Source code for floris.layout_visualization

import math
from typing import (

import matplotlib.lines
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from floris import FlorisModel
from floris.utilities import rotate_coordinates_rel_west, wind_delta

[docs] def plot_turbine_points( fmodel: FlorisModel, ax: plt.Axes = None, turbine_indices: List[int] = None, plotting_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plots turbine layout from a FlorisModel object. Args: fmodel (FlorisModel): The FlorisModel object containing layout data. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object to plot on. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. Defaults to None. turbine_indices (List[int], optional): A list of turbine indices to plot. If None, all turbines will be plotted. Defaults to None. plotting_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): A dictionary to customize plot appearance. Valid keys include: * 'color' (str): Turbine marker color. Defaults to 'black'. * 'marker' (str): Turbine marker style. Defaults to '.'. * 'markersize' (int): Turbine marker size. Defaults to 10. * 'label' (str): Label for the legend. Defaults to None. Returns: plt.Axes: The axes object used for the plot. Raises: IndexError: If any value in `turbine_indices` is an invalid turbine index. """ # Generate axis, if needed if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() # If turbine_indices is not none, make sure all elements correspond to real indices if turbine_indices is not None: try: fmodel.layout_x[turbine_indices] except IndexError: raise IndexError("turbine_indices does not correspond to turbine indices in fi") else: turbine_indices = list(range(len(fmodel.layout_x))) # Generate plotting dictionary default_plotting_dict = { "color": "black", "marker": ".", "markersize": 10, "label": None, } plotting_dict = {**default_plotting_dict, **plotting_dict} # Plot ax.plot( fmodel.layout_x[turbine_indices], fmodel.layout_y[turbine_indices], linestyle="None", **plotting_dict, ) # Make sure axis set to equal ax.axis("equal") return ax
[docs] def plot_turbine_labels( fmodel: FlorisModel, ax: plt.Axes = None, turbine_names: List[str] = None, turbine_indices: List[int] = None, label_offset: float = None, show_bbox: bool = False, bbox_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, plotting_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds turbine labels to a turbine layout plot. Args: fmodel (FlorisModel): The FlorisModel object containing layout data. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object to plot on. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. Defaults to None. turbine_names (List[str], optional): Custom turbine labels. If None, defaults to turbine indices (e.g., '000', '001'). Defaults to None. turbine_indices (List[int], optional): Indices of turbines to label. If None, all turbines will be labeled. Defaults to None. label_offset (float, optional): Distance to offset labels from turbine points (in meters). If None, defaults to rotor_diameter/8. Defaults to None. show_bbox (bool, optional): If True, adds a bounding box around each label. Defaults to False. bbox_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): Dictionary to customize the appearance of bounding boxes (if show_bbox is True). Valid keys include: * 'facecolor' (str): Box background color. Defaults to 'gray'. * 'alpha' (float): Opacity of box. Defaults to 0.5. * 'pad' (float): Padding around text. Defaults to 0.1. * 'boxstyle' (str): Box style (e.g., 'round'). Defaults to 'round'. plotting_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): Dictionary to control text appearance. Valid keys include: * 'color' (str): Text color. Defaults to 'black'. Returns: plt.Axes: The axes object used for the plot. Raises: IndexError: If any value in `turbine_indices` is an invalid turbine index. ValueError: If the length of `turbine_names` does not match the number of turbines. """ # Generate axis, if needed if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() # If turbine names not none, confirm has correct number of turbines if turbine_names is not None: if len(turbine_names) != len(fmodel.layout_x): raise ValueError( "Length of turbine_names not equal to number turbines in fmodel object" ) else: # Assign simple default numbering turbine_names = [f"{i:03d}" for i in range(len(fmodel.layout_x))] # If label_offset is None, use