Source code for floris.flow_visualization

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import warnings
from typing import Union

import attrs
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.colors as mplcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from attrs import define, field
from matplotlib import rcParams
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

from floris import FlorisModel
from floris.core import Core
from floris.core.turbine.operation_models import POWER_SETPOINT_DEFAULT
from floris.cut_plane import CutPlane
from floris.heterogeneous_map import HeterogeneousMap
from floris.type_dec import (
from floris.utilities import rotate_coordinates_rel_west, wind_delta

[docs] def show(): """ Display all open figures. This is a wrapper for ``. This function is useful if the user doesn't wish to import `matplotlib.pyplot` """ )
[docs] def line_contour_cut_plane( cut_plane, ax=None, levels=None, colors=None, label_contours=False, **kwargs): """ Visualize a cut_plane as a line contour plot. Args: cut_plane (:py:class:``): CutPlane Object. ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. Defaults to None. levels (np.array, optional): Contour levels for plot. Defaults to None. colors (list, optional): Strings of color specification info. Defaults to None. label_contours (Boolean, optional): Flag to include a numerical contour labels on the plot. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to `ax.contour`. """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() rcParams["contour.negative_linestyle"] = "solid" # Plot the cut-through contours = ax.tricontour( cut_plane.df.x1, cut_plane.df.x2, cut_plane.df.u, levels=levels, colors=colors, extend="both", **kwargs, ) if label_contours: ax.clabel(contours, contours.levels, inline=True, fontsize=10, colors="black") # Make equal axis ax.set_aspect("equal")
[docs] def visualize_cut_plane( cut_plane, ax=None, vel_component='u', min_speed=None, max_speed=None, cmap="coolwarm", levels=None, clevels=None, color_bar=False, label_contours=False, title="", **kwargs ): """ Generate pseudocolor mesh plot of the cut_plane. Args: cut_plane (:py:class:``): 2D plane through wind plant. ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`, optional): Figure axes. Defaults to None. vel_component (str, optional): The velocity component that the cut plane is perpendicular to. min_speed (float, optional): Minimum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. max_speed (float, optional): Maximum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. cmap (str, optional): Colormap specifier. Defaults to 'coolwarm'. levels (np.array, optional): Contour levels for line contour plot. Defaults to None. clevels (np.array, optional): Contour levels for tricontourf plot. Defaults to None. color_bar (Boolean, optional): Flag to include a color bar on the plot. Defaults to False. label_contours (Boolean, optional): Flag to include a numerical contour labels on the plot. Defaults to False. title (str, optional): User-supplied title for the plot. Defaults to "". **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to line contour plot. Returns: ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if vel_component=='u': # vel_mesh = cut_plane.df.u.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) if min_speed is None: min_speed = cut_plane.df.u.min() if max_speed is None: max_speed = cut_plane.df.u.max() elif vel_component=='v': # vel_mesh = cut_plane.df.v.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) if min_speed is None: min_speed = cut_plane.df.v.min() if max_speed is None: max_speed = cut_plane.df.v.max() elif vel_component=='w': # vel_mesh = cut_plane.df.w.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) if min_speed is None: min_speed = cut_plane.df.w.min() if max_speed is None: max_speed = cut_plane.df.w.max() # Allow separate number of levels for tricontourf and for line_contour if clevels is None: clevels = levels # Plot the cut-through im = ax.tricontourf( cut_plane.df.x1, cut_plane.df.x2, cut_plane.df.u, vmin=min_speed, vmax=max_speed, levels=clevels, cmap=cmap, extend="both", ) # Add line contour line_contour_cut_plane( cut_plane, ax=ax, levels=levels, colors="b", label_contours=label_contours, linewidths=0.8, alpha=0.3, **kwargs ) if cut_plane.normal_vector == "x": ax.invert_xaxis() if color_bar: cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('m/s') # Set the title ax.set_title(title) # Make equal axis ax.set_aspect("equal") return ax
