Source code for reV.bespoke.bespoke

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reV bespoke wind plant analysis tools

# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import signature
from numbers import Number
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psutil
from rex.joint_pd.joint_pd import JointPD
from rex.multi_year_resource import MultiYearWindResource
from rex.utilities.bc_parse_table import parse_bc_table
from rex.utilities.execution import SpawnProcessPool
from rex.utilities.loggers import create_dirs, log_mem
from rex.utilities.utilities import parse_year

from reV.config.output_request import SAMOutputRequest
from reV.econ.utilities import lcoe_fcr
from reV.generation.generation import Gen
from reV.handlers.exclusions import ExclusionLayers
from reV.handlers.outputs import Outputs
from reV.SAM.generation import WindPower, WindPowerPD
from reV.supply_curve.aggregation import AggFileHandler, BaseAggregation
from reV.supply_curve.extent import SupplyCurveExtent
from reV.supply_curve.points import AggregationSupplyCurvePoint as AggSCPoint
from reV.supply_curve.points import SupplyCurvePoint
from reV.utilities import (
from reV.utilities.exceptions import EmptySupplyCurvePointError, FileInputError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BespokeMultiPlantData: """Multi-plant preloaded data. This object is intended to facilitate the use of pre-loaded data for running :class:`BespokeWindPlants` on systems with slow parallel reads to a single HDF5 file. """ def __init__(self, res_fpath, sc_gid_to_hh, sc_gid_to_res_gid, pre_load_humidity=False): """Initialize BespokeMultiPlantData Parameters ---------- res_fpath : str | list Unix shell style path (potentially containing wildcard (*) patterns) to a single or multi-file resource file set(s). Can also be an explicit list of resource file paths, which themselves can contain wildcards. This input must be readable by :py:class:`rex.multi_year_resource.MultiYearWindResource`. sc_gid_to_hh : dict Dictionary mapping SC GID values to hub-heights. Data for each SC GID will be pulled for the corresponding hub-height given in this dictionary. sc_gid_to_res_gid : dict Dictionary mapping SC GID values to an iterable oif resource GID values. Resource GID values should correspond to GID values in the HDF5 file, so any GID map must be applied before initializing :class`BespokeMultiPlantData`. pre_load_humidity : optional, default=False Option to pre-load relative humidity data (useful for icing runs). If ``False``, relative humidities are not loaded. """ self.res_fpath = res_fpath self.sc_gid_to_hh = sc_gid_to_hh self.sc_gid_to_res_gid = sc_gid_to_res_gid self.hh_to_res_gids = {} self._wind_dirs = None self._wind_speeds = None self._temps = None self._pressures = None self._relative_humidities = None self._pre_load_humidity = pre_load_humidity self._time_index = None self._pre_load_data() def _pre_load_data(self): """Pre-load the resource data.""" for sc_gid, gids in self.sc_gid_to_res_gid.items(): hh = self.sc_gid_to_hh[sc_gid] self.hh_to_res_gids.setdefault(hh, set()).update(gids) self.hh_to_res_gids = { hh: sorted(gids) for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } start_time = time.time() with MultiYearWindResource(self.res_fpath) as res: self._wind_dirs = { hh: res[f"winddirection_{hh}m", :, gids] for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } self._wind_speeds = { hh: res[f"windspeed_{hh}m", :, gids] for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } self._temps = { hh: res[f"temperature_{hh}m", :, gids] for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } self._pressures = { hh: res[f"pressure_{hh}m", :, gids] for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } self._time_index = res.time_index if self._pre_load_humidity: self._relative_humidities = { hh: res["relativehumidity_2m", :, gids] for hh, gids in self.hh_to_res_gids.items() } logger.debug( f"Data took {(time.time() - start_time) / 60:.2f} " f"min to load" )
[docs] def get_preloaded_data_for_gid(self, sc_gid): """Get the pre-loaded data for a single SC GID. Parameters ---------- sc_gid : int SC GID to load resource data for. Returns ------- BespokeSinglePlantData A loaded ``BespokeSinglePlantData`` object that can act as an HDF5 handler stand-in *for this SC GID only*. """ hh = self.sc_gid_to_hh[sc_gid] sc_point_res_gids = sorted(self.sc_gid_to_res_gid[sc_gid]) data_inds = np.searchsorted(self.hh_to_res_gids[hh], sc_point_res_gids) rh = (None if not self._pre_load_humidity else self._relative_humidities[hh][:, data_inds]) return BespokeSinglePlantData( sc_point_res_gids, self._wind_dirs[hh][:, data_inds], self._wind_speeds[hh][:, data_inds], self._temps[hh][:, data_inds], self._pressures[hh][:, data_inds], self._time_index, rh, )
[docs]class BespokeSinglePlantData: """Single-plant preloaded data. This object is intended to facilitate the use of pre-loaded data for running :class:`BespokeSinglePlant` on systems with slow parallel reads to a single HDF5 file. """ def __init__( self, data_inds, wind_dirs, wind_speeds, temps, pressures, time_index, relative_humidities=None, ): """Initialize BespokeSinglePlantData Parameters ---------- data_inds : 1D np.array Array of res GIDs. This array should be the same length as the second dimension of `wind_dirs`, `wind_speeds`, `temps`, and `pressures`. The GID value of data_inds[0] should correspond to the `wind_dirs[:, 0]` data, etc. wind_dirs : 2D np.array Array of wind directions. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for `data_inds` for required spatial mapping of GID values. wind_speeds : 2D np.array Array of wind speeds. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for `data_inds` for required spatial mapping of GID values. temps : 2D np.array Array oftemperatures. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for `data_inds` for required spatial mapping of GID values. pressures : 2D np.array Array of pressures. Dimensions should be correspond to pressures, respectively. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for `data_inds` for required spatial mapping of GID values. time_index : 1D np.array Time index array corresponding to the temporal dimension of the 2D data. Will be exposed directly to user. relative_humidities : 2D np.array, optional Array of relative humidities. Dimensions should be correspond to [time, location]. See documentation for `data_inds` for required spatial mapping of GID values. If ``None``, relative_humidities cannot be queried. """ self.data_inds = data_inds self.wind_dirs = wind_dirs self.wind_speeds = wind_speeds self.temps = temps self.pressures = pressures self.time_index = time_index self.relative_humidities = relative_humidities self._humidities_exist = relative_humidities is not None def __getitem__(self, key): dset_name, t_idx, gids = key data_inds = np.searchsorted(self.data_inds, gids) if "winddirection" in dset_name: return self.wind_dirs[t_idx, data_inds] if "windspeed" in dset_name: return self.wind_speeds[t_idx, data_inds] if "temperature" in dset_name: return self.temps[t_idx, data_inds] if "pressure" in dset_name: return self.pressures[t_idx, data_inds] if self._humidities_exist and "relativehumidity" in dset_name: return self.relative_humidities[t_idx, data_inds] msg = f"Unknown dataset name: {dset_name!r}" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class BespokeSinglePlant: """Framework for analyzing and optimizing a wind plant layout specific to the local wind resource and exclusions for a single reV supply curve point. """ DEPENDENCIES = ("shapely",) OUT_ATTRS = copy.deepcopy(Gen.OUT_ATTRS) def __init__( self, gid, excl, res, tm_dset, sam_sys_inputs, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, min_spacing="5x", wake_loss_multiplier=1, ga_kwargs=None, output_request=("system_capacity", "cf_mean"), ws_bins=(0.0, 20.0, 5.0), wd_bins=(0.0, 360.0, 45.0), excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, data_layers=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, exclusion_shape=None, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=200, prior_meta=None, gid_map=None, bias_correct=None, pre_loaded_data=None, close=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. res : str | Resource Filepath to .h5 wind resource file or pre-initialized Resource handler tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. sam_sys_inputs : dict SAM windpower compute module system inputs not including the wind resource data. objective_function : str The objective function of the optimization as a string, should return the objective to be minimized during layout optimization. Variables available are: - ``n_turbines``: the number of turbines - ``system_capacity``: wind plant capacity - ``aep``: annual energy production - ``avg_sl_dist_to_center_m``: Average straight-line distance to the supply curve point center from all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs. - ``avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m``: Average straight-line distance to the medoid of all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs. - ``nn_conn_dist_m``: Total BOS connection distance using nearest-neighbor connections. This variable is only available for the ``balance_of_system_cost_function`` equation. - ``fixed_charge_rate``: user input fixed_charge_rate if included as part of the sam system config. - ``capital_cost``: plant capital cost as evaluated by `capital_cost_function` - ``fixed_operating_cost``: plant fixed annual operating cost as evaluated by `fixed_operating_cost_function` - ``variable_operating_cost``: plant variable annual operating cost as evaluated by `variable_operating_cost_function` - ``balance_of_system_cost``: plant balance of system cost as evaluated by `balance_of_system_cost_function` - ``self.wind_plant``: the SAM wind plant object, through which all SAM variables can be accessed capital_cost_function : str The plant capital cost function as a string, must return the total capital cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. fixed_operating_cost_function : str The plant annual fixed operating cost function as a string, must return the fixed operating cost in $/year. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. variable_operating_cost_function : str The plant annual variable operating cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $/kWh. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to "0" to effectively ignore variable operating costs. balance_of_system_cost_function : str The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to "0" to effectively ignore balance-of-system costs. balance_of_system_cost_function : str The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. min_spacing : float | int | str Minimum spacing between turbines in meters. Can also be a string like "5x" (default) which is interpreted as 5 times the turbine rotor diameter. wake_loss_multiplier : float, optional A multiplier used to scale the annual energy lost due to wake losses. .. WARNING:: This multiplier will ONLY be applied during the optimization process and will NOT be come through in output values such as the hourly profiles, aep, any of the cost functions, or even the output objective. ga_kwargs : dict | None Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to GA initialization. If `None`, default initialization values are used. See :class:`~reV.bespoke.gradient_free.GeneticAlgorithm` for a description of the allowed keyword arguments. output_request : list | tuple Outputs requested from the SAM windpower simulation after the bespoke plant layout optimization. Can also request resource means like ws_mean, windspeed_mean, temperature_mean, pressure_mean. ws_bins : tuple 3-entry tuple with (start, stop, step) for the windspeed binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ws_bins=(0, 20, 5) would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 5, 10, 15, 20). wd_bins : tuple 3-entry tuple with (start, stop, step) for the winddirection binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ws_bins=(0, 360, 90) would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 90, 180, 270, 360). excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. data_layers : None | dict Aggregation data layers. Must be a dictionary keyed by data label name. Each value must be another dictionary with "dset", "method", and "fpath". resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw : int | float, optional Baseline plant capacity (MW) used to calculate economies of scale (EOS) multiplier from the `capital_cost_function`. EOS multiplier is calculated as the $-per-kW of the wind plant divided by the $-per-kW of a plant with this baseline capacity. By default, `200` (MW), which aligns the baseline with ATB assumptions. See here: prior_meta : pd.DataFrame | None Optional meta dataframe belonging to a prior run. This will only run the timeseries power generation step and assume that all of the wind plant layouts are fixed given the prior run. The meta data needs columns "capacity", "turbine_x_coords", and "turbine_y_coords". gid_map : None | str | dict Mapping of unique integer generation gids (keys) to single integer resource gids (values). This can be None, a pre-extracted dict, or a filepath to json or csv. If this is a csv, it must have the columns "gid" (which matches the techmap) and "gid_map" (gids to extract from the resource input). This is useful if you're running forecasted resource data (e.g., ECMWF) to complement historical meteorology (e.g., WTK). bias_correct : str | pd.DataFrame, optional Optional DataFrame or CSV filepath to a wind or solar resource bias correction table. This has columns: - ``gid``: GID of site (can be index name of dataframe) - ``method``: function name from ``rex.bias_correction`` module The ``gid`` field should match the true resource ``gid`` regardless of the optional ``gid_map`` input. Only ``windspeed`` **or** ``GHI`` + ``DNI`` + ``DHI`` are corrected, depending on the technology (wind for the former, PV or CSP for the latter). See the functions in the ``rex.bias_correction`` module for available inputs for ``method``. Any additional kwargs required for the requested ``method`` can be input as additional columns in the ``bias_correct`` table e.g., for linear bias correction functions you can include ``scalar`` and ``adder`` inputs as columns in the ``bias_correct`` table on a site-by-site basis. If ``None``, no corrections are applied. By default, ``None``. pre_loaded_data : BespokeSinglePlantData, optional A pre-loaded :class:`BespokeSinglePlantData` object, or ``None``. Can be useful to speed up execution on file systems with slow parallel reads. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. """ logger.debug( "Initializing BespokeSinglePlant for gid {}...".format(gid) ) logger.debug("Resource filepath: {}".format(res)) logger.debug("Exclusion filepath: {}".format(excl)) logger.debug("Exclusion dict: {}".format(excl_dict)) logger.debug( "Bespoke objective function: {}".format(objective_function) ) logger.debug("Bespoke cost function: {}".format(objective_function)) logger.debug( "Bespoke wake loss multiplier: {}".format(wake_loss_multiplier) ) logger.debug("Bespoke GA initialization kwargs: {}".format(ga_kwargs)) logger.debug( "Bespoke EOS multiplier baseline capacity: {:,} MW".format( eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw ) ) if isinstance(min_spacing, str) and min_spacing.endswith("x"): rotor_diameter = sam_sys_inputs["wind_turbine_rotor_diameter"] min_spacing = float(min_spacing.strip("x")) * rotor_diameter if not isinstance(min_spacing, (int, float)): try: min_spacing = float(min_spacing) except Exception as e: msg = ( "min_spacing must be numeric but received: {}, {}".format( min_spacing, type(min_spacing) ) ) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) from e self.objective_function = objective_function self.capital_cost_function = capital_cost_function self.fixed_operating_cost_function = fixed_operating_cost_function self.variable_operating_cost_function = ( variable_operating_cost_function ) self.balance_of_system_cost_function = balance_of_system_cost_function self.min_spacing = min_spacing self.wake_loss_multiplier = wake_loss_multiplier self.ga_kwargs = ga_kwargs or {} self._sam_sys_inputs = sam_sys_inputs self._out_req = list(output_request) self._ws_bins = ws_bins self._wd_bins = wd_bins self._baseline_cap_mw = eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw self._res_df = None self._prior_meta = prior_meta is not None self._meta = prior_meta self._wind_dist = None self._ws_edges = None self._wd_edges = None self._wind_plant_pd = None self._wind_plant_ts = None self._plant_optm = None self._gid_map = self._parse_gid_map(gid_map) self._bias_correct = Gen._parse_bc(bias_correct) self._pre_loaded_data = pre_loaded_data self._outputs = {} res = res if not isinstance(res, str) else MultiYearWindResource(res) self._sc_point = AggSCPoint( gid, excl, res, tm_dset, excl_dict=excl_dict, inclusion_mask=inclusion_mask, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, exclusion_shape=exclusion_shape, close=close, ) self._parse_output_req() self._data_layers = data_layers self._parse_prior_run() def __str__(self): s = "BespokeSinglePlant for reV SC gid {} with resolution {}".format( self.sc_point.gid, self.sc_point.resolution ) return s def __repr__(self): s = "BespokeSinglePlant for reV SC gid {} with resolution {}".format( self.sc_point.gid, self.sc_point.resolution ) return s def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise def _parse_output_req(self): """Make sure that the output request has basic important parameters (cf_mean, annual_energy) and process mean wind resource datasets (ws_mean, *_mean) if requested. """ required = ("cf_mean", "annual_energy") for req in required: if req not in self._out_req: self._out_req.append(req) if "ws_mean" in self._out_req: self._out_req.remove("ws_mean") self._outputs["ws_mean"] = self.res_df["windspeed"].mean() for req in copy.deepcopy(self._out_req): if req in self.res_df: self._out_req.remove(req) for annual_ti in self.annual_time_indexes: year = annual_ti.year[0] mask = self.res_df.index.isin(annual_ti) arr = self.res_df.loc[mask, req].values.flatten() self._outputs[req + f"-{year}"] = arr elif req.replace("_mean", "") in self.res_df: self._out_req.remove(req) dset = req.replace("_mean", "") self._outputs[req] = self.res_df[dset].mean() if "lcoe_fcr" in self._out_req and ( "fixed_charge_rate" not in self.original_sam_sys_inputs ): msg = ( 'User requested "lcoe_fcr" but did not input ' '"fixed_charge_rate" in the SAM system config.' ) logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) def _parse_prior_run(self): """Parse prior bespoke wind plant optimization run meta data and make sure the SAM system inputs are set accordingly.""" # {meta_column: sam_sys_input_key} required = { SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW: "system_capacity", SupplyCurveField.TURBINE_X_COORDS: "wind_farm_xCoordinates", SupplyCurveField.TURBINE_Y_COORDS: "wind_farm_yCoordinates", } if self._prior_meta: missing = [k for k in required if k not in self.meta] msg = ( "Prior bespoke run meta data is missing the following " "required columns: {}".format(missing) ) assert not any(missing), msg for meta_col, sam_sys_key in required.items(): prior_value = self.meta[meta_col].values[0] self._sam_sys_inputs[sam_sys_key] = prior_value # convert reV supply curve cap in MW to SAM capacity in kW self._sam_sys_inputs["system_capacity"] *= 1e3 @staticmethod def _parse_gid_map(gid_map): """Parse the gid map and return the extracted dictionary or None if not provided Parameters ---------- gid_map : None | str | dict Mapping of unique integer generation gids (keys) to single integer resource gids (values). This can be None, a pre-extracted dict, or a filepath to json or csv. If this is a csv, it must have the columns "gid" (which matches the techmap) and "gid_map" (gids to extract from the resource input). This is useful if you're running forecasted resource data (e.g., ECMWF) to complement historical meteorology (e.g., WTK). Returns ------- gid_map : dict | None Pre-extracted gid_map dictionary if provided or None if not. """ if isinstance(gid_map, str): if gid_map.endswith(".csv"): gid_map = ( pd.read_csv(gid_map) .rename(SupplyCurveField.map_to(ResourceMetaField), axis=1) .to_dict() ) err_msg = f"Need {ResourceMetaField.GID} in gid_map column" assert ResourceMetaField.GID in gid_map, err_msg assert "gid_map" in gid_map, 'Need "gid_map" in gid_map column' gid_map = { gid_map[ResourceMetaField.GID][i]: gid_map["gid_map"][i] for i in gid_map[ResourceMetaField.GID] } elif gid_map.endswith(".json"): with open(gid_map) as f: gid_map = json.load(f) return gid_map
[docs] def close(self): """Close any open file handlers via the sc point attribute. If this class was initialized with close=False, this will not close any handlers.""" self.sc_point.close()
[docs] def bias_correct_ws(self, ws, dset, h5_gids): """Bias correct windspeed data if the ``bias_correct`` input was provided. Parameters ---------- ws : np.ndarray Windspeed data in shape (time, space) dset : str Resource dataset name e.g., "windspeed_100m", "temperature_100m", "pressure_100m", or something similar h5_gids : list | np.ndarray Array of integer gids (spatial indices) from the source h5 file. This is used to get the correct bias correction parameters from ``bias_correct`` table based on its ``gid`` column Returns ------- ws : np.ndarray Bias corrected windspeed data in same shape as input """ if self._bias_correct is not None and dset.startswith("windspeed_"): out = parse_bc_table(self._bias_correct, h5_gids) bc_fun, bc_fun_kwargs, bool_bc = out if bool_bc.any(): logger.debug( "Bias correcting windspeed with function {} " "for h5 gids: {}".format(bc_fun, h5_gids) ) bc_fun_kwargs["ws"] = ws[:, bool_bc] sig = signature(bc_fun) bc_fun_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in bc_fun_kwargs.items() if k in sig.parameters } ws[:, bool_bc] = bc_fun(**bc_fun_kwargs) return ws
