
class BespokeSinglePlantData(data_inds, wind_dirs, wind_speeds, temps, pressures, time_index)[source]

Bases: object

Single-plant preloaded data.

This object is intended to facilitate the use of pre-loaded data for running BespokeSinglePlant on systems with slow parallel reads to a single HDF5 file.

Initialize BespokeSinglePlantData

  • data_inds (1D np.array) – Array of res GIDs. This array should be the same length as the second dimension of wind_dirs, wind_speeds, temps, and pressures. The GID value of data_inds[0] should correspond to the wind_dirs[:, 0] data, etc.

  • wind_dirs, wind_speeds, temps, pressures (2D np.array) – Array of wind directions, wind speeds, temperatures, and pressures, respectively. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for data_inds for required spatial mapping of GID values.

  • time_index (1D np.array) – Time index array corresponding to the temporal dimension of the 2D data. Will be exposed directly to user.
