Source code for reV.utilities.pytest_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions used for pytests"""

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from packaging import version
from rex.outputs import Outputs as RexOutputs

from reV.utilities import ResourceMetaField

[docs]def pd_date_range(*args, **kwargs): """A simple wrapper on the pd.date_range() method that handles the closed vs. inclusive kwarg change in pd 1.4.0""" incl = version.parse(pd.__version__) >= version.parse('1.4.0') if incl and 'closed' in kwargs: kwargs['inclusive'] = kwargs.pop('closed') elif not incl and 'inclusive' in kwargs: kwargs['closed'] = kwargs.pop('inclusive') if kwargs['closed'] == 'both': kwargs['closed'] = None return pd.date_range(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_chunk(meta, times, data, features, out_file): """Write data chunk to an h5 file Parameters ---------- meta : dict Dictionary of meta data for this chunk. Includes flattened lat and lon arrays times : pd.DatetimeIndex times in this chunk features : list List of feature names in this chunk out_file : str Name of output file """ with RexOutputs(out_file, 'w') as fh: fh.meta = meta fh.time_index = times for feature in features: flat_data = data.reshape((-1, len(times))) flat_data = np.transpose(flat_data, (1, 0)) fh.add_dataset(out_file, feature, flat_data, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def make_fake_h5_chunks(td, features, shuffle=False): """Make fake h5 chunks to test collection Parameters ---------- td : tempfile.TemporaryDirectory Test TemporaryDirectory features : list List of dsets to write to chunks shuffle : bool Whether to shuffle gids Returns ------- out_pattern : str Pattern for output file names data : ndarray Full non-chunked data array features : list List of feature names in output s_slices : list List of spatial slices used to chunk full data array times : pd.DatetimeIndex Times in output """ shape = (50, 50, 48) data = np.random.uniform(0, 20, shape) lat = np.linspace(90, 0, 50) lon = np.linspace(-180, 0, 50) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) gids = np.arange(np.product(lat.shape)) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(gids) gids = gids.reshape(shape[:-1]) times = pd_date_range('20220101', '20220103', freq='3600s', inclusive='left') s_slices = [slice(0, 25), slice(25, 50)] out_pattern = os.path.join(td, 'chunks_{i}_{j}.h5') for i, s1 in enumerate(s_slices): for j, s2 in enumerate(s_slices): out_file = out_pattern.format(i=i, j=j) meta = pd.DataFrame( {ResourceMetaField.LATITUDE: lat[s1, s2].flatten(), ResourceMetaField.LONGITUDE: lon[s1, s2].flatten(), ResourceMetaField.GID: gids[s1, s2].flatten()}) write_chunk(meta=meta, times=times, data=data[s1, s2], features=features, out_file=out_file) out = (out_pattern.format(i='*', j='*'), data, features, s_slices, times) return out