- class RevPySam(meta, sam_sys_inputs, output_request, site_sys_inputs=None)[source]
Base class for reV-SAM simulations (generation and econ).
Initialize a SAM object.
- Parameters:
meta (pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | None) – Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. Can be None for econ runs.
sam_sys_inputs (dict) – Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments.
output_request (list) – Requested SAM outputs (e.g., ‘cf_mean’, ‘annual_energy’, , ‘gen_profile’, ‘energy_yield’, ‘ppa_price’, ‘lcoe_fcr’).
site_sys_inputs (dict) – Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs.
Assign the self.sam_sys_inputs attribute to the PySAM object.
(output_lookup)Collect SAM output_request, convert timeseries outputs to UTC, and save outputs to self.outputs property.
()Get the executed default pysam object.
(resource)Drop Feb 29th from resource df with time index.
(arr, time_index)Ensure time_index has a constant time-step and only covers 365 days (no leap days).
()Call the PySAM execute method.
(*args, **kwargs)Get the SAM resource iterator object (single year, single file).
(time_index)Get the time interval.
(series)Ensure that pd series is a datetime series with dt accessor
Convert array-like SAM outputs to UTC np.ndarrays
Get the heirarchical PySAM object attribute dictionary.
Get the list of lowest level input attribute/variable names.
Get meta data property.
Get module property.
Get the pysam object.
Get the site number for this SAM simulation.
- property meta
Get meta data property.
- property module
Get module property.
- property site
Get the site number for this SAM simulation.
- static get_sam_res(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Get the SAM resource iterator object (single year, single file).
- static drop_leap(resource)[source]
Drop Feb 29th from resource df with time index.
- Parameters:
resource (pd.DataFrame) – Resource dataframe with an index containing a pandas time index object with month and day attributes.
- Returns:
resource (pd.DataFrame) – Resource dataframe with all February 29th timesteps removed.
- static ensure_res_len(arr, time_index)[source]
Ensure time_index has a constant time-step and only covers 365 days (no leap days). If not remove last day
- Parameters:
arr (ndarray) – Array to truncate if time_index has a leap day
time_index (pandas.DatatimeIndex) – Time index associated with arr, used to check time-series frequency and number of days
- Returns:
arr (ndarray) – Truncated array of data such that there are 365 days
- classmethod get_time_interval(time_index)[source]
Get the time interval.
- Parameters:
time_index (pd.series) – Datetime series. Must have a dt attribute to access datetime properties (added using make_datetime method).
- Returns:
time_interval (int:) – This value is the number of indices over which an hour is counted. So if the timestep is 0.5 hours, time_interval is 2.
- collect_outputs(output_lookup)[source]
Collect SAM output_request, convert timeseries outputs to UTC, and save outputs to self.outputs property.
- Parameters:
output_lookup (dict) – Lookup dictionary mapping output keys to special output methods.
- execute()[source]
Call the PySAM execute method. Raise SAMExecutionError if error. Include the site index if available.
- PYSAM = <module 'PySAM.CustomGeneration' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PySAM/'>
- property attr_dict
Get the heirarchical PySAM object attribute dictionary.
- Returns:
_attr_dict (dict) –
- Dictionary with:
keys: variable groups values: lowest level attribute/variable names
- classmethod default()
Get the executed default pysam object.
- Returns:
- property input_list
Get the list of lowest level input attribute/variable names.
- Returns:
_inputs (list) – List of lowest level input attributes.
- property pysam
Get the pysam object.