[docs] def get_weighted_res_ts(self, dset): """Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean resource timeseries data for the BespokeSinglePlant. Parameters ---------- dset : str Resource dataset name e.g., "windspeed_100m", "temperature_100m", "pressure_100m", or something similar Returns ------- data : np.ndarray Timeseries data of shape (n_time,) for the wind plant weighted by the plant inclusions mask. """ gids = self.sc_point.h5_gid_set h5_gids = copy.deepcopy(gids) if self._gid_map is not None: h5_gids = [self._gid_map[g] for g in gids] if self._pre_loaded_data is None: data = self.sc_point.h5[dset, :, h5_gids] else: data = self._pre_loaded_data[dset, :, h5_gids] data = self.bias_correct_ws(data, dset, h5_gids) weights = np.zeros(len(gids)) for i, gid in enumerate(gids): mask = self.sc_point._h5_gids == gid weights[i] = self.sc_point.include_mask_flat[mask].sum() weights /= weights.sum() data = data.astype(np.float32) data *= weights data = np.sum(data, axis=1) return data
[docs] def get_weighted_res_dir(self): """Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean wind direction for the BespokeSinglePlant Returns ------- mean_wind_dirs : np.ndarray Timeseries array of winddirection data in shape (n_time,) in units of degrees from north. """ dset = f"winddirection_{self.hub_height}m" gids = self.sc_point.h5_gid_set h5_gids = copy.deepcopy(gids) if self._gid_map is not None: h5_gids = [self._gid_map[g] for g in gids] if self._pre_loaded_data is None: dirs = self.sc_point.h5[dset, :, h5_gids] else: dirs = self._pre_loaded_data[dset, :, h5_gids] angles = np.radians(dirs, dtype=np.float32) weights = np.zeros(len(gids)) for i, gid in enumerate(gids): mask = self.sc_point._h5_gids == gid weights[i] = self.sc_point.include_mask_flat[mask].sum() weights /= weights.sum() sin = np.sum(np.sin(angles) * weights, axis=1) cos = np.sum(np.cos(angles) * weights, axis=1) mean_wind_dirs = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin, cos)) mean_wind_dirs[(mean_wind_dirs < 0)] += 360 return mean_wind_dirs
@property def gid(self): """SC point gid for this bespoke plant. Returns ------- int """ return self.sc_point.gid @property def include_mask(self): """Get the supply curve point 2D inclusion mask (included is 1, excluded is 0) Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return self.sc_point.include_mask @property def pixel_side_length(self): """Get the length of a single exclusion pixel side (meters) Returns ------- float """ return np.sqrt(self.sc_point.pixel_area) * 1000.0 @property def original_sam_sys_inputs(self): """Get the original (pre-optimized) SAM windpower system inputs. Returns ------- dict """ return self._sam_sys_inputs @property def sam_sys_inputs(self): """Get the SAM windpower system inputs. If the wind plant has not yet been optimized, this returns the initial SAM config. If the wind plant has been optimized using the wind_plant_pd object, this returns the final optimized SAM plant config. Returns ------- dict """ config = copy.deepcopy(self._sam_sys_inputs) if self._wind_plant_pd is None: return config config.update(self._wind_plant_pd.sam_sys_inputs) return config @property def sc_point(self): """Get the reV supply curve point object. Returns ------- AggSCPoint """ return self._sc_point @property def meta(self): """Get the basic supply curve point meta data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ if self._meta is None: res_gids = json.dumps([int(g) for g in self.sc_point.h5_gid_set]) gid_counts = json.dumps( [float(np.round(n, 1)) for n in self.sc_point.gid_counts] ) self._meta = pd.DataFrame( { "gid": self.sc_point.gid, # needed for collection SupplyCurveField.LATITUDE: self.sc_point.latitude, SupplyCurveField.LONGITUDE: self.sc_point.longitude, SupplyCurveField.COUNTRY:, SupplyCurveField.STATE: self.sc_point.state, SupplyCurveField.COUNTY: self.sc_point.county, SupplyCurveField.ELEVATION: self.sc_point.elevation, SupplyCurveField.TIMEZONE: self.sc_point.timezone, SupplyCurveField.SC_POINT_GID: self.sc_point.sc_point_gid, SupplyCurveField.SC_ROW_IND: self.sc_point.sc_row_ind, SupplyCurveField.SC_COL_IND: self.sc_point.sc_col_ind, SupplyCurveField.RES_GIDS: res_gids, SupplyCurveField.GID_COUNTS: gid_counts, SupplyCurveField.N_GIDS: self.sc_point.n_gids, SupplyCurveField.OFFSHORE: self.sc_point.offshore, SupplyCurveField.AREA_SQ_KM: self.sc_point.area, }, index=[self.sc_point.gid], ) return self._meta @property def hub_height(self): """Get the integer SAM system config turbine hub height (meters) Returns ------- int """ return int(self.sam_sys_inputs["wind_turbine_hub_ht"]) @property def res_df(self): """Get the reV compliant wind resource dataframe representing the aggregated and included wind resource in the current reV supply curve point at the turbine hub height. Includes a DatetimeIndex and columns for temperature, pressure, windspeed, and winddirection. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ if self._res_df is None: if self._pre_loaded_data is None: ti = self.sc_point.h5.time_index else: ti = self._pre_loaded_data.time_index wd = self.get_weighted_res_dir() ws = self.get_weighted_res_ts(f"windspeed_{self.hub_height}m") temp = self.get_weighted_res_ts(f"temperature_{self.hub_height}m") pres = self.get_weighted_res_ts(f"pressure_{self.hub_height}m") # convert mbar to atm if np.nanmax(pres) > 1000: pres *= 9.86923e-6 data = { "temperature": temp, "pressure": pres, "windspeed": ws, "winddirection": wd, } if self.sam_sys_inputs.get("en_icing_cutoff"): rh = self.get_weighted_res_ts("relativehumidity_2m") data["relativehumidity"] = rh self._res_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=ti) if "time_index_step" in self.original_sam_sys_inputs: ti_step = self.original_sam_sys_inputs["time_index_step"] self._res_df = self._res_df.iloc[::ti_step] return self._res_df @property def years(self): """Get the sorted list of analysis years. Returns ------- list """ return sorted(list(self.res_df.index.year.unique())) @property def annual_time_indexes(self): """Get an ordered list of single-year time index objects that matches the profile outputs from the wind_plant_ts object. Returns ------- list """ tis = [] for year in self.years: ti = self.res_df.index[(self.res_df.index.year == year)] tis.append(WindPower.ensure_res_len(ti, ti)) return tis @property def wind_dist(self): """Get the wind joint probability distribution and corresonding bin edges Returns ------- wind_dist : np.ndarray 2D array probability distribution of (windspeed, winddirection) normalized so the sum of all values = 1. ws_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of windspeed (m/s) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability distribution. Same len as wind_dist.shape[0] + 1 wd_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of winddirections (deg) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability dist. Same len as wind_dist.shape[1] + 1 """ if self._wind_dist is None: ws_bins = JointPD._make_bins(*self._ws_bins) wd_bins = JointPD._make_bins(*self._wd_bins) hist_out = np.histogram2d( self.res_df["windspeed"], self.res_df["winddirection"], bins=(ws_bins, wd_bins), ) self._wind_dist, self._ws_edges, self._wd_edges = hist_out self._wind_dist /= self._wind_dist.sum() return self._wind_dist, self._ws_edges, self._wd_edges
[docs] def initialize_wind_plant_ts(self): """Initialize the annual wind plant timeseries analysis object(s) using the annual resource data and the sam system inputs from the optimized plant. Returns ------- wind_plant_ts : dict Annual reV.SAM.generation.WindPower object(s) keyed by year. """ wind_plant_ts = {} for year in self.years: res_df = self.res_df[(self.res_df.index.year == year)] sam_inputs = copy.deepcopy(self.sam_sys_inputs) if "lcoe_fcr" in self._out_req: lcoe_kwargs = self.get_lcoe_kwargs() sam_inputs.update(lcoe_kwargs) i_wp = WindPower( res_df, self.meta, sam_inputs, output_request=self._out_req ) wind_plant_ts[year] = i_wp return wind_plant_ts
@property def wind_plant_pd(self): """ReV WindPowerPD compute object for plant layout optimization based on wind joint probability distribution Returns ------- reV.SAM.generation.WindPowerPD """ if self._wind_plant_pd is None: wind_dist, ws_edges, wd_edges = self.wind_dist self._wind_plant_pd = WindPowerPD( ws_edges, wd_edges, wind_dist, self.meta, self.sam_sys_inputs, output_request=self._out_req, ) return self._wind_plant_pd @property def wind_plant_ts(self): """ReV WindPower compute object(s) based on wind resource timeseries data keyed by year Returns ------- dict """ return self._wind_plant_ts @property def plant_optimizer(self): """Bespoke plant turbine placement optimizer object. Returns ------- PlaceTurbines """ if self._plant_optm is None: # put import here to delay breaking due to special dependencies from reV.bespoke.place_turbines import PlaceTurbines self._plant_optm = PlaceTurbines( self.wind_plant_pd, self.objective_function, self.capital_cost_function, self.fixed_operating_cost_function, self.variable_operating_cost_function, self.balance_of_system_cost_function, self.include_mask, self.pixel_side_length, self.min_spacing, self.wake_loss_multiplier, ) return self._plant_optm
[docs] def recalc_lcoe(self): """Recalculate the multi-year mean LCOE based on the multi-year mean annual energy production (AEP)""" if "lcoe_fcr-means" in self.outputs: lcoe_kwargs = self.get_lcoe_kwargs() logger.debug( "Recalulating multi-year mean LCOE using " "multi-year mean AEP." ) fcr = lcoe_kwargs['fixed_charge_rate'] cc = lcoe_kwargs['capital_cost'] foc = lcoe_kwargs['fixed_operating_cost'] voc = lcoe_kwargs['variable_operating_cost'] aep = self.outputs['annual_energy-means'] my_mean_lcoe = lcoe_fcr(fcr, cc, foc, aep, voc) self._outputs["lcoe_fcr-means"] = my_mean_lcoe self._meta[SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE] = my_mean_lcoe