[docs] def visualize_heterogeneous_cut_plane( cut_plane, fmodel, ax=None, vel_component='u', min_speed=None, max_speed=None, cmap="coolwarm", levels=None, clevels=None, color_bar=False, label_contours=False, title="", plot_het_bounds=True, **kwargs ): """ Generate pseudocolor mesh plot of the heterogeneous cut_plane. Args: cut_plane (:py:class:``): 2D plane through wind plant. fmodel (:py:class:`~.floris_model.FlorisModel`): FlorisModel object. ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. Defaults to None. vel_component (str, optional): The velocity component that the cut plane is perpendicular to. min_speed (float, optional): Minimum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. max_speed (float, optional): Maximum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. cmap (str, optional): Colormap specifier. Defaults to 'coolwarm'. levels (np.array, optional): Contour levels for line contour plot. Defaults to None. clevels (np.array, optional): Contour levels for tricontourf plot. Defaults to None. color_bar (Boolean, optional): Flag to include a color bar on the plot. Defaults to False. label_contours (Boolean, optional): Flag to include a numerical contour labels on the plot. Defaults to False. title (str, optional): User-supplied title for the plot. Defaults to "". plot_het_bonds (boolean, optional): Flag to include the user-defined bounds of the heterogeneous wind speed area. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to line contour plot. Returns: ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. """ ax = visualize_cut_plane( cut_plane=cut_plane, ax=ax, vel_component=vel_component, min_speed=min_speed, max_speed=max_speed, cmap=cmap, levels=levels, clevels=clevels, color_bar=color_bar, label_contours=label_contours, title=title, **kwargs ) if plot_het_bounds: HeterogeneousMap.plot_heterogeneous_boundary( fmodel.core.flow_field.heterogeneous_inflow_config['x'], fmodel.core.flow_field.heterogeneous_inflow_config['y'], ax=ax ) return ax
[docs] def visualize_quiver(cut_plane, ax=None, min_speed=None, max_speed=None, downSamp=1, **kwargs): """ Visualize the in-plane flows in a cut_plane using quiver. Args: cut_plane (:py:class:``): 2D plane through wind plant. ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. Defaults to None. min_speed (float, optional): Minimum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. max_speed (float, optional): Maximum value of wind speed for contours. Defaults to None. downSamp (int, optional): Down sample the number of quiver arrows from underlying grid. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to `ax.streamplot`. Returns: im (:py:class:`matplotlib.plt.pcolormesh`): Image handle. """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Reshape UMesh internally x1_mesh = cut_plane.df.x1.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) x2_mesh = cut_plane.df.x2.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) v_mesh = cut_plane.df.v.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) w_mesh = cut_plane.df.w.values.reshape(cut_plane.resolution[1], cut_plane.resolution[0]) # plot the stream plot ax.streamplot( (x1_mesh[::downSamp, ::downSamp]), (x2_mesh[::downSamp, ::downSamp]), v_mesh[::downSamp, ::downSamp], w_mesh[::downSamp, ::downSamp], # scale=80.0, # alpha=0.75, # **kwargs )
# ax.quiverkey(QV1, -.75, -0.4, 1, '1 m/s', coordinates='data') # Make equal axis # ax.set_aspect('equal')
[docs] def reverse_cut_plane_x_axis_in_plot(ax): """ Shortcut method to reverse direction of x-axis. Args: ax (:py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes`): Figure axes. """ ax.invert_xaxis()
[docs] def plot_rotor_values( values: np.ndarray, findex: int, n_rows: int, n_cols: int, t_range: range | None = None, cmap: str = "coolwarm", return_fig_objects: bool = False, save_path: Union[str, None] = None, show: bool = False ) -> Union[None, tuple[plt.figure, plt.axes, plt.axis, plt.colorbar]]: """ Plots the gridded turbine rotor values. This is intended to be used for understanding the differences between two sets of values, so each subplot can be used for inspection of what values are differing, and under what conditions. Parameters: values (np.ndarray): The 4-dimensional array of values to plot. Should be: (N findex, N turbines, N rotor points, N rotor points). findex (int): The index for the sample point to plot. n_rows (int): The number of rows to include for subplots. With ncols, this should generally add up to the number of turbines in the farm. n_cols (int): The number of columns to include for subplots. With ncols, this should generally add up to the number of turbines in the farm. t_range (range | None): Optional. The turbine count used to create the title for each subplot. If not provided, the size of the 2-th