default value of r/8 if label_offset is None: rotor_diameters = r = rotor_diameters[0] / 2.0 label_offset = r / 8.0 # If turbine_indices is not none, make sure all elements correspond to real indices if turbine_indices is not None: try: fmodel.layout_x[turbine_indices] except IndexError: raise IndexError("turbine_indices does not correspond to turbine indices in fi") else: turbine_indices = list(range(len(fmodel.layout_x))) # Generate plotting dictionary default_plotting_dict = { "color": "black", "label": None, } plotting_dict = {**default_plotting_dict, **plotting_dict} # If showing bbox is true, if bbox_dict is None, use a default default_bbox_dict = {"facecolor": "gray", "alpha": 0.5, "pad": 0.1, "boxstyle": "round"} bbox_dict = {**default_bbox_dict, **bbox_dict} for ti in turbine_indices: if not show_bbox: ax.text( fmodel.layout_x[ti] + label_offset, fmodel.layout_y[ti] + label_offset, turbine_names[ti], **plotting_dict, ) else: ax.text( fmodel.layout_x[ti] + label_offset, fmodel.layout_y[ti] + label_offset, turbine_names[ti], bbox=bbox_dict, **plotting_dict, ) # Plot labels and aesthetics ax.axis("equal") return ax
[docs] def plot_turbine_rotors( fmodel: FlorisModel, ax: plt.Axes = None, color: str = "k", wd: float = None, yaw_angles: np.ndarray = None, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plots wind turbine rotors on an existing axes, visually representing their yaw angles. Args: fmodel (FlorisModel): The FlorisModel object containing layout and turbine data. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object to plot on. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. Defaults to None. color (str, optional): Color of the turbine rotor lines. Defaults to 'k' (black). wd (float, optional): Wind direction (in degrees) relative to global reference. If None, the first wind direction in `fmodel.core.flow_field.wind_directions` is used. Defaults to None. yaw_angles (np.ndarray, optional): Array of turbine yaw angles (in degrees). If None, the values from `` are used. Defaults to None. Returns: plt.Axes: The axes object used for the plot. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() if yaw_angles is None: yaw_angles = if wd is None: wd = fmodel.core.flow_field.wind_directions[0] # Rotate yaw angles to inertial frame for plotting turbines relative to wind direction yaw_angles = yaw_angles - wind_delta(np.array(wd)) if color is None: color = "k" # If yaw angles is not 1D, assume we want first findex yaw_angles = np.array(yaw_angles) if yaw_angles.ndim == 2: yaw_angles = yaw_angles[0, :] rotor_diameters = for x, y, yaw, d in zip(fmodel.layout_x, fmodel.layout_y, yaw_angles, rotor_diameters): R = d / 2.0 x_0 = x + np.sin(np.deg2rad(yaw)) * R x_1 = x - np.sin(np.deg2rad(yaw)) * R y_0 = y - np.cos(np.deg2rad(yaw)) * R y_1 = y + np.cos(np.deg2rad(yaw)) * R ax.plot([x_0, x_1], [y_0, y_1], color=color) return ax
[docs] def get_wake_direction(x_i: float, y_i: float, x_j: float, y_j: float) -> float: """ Calculates the wind direction at which the wake of turbine i would impact turbine j. Args: x_i (float): X-coordinate of turbine i (the upstream turbine). y_i (float): Y-coordinate of turbine i. x_j (float): X-coordinate of turbine j (the downstream turbine). y_j (float): Y-coordinate of turbine j. Returns: float: Wind direction in degrees (0-360) where 0 degrees represents wind blowing from the north, and the angle increases clockwise. """ dx = x_j - x_i dy = y_j - y_i angle_rad = np.arctan2(dy, dx) # Adjust for "from" direction (add 180 degrees) and wrap within 0-360 angle_deg = 270 - np.rad2deg(angle_rad) wind_direction = angle_deg % 360 return wind_direction
[docs] def label_line( line: matplotlib.lines.Line2D, label_text: str, ax: plt.Axes, near_i: int = None, near_x: float = None, near_y: float = None, rotation_offset: float = 0.0, offset: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), size: int = 7, ) -> None: """ Adds a text label to a matplotlib line, with options to specify label placement. Args: line (matplotlib.lines.Line2D): The line object to label. label_text (str): The text of the label. ax (plt.Axes): The axes object where the line is plotted. near_i (int, optional): Index near which to place the label. Defaults to None. near_x (float, optional): X-coordinate near which to place the label. Defaults to None. near_y (float, optional): Y-coordinate near which to place the label. Defaults to