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Parallel Computing in Julia#

We will make use of the following basic Monte Carlo integration function throughout this presentation

using Statistics
using BenchmarkTools # for the `@btime` macro

function mc_integrate(f::Function, a::Real=0, b::Real=1, n::Int=100000)
    ihat = 0.0
    for k in 1:n
        x = (b - a)*rand() + a
        ihat += (f(x) - ihat) / k
    return ihat

function intense_computation(t::Real)
    return rand()

Asynchronous Tasks#

What are Tasks?#

Tasks are execution streams that do not depend on each other and can be done in any order. They can be executed asynchronously but they are not executed in parallel. That is, only one task is running at a given time but the order of execution is not predetermined.

Tasks are also known as coroutines.

Creating and Running Tasks#

Running a task is done in 3 steps:

  1. Creation
  2. Scheduling
  3. Collect Results

Creating a task can be done directly with the Task object:

my_task = Task(()->mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi))
Task (runnable) @0x000000011ecc0ab0

Note the Task constructor takes a function with no arguments.

We can always define an zero argument anonymous function to pass to the Task constructor. The @task macro exists for this purpose:

my_task = @task mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
Task (runnable) @0x0000000136384cd0

Next we schedule the task to run using the schedule function

Task (done) @0x0000000136384cd0

Many times we want to create and schedule a task immediately. We can do this with the @async macro:

my_task = @async mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
Task (done) @0x000000011d14edc0

We can collect the results of the task once it has completed with the fetch function


There are a few helpful details to know about fetch:

  1. If the task has not finished when fetch is called, the call to fetch will block until the task has completed.
  2. If the task raises an exception, fetch will raise a TaskFailedException which wraps the original exception.

Remember that tasks are not inherently parallel, just asynchronous execution streams.

function run_mci()
    N = 10
    result = zeros(N)
    for k in 1:N
        result[k] = mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
    return mean(result)

function run_mci_task()
    N = 10
    task_res = zeros(N)
    @sync for k in 1:N
        @async(task_res[k] = mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi))
    return mean(task_res)
@btime run_mci()
@btime run_mci_task();
  22.094 ms (1 allocation: 160 bytes)
  24.318 ms (75 allocations: 4.78 KiB)


The @sync macro will block at the end of the code block until all enclosed @async statements have completed execution.

Communicating Between Tasks#

Sometimes we need to communicate between tasks. An easy way to accomplish this is to use Julia's Channel type. We can think of a Channel like a pipe or a queue: objects are put in at one end and taken off at the other.

Let's rewrite run_mci_task to use channels by dividing the run_mci workflow into two functions.

The first function will perform small Monte-Carlo integrations and put the results on a channel with the put! function. When it has finished the requested number of computations it will close the channel with close and return.

function integrator(output::Channel{Float64}, N::Int)
    for k in 1:N
        result = mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
        put!(output, result)


If the channel is full, put! will block until space opens up.

The second function will take the results off the channel using the take! function and accumulate them into an average. We keep pulling results from the channel as long as there is a result or the channel is open. We can check the former with isready and the latter with isopen.

function accumulator(input::Channel{Float64})
    mean_val = 0.0
    k = 0
    while isready(input) || isopen(input)
        value = take!(input)
        k += 1
        mean_val += (value - mean_val) / k
    return mean_val


If the channel is empty, the take! function will block until there is an item available.

Now we create channel which can hold 10 results, create and schedule both tasks and finally fetch the result.

function run_mci_chan()
    comm_ch = Channel{Float64}(10)
    atask = @async accumulator(comm_ch)
    @async integrator(comm_ch, 10)
    result = fetch(atask)    
    return result
@btime run_mci_chan();
  22.097 ms (25 allocations: 1.45 KiB)

Why Tasks?#

If tasks aren't parallel, why are we talking about them in a parallel computing tutorial?

Remeber that tasks are discrete computation units. They naturally define boundaries between computational tasks. Julia's native parallel capabilities are ways of scheduling tasks on other processors.


Starting Julia with Multiple Threads#

Julia (v1.3 or greater) has multithreading built into the language. By default, Julia starts with a single thread. To start Julia with multiple threads either * set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS to some value > 1 * start Julia with --threads or -t option (Julia v1.5 or greater)

Once started, we can see how many threads are running with the function Threads.nthreads


@threads Macro#

Many computations take the form of looping over an array where the result of the computation is put into an element in the array and these computations do not interact. In this case, we can make use of the Threads.@threads macro.

