Source code for floris.optimization.yaw_optimization.yaw_optimizer_geometric

import numpy as np

from floris.core.turbine.operation_models import POWER_SETPOINT_DISABLED
from floris.utilities import rotate_coordinates_rel_west

from .yaw_optimization_base import YawOptimization

[docs] class YawOptimizationGeometric(YawOptimization): """ YawOptimizationGeometric is a subclass of :py:class:`floris.optimization.general_library.YawOptimization` that is used to provide a rough estimate of optimal yaw angles based purely on the wind farm geometry. Main use case is for coupled layout and yaw optimization. See Stanely et al. (2023) for details: """ def __init__( self, fmodel, minimum_yaw_angle=0.0, maximum_yaw_angle=25.0, ): """ Instantiate YawOptimizationGeometric object with a FlorisModel object assign parameter values. """ super().__init__( fmodel=fmodel, minimum_yaw_angle=minimum_yaw_angle, maximum_yaw_angle=maximum_yaw_angle, calc_baseline_power=False )
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Find rough yaw angles based on wind farm geometry. Assumes all wind turbines have the same rotor diameter. Returns: opt_yaw_angles (np.array): Optimal yaw angles in degrees. This array is equal in length to the number of turbines in the farm. """ # Loop through every WD individually. WS ignored! wd_array = self.fmodel_subset.core.flow_field.wind_directions active_turbines = > POWER_SETPOINT_DISABLED for nwdi, wd in enumerate(wd_array): self._yaw_angles_opt_subset[nwdi, active_turbines[nwdi]] = geometric_yaw( self.fmodel_subset.layout_x[active_turbines[nwdi]], self.fmodel_subset.layout_y[active_turbines[nwdi]], wd,[0]["rotor_diameter"], top_left_yaw_upper=self.maximum_yaw_angle[0, 0], bottom_left_yaw_upper=self.maximum_yaw_angle[0, 0], top_left_yaw_lower=self.minimum_yaw_angle[0, 0], bottom_left_yaw_lower=self.minimum_yaw_angle[0, 0], ) # Finalize optimization, i.e., retrieve full solutions df_opt = self._finalize() # Otherwise, df_opt will just copy the farm_power_baseline in return df_opt
[docs] def geometric_yaw( turbine_x, turbine_y, wind_direction, rotor_diameter, left_x=0.0, top_left_y=1.0, right_x=25.0, top_right_y=1.0, top_left_yaw_upper=30.0, top_right_yaw_upper=0.0, bottom_left_yaw_upper=30.0, bottom_right_yaw_upper=0.0, top_left_yaw_lower=-30.0, top_right_yaw_lower=0.0, bottom_left_yaw_lower=-30.0, bottom_right_yaw_lower=0.0, ): """ turbine_x: unrotated x turbine coords turbine_y: unrotated y turbine coords wind_direction: float, degrees rotor_diameter: float left_x: where we start the trapezoid. Should be left as 0. top_left_y: trapezoid top left coord right_x: where to stop the trapezoid downstream. Max coord after which the upstream turbine won't yaw. top_right_y: trapezoid top right coord top_left_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with top left point (upper trapezoid) top_right_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with top right point bottom_left_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with bottom left point bottom_right_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with bottom right point top_left_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with top left point (lower trapezoid) top_right_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with top right point bottom_left_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with bottom left point bottom_right_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with bottom right point """ nturbs = len(turbine_x) turbine_coordinates_array = np.zeros((nturbs,3)) turbine_coordinates_array[:,0] = turbine_x[:] turbine_coordinates_array[:,1] = turbine_y[:] rotated_x, rotated_y, _, _, _ = rotate_coordinates_rel_west( np.array([wind_direction]), turbine_coordinates_array ) processed_x, processed_y = _process_layout(rotated_x[0], rotated_y[0], rotor_diameter) yaw_array = np.zeros(nturbs) for i in range(nturbs): # TODO: fix shape of top left yaw etc? yaw_array[i] = _get_yaw_angles( processed_x[i], processed_y[i], left_x, top_left_y, right_x, top_right_y, top_left_yaw_upper, top_right_yaw_upper, bottom_left_yaw_upper, bottom_right_yaw_upper, top_left_yaw_lower, top_right_yaw_lower, bottom_left_yaw_lower, bottom_right_yaw_lower, ) return yaw_array