[docs] def get_lcoe_kwargs(self): """Get a namespace of arguments for calculating LCOE based on the bespoke optimized wind plant capacity Returns ------- lcoe_kwargs : dict kwargs for the SAM lcoe model. These are based on the original sam_sys_inputs, normalized to the original system_capacity, and updated based on the bespoke optimized system_capacity, includes fixed_charge_rate, system_capacity (kW), capital_cost ($), fixed_operating_cos ($), variable_operating_cost ($/kWh), balance_of_system_cost ($). Data source priority: outputs, plant_optimizer, original_sam_sys_inputs, meta """ kwargs_map = { "fixed_charge_rate": SupplyCurveField.FIXED_CHARGE_RATE, "system_capacity": SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW, "capital_cost": SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_CAPITAL_COST, "fixed_operating_cost": ( SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_FIXED_OPERATING_COST ), "variable_operating_cost": ( SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_VARIABLE_OPERATING_COST ), "balance_of_system_cost": ( SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_BALANCE_OF_SYSTEM_COST ), } lcoe_kwargs = {} for kwarg, meta_field in kwargs_map.items(): if kwarg in self.outputs: lcoe_kwargs[kwarg] = self.outputs[kwarg] elif getattr(self.plant_optimizer, kwarg, None) is not None: lcoe_kwargs[kwarg] = getattr(self.plant_optimizer, kwarg) elif kwarg in self.original_sam_sys_inputs: lcoe_kwargs[kwarg] = self.original_sam_sys_inputs[kwarg] elif kwarg in self.meta: value = float(self.meta[kwarg].values[0]) lcoe_kwargs[kwarg] = value elif meta_field in self.meta: value = float(self.meta[meta_field].values[0]) if meta_field == SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW: value *= 1000 # MW to kW lcoe_kwargs[kwarg] = value missing = [k for k in kwargs_map if k not in lcoe_kwargs] if any(missing): msg = ( "Could not find these LCOE kwargs in outputs, " "plant_optimizer, original_sam_sys_inputs, or meta: {}".format( missing ) ) logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) bos = lcoe_kwargs.pop("balance_of_system_cost") lcoe_kwargs["capital_cost"] = lcoe_kwargs["capital_cost"] + bos return lcoe_kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def check_dependencies(cls): """Check special dependencies for bespoke""" missing = [] for name in cls.DEPENDENCIES: try: import_module(name) except ModuleNotFoundError: missing.append(name) if any(missing): msg = ( "The reV bespoke module depends on the following special " "dependencies that were not found in the active " "environment: {}".format(missing) ) logger.error(msg) raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg)
@staticmethod def _check_sys_inputs(plant1, plant2, ignore=('wind_resource_model_choice', 'wind_resource_data', 'wind_turbine_powercurve_powerout', 'hourly', 'capital_cost', 'fixed_operating_cost', 'variable_operating_cost', 'balance_of_system_cost', 'base_capital_cost', 'base_fixed_operating_cost', 'base_variable_operating_cost')): """Check two reV-SAM models for matching system inputs. Parameters ---------- plant1/plant2 : reV.SAM.generation.WindPower Two WindPower analysis objects to check. """ bad = [] for k, v in plant1.sam_sys_inputs.items(): if k not in plant2.sam_sys_inputs or str(v) != str( plant2.sam_sys_inputs[k] ): bad.append(k) bad = [b for b in bad if b not in ignore] if any(bad): msg = "Inputs no longer match: {}".format(bad) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def run_wind_plant_ts(self): """Run the wind plant multi-year timeseries analysis and export output requests to outputs property. Returns ------- outputs : dict Output dictionary for the full BespokeSinglePlant object. The multi-year timeseries data is also exported to the BespokeSinglePlant.outputs property. """ logger.debug( "Running {} years of SAM timeseries analysis for {}".format( len(self.years), self ) ) self._wind_plant_ts = self.initialize_wind_plant_ts() for year, plant in self.wind_plant_ts.items(): self._check_sys_inputs(plant, self.wind_plant_pd) try: plant.run_gen_and_econ() except Exception as e: msg = ( "{} failed while trying to run SAM WindPower " "timeseries analysis for {}".format(self, year) ) logger.exception(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e for k, v in plant.outputs.items(): self._outputs[k + "-{}".format(year)] = v means = {} for k1, v1 in self._outputs.items(): if isinstance(v1, Number) and parse_year(k1, option="boolean"): year = parse_year(k1) base_str = k1.replace(str(year), "") all_values = [ v2 for k2, v2 in self._outputs.items() if base_str in k2 ] means[base_str + "means"] = np.mean(all_values) self._outputs.update(means) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.MEAN_RES] = self.res_df["windspeed"].mean() self._meta[SupplyCurveField.MEAN_CF_DC] = np.nan self._meta[SupplyCurveField.MEAN_CF_AC] = np.nan self._meta[SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE] = np.nan self._meta[SupplyCurveField.SC_POINT_ANNUAL_ENERGY_MWH] = np.nan # copy dataset outputs to meta data for supply curve table summary if "cf_mean-means" in self.outputs: self._meta.loc[:, SupplyCurveField.MEAN_CF_AC] = self.outputs[ "cf_mean-means" ] if "lcoe_fcr-means" in self.outputs: self._meta.loc[:, SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE] = self.outputs[ "lcoe_fcr-means" ] self.recalc_lcoe() if "annual_energy-means" in self.outputs: self._meta[SupplyCurveField.SC_POINT_ANNUAL_ENERGY_MWH] = ( self.outputs["annual_energy-means"] / 1000 ) logger.debug("Timeseries analysis complete!") return self.outputs
[docs] def run_plant_optimization(self): """Run the wind plant layout optimization and export outputs to outputs property. Returns ------- outputs : dict Output dictionary for the full BespokeSinglePlant object. The layout optimization output data is also exported to the BespokeSinglePlant.outputs property. """ logger.debug("Running plant layout optimization for {}".format(self)) try: self.plant_optimizer.place_turbines(**self.ga_kwargs) except Exception as e: msg = ( "{} failed while trying to run the " "turbine placement optimizer".format(self) ) logger.exception(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e self._outputs["full_polygons"] = self.plant_optimizer.full_polygons self._outputs["packing_polygons"] = ( self.plant_optimizer.packing_polygons ) system_capacity_kw = self.plant_optimizer.capacity self._outputs["system_capacity"] = system_capacity_kw txc = [int(np.round(c)) for c in self.plant_optimizer.turbine_x] tyc = [int(np.round(c)) for c in self.plant_optimizer.turbine_y] pxc = [int(np.round(c)) for c in self.plant_optimizer.x_locations] pyc = [int(np.round(c)) for c in self.plant_optimizer.y_locations] txc = json.dumps(txc) tyc = json.dumps(tyc) pxc = json.dumps(pxc) pyc = json.dumps(pyc) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.TURBINE_X_COORDS] = txc self._meta[SupplyCurveField.TURBINE_Y_COORDS] = tyc self._meta[SupplyCurveField.POSSIBLE_X_COORDS] = pxc self._meta[SupplyCurveField.POSSIBLE_Y_COORDS] = pyc self._meta[SupplyCurveField.N_TURBINES] = self.plant_optimizer.nturbs self._meta["avg_sl_dist_to_center_m"] = ( self.plant_optimizer.avg_sl_dist_to_center_m ) self._meta["avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m"] = ( self.plant_optimizer.avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m ) self._meta["nn_conn_dist_m"] = self.plant_optimizer.nn_conn_dist_m self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_AEP] = self.plant_optimizer.aep self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_OBJECTIVE] = ( self.plant_optimizer.objective ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_CAPITAL_COST] = ( self.plant_optimizer.capital_cost ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_FIXED_OPERATING_COST] = ( self.plant_optimizer.fixed_operating_cost ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_VARIABLE_OPERATING_COST] = ( self.plant_optimizer.variable_operating_cost ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.BESPOKE_BALANCE_OF_SYSTEM_COST] = ( self.plant_optimizer.balance_of_system_cost ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.INCLUDED_AREA] = self.plant_optimizer.area self._meta[SupplyCurveField.INCLUDED_AREA_CAPACITY_DENSITY] = ( self.plant_optimizer.capacity_density ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.CONVEX_HULL_AREA] = ( self.plant_optimizer.convex_hull_area ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.CONVEX_HULL_CAPACITY_DENSITY] = ( self.plant_optimizer.convex_hull_capacity_density ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.FULL_CELL_CAPACITY_DENSITY] = ( self.plant_optimizer.full_cell_capacity_density ) # copy dataset outputs to meta data for supply curve table summary # convert SAM system capacity in kW to reV supply curve cap in MW capacity_ac_mw = system_capacity_kw / 1e3 self._meta[SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW] = capacity_ac_mw self._meta[SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_DC_MW] = np.nan # add required ReEDS multipliers to meta baseline_cost = self.plant_optimizer.capital_cost_per_kw( capacity_mw=self._baseline_cap_mw ) eos_mult = (self.plant_optimizer.capital_cost / self.plant_optimizer.capacity / baseline_cost) reg_mult_cc = self.sam_sys_inputs.get( "capital_cost_multiplier", 1) reg_mult_foc = self.sam_sys_inputs.get( "fixed_operating_cost_multiplier", 1) reg_mult_voc = self.sam_sys_inputs.get( "variable_operating_cost_multiplier", 1) reg_mult_bos = self.sam_sys_inputs.get( "balance_of_system_cost_multiplier", 1) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.EOS_MULT] = eos_mult self._meta[SupplyCurveField.REG_MULT] = reg_mult_cc self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_SITE_OCC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( (self.plant_optimizer.capital_cost + self.plant_optimizer.balance_of_system_cost) / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_BASE_OCC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( (self.plant_optimizer.capital_cost / eos_mult / reg_mult_cc + self.plant_optimizer.balance_of_system_cost / reg_mult_bos) / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_SITE_FOC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( self.plant_optimizer.fixed_operating_cost / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_BASE_FOC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( self.plant_optimizer.fixed_operating_cost / reg_mult_foc / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_SITE_VOC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( self.plant_optimizer.variable_operating_cost / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.COST_BASE_VOC_USD_PER_AC_MW] = ( self.plant_optimizer.variable_operating_cost / reg_mult_voc / capacity_ac_mw ) self._meta[SupplyCurveField.FIXED_CHARGE_RATE] = ( self.plant_optimizer.fixed_charge_rate ) logger.debug("Plant layout optimization complete!") return self.outputs
[docs] def agg_data_layers(self): """Aggregate optional data layers if requested and save to self.meta""" if self._data_layers is not None: logger.debug( "Aggregating {} extra data layers.".format( len(self._data_layers) ) ) point_summary = self.meta.to_dict() point_summary = self.sc_point.agg_data_layers( point_summary, self._data_layers ) self._meta = pd.DataFrame(point_summary) logger.debug("Finished aggregating extra data layers.")