Lets apply this to our Monte-Carlo integration.

function run_mci_mt()
    N = 10
    mt_res = zeros(N)
    Threads.@threads for k in 1:N
        mt_res[k] = mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
    return mean(mt_res)
@btime run_mci_mt();
  11.118 ms (12 allocations: 1.00 KiB)

@spawn Macro#

Some applications require dispatching individual tasks on different threads. We can do this using the Threads.@spawn macro. This is like the @async macro but will schedule the task on an available thread. That is, it creates a Task and schedules it but on an available thread.

function run_mci_mt2()
    N = 10
    mt_res = Vector{Float64}(undef, N)
    @sync for k in 1:N
        @async(mt_res[k] = fetch(Threads.@spawn mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)))
    return mean(mt_res)
@btime run_mci_mt2();
  11.385 ms (126 allocations: 8.80 KiB)

There are a couple of oddities about Julia's multi-threading capability to remember:

  1. An available thread is any thread that has completed all assigned tasks or any remaining tasks are blocked.
  2. As of Julia 1.6, once a task has been assigned to a thread, it remains on that thread even after blocking operations. This will likely change in future releases of Julia.

The combination of these two behaviors can lead to load imbalances amongst threads when there are blocking operations within a thread's tasks.

Using Channels#

Just as before, we can use a Channel to communicate between tasks in a multi-threaded environment. The only difference is that we replace @async with Threads.@spawn.

function run_mci_mt3()
    comm_ch = Channel{Float64}(10)
    itask = Threads.@spawn integrator(comm_ch, 10)
    atask = Threads.@spawn accumulator(comm_ch)
    result = fetch(atask)
    return result
@btime run_mci_mt3();
  22.183 ms (35 allocations: 1.61 KiB)


We can see from the timing results this is not the best way to distribute the work since the integrator function has much more computational work than the accumulator function.

Distributed Computing with Distributed.jl#


Communication patterns are one-sided, so users only manage one process. Communication itself takes the form of function or macro calls rather than explicit send and receive calls.

Distributed.jl is built on two basic types: remote calls and remote references. A remote call is a directive to execute a particular function on a particular process. A remote reference is a reference to a variable stored on a particular process.

There is a strong resemblance to the way Julia handles tasks: Function calls (wrapped in appropriate types) are scheduled on worker processes through remote calls which return remote references. The results of these calls are then retrieved by fetching the values using the remote references.

Setting Up#

We can launch more Julia processes on the same or other machines with the addprocs function. Here we launch 2 worker processes on the local machine:

using Distributed

Each Julia process is identified by a (64-bit) integer. We can get a list of all active processes with procs:

@show procs();
procs() = [1, 2, 3]

There is a distinction between the original Julia process and those we launched. The original Julia process is often called the master process and always has id equal to 1. The launched processes are called workers. We can obtain a list of workers with the workers function:

@show workers();
workers() = [2, 3]

By default, distributed processing operations use the workers only.

We can also start up worker processes from the command lines using the -p or --procs option.

In order to launch Julia processes on other machines, we give addprocs a vector of tuples where each tuple is the hostname as a string paired with the number of processes to start on that host.

The Julia global state is not copied in the new processes. We need to manually load any modules and define any functions we need. This is done with the Distributed.@everywhere macro:

@everywhere using Statistics
@everywhere function mc_integrate(f::Function, a::Real=0, b::Real=1, n::Int=100000)
    ihat = 0.0
    for k in 1:n
        x = (b - a)*rand() + a
        ihat += (f(x) - ihat) / k
    return ihat

@distributed Macro#

The @distributed macro is the distributed memory equivalent of the Threads.@threads macro. This macro partitions the range of the for loop and executes the computation on all worker processes.

function run_mci_dist()
    N = 10
    total = @distributed (+) for k in 1:N
        mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
    return total/N
@btime run_mci_dist();
  11.224 ms (157 allocations: 7.16 KiB)

Between the macro and the for loop is an optional reduction. Here we have used + but this can be any valid reduction operator including a user defined function. The values given to the reduction are the values of the last expression in the loop.


If we do not provide a reduction, @distributed creates a task for each element of the loop and schedules them on worker processes and returns without waiting for the tasks to complete. To wait for completion of the tasks, the whole block can be wrapped with @sync macro.

@spawnat Macro#

Julia also provides more fine grained control for launching tasks on workers with the @spawnat Macro:

function run_mci_dist2()
    N = 10
    futures = Vector{Future}(undef, N)
    for k in 1:N
        futures[k] = @spawnat(:any, mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi))
    return mean(fetch.(futures))

The first argument to @spawnat is the worker to run the computation on. Here we have used :any indicating that Julia should pick a process for us. If we wanted to execute the computation on a particular worker, we could specify which one with the worker id value. The second argument is the expression to compute.

@spawnat returns a Future which is a remote reference. We call fetch on it to retrieve the value of the computation. Note that fetch will block until the computation is complete.