dimension of `values` is used. cmap (str): Optional. The matplotlib colormap to be used, default "coolwarm". return_fig_objects (bool): Optional. Flag to return the primary figure objects for further editing, default False. save_path (str | None): Optional. Where to save the figure, if a value is provided. show (bool): Optional. Flag to run `` to present all the plots currently created with matplotlib. Returns: None | tuple[plt.figure, plt.axes, plt.axis, plt.colorbar]: If `return_fig_objects` is `False, then `None` is returned`, otherwise the primary figure objects are returned for custom editing. Example: from floris.visualization import plot_rotor_values plot_rotor_values(floris.flow_field.u, findex=0, n_rows=1, ncols=4) plot_rotor_values(floris.flow_field.v, findex=0, n_rows=1, ncols=4) plot_rotor_values(floris.flow_field.w, findex=0, n_rows=1, ncols=4, show=True) """ cmap = plt.get_cmap(name=cmap) if t_range is None: t_range = range(values.shape[1]) fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.subplots(n_rows, n_cols) # For 1x1, fig.subplots returns an Axes object, but for more than 1x1 it returns a np.array. # In this case, convert to an array so that the rest of this function can be simplified. if n_rows == 1 and n_cols == 1: axes = np.array([axes]) titles = np.array([f"tindex: {i}" for i in t_range]) for ax, t, i in zip(axes.flatten(), titles, t_range): vmin = np.min(values[findex]) vmax = np.max(values[findex]) norm = mplcolors.Normalize(vmin, vmax) ax.imshow(values[findex, i].T, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, origin="lower") ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(t) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.25, 0.03, 0.5]) cb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), cax=cbar_ax) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path, bbox_inches="tight") if return_fig_objects: return fig, axes, cbar_ax, cb if show:
[docs] def calculate_horizontal_plane_with_turbines( fmodel, x_resolution=200, y_resolution=200, x_bounds=None, y_bounds=None, findex_for_viz=None, ) -> CutPlane: """ This function creates a :py:class:`` by adding an additional turbine to the farm and moving it through every a regular grid throughout the flow field. This method allows for visualizing wake models that do not support the FullFlowGrid and its associated solver. As the new turbine is moved around the flow field, the velocities at its rotor are stored in local variables, and the flow field is reset to its initial state for every new location. Then, the local velocities are put into a DataFrame and then into a CutPlane. This method is much slower than `FlorisModel.calculate_horizontal_plane`, but it is helpful for models where the visualization capability is not yet available. Args: fmodel (:py:class:`floris.floris_model.FlorisModel`): Preinitialized FlorisModel object. x_resolution (float, optional): Output array resolution. Defaults to 200 points. y_resolution (float, optional): Output array resolution. Defaults to 200 points. x_bounds (tuple, optional): Limits of output array (in m). Defaults to None. y_bounds (tuple, optional): Limits of output array (in m). Defaults to None. findex_for_viz (int, optional): Index of the condition to visualize. Returns: :py:class:``: containing values of x, y, u, v, w """ if fmodel.core.flow_field.n_findex > 1 and findex_for_viz is None: print( "Multiple findices detected. Using first findex for visualization." ) if findex_for_viz is None: findex_for_viz = 0 # Make a local copy of fmodel to avoid editing passed in fmodel fmodel_viz = copy.deepcopy(fmodel) # Set the ws and wd fmodel_viz.set_for_viz(findex_for_viz, None) yaw_angles = power_setpoints = awc_modes = awc_amplitudes = awc_frequencies = # Grab the turbine layout layout_x = copy.deepcopy(fmodel_viz.layout_x) layout_y = copy.deepcopy(fmodel_viz.layout_y) turbine_types = copy.deepcopy( D =[0, 0] # Declare a new layout array with an extra turbine layout_x_test = np.append(layout_x,[0]) layout_y_test = np.append(layout_y,[0]) # Declare turbine types with an extra turbine in case of special one-type usage if len(layout_x) > 1 and len(turbine_types) == 1: # Convert to list length len(layout_x) + 1 turbine_types_test = [turbine_types[0] for i in range(len(layout_x))] + ['nrel_5MW'] else: turbine_types_test = np.append(turbine_types, 'nrel_5MW').tolist() yaw_angles = np.append( yaw_angles, np.zeros([fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.n_findex, 1]), axis=1 ) power_setpoints = np.append( power_setpoints, POWER_SETPOINT_DEFAULT * np.ones([fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.n_findex, 1]), axis=1 ) awc_modes = np.append( awc_modes, np.full((fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.n_findex, 1), "baseline"), axis=1 ) awc_amplitudes = np.append( awc_amplitudes, np.zeros([fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.n_findex, 1]), axis=1 ) awc_frequencies = np.append( awc_frequencies, np.zeros([fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.n_findex, 1]), axis=1 ) # Get a grid of points test test if x_bounds is None: x_bounds = (np.min(layout_x) - 2 * D, np.max(layout_x) + 10 * D) if y_bounds is None: y_bounds = (np.min(layout_y) - 2 * D, np.max(layout_y) + 2 * D) # Now generate a list of points x_points = np.linspace(x_bounds[0], x_bounds[1], x_resolution) y_points = np.linspace(y_bounds[0], y_bounds[1], y_resolution) num_points = len(x_points) * len(y_points) # Now loop over the points x_results = np.zeros(num_points) y_results = np.zeros(num_points) z_results = np.zeros(num_points) u_results = np.zeros(num_points) v_results = np.zeros(num_points) w_results = np.zeros(num_points) idx = 0 for y in y_points: for x in x_points: # Save the x and y results x_results[idx] = x y_results[idx] = y # Place the test turbine at this location and calculate wake layout_x_test[-1] = x layout_y_test[-1] = y fmodel_viz.set( layout_x=layout_x_test, layout_y=layout_y_test, yaw_angles=yaw_angles, power_setpoints=power_setpoints, awc_modes=awc_modes, awc_amplitudes=awc_amplitudes, awc_frequencies=awc_frequencies, turbine_type=turbine_types_test, reference_wind_height=fmodel_viz.reference_wind_height ) # Get the velocity of that test turbines central point center_point = int(np.floor(fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.u[0,-1].shape[0] / 2.0)) u_results[idx] = fmodel_viz.core.flow_field.u[0,-1,center_point,center_point] # Increment index idx = idx + 1 # Make a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({ 'x1':x_results, 'x2':y_results, 'x3':z_results, 'u':u_results, 'v':v_results, 'w':w_results, }) # Convert to a cut_plane horizontal_plane = CutPlane(df, x_resolution, y_resolution, "z") return horizontal_plane
[docs] @define class VelocityProfilesFigure(): """ Create a figure which displays velocity deficit profiles at several downstream locations of a turbine. Args: downstream_dists_D: A list/array of streamwise locations at which the velocity deficit profiles have been sampled. The locations should be normalized by the turbine diameter D. layout: A one- or two-element list defining the direction of the profiles and in which order the directions are plotted. For example, ['cross-stream', 'vertical'] initializes a figure where cross-stream profiles are expected on the top row of Axes in the figure, and vertical profiles are expected on the bottom row. ax_width: Roughly the width of each Axes. ax_height: Roughly the height of each Axes. coordinate_labels: A list of labels for the normalized coordinates. """ downstream_dists_D: NDArrayFloat = field(converter=floris_array_converter) layout: list[str] = field(default=['cross-stream']) ax_width: float = field(default=2.07) ax_height: float = field(default=3.0) coordinate_labels: list[str] = field(default=['x_1/D', 'x_2/D', 'x_3/D']) n_rows: int = field(init=False) n_cols: int = field(init=False) fig: plt.Figure = field(init=False) axs: np.ndarray = field(init=False) deficit_max: float = field(init=False, default=0.0) def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None: self.n_rows = len(self.layout) self.n_cols = len(self.downstream_dists_D) figsize = [0.7 + self.ax_width * self.n_cols, 1.0 + self.ax_height * self.n_rows] self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots( self.n_rows, self.n_cols, figsize=figsize, layout='tight', sharex='col', sharey='row', squeeze=False, ) for ax in self.axs[-1]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta U / U_\infty$', fontsize=14) ax.tick_params('x', labelsize=14) for ax, x1_D in zip(self.axs[0], self.downstream_dists_D): ax.set_title(f'${self.coordinate_labels[0]} = {x1_D:.1f}$', fontsize=14) for ax, profile_direction in zip(self.axs[:,0], self.layout): if profile_direction == 'cross-stream': ylabel = f'${self.coordinate_labels[1]}$' elif profile_direction == 'vertical': ylabel = f'${self.coordinate_labels[2]}$' ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14) ax.tick_params('y', labelsize=14)
[docs] @layout.validator def layout_validator(self, instance : attrs.Attribute, value : list[str]) -> None: allowed_layouts = [ ['cross-stream'], ['vertical'], ['cross-stream', 'vertical'], ['vertical', 'cross-stream'], ] if value not in allowed_layouts: raise ValueError(f"'layout' must be one of the following: {allowed_layouts}.")
