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Getting Started#

Kestrel has 132 GPU nodes. Each GPU node has 4 NVIDIA H100 GPUs (80 GB), 128 CPU cores, and 384GB RAM.

GPU nodes are shared, meaning that less than a full node may be requested for a job, leaving the remainder of the node for use by other jobs concurrently.

To request use of a GPU, use the flag --gres=gpu:<quantity> with sbatch, srun, or salloc, or add it as an #SBATCH directive in your sbatch submit script, where <quantity> is a number from 1 to 4.

Running on GPU Nodes#

An example GPU job allocation command:

salloc --time=2:00:00 --reservation=<friendly user reservation> --partition=gpu-h100  --account=<project handle>  --nodes=1  -n 1 --mem-per-cpu=8G --gres=gpu:h100:<# of GPUS per node>

You're automatically given access to all of the memory for the GPU or GPUs requested (80GB per GPU). Note that you'll need to use -n to request the number of CPU cores needed, and --mem or --mem-per-cpu to request the amount of CPU memory needed. You can use --exclusive to request all of the resources on the GPU node.

You can verify whether the GPU device is found by running nvidia-smi after landing on the node. If you receive any kind of output other than a No devices were found message, there is a GPU waiting to be used by your software.


If you submit to the gpu-h100 partition without including --gres=gpu:<# of GPUs per node>, your job will not allocate any GPU cards to your session, preventing you from using the resource at all.

Additional Resources#