- curtail(resource, curtailment, sites, random_seed=0)[source]
Curtail the SAM wind resource object based on project points.
- Parameters:
resource (rex.sam_resource.SAMResource) – SAM resource object for WIND resource.
curtailment (reV.config.curtailment.Curtailment) – Curtailment config object.
sites (list) – List of GID’s to apply this curtailment to.
random_seed (int | NoneType) – Number to seed the numpy random number generator. Used to generate reproducable psuedo-random results if the probability of curtailment is not set to 1. Numpy random will be seeded with the system time if this is None.
- Returns:
resource (reV.handlers.sam_resource.SAMResource) – Same as the input argument but with the wind speed dataset set to zero where curtailment is in effect.