None. rotation_offset (float, optional): Additional rotation for the label (in degrees). Defaults to 0.0. offset (Tuple[float, float], optional): X and Y offset from the label position. Defaults to (0, 0). size (int, optional): Font size of the label. Defaults to 7. Raises: ValueError: If none of `near_i`, `near_x`, or `near_y` are provided to determine label placement. """ def put_label(i: int) -> None: """ Adds a label to a line segment within a plot (used internally by the 'label_line' function). Args: i (int): The index of the line segment where the label should be placed. The label will be positioned between points i and i+1. """ i = min(i, len(x) - 2) dx = sx[i + 1] - sx[i] dy = sy[i + 1] - sy[i] rotation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dy, dx)) + rotation_offset pos = [(x[i] + x[i + 1]) / 2.0 + offset[0], (y[i] + y[i + 1]) / 2 + offset[1]] ax.text( pos[0], pos[1], label_text, size=size, rotation=rotation, color=line.get_color(), ha="center", va="center", bbox={"ec": "1", "fc": "1", "alpha": 0.8}, ) # extract line data x = line.get_xdata() y = line.get_ydata() # define screen spacing if ax.get_xscale() == "log": sx = np.log10(x) else: sx = x if ax.get_yscale() == "log": sy = np.log10(y) else: sy = y # find index if near_i is not None: i = near_i if i < 0: # sanitize negative i i = len(x) + i put_label(i) elif near_x is not None: for i in range(len(x) - 2): if (x[i] < near_x and x[i + 1] >= near_x) or (x[i + 1] < near_x and x[i] >= near_x): put_label(i) elif near_y is not None: for i in range(len(y) - 2): if (y[i] < near_y and y[i + 1] >= near_y) or (y[i + 1] < near_y and y[i] >= near_y): put_label(i) else: raise ValueError("Need one of near_i, near_x, near_y")
[docs] def plot_waking_directions( fmodel: FlorisModel, ax: plt.Axes = None, turbine_indices: List[int] = None, wake_plotting_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}, D: float = None, limit_dist_D: float = None, limit_dist_m: float = None, limit_num: int = None, wake_label_size: int = 7, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plots lines representing potential waking directions between wind turbines in a layout. Args: fmodel (FlorisModel): Instantiated FlorisModel object containing layout data. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object to plot on. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. Defaults to None. turbine_indices (List[int], optional): Indices of turbines to include in the plot. If None, all turbines are plotted. Defaults to None. wake_plotting_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): Dictionary to customize the appearance of waking direction lines. Valid keys include: * 'color' (str): Line color. Defaults to 'black'. * 'linestyle' (str): Line style (e.g., 'solid', 'dashed'). Defaults to 'solid'. * 'linewidth' (float): Line width. Defaults to 0.5. D (float, optional): Rotor diameter. Used for distance calculations if `limit_dist_D` is provided. If None, defaults to the first turbine's rotor diameter. limit_dist_D (float, optional): Maximum distance between turbines (in rotor diameters) to plot waking lines. Defaults to None (no limit). limit_dist_m (float, optional): Maximum distance (in meters) between turbines to plot waking lines. Overrides `limit_dist_D` if provided. Defaults to None (no limit). limit_num (int, optional): Limits the number of waking lines plotted from each turbine to the `limit_num` closest neighbors. Defaults to None (no limit). wake_label_size (int, optional): Font size for labels showing wake distance and direction. Defaults to 7. Returns: plt.Axes: The axes object used for the plot. Raises: IndexError: If any value in `turbine_indices` is an invalid turbine index. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() # If turbine_indices is not none, make sure all elements correspond to real indices if turbine_indices is not None: try: fmodel.layout_x[turbine_indices] except IndexError: raise IndexError("turbine_indices does not correspond to turbine indices in fi") else: turbine_indices = list(range(len(fmodel.layout_x))) layout_x = fmodel.layout_x[turbine_indices] layout_y = fmodel.layout_y[turbine_indices] N_turbs = len(layout_x) # Combine default plotting options def_wake_plotting_dict = { "color": "black", "linestyle": "solid", "linewidth": 0.5, } wake_plotting_dict = {**def_wake_plotting_dict, **wake_plotting_dict} # N_turbs = len( if D is None: D =[0]["rotor_diameter"] # TODO: build out capability to use multiple diameters, if of interest. # D = np.array([turb['rotor_diameter'] for turb in #]) # else: # D = D*np.ones(N_turbs) dists_m = np.zeros((N_turbs, N_turbs)) angles_d = np.zeros((N_turbs, N_turbs)) for i in range(N_turbs): for j in range(N_turbs): dists_m[i, j] = np.linalg.norm([layout_x[i] - layout_x[j], layout_y[i] - layout_y[j]]) angles_d[i, j] = get_wake_direction(layout_x[i], layout_y[i], layout_x[j], layout_y[j]) # Mask based on the limit distance (assumed to be in measurement D) if limit_dist_D is not None and limit_dist_m is None: limit_dist_m = limit_dist_D * D if limit_dist_m is not None: mask = dists_m > limit_dist_m dists_m[mask] = np.nan angles_d[mask] = np.nan # Handle default limit number case if limit_num is None: limit_num = -1 # Loop over pairs, plot label_exists = np.full((N_turbs, N_turbs), False) for i in range(N_turbs): for j in range(N_turbs): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if ( ~np.isnan(dists_m[i, j]) and dists_m[i, j] != 0.0 and ~(dists_m[i, j] > np.sort(dists_m[i, :])[limit_num]) # and i in layout_plotting_dict["turbine_indices"] # and j in layout_plotting_dict["turbine_indices"] ): (h,) = ax.plot( layout_x[[i, j]], layout_y[[i, j]], **wake_plotting_dict ) # Only label in one direction if ~label_exists[i, j]: linetext = "{0:.1f} D --- {1:.0f}/{2:.0f}".format( dists_m[i, j] / D, angles_d[i, j], angles_d[j, i], ) label_line( h, linetext, ax, near_i=1, near_x=None, near_y=None, rotation_offset=0, size=wake_label_size, ) label_exists[i, j] = True label_exists[j, i] = True return ax
[docs] def plot_farm_terrain(fmodel: FlorisModel, ax: plt.Axes = None) -> None: """ Creates a filled contour plot visualizing terrain-corrected wind turbine hub heights. Args: fmodel (FlorisModel): The FlorisModel object containing layout data. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object to plot on. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. Defaults to None. """ if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots() hub_heights = cntr = ax.tricontourf(fmodel.layout_x, fmodel.layout_y, hub_heights, levels=14, cmap="RdBu_r") ax.get_figure().colorbar( cntr, ax=ax, label="Terrain-corrected hub height (m)", ticks=np.linspace( np.min(hub_heights) - 10.0, np.max(hub_heights) + 10.0, 15, ), ) return ax
[docs] def shade_region( points: np.ndarray, show_points: bool = False, plotting_dict_region: Dict[str, Any] = {}, plotting_dict_points: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ax: plt.Axes = None, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Shades a region defined by a set of vertices and optionally plots the vertices. Args: points (np.ndarray): A 2D array where each row represents (x, y) coordinates of a vertex. show_points (bool, optional): If True, plots markers at the specified vertices. Defaults to False. plotting_dict_region (Dict[str, Any], optional): Customization options for shaded region. Valid keys include: * 'color' (str): Fill color. Defaults to 'black'. * 'edgecolor' (str): Edge color. Defaults to None (no edge). * 'alpha' (float): Opacity (transparency) of the fill. Defaults to 0.3. * 'label' (str): Optional label for legend. plotting_dict_points (Dict[str, Any], optional): Customization options for vertex markers. Valid keys include: * 'color' (str): Marker color. Defaults to 'black'. * 'marker' (str): Marker style (e.g., '.', 'o', 'x'). Defaults to None (no marker). * 's' (float): Marker size. Defaults to 10. * 'label' (str): Optional label for legend. ax (plt.Axes, optional): An existing axes object for plotting. If None, creates a new figure and axes. Defaults to None. Returns: plt.Axes: The axes object used for the plot. """ # Generate axis, if needed if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Generate plotting dictionary default_plotting_dict_region = { "color": "black", "edgecolor": None, "alpha": 0.3, "label": None, } plotting_dict_region = {**default_plotting_dict_region, **plotting_dict_region} ax.fill(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], **plotting_dict_region) if show_points: default_plotting_dict_points = {"color": "black", "marker": ".", "s": 10, "label": None} plotting_dict_points = {**default_plotting_dict_points, **plotting_dict_points} ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], **plotting_dict_points) # Plot labels and aesthetics ax.axis("equal") return ax