
class BespokeSinglePlant(gid, excl, res, tm_dset, sam_sys_inputs, objective_function, capital_cost_function, fixed_operating_cost_function, variable_operating_cost_function, balance_of_system_cost_function, min_spacing='5x', ga_kwargs=None, output_request=('system_capacity', 'cf_mean'), ws_bins=(0.0, 20.0, 5.0), wd_bins=(0.0, 360.0, 45.0), excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, data_layers=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, exclusion_shape=None, eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw=200, prior_meta=None, gid_map=None, bias_correct=None, pre_loaded_data=None, close=True)[source]

Bases: object

Framework for analyzing and optimizing a wind plant layout specific to the local wind resource and exclusions for a single reV supply curve point.

  • gid (int) – gid for supply curve point to analyze.

  • excl (str | ExclusionMask) – Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler.

  • res (str | Resource) – Filepath to .h5 wind resource file or pre-initialized Resource handler

  • tm_dset (str) – Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data.

  • sam_sys_inputs (dict) – SAM windpower compute module system inputs not including the wind resource data.

  • objective_function (str) – The objective function of the optimization as a string, should return the objective to be minimized during layout optimization. Variables available are:

    • n_turbines: the number of turbines

    • system_capacity: wind plant capacity

    • aep: annual energy production

    • avg_sl_dist_to_center_m: Average straight-line distance to the supply curve point center from all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs.

    • avg_sl_dist_to_medoid_m: Average straight-line distance to the medoid of all turbine locations (in m). Useful for computing plant BOS costs.

    • nn_conn_dist_m: Total BOS connection distance using nearest-neighbor connections. This variable is only available for the balance_of_system_cost_function equation.

    • fixed_charge_rate: user input fixed_charge_rate if included as part of the sam system config.

    • capital_cost: plant capital cost as evaluated by capital_cost_function

    • fixed_operating_cost: plant fixed annual operating cost as evaluated by fixed_operating_cost_function

    • variable_operating_cost: plant variable annual operating cost as evaluated by variable_operating_cost_function

    • balance_of_system_cost: plant balance of system cost as evaluated by balance_of_system_cost_function

    • self.wind_plant: the SAM wind plant object, through which all SAM variables can be accessed

  • capital_cost_function (str) – The plant capital cost function as a string, must return the total capital cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function.

  • fixed_operating_cost_function (str) – The plant annual fixed operating cost function as a string, must return the fixed operating cost in $/year. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function.

  • variable_operating_cost_function (str) – The plant annual variable operating cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $/kWh. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to “0” to effectively ignore variable operating costs.

  • balance_of_system_cost_function (str) – The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function. You can set this to “0” to effectively ignore balance-of-system costs.

  • balance_of_system_cost_function (str) – The plant balance-of-system cost function as a string, must return the variable operating cost in $. Has access to the same variables as the objective_function.

  • min_spacing (float | int | str) – Minimum spacing between turbines in meters. Can also be a string like “5x” (default) which is interpreted as 5 times the turbine rotor diameter.

  • ga_kwargs (dict | None) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to GA initialization. If None, default initialization values are used. See GeneticAlgorithm for a description of the allowed keyword arguments.

  • output_request (list | tuple) – Outputs requested from the SAM windpower simulation after the bespoke plant layout optimization. Can also request resource means like ws_mean, windspeed_mean, temperature_mean, pressure_mean.

  • ws_bins (tuple) – 3-entry tuple with (start, stop, step) for the windspeed binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ws_bins=(0, 20, 5) would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 5, 10, 15, 20).

  • wd_bins (tuple) – 3-entry tuple with (start, stop, step) for the winddirection binning of the wind joint probability distribution. The stop value is inclusive, so ws_bins=(0, 360, 90) would result in four bins with bin edges (0, 90, 180, 270, 360).

  • excl_dict (dict | None) – Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized.

  • inclusion_mask (np.ndarray) – 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution.

  • data_layers (None | dict) – Aggregation data layers. Must be a dictionary keyed by data label name. Each value must be another dictionary with “dset”, “method”, and “fpath”.

  • resolution (int) – Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point.

  • excl_area (float | None, optional) – Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None

  • exclusion_shape (tuple) – Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably.