@property def outputs(self): """Saved outputs for the single wind plant bespoke optimization. Returns ------- dict """ return self._outputs
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Run the bespoke optimization for a single wind plant. Parameters ---------- See the class initialization parameters. Returns ------- bsp : dict Bespoke single plant outputs namespace keyed by dataset name including a dataset "meta" for the BespokeSinglePlant meta data. """ with cls(*args, **kwargs) as bsp: if bsp._prior_meta: logger.debug( "Skipping bespoke plant optimization for gid {}. " "Received prior meta data for this point.".format(bsp.gid) ) else: _ = bsp.run_plant_optimization() _ = bsp.run_wind_plant_ts() bsp.agg_data_layers() meta = bsp.meta out = bsp.outputs out["meta"] = meta for year, ti in zip(bsp.years, bsp.annual_time_indexes): out["time_index-{}".format(year)] = ti return out
[docs]class BespokeWindPlants(BaseAggregation): """BespokeWindPlants""" def __init__(self, excl_fpath, res_fpath, tm_dset, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, project_points, sam_files, min_spacing='5x', wake_loss_multiplier=1, ga_kwargs=None, output_request=('system_capacity', 'cf_mean'), ws_bins=(0.0, 20.0, 5.0), wd_bins=(0.0, 360.0, 45.0), excl_dict=None, area_filter_kernel='queen', min_area=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, data_layers=None, pre_extract_inclusions=False, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=200, prior_run=None, gid_map=None, bias_correct=None, pre_load_data=False): """reV bespoke analysis class. Much like generation, ``reV`` bespoke analysis runs SAM simulations by piping in renewable energy resource data (usually from the WTK), loading the SAM config, and then executing the :py:class:`PySAM.Windpower.Windpower` compute module. However, unlike ``reV`` generation, bespoke analysis is performed on the supply-curve grid resolution, and the plant layout is optimized for every supply-curve point based on an optimization objective specified by the user. See the NREL publication on the bespoke methodology for more information. See the documentation for the ``reV`` SAM class (e.g. :class:`reV.SAM.generation.WindPower`, :class:`reV.SAM.generation.PvWattsv8`, :class:`reV.SAM.generation.Geothermal`, etc.) for info on the allowed and/or required SAM config file inputs. Parameters ---------- excl_fpath : str | list | tuple Filepath to exclusions data HDF5 file. The exclusions HDF5 file should contain the layers specified in `excl_dict` and `data_layers`. These layers may also be spread out across multiple HDF5 files, in which case this input should be a list or tuple of filepaths pointing to the files containing the layers. Note that each data layer must be uniquely defined (i.e.only appear once and in a single input file). res_fpath : str Unix shell style path to wind resource HDF5 file in NREL WTK format. Can also be a path including a wildcard input like ``/h5_dir/prefix*suffix`` to run bespoke on multiple years of resource data. Can also be an explicit list of resource HDF5 file paths, which themselves can contain wildcards. If multiple files are specified in this way, they must have the same coordinates but can have different time indices (i.e. different years). This input must be readable by :py:class:`rex.multi_year_resource.MultiYearWindResource` (i.e. the resource data conform to the `rex data format <>`_). This means the data file(s) must contain a 1D ``time_index`` dataset indicating the UTC time of observation, a 1D ``meta`` dataset represented by a DataFrame with site-specific columns, and 2D resource datasets that match the dimensions of (time_index, meta). The time index must start at 00:00 of January 1st of the year under consideration, and its shape must be a multiple of 8760. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the `excl_fpath` file containing the techmap (exclusions-to-resource mapping data). This data layer links the supply curve GID's to the generation GID's that are used to evaluate the performance metrics of each wind plant. By default, the generation GID's are assumed to match the resource GID's, but this mapping can be customized via the `gid_map` input (see the documentation for `gid_map` for more details). .. Important:: This dataset uniquely couples the (typically high-resolution) exclusion layers to the (typically lower-resolution) resource data. Therefore, a separate techmap must be used for every unique combination of resource and exclusion coordinates. objective_function : str The objective function of the optimization written out as a string. This expression should compute the objective to be minimized during layout optimization. Variables available for computation are: - ``n_turbines``: the number of turbines - ``system_capacity``: wind plant capacity - ``aep``: annual energy production - ``avg_sl_dist_to_center_m``: Average straight-line distance to the supply curve point center from all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs. - ``avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m``: Average straight-line distance to the medoid of all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs. - ``nn_conn_dist_m``: Total BOS connection distance using nearest-neighbor connections. This variable is only available for the ``balance_of_system_cost_function`` equation. - ``fixed_charge_rate``: user input fixed_charge_rate if included as part of the sam system config. - ``capital_cost``: plant capital cost as evaluated by `capital_cost_function` - ``fixed_operating_cost``: plant fixed annual operating cost as evaluated by `fixed_operating_cost_function` - ``variable_operating_cost``: plant variable annual operating cost as evaluated by `variable_operating_cost_function` - ``balance_of_system_cost``: plant balance of system cost as evaluated by `balance_of_system_cost_function` - ``self.wind_plant``: the SAM wind plant object, through which all SAM variables can be accessed capital_cost_function : str The plant capital cost function written out as a string. This expression must return the total plant capital cost in $. This expression has access to the same variables as the `objective_function` argument above. fixed_operating_cost_function : str The plant annual fixed operating cost function written out as a string. This expression must return the fixed operating cost in $/year. This expression has access to the same variables as the `objective_function` argument above. variable_operating_cost_function : str The plant annual variable operating cost function written out as a string. This expression must return the variable operating cost in $/kWh. This expression has access to the same variables as the `objective_function` argument above. You can set this to "0" to effectively ignore variable operating costs. balance_of_system_cost_function : str The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to "0" to effectively ignore balance-of-system costs. project_points : int | list | tuple | str | dict | pd.DataFrame | slice Input specifying which sites to process. A single integer representing the supply curve GID of a site may be specified to evaluate ``reV`` at a supply curve point. A list or tuple of integers (or slice) representing the supply curve GIDs of multiple sites can be specified to evaluate ``reV`` at multiple specific locations. A string pointing to a project points CSV file may also be specified. Typically, the CSV contains the following columns: - ``gid``: Integer specifying the supply curve GID of each site. - ``config``: Key in the `sam_files` input dictionary (see below) corresponding to the SAM configuration to use for each particular site. This value can also be ``None`` (or left out completely) if you specify only a single SAM configuration file as the `sam_files` input. The CSV file may also contain site-specific inputs by including a column named after a config keyword (e.g. a column called ``capital_cost`` may be included to specify a site-specific capital cost value for each location). Columns that do not correspond to a config key may also be included, but they will be ignored. The CSV file input can also have these extra, optional columns: - ``capital_cost_multiplier`` - ``fixed_operating_cost_multiplier`` - ``variable_operating_cost_multiplier`` - ``balance_of_system_cost_multiplier`` These particular inputs are treated as multipliers to be applied to the respective cost curves (`capital_cost_function`, `fixed_operating_cost_function`, `variable_operating_cost_function`, and `balance_of_system_cost_function`) both during and after the optimization. A DataFrame following the same guidelines as the CSV input (or a dictionary that can be used to initialize such a DataFrame) may be used for this input as well. If you would like to obtain all available ``reV`` supply curve points to run, you can use the :class:`reV.supply_curve.extent.SupplyCurveExtent` class like so:: import pandas as pd from reV.supply_curve.extent import SupplyCurveExtent excl_fpath = "..." resolution = ... with SupplyCurveExtent(excl_fpath, resolution) as sc: points = sc.valid_sc_points(tm_dset).tolist() points = pd.DataFrame({"gid": points}) points["config"] = "default" # or a list of config choices # Use the points directly or save them to csv for CLI usage points.to_csv("project_points.csv", index=False) sam_files : dict | str A dictionary mapping SAM input configuration ID(s) to SAM configuration(s). Keys are the SAM config ID(s) which correspond to the ``config`` column in the project points CSV. Values for each key are either a path to a corresponding SAM config file or a full dictionary of SAM config inputs. For example:: sam_files = { "default": "/path/to/default/sam.json", "onshore": "/path/to/onshore/sam_config.yaml", "offshore": { "sam_key_1": "sam_value_1", "sam_key_2": "sam_value_2", ... }, ... } This input can also be a string pointing to a single SAM config file. In this case, the ``config`` column of the CSV points input should be set to ``None`` or left out completely. See the documentation for the ``reV`` SAM class (e.g. :class:`reV.SAM.generation.WindPower`, :class:`reV.SAM.generation.PvWattsv8`, :class:`reV.SAM.generation.Geothermal`, etc.) for info on the allowed and/or required SAM config file inputs. min_spacing : float | int | str, optional Minimum spacing between turbines (in meters). This input can also be a string like "5x", which is interpreted as 5 times the turbine rotor diameter. By default, ``"5x"``. wake_loss_multiplier : float, optional A multiplier used to scale the annual energy lost due to wake losses. .. WARNING:: This multiplier will ONLY be applied during the optimization process and will NOT come through in output values such as the hourly profiles, aep, any of the cost functions, or even the output objective. By default, ``1``. ga_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to GA initialization. If ``None``, default initialization values are used. See :class:`~reV.bespoke.gradient_free.GeneticAlgorithm` for a description of the allowed keyword arguments. By default, ``None``. output_request : list | tuple, optional Outputs requested from the SAM windpower simulation after the bespoke plant layout optimization. Can be any of the parameters in the "Outputs" group of the PySAM module :py:class:`PySAM.Windpower.Windpower.Outputs`, PySAM module. This list can also include a select number of SAM config/resource parameters to include in the output: any key in any of the `output attribute JSON files <>`_ may be requested. Time-series profiles requested via this input are output in UTC. This input can also be used to request resource means like ``"ws_mean"``, ``"windspeed_mean"``, ``"temperature_mean"``, and ``"pressure_mean"``. By default, ``('system_capacity', 'cf_mean')``. ws_bins : tuple, optional A 3-entry tuple with ``(start, stop, step)`` for the windspeed binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ``ws_bins=(0, 20, 5)`` would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 5, 10, 15, 20). By default, ``(0.0, 20.0, 5.0)``. wd_bins : tuple, optional A 3-entry tuple with ``(start, stop, step)`` for the wind direction binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ``wd_bins=(0, 360, 90)`` would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 90, 180, 270, 360). By default, ``(0.0, 360.0, 45.0)``. excl_dict : dict, optional Dictionary of exclusion keyword arguments of the format ``{layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}}``, where ``layer_dset_name`` is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and the ``kwarg: value`` pair is a keyword argument to the :class:`reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask` class. For example:: excl_dict = { "typical_exclusion": { "exclude_values": 255, }, "another_exclusion": { "exclude_values": [2, 3], "weight": 0.5 }, "exclusion_with_nodata": { "exclude_range": [10, 100], "exclude_nodata": True, "nodata_value": -1 }, "partial_setback": { "use_as_weights": True }, "height_limit": { "exclude_range": [0, 200] }, "slope": { "include_range": [0, 20] }, "developable_land": { "force_include_values": 42 }, "more_developable_land": { "force_include_range": [5, 10] }, ... } Note that all the keys given in this dictionary should be datasets of the `excl_fpath` file. If ``None`` or empty dictionary, no exclusions are applied. By default, ``None``. area_filter_kernel : {"queen", "rook"}, optional Contiguous area filter method to use on final exclusions mask. The filters are defined as:: # Queen: # Rook: [[1,1,1], [[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1]] [0,1,0]] These filters define how neighboring pixels are "connected". Once pixels in the final exclusion layer are connected, the area of each resulting cluster is computed and compared against the `min_area` input. Any cluster with an area less than `min_area` is excluded from the final mask. This argument has no effect if `min_area` is ``None``. By default, ``"queen"``. min_area : float, optional Minimum area (in km\ :sup:`2`) required to keep an isolated cluster of (included) land within the resulting exclusions mask. Any clusters of land with areas less than this value will be marked as exclusions. See the documentation for `area_filter_kernel` for an explanation of how the area of each land cluster is computed. If ``None``, no area filtering is performed. By default, ``None``. resolution : int, optional Supply Curve resolution. This value defines how many pixels are in a single side of a supply curve cell. For example, a value of ``64`` would generate a supply curve where the side of each supply curve cell is ``64x64`` exclusion pixels. By default, ``64``. excl_area : float, optional Area of a single exclusion mask pixel (in km\ :sup:`2`). If ``None``, this value will be inferred from the profile transform attribute in `excl_fpath`. By default, ``None``. data_layers : dict, optional Dictionary of aggregation data layers of the format:: data_layers = { "output_layer_name": { "dset": "layer_name", "method": "mean", "fpath": "/path/to/data.h5" }, "another_output_layer_name": { "dset": "input_layer_name", "method": "mode", # optional "fpath" key omitted }, ... } The ``"output_layer_name"`` is the column name under which the aggregated data will appear in the meta DataFrame of the output file. The ``"output_layer_name"`` does not have to match the ``dset`` input value. The latter should match the layer name in the HDF5 from which the data to aggregate should be pulled. The ``method`` should be one of ``{"mode", "mean", "min", "max", "sum", "category"}``, describing how the high-resolution data should be aggregated for each supply curve point. ``fpath`` is an optional key that can point to an HDF5 file containing the layer data. If left out, the data is assumed to exist in the file(s) specified by the `excl_fpath` input. If ``None``, no data layer aggregation is performed. By default, ``None``. pre_extract_inclusions : bool, optional Optional flag to pre-extract/compute the inclusion mask from the `excl_dict` input. It is typically faster to compute the inclusion mask on the fly with parallel workers. By default, ``False``. eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw : int | float, optional Baseline plant capacity (MW) used to calculate economies of scale (EOS) multiplier from the `capital_cost_function`. EOS multiplier is calculated as the $-per-kW of the wind plant divided by the $-per-kW of a plant with this baseline capacity. By default, `200` (MW), which aligns the baseline with ATB assumptions. See here: prior_run : str, optional Optional filepath to a bespoke output HDF5 file belonging to a prior run. If specified, this module will only run the timeseries power generation step and assume that all of the wind plant layouts are fixed from the prior run. The meta data of this file must contain the following columns (automatically satisfied if the HDF5 file was generated by ``reV`` bespoke): - ``capacity`` : Capacity of the plant, in MW. - ``turbine_x_coords``: A string representation of a python list containing the X coordinates (in m; origin of cell at bottom left) of the turbines within the plant (supply curve cell). - ``turbine_y_coords`` : A string representation of a python list containing the Y coordinates (in m; origin of cell at bottom left) of the turbines within the plant (supply curve cell). If ``None``, no previous run data is considered. By default, ``None`` gid_map : str | dict, optional Mapping of unique integer generation gids (keys) to single integer resource gids (values). This enables unique generation gids in the project points to map to non-unique resource gids, which can be useful when evaluating multiple resource datasets in ``reV`` (e.g., forecasted ECMWF resource data to complement historical WTK meteorology). This input can be a pre-extracted dictionary or a path to a JSON or CSV file. If this input points to a CSV file, the file must have the columns ``gid`` (which matches the project points) and ``gid_map`` (gids to extract from the resource input). If ``None``, the GID values in the project points are assumed to match the resource GID values. By default, ``None``. bias_correct : str | pd.DataFrame, optional Optional DataFrame or CSV filepath to a wind or solar resource bias correction table. This has columns: - ``gid``: GID of site (can be index name of dataframe) - ``method``: function name from ``rex.bias_correction`` module The ``gid`` field should match the true resource ``gid`` regardless of the optional ``gid_map`` input. Only ``windspeed`` **or** ``GHI`` + ``DNI`` + ``DHI`` are corrected, depending on the technology (wind for the former, PV or CSP for the latter). See the functions in the ``rex.bias_correction`` module for available inputs for ``method``. Any additional kwargs required for the requested ``method`` can be input as additional columns in the ``bias_correct`` table e.g., for linear bias correction functions you can include ``scalar`` and ``adder`` inputs as columns in the ``bias_correct`` table on a site-by-site basis. If ``None``, no corrections are applied. By default, ``None``. pre_load_data : bool, optional Option to pre-load resource data. This step can be time-consuming up front, but it drastically reduces the number of parallel reads to the `res_fpath` HDF5 file(s), and can have a significant overall speedup on systems with slow parallel I/O capabilities. Pre-loaded data can use a significant amount of RAM, so be sure to split execution across many nodes (e.g. 100 nodes, 36 workers each for CONUS) or request large amounts of memory for a smaller number of nodes. By default, ``False``. """ log_versions(logger)'Initializing BespokeWindPlants...')'Resource filepath: {}'.format(res_fpath))'Exclusion filepath: {}'.format(excl_fpath)) logger.debug('Exclusion dict: {}'.format(excl_dict))'Bespoke objective function: {}' .format(objective_function))'Bespoke capital cost function: {}' .format(capital_cost_function))'Bespoke fixed operating cost function: {}' .format(fixed_operating_cost_function))'Bespoke variable operating cost function: {}' .format(variable_operating_cost_function))'Bespoke balance of system cost function: {}' .format(balance_of_system_cost_function))'Bespoke wake loss multiplier: {}' .format(wake_loss_multiplier))'Bespoke GA initialization kwargs: {}'.format(ga_kwargs)) "Bespoke pre-extracting exclusions: {}".format( pre_extract_inclusions ) ) "Bespoke pre-extracting resource data: {}".format(pre_load_data) )"Bespoke prior run: {}".format(prior_run))"Bespoke GID map: {}".format(gid_map))"Bespoke bias correction table: {}".format(bias_correct)) BespokeSinglePlant.check_dependencies() self._project_points = self._parse_points(project_points, sam_files) super().