def _process_layout( turbine_x, turbine_y, rotor_diameter, spread=0.1 ): """ returns the distance from each turbine to the nearest downstream waked turbine normalized by the rotor diameter. Right now "waked" is determind by a Jensen-like wake spread, but this could/should be modified to be the same as the trapezoid rule used to determine the yaw angles. turbine_x: turbine x coords (rotated) turbine_y: turbine y coords (rotated) rotor_diameter: turbine rotor diameter (float) spread=0.1: Jensen alpha wake spread value """ len(turbine_x) # # Intialize storage # dx = np.zeros(nturbs) + 1E10 # dy = np.zeros(nturbs) # for waking_index in range(nturbs): # for waked_index in range(nturbs): # if turbine_x[waked_index] > turbine_x[waking_index]: # r = spread*(turbine_x[waked_index]-turbine_x[waking_index]) + rotor_diameter/2.0 # if abs(turbine_y[waked_index]-turbine_y[waking_index]) < (r+rotor_diameter/2.0): # if (turbine_x[waked_index] - turbine_x[waking_index]) < dx[waking_index]: # dx[waking_index] = turbine_x[waked_index] - turbine_x[waking_index] # dy[waking_index] = turbine_y[waked_index]- turbine_y[waking_index] # if dx[waking_index] == 1E10: # dx[waking_index] = 0.0 # dx_ = dx # dy_ = dy # Compute distances x_dists = turbine_x.reshape(-1,1).T - turbine_x.reshape(-1,1) y_dists = turbine_y.reshape(-1,1).T - turbine_y.reshape(-1,1) # Any turbines upstream or at the turbine location are ineligble x_dists[x_dists <= 0.] = np.inf # Check within Jensen model spread in_Jensen_wake = (abs(y_dists) < spread * x_dists + rotor_diameter) x_dists[~in_Jensen_wake] = np.inf # Get minimums (and arguments to select the correct y values also) dx = x_dists.min(axis=1) dy = y_dists[range(len(turbine_x)), x_dists.argmin(axis=1)] # Handle last turbine downstream furthest_ds_turb_idx = np.where(dx == np.inf)[0] dx[furthest_ds_turb_idx] = 0. dy[furthest_ds_turb_idx] = 0. return dx/rotor_diameter, dy/rotor_diameter def _get_yaw_angles( x, y, left_x, top_left_y, right_x, top_right_y, top_left_yaw_upper, top_right_yaw_upper, bottom_left_yaw_upper, bottom_right_yaw_upper, top_left_yaw_lower, top_right_yaw_lower, bottom_left_yaw_lower, bottom_right_yaw_lower ): """ _______2,5___________________________4,6 |....................................... |......1,7...........................3,8 |....................................... ________________________________________ x and y: dx and dy to the nearest downstream turbine in rotor diameteters with turbines rotated so wind is coming left to right left_x: where we start the trapezoid. Should be left as 0. top_left_y: trapezoid top left coord right_x: where to stop the trapezoid downstream. Max coord after which the upstream turbine won't yaw. top_right_y: trapezoid top right coord top_left_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with top left point (upper trapezoid) top_right_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with top right point bottom_left_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with bottom left point bottom_right_yaw_upper: yaw angle associated with bottom right point top_left_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with top left point (lower trapezoid) top_right_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with top right point bottom_left_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with bottom left point bottom_right_yaw_lower: yaw angle associated with bottom right point """ if x <= 0: return 0.0 else: dx = (x-left_x)/(right_x-left_x) if dx >= 1.0: return 0.0 edge_y = top_left_y + (top_right_y-top_left_y)*dx if abs(y) > edge_y: return 0.0 elif y >= -0.01: # Tolerance to handle numerical issues top_yaw = top_left_yaw_upper + (top_right_yaw_upper-top_left_yaw_upper)*dx bottom_yaw = bottom_left_yaw_upper + (bottom_right_yaw_upper-bottom_left_yaw_upper)*dx return bottom_yaw + (top_yaw-bottom_yaw)*abs(y)/edge_y elif y < -0.01: top_yaw = top_left_yaw_lower + (top_right_yaw_lower-top_left_yaw_lower)*dx bottom_yaw = bottom_left_yaw_lower + (bottom_right_yaw_lower-bottom_left_yaw_lower)*dx return bottom_yaw + (top_yaw-bottom_yaw)*abs(y)/edge_y