  • eos_mult_baseline_cap_mw (int | float, optional) – Baseline plant capacity (MW) used to calculate economies of scale (EOS) multiplier from the capital_cost_function. EOS multiplier is calculated as the $-per-kW of the wind plant divided by the $-per-kW of a plant with this baseline capacity. By default, 200 (MW), which aligns the baseline with ATB assumptions. See here:

  • prior_meta (pd.DataFrame | None) – Optional meta dataframe belonging to a prior run. This will only run the timeseries power generation step and assume that all of the wind plant layouts are fixed given the prior run. The meta data needs columns “capacity”, “turbine_x_coords”, and “turbine_y_coords”.

  • gid_map (None | str | dict) – Mapping of unique integer generation gids (keys) to single integer resource gids (values). This can be None, a pre-extracted dict, or a filepath to json or csv. If this is a csv, it must have the columns “gid” (which matches the techmap) and “gid_map” (gids to extract from the resource input). This is useful if you’re running forecasted resource data (e.g., ECMWF) to complement historical meteorology (e.g., WTK).

  • bias_correct (str | pd.DataFrame, optional) – Optional DataFrame or CSV filepath to a wind or solar resource bias correction table. This has columns:

    • gid: GID of site (can be index name of dataframe)

    • method: function name from rex.bias_correction module

    The gid field should match the true resource gid regardless of the optional gid_map input. Only windspeed or GHI + DNI + DHI are corrected, depending on the technology (wind for the former, PV or CSP for the latter). See the functions in the rex.bias_correction module for available inputs for method. Any additional kwargs required for the requested method can be input as additional columns in the bias_correct table e.g., for linear bias correction functions you can include scalar and adder inputs as columns in the bias_correct table on a site-by-site basis. If None, no corrections are applied. By default, None.

  • pre_loaded_data (BespokeSinglePlantData, optional) – A pre-loaded BespokeSinglePlantData object, or None. Can be useful to speed up execution on file systems with slow parallel reads.

  • close (bool) – Flag to close object file handlers on exit.



Aggregate optional data layers if requested and save to self.meta

bias_correct_ws(ws, dset, h5_gids)

Bias correct windspeed data if the bias_correct input was provided.


Check special dependencies for bespoke


Close any open file handlers via the sc point attribute.


Get a namespace of arguments for calculating LCOE based on the bespoke optimized wind plant capacity


Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean wind direction for the BespokeSinglePlant


Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean resource timeseries data for the BespokeSinglePlant.


Initialize the annual wind plant timeseries analysis object(s) using the annual resource data and the sam system inputs from the optimized plant.


Recalculate the multi-year mean LCOE based on the multi-year mean annual energy production (AEP)

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the bespoke optimization for a single wind plant.


Run the wind plant layout optimization and export outputs to outputs property.


Run the wind plant multi-year timeseries analysis and export output requests to outputs property.





Get an ordered list of single-year time index objects that matches the profile outputs from the wind_plant_ts object.


SC point gid for this bespoke plant.


Get the integer SAM system config turbine hub height (meters)


Get the supply curve point 2D inclusion mask (included is 1, excluded is 0)


Get the basic supply curve point meta data


Get the original (pre-optimized) SAM windpower system inputs.


Saved outputs for the single wind plant bespoke optimization.


Get the length of a single exclusion pixel side (meters)


Bespoke plant turbine placement optimizer object.


Get the reV compliant wind resource dataframe representing the aggregated and included wind resource in the current reV supply curve point at the turbine hub height.


Get the SAM windpower system inputs.


Get the reV supply curve point object.


Get the wind joint probability distribution and corresonding bin edges


ReV WindPowerPD compute object for plant layout optimization based on wind joint probability distribution


ReV WindPower compute object(s) based on wind resource timeseries data keyed by year


Get the sorted list of analysis years.


Close any open file handlers via the sc point attribute. If this class was initialized with close=False, this will not close any handlers.

bias_correct_ws(ws, dset, h5_gids)[source]

Bias correct windspeed data if the bias_correct input was provided.

