
class PlaceTurbines(wind_plant, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, include_mask, pixel_side_length, min_spacing)[source]

Bases: object

Framework for optimizing turbine locations for site specific exclusions, wind resources, and objective

  • wind_plant (WindPowerPD) – wind plant object to analyze wind plant performance. This object should have everything in the plant defined, such that only the turbine coordinates and plant capacity need to be defined during the optimization.

  • objective_function (str) – The objective function of the optimization as a string, should return the objective to be minimized during layout optimization. Variables available are:

    • n_turbines: the number of turbines

    • system_capacity: wind plant capacity

    • aep: annual energy production

    • avg_sl_dist_to_center_m: Average straight-line distance to the supply curve point center from all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs.

    • avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m: Average straight-line distance to the medoid of all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs.

    • nn_conn_dist_m: Total BOS connection distance using nearest-neighbor connections. This variable is only available for the balance_of_system_cost_function equation.

    • fixed_charge_rate: user input fixed_charge_rate if included as part of the sam system config.

    • capital_cost: plant capital cost as evaluated by capital_cost_function

    • fixed_operating_cost: plant fixed annual operating cost as evaluated by fixed_operating_cost_function

    • variable_operating_cost: plant variable annual operating cost as evaluated by variable_operating_cost_function

    • balance_of_system_cost: plant balance of system cost as evaluated by balance_of_system_cost_function

    • self.wind_plant: the SAM wind plant object, through which all SAM variables can be accessed

  • capital_cost_function (str) – The plant capital cost function as a string, must return the total capital cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function.

  • fixed_operating_cost_function (str) – The plant annual fixed operating cost function as a string, must return the fixed operating cost in $/year. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function.

  • variable_operating_cost_function (str) – The plant annual variable operating cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $/kWh. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to “0” to effectively ignore variable operating costs.

  • balance_of_system_cost_function (str) – The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to “0” to effectively ignore balance-of-system costs.

  • include_mask (np.ndarray) – Supply curve point 2D inclusion mask where included pixels are set to 1 and excluded pixels are set to 0.

  • pixel_side_length (int) – Side length (m) of a single pixel of the include_mask.

  • min_spacing (float) – The minimum spacing between turbines (in meters).



Capital cost function ($ per kW) evaluated for a given capacity.


From the exclusions data, create a shapely MultiPolygon as self.safe_polygons that defines where turbines can be placed.


Run the turbine packing algorithm (maximizing plant capacity) to define potential turbine locations that will be used as design variables in the gentic algorithm.


The optimization objective used in the bespoke optimization


Optimize wind farm layout.


Define bespoke wind plant turbine layouts.



Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Fixed charge rate if input to the SAM WindPowerPD object, None if not found in inputs.


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized


From the exclusions data, create a shapely MultiPolygon as self.safe_polygons that defines where turbines can be placed.


Run the turbine packing algorithm (maximizing plant capacity) to define potential turbine locations that will be used as design variables in the gentic algorithm.


The optimization objective used in the bespoke optimization


Optimize wind farm layout.

Use a genetic algorithm to optimize wind plant layout for the user-defined objective function.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to GA initialization.

See also


GA Algorithm.


Define bespoke wind plant turbine layouts.

Run all functions to define bespoke wind plant turbine layouts.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to GA initialization.

See also


GA Algorithm.


Capital cost function ($ per kW) evaluated for a given capacity.

The capacity will be adjusted to be an exact multiple of the turbine rating in order to yield an integer number of turbines.


capacity_mw (float) – The desired capacity (MW) to sample the cost curve at. Note as mentioned above, the capacity will be adjusted to be an exact multiple of the turbine rating in order to yield an integer number of turbines. For best results, set this value to be an integer multiple of the turbine rating.


capital_cost (float) – Capital cost ($ per kW) for the (adjusted) plant capacity.

property fixed_charge_rate

Fixed charge rate if input to the SAM WindPowerPD object, None if not found in inputs.

property turbine_x

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property turbine_y

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property avg_sl_dist_to_center_m

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property nn_conn_dist_m

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property nturbs

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property capacity

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property convex_hull

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property area

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property convex_hull_area

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property full_cell_area

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property capacity_density

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property convex_hull_capacity_density

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property full_cell_capacity_density

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property aep

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property capital_cost

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property fixed_operating_cost

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property variable_operating_cost

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property balance_of_system_cost

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized

property objective

Wrapper to return None if PlaceTurbines is not optimized