reV status

Display the status of a project FOLDER.

By default, the status of the current working directory is displayed.

The general structure for calling this CLI command is given below (add --help to print help info to the terminal).”

reV status [OPTIONS] [FOLDER]


-ps, --pipe_steps <pipe_steps>

Filter status for the given pipeline step(s). Multiple steps can be specified by repeating this option (e.g. -ps step1 -ps step2 ...) By default, the status of all pipeline steps is displayed.

-s, --status <status>

Filter jobs for the requested status(es). Allowed options (case-insensitive) include:

  • Failed: failure fail failed f

  • Running: running run r

  • Submitted: submitted submit sb pending pend p

  • Success: successful success s

  • Not submitted: unsubmitted unsubmit u not_submitted ns

Multiple status keys can be specified by repeating this option (e.g. -s status1 -s status2 ...). By default, all status values are displayed.

-i, --include <include>

Extra status keys to include in the print output for each job. Multiple status keys can be specified by repeating this option (e.g. -i key1 -i key2 ...) By default, no extra keys are displayed.

-r, --recursive

Option to perform a recursive search of directories (starting with the input directory). The status of every nested directory is reported.



Optional argument