verify_convergence=False, ): """ Instantiate YawOptimizationScipy object with a FlorisModel object and assign parameter values. """ valid_op_models = ["cosine-loss"] if fmodel.get_operation_model() not in valid_op_models: raise ValueError( "YawOptimizationScipy is currently limited to the following operation models: " + ", ".join(valid_op_models) ) if opt_options is None: # Default SciPy parameters opt_options = { "maxiter": 100, "disp": True, "iprint": 2, "ftol": 1e-12, "eps": 0.1, } super().__init__( fmodel=fmodel, minimum_yaw_angle=minimum_yaw_angle, maximum_yaw_angle=maximum_yaw_angle, yaw_angles_baseline=yaw_angles_baseline, x0=x0, turbine_weights=turbine_weights, normalize_control_variables=True, calc_baseline_power=True, exclude_downstream_turbines=exclude_downstream_turbines, verify_convergence=verify_convergence, ) self.opt_method = opt_method self.opt_options = opt_options
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Find optimum setting of turbine yaw angles for a single turbine cluster that maximizes the weighted wind farm power production given fixed atmospheric conditions (wind speed, direction, etc.) using the scipy.optimize.minimize function. Returns: opt_yaw_angles (np.array): Optimal yaw angles in degrees. This array is equal in length to the number of turbines in the farm. """ # Loop through every wind condition individually wd_array = self.fmodel_subset.core.flow_field.wind_directions ws_array = self.fmodel_subset.core.flow_field.wind_speeds ti_array = self.fmodel_subset.core.flow_field.turbulence_intensities for i, (wd, ws, ti) in enumerate(zip(wd_array, ws_array, ti_array)): self.fmodel_subset.set( wind_directions=[wd], wind_speeds=[ws], turbulence_intensities=[ti] ) # Find turbines to optimize turbs_to_opt = self._turbs_to_opt_subset[i, :] if not any(turbs_to_opt): continue # Nothing to do here: no turbines to optimize # Extract current optimization problem variables (normalized) yaw_lb = self._minimum_yaw_angle_subset_norm[i, turbs_to_opt] yaw_ub = self._maximum_yaw_angle_subset_norm[i, turbs_to_opt] bnds = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(yaw_lb, yaw_ub)] x0 = self._x0_subset_norm[i, turbs_to_opt] J0 = self._farm_power_baseline_subset[i] yaw_template = self._yaw_angles_template_subset[i, :] turbine_weights = self._turbine_weights_subset[i, :] yaw_template = np.tile(yaw_template, (1, 1)) turbine_weights = np.tile(turbine_weights, (1, 1)) # Handle heterogeneous inflow, if there is one if (hasattr(self.fmodel.core.flow_field, 'heterogeneous_inflow_config') and self.fmodel.core.flow_field.heterogeneous_inflow_config is not None): het_sm_orig = np.array( self.fmodel.core.flow_field.heterogeneous_inflow_config['speed_multipliers'] ) het_sm = het_sm_orig[i, :].reshape(1, -1) else: het_sm = None # Define cost function def cost(x): x_full = np.array(yaw_template, copy=True) x_full[0, turbs_to_opt] = x * self._normalization_length return ( - 1.0 * self._calculate_farm_power( yaw_angles=x_full, wd_array=[wd], ws_array=[ws], ti_array=[ti], turbine_weights=turbine_weights, heterogeneous_speed_multipliers=het_sm )[0] / J0 ) # Perform optimization residual_plant = minimize( fun=cost, x0=x0, bounds=bnds, method=self.opt_method, options=self.opt_options, ) # Undo normalization/masks and save results to self self._farm_power_opt_subset[i] = * J0 self._yaw_angles_opt_subset[i, turbs_to_opt] = ( residual_plant.x * self._normalization_length ) # Finalize optimization, i.e., retrieve full solutions df_opt = self._finalize() return df_opt