[docs] def add_profiles( self, velocity_deficit_profiles: list[pd.DataFrame], **kwargs ) -> None: """ Add a list of velocity deficit profiles to the figure. Each profile is represented as a pandas DataFrame. `kwargs` are passed to `ax.plot`. """ for df in velocity_deficit_profiles: ax, profile_direction = self.match_profile_to_axes(df) profile_direction_D = f'{profile_direction}/D' ax.plot(df['velocity_deficit'], df[profile_direction_D], **kwargs) self.deficit_max = max(self.deficit_max, df['velocity_deficit'].max()) margin = 0.05 self.set_xlim([0.0 - margin, self.deficit_max + margin])
[docs] def match_profile_to_axes( self, df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> tuple[plt.Axes, str]: x1_D = np.unique(df['x1/D']) if len(x1_D) == 1: x1_D = x1_D[0] else: raise ValueError( "The streamwise location x1/D must be constant for each velocity profile." ) unique_x2 = np.unique(df['x2/D']) unique_x3 = np.unique(df['x3/D']) if len(unique_x2) == 1: profile_direction = 'x3' profile_direction_name = 'vertical' elif len(unique_x3) == 1: profile_direction = 'x2' profile_direction_name = 'cross-stream' else: raise ValueError( f"Velocity deficit profile at x1/D = {x1_D} is neither in the cross-stream (x2) " "nor the vertical (x3) direction." ) row = self.layout.index(profile_direction_name) col = None for i in range(self.n_cols): if np.abs(x1_D - self.downstream_dists_D[i]) < 0.001: col = i break if col is None: raise ValueError( "Could not add a velocity deficit profile at downstream distance " f"x1/D = {x1_D}. The downstream distance must be one of the following " "values with which this VelocityProfilesFigure object was initialized: " f"{self.downstream_dists_D}." ) return self.axs[row,col], profile_direction
[docs] def set_xlim( self, xlim: list[float] | NDArrayFloat, ) -> None: for ax in self.axs[-1]: ax.set_xlim(xlim)
[docs] def add_ref_lines_x2( self, ref_lines_x2_D: list[float] | NDArrayFloat, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Add reference lines to the VelocityProfilesFigure which go along the XAxis. Commonly used to show the extent of the turbine. Args: ref_lines_x2_D: A list of x2-coordinates normalized by the turbine diameter D. One coordinate per reference line. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to `ax.plot`. """ if 'cross-stream' not in self.layout: raise Exception( "Could not add reference lines to cross-stream (x2) velocity profiles. No " "such profiles exist in the figure." ) row_x2 = self.layout.index('cross-stream') self.add_ref_lines(ref_lines_x2_D, row_x2, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_ref_lines_x3( self, ref_lines_x3_D: list[float] | NDArrayFloat, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Add reference lines to the VelocityProfilesFigure which go along the XAxis. Commonly used to show the extent of the turbine. Args: ref_lines_x3_D: A list of x3-coordinates normalized by the turbine diameter D. One coordinate per reference line. **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to `ax.plot`. """ if 'vertical' not in self.layout: raise Exception( "Could not add reference lines to vertical (x3) velocity profiles. No " "such profiles exist in the figure." ) row_x3 = self.layout.index('vertical') self.add_ref_lines(ref_lines_x3_D, row_x3, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_ref_lines( self, ref_lines_D: list[float] | NDArrayFloat, row: int, **kwargs ) -> None: default_params = { 'linestyle': (0, (4, 2)), 'color': 'k', 'linewidth': 1.1 } params = copy.deepcopy(default_params) params.update(kwargs) for ax in self.axs[row]: for coordinate in ref_lines_D: ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [coordinate, coordinate], **params)