__init__( excl_fpath, tm_dset, excl_dict=excl_dict, area_filter_kernel=area_filter_kernel, min_area=min_area, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, gids=self._project_points.gids, pre_extract_inclusions=pre_extract_inclusions, ) self._res_fpath = res_fpath self._obj_fun = objective_function self._cap_cost_fun = capital_cost_function self._foc_fun = fixed_operating_cost_function self._voc_fun = variable_operating_cost_function self._bos_fun = balance_of_system_cost_function self._min_spacing = min_spacing self._wake_loss_multiplier = wake_loss_multiplier self._ga_kwargs = ga_kwargs or {} self._output_request = SAMOutputRequest(output_request) self._ws_bins = ws_bins self._wd_bins = wd_bins self._data_layers = data_layers self._eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw = eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw self._prior_meta = self._parse_prior_run(prior_run) self._gid_map = BespokeSinglePlant._parse_gid_map(gid_map) self._bias_correct = Gen._parse_bc(bias_correct) self._outputs = {} self._check_files() self._pre_loaded_data = None self._pre_load_data(pre_load_data) self._slice_lookup = None "Initialized BespokeWindPlants with project points: {}".format( self._project_points ) ) @staticmethod def _parse_points(points, sam_configs): """Parse a project points object using a project points file Parameters ---------- points : int | slice | list | str | PointsControl | None Slice or list specifying project points, string pointing to a project points csv, or a fully instantiated PointsControl object. Can also be a single site integer value. Points csv should have `SiteDataField.GID` and 'config' column, the config maps to the sam_configs dict keys. sam_configs : dict | str | SAMConfig SAM input configuration ID(s) and file path(s). Keys are the SAM config ID(s) which map to the config column in the project points CSV. Values are either a JSON SAM config file or dictionary of SAM config inputs. Can also be a single config file path or a pre loaded SAMConfig object. Returns ------- ProjectPoints : ~reV.config.project_points.ProjectPoints Project points object laying out the supply curve gids to analyze. """ pc = Gen.get_pc( points, points_range=None, sam_configs=sam_configs, tech="windpower", sites_per_worker=1, ) return pc.project_points @staticmethod def _parse_prior_run(prior_run): """Extract bespoke meta data from prior run and verify that the run is compatible with the new job specs. Parameters ---------- prior_run : str | None Optional filepath to a bespoke output .h5 file belonging to a prior run. This will only run the timeseries power generation step and assume that all of the wind plant layouts are fixed given the prior run. The meta data of this file needs columns "capacity", "turbine_x_coords", and "turbine_y_coords". Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame | None Meta data from the previous bespoke run. This includes the previously optimized wind farm layouts. All of the nested list columns will be json loaded. """ meta = None if prior_run is not None: assert os.path.isfile(prior_run) assert prior_run.endswith(".h5") with Outputs(prior_run, mode="r") as f: meta = f.meta meta = meta.rename(columns=SupplyCurveField.map_from_legacy()) # pylint: disable=no-member for col in meta.columns: val = meta[col].values[0] if isinstance(val, str) and val[0] == "[" and val[-1] == "]": meta[col] = meta[col].apply(json.loads) return meta def _get_prior_meta(self, gid): """Get the meta data for a given gid from the prior run (if available) Parameters ---------- gid : int SC point gid for site to pull prior meta for. Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame Prior meta data for just the requested gid. """ meta = None if self._prior_meta is not None: mask = self._prior_meta[SupplyCurveField.SC_POINT_GID] == gid if any(mask): meta = self._prior_meta[mask] return meta def _check_files(self): """Do a preflight check on input files""" paths = self._excl_fpath if isinstance(self._excl_fpath, str): paths = [self._excl_fpath] for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find required exclusions file: " "{}".format( path ) ) with ExclusionLayers(paths) as excl: if self._tm_dset not in excl: raise FileInputError( 'Could not find techmap dataset "{}" ' "in the exclusions file(s): {}".format( self._tm_dset, paths ) ) # just check that this file exists, cannot check res_fpath if *glob with MultiYearWindResource(self._res_fpath) as f: assert any(f.dsets) def _pre_load_data(self, pre_load_data): """Pre-load resource data, if requested.""" if not pre_load_data: return sc_gid_to_hh = { gid: self._hh_for_sc_gid(gid) for gid in self._project_points.df[ResourceMetaField.GID] } with ExclusionLayers(self._excl_fpath) as excl: tm = excl[self._tm_dset] scp_kwargs = {"shape": self.shape, "resolution": self._resolution} slices = { gid: SupplyCurvePoint.get_agg_slices(gid=gid, **scp_kwargs) for gid in self._project_points.df[ResourceMetaField.GID] } sc_gid_to_res_gid = { gid: sorted(set(tm[slx, sly].flatten())) for gid, (slx, sly) in slices.items() } for sc_gid, res_gids in sc_gid_to_res_gid.items(): if res_gids[0] < 0: sc_gid_to_res_gid[sc_gid] = res_gids[1:] if self._gid_map is not None: for sc_gid, res_gids in sc_gid_to_res_gid.items(): sc_gid_to_res_gid[sc_gid] = sorted( self._gid_map[g] for g in res_gids )"Pre-loading resource data for Bespoke run... ") self._pre_loaded_data = BespokeMultiPlantData( self._res_fpath, sc_gid_to_hh, sc_gid_to_res_gid, pre_load_humidity=self._project_points.sam_config_obj.icing, ) def _hh_for_sc_gid(self, sc_gid): """Fetch the hh for a given sc_gid""" config = self.sam_sys_inputs_with_site_data(sc_gid) return int(config["wind_turbine_hub_ht"]) def _pre_loaded_data_for_sc_gid(self, sc_gid): """Pre-load data for a given SC GID, if requested.""" if self._pre_loaded_data is None: return None return self._pre_loaded_data.get_preloaded_data_for_gid(sc_gid) def _get_bc_for_gid(self, gid): """Get the bias correction table trimmed down just for the resource pixels corresponding to a single supply curve GID. This can help prevent excess memory usage when doing complex bias correction distributed to parallel workers. Parameters ---------- gid : int SC point gid for site to pull bias correction data for Returns ------- out : pd.DataFrame | None If bias_correct was input, this is just the rows from the larger bias correction table that correspond to the SC point gid """ out = self._bias_correct if self._bias_correct is not None: h5_gids = [] try: scp_kwargs = dict( gid=gid, excl=self._excl_fpath, tm_dset=self._tm_dset, resolution=self._resolution, ) with SupplyCurvePoint(**scp_kwargs) as scp: h5_gids = scp.h5_gid_set except EmptySupplyCurvePointError: pass if self._gid_map is not None: h5_gids = [self._gid_map[g] for g in h5_gids] mask = self._bias_correct.index.isin(h5_gids) out = self._bias_correct[mask] return out @property def outputs(self): """Saved outputs for the multi wind plant bespoke optimization. Keys are reV supply curve gids and values are BespokeSinglePlant.outputs dictionaries. Returns ------- dict """ return self._outputs @property def completed_gids(self): """Get a sorted list of completed BespokeSinglePlant gids Returns ------- list """ return sorted(list(self.outputs.keys())) @property def meta(self): """Meta data for all completed BespokeSinglePlant objects. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ meta = [self.outputs[g]["meta"] for g in self.completed_gids] if len(self.completed_gids) > 1: meta = pd.concat(meta, axis=0) else: meta = meta[0] return meta @property def slice_lookup(self): """Dict | None: Lookup mapping sc_point_gid to exclusion slice.""" if self._slice_lookup is None and self._inclusion_mask is not None: with SupplyCurveExtent( self._excl_fpath, resolution=self._resolution ) as sc: assert self.shape == self._inclusion_mask.shape self._slice_lookup = sc.get_slice_lookup(self.gids) return self._slice_lookup
[docs] def sam_sys_inputs_with_site_data(self, gid): """Update the sam_sys_inputs with site data for the given GID. Site data is extracted from the project points DataFrame. Every column in the project DataFrame becomes a key in the site_data output dictionary. Parameters ---------- gid : int SC point gid for site to pull site data for. Returns ------- dictionary : dict SAM system config with extra keys from the project points DataFrame. """ gid_idx = self._project_points.index(gid) site_data = self._project_points.df.iloc[gid_idx] site_sys_inputs = self._project_points[gid][1] site_sys_inputs.update( { k: v for k, v in site_data.to_dict().items() if not (isinstance(v, float) and np.isnan(v)) } ) return site_sys_inputs