@btime run_mci_dist2();
  13.020 ms (1119 allocations: 44.34 KiB)


The entire expression is sent to the worker process before anything in the expression is executed. This can cause performance issues if we need a small part of a big object or array.

@everywhere struct MyData
function slow(my_data::MyData)
    return fetch(@spawnat(2, mean(rand(my_data.N))))
large_data = MyData(rand(1000000), 5)
@btime slow(large_data);
  1.731 ms (108 allocations: 4.08 KiB)

This is easily fixed using a local variable:

function fast(my_data::MyData)
    n = my_data.N
    return fetch(@spawnat(2, mean(rand(n))))
@btime fast(large_data);
  192.843 μs (100 allocations: 3.80 KiB)

Remote Channels#

As suggested by the name, these are the remote versions of the Channel type we've already seen. If you look at the source code, they are actually wrap an AbstractChannel to provide the needed remote functionality. We can effectively treat them just like a Channel.

Let's redo our integrator - accumulator workflow, but this time let's do a better job of distributing the work:

@everywhere function integrator(output::RemoteChannel{Channel{Float64}}, N::Int)
    for k in 1:N
        result = mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)
        put!(output, result)
    put!(output, NaN)
@everywhere function accumulator(input::RemoteChannel{Channel{Float64}}, nworkers::Int)
    mean_val = 0.0
    k = 0
    finished = 0
    while finished < nworkers
        value = take!(input)
        if value === NaN
            finished += 1
            k += 1
            mean_val += (value - mean_val) / k
    return mean_val
function run_mci_rc()
    comm_ch = RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Float64}(10), 1)
    @spawnat(2, integrator(comm_ch, 5))
    @spawnat(3, integrator(comm_ch, 5))
    atask = @async accumulator(comm_ch, nworkers())
    return fetch(atask)

Here we create a RemoteChannel on the master process, divide the computationally intensive integrator function into two calls and remotely execute them on the worker processes. Then we start a task on the master process to accumulate the values and call fetch to wait for and retrieve the result.

@btime run_mci_rc();
  12.328 ms (1066 allocations: 41.97 KiB)

Shutting Down#

To shutdown the worker processes we can use rmprocs.

Task (done) @0x000000011cd3cde0

Alternatively, we can also just exit Julia and the workers will be shutdown as part of the exit process.

Distributed Computing with MPI.jl#

Overview of MPI.jl#

MPI.jl is a Julia wrapper around an MPI library. By default it will download an MPI library suitable for running on the installing system. However, it is easily configured to use an existing system MPI implementation (e.g. one of the MPI modules on the cluster). See the documentation for instructions on how to do this.

MPI.jl mostly requires transmitted things to be buffers of basic types (types that are easily converted to C). Some functions can transmit arbitrary data by serializing them, but this functionality is not as fleshed out as in mpi4py.


We first need to load and initialize MPI.

using MPI

MPI.Init loads the MPI library and calls MPI_Init as well as sets up types for that specific MPI library.

Now we can implement our Monte-Carlo integration workflow using MPI

function run_mci_mpi()

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
    size = MPI.Comm_size(comm)

    if rank == 0
        N = 10
        num = [N]
        num = Vector{Int}(undef, 1)
    MPI.Bcast!(num, 0, comm)

    rank_sum = 0.0
    for k in rank+1:size:num[1]
        rank_sum += mc_integrate(sin, -pi, pi)

    total = MPI.Reduce([rank_sum], MPI.SUM, 0, comm)
    if rank == 0
        result = total / N
        result = nothing

    return result

To benchmark this we time it many (10000) times and track the minimal value (this is similar to what the @btime macro does).

function run_loop(nruns::Int)

    min_time = 1e10
    result = 0.0

    for _ in 1:nruns
        start = time()
        result = run_mci_mpi()
        stop = time()
        elapsed = stop - start
        if elapsed < min_time
            min_time = elapsed

    if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0
        println("Elapsed time: ", min_time)



Here are the results:

mpirun -n 2 julia mpi_mci.jl
  Activating environment at `~/HPC_Apps/julia-tutorial/Project.toml`
  Activating environment at `~/HPC_Apps/julia-tutorial/Project.toml`
Elapsed time: 0.01108694076538086

GPU Computing#

We provide a brief survey of available packages that can be used to get started.

Packages exist for NVIDIA's CUDA, AMD's ROCm, and Intel's oneAPI. CUDA.jl is the most mature while the other two, as of this writing, are still underdevelopment.

The package KernelAbstractions.jl is an abstraction layer for enabling different GPU backends.

See the JuliaGPU organization's webpage or github repo for a great place to get started.

Additional Resources#

The following are great resource for learning more