  • ws (np.ndarray) – Windspeed data in shape (time, space)

  • dset (str) – Resource dataset name e.g., “windspeed_100m”, “temperature_100m”, “pressure_100m”, or something similar

  • h5_gids (list | np.ndarray) – Array of integer gids (spatial indices) from the source h5 file. This is used to get the correct bias correction parameters from bias_correct table based on its gid column


ws (np.ndarray) – Bias corrected windspeed data in same shape as input


Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean resource timeseries data for the BespokeSinglePlant.


dset (str) – Resource dataset name e.g., “windspeed_100m”, “temperature_100m”, “pressure_100m”, or something similar


data (np.ndarray) – Timeseries data of shape (n_time,) for the wind plant weighted by the plant inclusions mask.


Special method for calculating the exclusion-weighted mean wind direction for the BespokeSinglePlant


mean_wind_dirs (np.ndarray) – Timeseries array of winddirection data in shape (n_time,) in units of degrees from north.

property gid

SC point gid for this bespoke plant.



property include_mask

Get the supply curve point 2D inclusion mask (included is 1, excluded is 0)



property pixel_side_length

Get the length of a single exclusion pixel side (meters)



property original_sam_sys_inputs

Get the original (pre-optimized) SAM windpower system inputs.



property sam_sys_inputs

Get the SAM windpower system inputs. If the wind plant has not yet been optimized, this returns the initial SAM config. If the wind plant has been optimized using the wind_plant_pd object, this returns the final optimized SAM plant config.



property sc_point

Get the reV supply curve point object.



property meta

Get the basic supply curve point meta data



property hub_height

Get the integer SAM system config turbine hub height (meters)



property res_df

Get the reV compliant wind resource dataframe representing the aggregated and included wind resource in the current reV supply curve point at the turbine hub height. Includes a DatetimeIndex and columns for temperature, pressure, windspeed, and winddirection.



property years

Get the sorted list of analysis years.



property annual_time_indexes

Get an ordered list of single-year time index objects that matches the profile outputs from the wind_plant_ts object.



property wind_dist

Get the wind joint probability distribution and corresonding bin edges


  • wind_dist (np.ndarray) – 2D array probability distribution of (windspeed, winddirection) normalized so the sum of all values = 1.

  • ws_edges (np.ndarray) – 1D array of windspeed (m/s) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability distribution. Same len as wind_dist.shape[0] + 1

  • wd_edges (np.ndarray) – 1D array of winddirections (deg) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability dist. Same len as wind_dist.shape[1] + 1


Initialize the annual wind plant timeseries analysis object(s) using the annual resource data and the sam system inputs from the optimized plant.


wind_plant_ts (dict) – Annual reV.SAM.generation.WindPower object(s) keyed by year.

property wind_plant_pd

ReV WindPowerPD compute object for plant layout optimization based on wind joint probability distribution



property wind_plant_ts

ReV WindPower compute object(s) based on wind resource timeseries data keyed by year



property plant_optimizer

Bespoke plant turbine placement optimizer object.




Recalculate the multi-year mean LCOE based on the multi-year mean annual energy production (AEP)


Get a namespace of arguments for calculating LCOE based on the bespoke optimized wind plant capacity


lcoe_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for the SAM lcoe model. These are based on the original sam_sys_inputs, normalized to the original system_capacity, and updated based on the bespoke optimized system_capacity, includes fixed_charge_rate, system_capacity (kW), capital_cost ($), fixed_operating_cos ($), variable_operating_cost ($/kWh), balance_of_system_cost ($). Data source priority: outputs, plant_optimizer, original_sam_sys_inputs, meta

classmethod check_dependencies()[source]

Check special dependencies for bespoke


Run the wind plant multi-year timeseries analysis and export output requests to outputs property.


outputs (dict) – Output dictionary for the full BespokeSinglePlant object. The multi-year timeseries data is also exported to the BespokeSinglePlant.outputs property.


Run the wind plant layout optimization and export outputs to outputs property.


outputs (dict) – Output dictionary for the full BespokeSinglePlant object. The layout optimization output data is also exported to the BespokeSinglePlant.outputs property.


Aggregate optional data layers if requested and save to self.meta

property outputs

Saved outputs for the single wind plant bespoke optimization.



classmethod run(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run the bespoke optimization for a single wind plant.


See the class initialization parameters.


bsp (dict) – Bespoke single plant outputs namespace keyed by dataset name including a dataset “meta” for the BespokeSinglePlant meta data.