def _init_fout(self, out_fpath, sample): """Initialize the bespoke output h5 file with meta and time index dsets Parameters ---------- out_fpath : str Full filepath to an output .h5 file to save Bespoke data to. The parent directories will be created if they do not already exist. sample : dict A single sample BespokeSinglePlant output dict that has been run and has output data. """ out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_fpath) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): create_dirs(out_dir) with Outputs(out_fpath, mode="w") as f: f._set_meta("meta", self.meta, attrs={}) ti_dsets = [ d for d in sample.keys() if d.startswith("time_index-") ] for dset in ti_dsets: f._set_time_index(dset, sample[dset], attrs={}) f._set_time_index("time_index", sample[dset], attrs={}) def _collect_out_arr(self, dset, sample): """Collect single-plant data arrays into complete arrays with data from all BespokeSinglePlant objects. Parameters ---------- dset : str Dataset to collect, this should be an output dataset present in BespokeSinglePlant.outputs sample : dict A single sample BespokeSinglePlant output dict that has been run and has output data. Returns ------- full_arr : np.ndarray Full data array either 1D for scalar data or 2D for timeseries data (n_time, n_plant) for all BespokeSinglePlant objects """ single_arr = sample[dset] if isinstance(single_arr, Number): shape = (len(self.completed_gids),) sample_num = single_arr elif isinstance(single_arr, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): shape = (len(single_arr), len(self.completed_gids)) sample_num = single_arr[0] else: msg = 'Not writing dataset "{}" of type "{}" to disk.'.format( dset, type(single_arr) ) return None if isinstance(sample_num, float): dtype = np.float32 else: dtype = type(sample_num) full_arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) # collect data from all wind plants 'Collecting dataset "{}" with final shape {}'.format(dset, shape) ) for i, gid in enumerate(self.completed_gids): if len(full_arr.shape) == 1: full_arr[i] = self.outputs[gid][dset] else: full_arr[:, i] = self.outputs[gid][dset] return full_arr
[docs] def save_outputs(self, out_fpath): """Save Bespoke Wind Plant optimization outputs to disk. Parameters ---------- out_fpath : str Full filepath to an output .h5 file to save Bespoke data to. The parent directories will be created if they do not already exist. Returns ------- out_fpath : str Full filepath to desired .h5 output file, the .h5 extension has been added if it was not already present. """ if not out_fpath.endswith(".h5"): out_fpath += ".h5" if ModuleName.BESPOKE not in out_fpath: extension_with_module = "_{}.h5".format(ModuleName.BESPOKE) out_fpath = out_fpath.replace(".h5", extension_with_module) if not self.completed_gids: msg = ( "No output data found! It is likely that all requested " "points are excluded." ) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) return out_fpath sample = self.outputs[self.completed_gids[0]] self._init_fout(out_fpath, sample) dsets = [ d for d in sample.keys() if not d.startswith("time_index-") and d != "meta" ] with Outputs(out_fpath, mode="a") as f: for dset in dsets: full_arr = self._collect_out_arr(dset, sample) if full_arr is not None: dset_no_year = dset if parse_year(dset, option="boolean"): year = parse_year(dset) dset_no_year = dset.replace("-{}".format(year), "") attrs = BespokeSinglePlant.OUT_ATTRS.get(dset_no_year, {}) attrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs) dtype = attrs.pop("dtype", np.float32) chunks = attrs.pop("chunks", None) try: f.write_dataset( dset, full_arr, dtype, chunks=chunks, attrs=attrs ) except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to write "{}" to disk.'.format(dset) logger.exception(msg) raise OSError(msg) from e"Saved output data to: {}".format(out_fpath)) return out_fpath
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed
[docs] @classmethod def run_serial(cls, excl_fpath, res_fpath, tm_dset, sam_sys_inputs, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, min_spacing='5x', wake_loss_multiplier=1, ga_kwargs=None, output_request=('system_capacity', 'cf_mean'), ws_bins=(0.0, 20.0, 5.0), wd_bins=(0.0, 360.0, 45.0), excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, area_filter_kernel='queen', min_area=None, resolution=64, excl_area=0.0081, data_layers=None, gids=None, exclusion_shape=None, slice_lookup=None, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=200, prior_meta=None, gid_map=None, bias_correct=None, pre_loaded_data=None): """ Standalone serial method to run bespoke optimization. See BespokeWindPlants docstring for parameter description. This method can only take a single sam_sys_inputs... For a spatially variant gid-to-config mapping, see the BespokeWindPlants class methods. Returns ------- out : dict Bespoke outputs keyed by sc point gid """ out = {} with SupplyCurveExtent(excl_fpath, resolution=resolution) as sc: if gids is None: gids = sc.valid_sc_points(tm_dset) elif np.issubdtype(type(gids), np.number): gids = [gids] if slice_lookup is None: slice_lookup = sc.get_slice_lookup(gids) if exclusion_shape is None: exclusion_shape = sc.exclusions.shape cls._check_inclusion_mask(inclusion_mask, gids, exclusion_shape) # pre-extract handlers so they are not repeatedly initialized file_kwargs = { "excl_dict": excl_dict, "area_filter_kernel": area_filter_kernel, "min_area": min_area, "h5_handler": MultiYearWindResource, } with AggFileHandler(excl_fpath, res_fpath, **file_kwargs) as fh: n_finished = 0 for gid in gids: gid_inclusions = cls._get_gid_inclusion_mask( inclusion_mask, gid, slice_lookup, resolution=resolution ) try: bsp_plant_out = gid, fh.exclusions, fh.h5, tm_dset, sam_sys_inputs, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, min_spacing=min_spacing, wake_loss_multiplier=wake_loss_multiplier, ga_kwargs=ga_kwargs, output_request=output_request, ws_bins=ws_bins, wd_bins=wd_bins, excl_dict=excl_dict, inclusion_mask=gid_inclusions, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, data_layers=data_layers, exclusion_shape=exclusion_shape, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw, prior_meta=prior_meta, gid_map=gid_map, bias_correct=bias_correct, pre_loaded_data=pre_loaded_data, close=False, ) except EmptySupplyCurvePointError: logger.debug( "SC gid {} is fully excluded or does not " "have any valid source data!".format(gid) ) except Exception as e: msg = "SC gid {} failed!".format(gid) logger.exception(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e else: n_finished += 1 logger.debug( "Serial bespoke: " "{} out of {} points complete".format( n_finished, len(gids) ) ) log_mem(logger) out[gid] = bsp_plant_out return out
[docs] def run_parallel(self, max_workers=None): """Run the bespoke optimization for many supply curve points in parallel. Parameters ---------- max_workers : int | None, optional Number of cores to run summary on. None is all available cpus, by default None Returns ------- out : dict Bespoke outputs keyed by sc point gid """ "Running bespoke optimization for points {} through {} " "at a resolution of {} on {} cores.".format( self.gids[0], self.gids[-1], self._resolution, max_workers ) ) futures = [] out = {} n_finished = 0 loggers = [__name__, "reV.supply_curve.point_summary", "reV"] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: # iterate through split executions, submitting each to worker for gid in self.gids: # submit executions and append to futures list gid_incl_mask = None if self._inclusion_mask is not None: rs, cs = self.slice_lookup[gid] gid_incl_mask = self._inclusion_mask[rs, cs] futures.append(exe.submit( self.run_serial, self._excl_fpath, self._res_fpath, self._tm_dset, self.sam_sys_inputs_with_site_data(gid), self._obj_fun, self._cap_cost_fun, self._foc_fun, self._voc_fun, self._bos_fun, self._min_spacing, wake_loss_multiplier=self._wake_loss_multiplier, ga_kwargs=self._ga_kwargs, output_request=self._output_request, ws_bins=self._ws_bins, wd_bins=self._wd_bins, excl_dict=self._excl_dict, inclusion_mask=gid_incl_mask, area_filter_kernel=self._area_filter_kernel, min_area=self._min_area, resolution=self._resolution, excl_area=self._excl_area, data_layers=self._data_layers, gids=gid, exclusion_shape=self.shape, slice_lookup=copy.deepcopy(self.slice_lookup), eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=self._eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw, prior_meta=self._get_prior_meta(gid), gid_map=self._gid_map, bias_correct=self._get_bc_for_gid(gid), pre_loaded_data=self._pre_loaded_data_for_sc_gid(gid))) # gather results for future in as_completed(futures): n_finished += 1 out.update(future.result()) if n_finished % 10 == 0: mem = psutil.virtual_memory() "Parallel bespoke futures collected: " "{} out of {}. Memory usage is {:.3f} GB out " "of {:.3f} GB ({:.2f}% utilized).".format( n_finished, len(futures), mem.used / 1e9, / 1e9, 100 * mem.used /, ) ) return out
[docs] def run(self, out_fpath=None, max_workers=None): """Run the bespoke wind plant optimization in serial or parallel. Parameters ---------- out_fpath : str, optional Path to output file. If ``None``, no output file will be written. If the filepath is specified but the module name (bespoke) is not included, the module name will get added to the output file name. By default, ``None``. max_workers : int, optional Number of local workers to run on. If ``None``, uses all available cores (typically 36). By default, ``None``. Returns ------- str | None Path to output HDF5 file, or ``None`` if results were not written to disk. """ # parallel job distribution test. if self._obj_fun == "test": return True if max_workers == 1: slice_lookup = copy.deepcopy(self.slice_lookup) for gid in self.gids: gid_incl_mask = None if self._inclusion_mask is not None: rs, cs = slice_lookup[gid] gid_incl_mask = self._inclusion_mask[rs, cs] sam_inputs = self.sam_sys_inputs_with_site_data(gid) prior_meta = self._get_prior_meta(gid) pre_loaded_data = self._pre_loaded_data_for_sc_gid(gid) afk = self._area_filter_kernel wlm = self._wake_loss_multiplier i_bc = self._get_bc_for_gid(gid) ebc = self._eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw si = self.run_serial(self._excl_fpath, self._res_fpath, self._tm_dset, sam_inputs, self._obj_fun, self._cap_cost_fun, self._foc_fun, self._voc_fun, self._bos_fun, min_spacing=self._min_spacing, wake_loss_multiplier=wlm, ga_kwargs=self._ga_kwargs, output_request=self._output_request, ws_bins=self._ws_bins, wd_bins=self._wd_bins, excl_dict=self._excl_dict, inclusion_mask=gid_incl_mask, area_filter_kernel=afk, min_area=self._min_area, resolution=self._resolution, excl_area=self._excl_area, data_layers=self._data_layers, slice_lookup=slice_lookup, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=ebc, prior_meta=prior_meta, gid_map=self._gid_map, bias_correct=i_bc, gids=gid, pre_loaded_data=pre_loaded_data) self._outputs.update(si) else: self._outputs = self.run_parallel(max_workers=max_workers) if out_fpath is not None: out_fpath = self.save_outputs(out_fpath) return out_fpath