
class LayerMask(layer, exclude_values=None, exclude_range=(None, None), include_values=None, include_range=(None, None), include_weights=None, force_include_values=None, force_include_range=None, use_as_weights=False, weight=1.0, exclude_nodata=False, nodata_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class to convert exclusion layer to inclusion layer mask

  • layer (str) – Layer name.

  • exclude_values (int | float | list, optional) – Single value or list of values to exclude.


    The keyword arguments exclude_values, exclude_range, include_values, include_range, include_weights, force_include_values, and force_include_range are all mutually exclusive. Users should supply value(s) for exactly one of these arguments.

    By default, None.

  • exclude_range (list | tuple, optional) – Two-item list of (min threshold, max threshold) for values to exclude. Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • include_values (int | float | list, optional) – Single value or list of values to include. Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • include_range (list | tuple, optional) – Two-item list of (min threshold, max threshold) for values to include. Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • include_weights (dict, optional) – A dictionary of {value: weight} pairs, where the value in the layer that should be included with the given weight. Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • force_include_values (int | float | list, optional) – Force the inclusion of the given value(s). Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • force_include_range (list | tuple, optional) – Force the inclusion of given values in the range (min threshold, max threshold). Mutually exclusive with other inputs - see info in the description of exclude_values. By default, None.

  • use_as_weights (bool, optional) – Option to use layer as final inclusion weights. If True, all inclusion/exclusions specifications for the layer are ignored and the raw values (scaled by the weight input) are used as weights. By default, False.

  • weight (float, optional) – Weight applied to exclusion layer after it is calculated. Can be used, for example, to turn a binary exclusion layer (i.e. data with 0 or 1 values and exclude_values=1 input) into partial exclusions by setting the weight to a fraction (e.g. 0.5 for 50% exclusions). By default, 1.

  • exclude_nodata (bool, optional) – Flag to exclude nodata values (nodata_value). If nodata_value=None the nodata_value is inferred by reV.supply_curve.exclusions.ExclusionMask. By default, False.

  • nodata_value (int | float, optional) – Nodata value for the layer. If None, the value will be inferred when LayerMask is added to reV.supply_curve.exclusions.ExclusionMask. By default, None.

  • **kwargs – Optional inputs to maintain legacy kwargs of inclusion_* instead of include_*.




Values to exclude


Flag to force include mask


Values to include


Mapping of values to include and at what weights


Type of exclusion mask for this layer


Maximum value to include/exclude if include_range or exclude_range was input.


Minimum value to include/exclude if include_range or exclude_range was input.


Layer name to extract from exclusions .h5 file

property name

Layer name to extract from exclusions .h5 file


_name (str)

property min_value

Minimum value to include/exclude if include_range or exclude_range was input.



property max_value

Maximum value to include/exclude if include_range or exclude_range was input.



property exclude_values

Values to exclude


_exclude_values (list)

property include_values

Values to include


_include_values (list)

property include_weights

Mapping of values to include and at what weights



property force_include

Flag to force include mask


_force_include (bool)

property mask_type

Type of exclusion mask for this layer

