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Using Git Revision Control#

Learn how to set up and use the Git software tool for development on the HPC systems

Git is used locally to track incremental development and modifications to a collection of files. GitHub is a git-repository hosting web-service, which serves as a synchronized, common access point for the file collections. GitHub also has social aspects, like tracking who changed what and why. There are other git hosting services like GitLab which are similar to GitHub but offer slightly different features.

NREL has a Github Enterprise server ( for internally-managed repos. Please note that is only available internally using the NREL network or VPN. NREL's git server uses SAML/SSO for logging into GitHub Enterprise. To get help accessing the server or creating a repository, please contact NREL ITS.

Git Configuration Set Up#

The git software tool is already installed on the HPC systems.

Git needs to know your user name and an email address at a minimum:

$ git config --global "Your name"
$ git config --global ""

Github does not accept account passwords for authenticated Git operations. Instead, token-based authentication (PAT or SSH key) is required.

Set Up SSH Authorization#

Users already have SSH keys created on the HPC systems. To set up Github SSH authorization, you can add the existing SSH (secure shell) key(s) to your Github profile. You will also need to change any remote repo URL to use SSH instead of HTTPS.

Set up SSH Key
  1. On the HPC system, copy the content of ~/.ssh/
  2. On Github, click on: your git profile > Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key
  3. Paste the content of ~/.ssh/ into the "Key" window
  4. In your local git repo directory, type:
    git remote set-url origin <>.
    Your URL can be retrieved in the Github UI by going to the remote repo, then "Code" > "SSH".


Please do not alter or delete the key pair that exists on the HPC systems in ~/.ssh/. You can copy the public key to Github.

Git Vocabulary#


A git repository is an independent grouping of files to be tracked. A git repo has a "root" which is the directory that it sits in, and tracks further directory nesting from that. A single repo is often thought of as a complete project or application, though it's not uncommon to nest modules of an application as child repositories to isolate the development history of those submodules.


A commit, or "revision", is an individual change to a file (or set of files). It's like when you save a file, except with Git, every time you save it creates a unique ID (a.k.a. the "SHA" or "hash") that allows you to keep record of what changes were made when and by who. Commits usually contain a commit message which is a brief description of what changes were made.


A fork is a personal copy of another user's repository that lives on your account. Forks allow you to freely make changes to a project without affecting the original. Forks remain attached to the original, allowing you to submit a pull request to the original's author to update with your changes. You can also keep your fork up to date by pulling in updates from the original.


Pull refers to when you are fetching in changes and merging them. For instance, if someone has edited the remote file you're both working on, you'll want to pull in those changes to your local copy so that it's up to date.

Pull Request

Pull requests are proposed changes to a repository submitted by a user and accepted or rejected by a repository's collaborators. Like issues, pull requests each have their own discussion forum.


Pushing refers to sending your committed changes to a remote repository, such as a repository hosted on GitHub. For instance, if you change something locally, you'd want to then push those changes so that others may access them.


A branch is a new/separate version of the repository. Use branches when you want to work on a new feature, but don't want to mess-up the main branch while testing your ideas.

Tool Use#

Clone an existing repo

For example, you could create a local working copy of the "test_repo" repo (puts it in a folder in your current directory):

cd /some/project/dir
git clone <>
Now, make changes to whatever you need to work on. Recommendation: commit your changes often, e.g., whenever you have a workable chunk of work completed.

See what files you've changed

git status

Push your changes to the repo
git add <filename(s)-you-changed>
git commit -m "A comment about the changes you just made."
git push
Get remote changes from the repo

If you collaborate with others in this repo, you'll want to pull their changes into your copy of the repo. You may want to do this first-thing when you sit down to work on something to minimize the number of merges you'll need to handle: git pull

Create a new local git code repo
mkdir my.projectname
cd my.projectname
git init
touch README.txt
git add README.txt
git commit -m 'first commit'
# Push the repo to Github
git remote add origin git@hpc/my.projectname.git
git push origin main
Revert a commit

You can use git revert to remove unwanted changes. Find the hash of the commit that you need to undo:
git log
Once you have the hash:
git revert <hash of commit to undo>
The git revert command will undo only the changes associated with the chosen commit, even if it is not the most recent commit. The reverted commit will still be stored in the history of changes, so it can still be accessed or reviewed in the future.

Make a branch

Create a local branch called "experimental" based on the current master branch:

git checkout master #Switch to the master branch
git branch experimental

Use Your Branch (start working on that experimental branch....):

git checkout experimental
# If this branch exists on the remote repo, pull in new changes:
git pull origin experimental
# work, work, work, commit....:

Send local branch to the repo:
git push origin experimental

Get the remote repo and its branches:
git fetch origin

Merge the branch into the master branch:

git checkout master
git merge experimental
If there are conflicts, git adds >>>> and <<<<< markers in files to mark where you need to fix/merge your code.
Examine your code with git diff:
git diff
Make any updates needed, then git add and git commit your changes.

Delete a branch

Once you've merged a branch and you are done with it, you can delete it:

git branch --delete <branchName> # deletes branchName from your local repo
git push origin --delete <branchName> # deletes the remote branch if you pushed it to the remote server

Git diff tricks

You can use git log to see when the commits happened, and then git diff has some options that can help identify changes.
What changed between two commits (hopefully back to back commits):
git diff 57357fd9..4f890708 > my.patch
Just the files that changed:
git diff --name-only 57357fd9 4f890708


You can tag a set of code in git, and use a specific tagged version.
List tags:
git tags -l
Set a tag:
git tag -a "2.2" -m "Tagging current rev at 2.2"
Push your tag:
git push --tags
Use tag tagname:
git checkout tagname

Unmodify a modified file

To revert your file back to your last commit and discard current changes, use the output from git status to easily un-modify it.

$ git status
# Changes not staged for commit:  
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    # modified:  

# Run the command in the above output to discard changes:  
$ git restore
If you run git status again you will see that the changes have been reverted. Just be sure that you want to revert the file before doing so, because all current changes will not be recoverable.

Point your repo to a different remote server

For example, you may need to do this if you were working on code from a repo that was checked-out from, and you want to check that code into a repository on NREL's github server. Once you've requested a new NREL git repo from ITS and it's configured, you can:

git remote set-url origin<newprojectname>.git
See git help remote for more details or you can just edit .git/config and change the URLs there. This shouldn't cause any lost repo history, but if you want to be sure, you can make a copy of your repo until the url change is confirmed.

Send someone a copy of your current code (not the whole repo)

You can export a copy of your code to your $HOME directory using the following command:
git archive master --prefix=my.projectname/ --output=~/my.projectname.tgz