Source code for reV.utilities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""reV utilities."""
from enum import Enum

import PySAM
from rex.utilities.loggers import log_versions as rex_log_versions

from reV.version import __version__

[docs]class FieldEnum(str, Enum): """Base Field enum with some mapping methods."""
[docs] @classmethod def map_to(cls, other): """Return a rename map from this enum to another. Mapping is performed on matching enum names. In other words, if both enums have a `ONE` attribute, this will be mapped from one enum to another. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Enum` ``Enum`` subclass with ``__members__`` attribute. Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping matching values from one enum to another. Examples -------- >>> class Test1(FieldEnum): >>> ONE = "one_x" >>> TWO = "two" >>> >>> class Test2(Enum): >>> ONE = "one_y" >>> THREE = "three" >>> >>> Test1.map_to(Test2) {<Test1.ONE: 'one_x'>: <Test2.ONE: 'one_y'>} """ return { cls[mem]: other[mem] for mem in cls.__members__ if mem in other.__members__ }
[docs] @classmethod def map_from(cls, other): """Map from a dictionary of name / member pairs to this enum. Parameters ---------- other : dict Dictionary mapping key values (typically old aliases) to enum values. For example, ``{'sc_gid': 'SC_GID'}`` would return a dictionary that maps ``'sc_gid'`` to the ``SC_GID`` member of this enum. Returns ------- dict Mapping of input dictionary keys to member values of this enum. Examples -------- >>> class Test(FieldEnum): >>> ONE = "one_x" >>> TWO = "two_y" >>> >>> Test.map_from({1: "ONE", 2: "TWO"}) {1: <Test.ONE: 'one_x'>, 2: <Test.TWO: 'two_y'>} """ return {name: cls[mem] for name, mem in other.items()}
def __str__(self): return self.value def __format__(self, format_spec): return str.__format__(self.value, format_spec)
[docs]class SiteDataField(FieldEnum): """An enumerated map to site data column names.""" GID = "gid" CONFIG = "config"
[docs]class ResourceMetaField(FieldEnum): """An enumerated map to resource meta column names. Each output name should match the name of a key the resource file meta table. """ GID = "gid" LATITUDE = "latitude" LONGITUDE = "longitude" ELEVATION = "elevation" TIMEZONE = "timezone" COUNTY = "county" STATE = "state" COUNTRY = "country" OFFSHORE = "offshore"
[docs]class SupplyCurveField(FieldEnum): """An enumerated map to supply curve summary/meta keys. This is a collection of known supply curve fields that reV outputs across aggregation, supply curve, and bespoke outputs. Not all of these columns are guaranteed in every supply-curve like output (e.g. "convex_hull_area" is a bespoke-only output). """ SC_GID = "sc_gid" LATITUDE = "latitude" LONGITUDE = "longitude" COUNTRY = "country" STATE = "state" COUNTY = "county" ELEVATION = "elevation_m" TIMEZONE = "timezone" SC_POINT_GID = "sc_point_gid" SC_ROW_IND = "sc_row_ind" SC_COL_IND = "sc_col_ind" SOURCE_GIDS = "source_gids" RES_GIDS = "res_gids" GEN_GIDS = "gen_gids" GID_COUNTS = "gid_counts" N_GIDS = "n_gids" MEAN_RES = "resource" MEAN_CF_AC = "capacity_factor_ac" MEAN_CF_DC = "capacity_factor_dc" MEAN_LCOE = "lcoe_site_usd_per_mwh" CAPACITY_AC_MW = "capacity_ac_mw" CAPACITY_DC_MW = "capacity_dc_mw" OFFSHORE = "offshore" AREA_SQ_KM = "area_developable_sq_km" MEAN_FRICTION = "friction_site" MEAN_LCOE_FRICTION = "lcoe_friction_usd_per_mwh" RAW_LCOE = "lcoe_raw_usd_per_mwh" EOS_MULT = "multiplier_cc_eos" REG_MULT = "multiplier_cc_regional" SC_POINT_ANNUAL_ENERGY_MWH = "annual_energy_site_mwh" COST_BASE_OCC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_base_occ_usd_per_ac_mw" COST_SITE_OCC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_site_occ_usd_per_ac_mw" COST_BASE_FOC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_base_foc_usd_per_ac_mw" COST_SITE_FOC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_site_foc_usd_per_ac_mw" COST_BASE_VOC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_base_voc_usd_per_ac_mw" COST_SITE_VOC_USD_PER_AC_MW = "cost_site_voc_usd_per_ac_mw" FIXED_CHARGE_RATE = "fixed_charge_rate" # Bespoke outputs POSSIBLE_X_COORDS = "possible_x_coords" POSSIBLE_Y_COORDS = "possible_y_coords" TURBINE_X_COORDS = "turbine_x_coords" TURBINE_Y_COORDS = "turbine_y_coords" N_TURBINES = "n_turbines" INCLUDED_AREA = "area_included_sq_km" INCLUDED_AREA_CAPACITY_DENSITY = ( "capacity_density_included_area_mw_per_km2" ) CONVEX_HULL_AREA = "area_convex_hull_sq_km" CONVEX_HULL_CAPACITY_DENSITY = "capacity_density_convex_hull_mw_per_km2" FULL_CELL_CAPACITY_DENSITY = "capacity_density_full_cell_mw_per_km2" BESPOKE_AEP = "optimized_plant_aep" BESPOKE_OBJECTIVE = "optimized_plant_objective" BESPOKE_CAPITAL_COST = "optimized_plant_capital_cost" BESPOKE_FIXED_OPERATING_COST = "optimized_plant_fixed_operating_cost" BESPOKE_VARIABLE_OPERATING_COST = "optimized_plant_variable_operating_cost" BESPOKE_BALANCE_OF_SYSTEM_COST = "optimized_plant_balance_of_system_cost" # Transmission outputs TRANS_GID = "trans_gid" TRANS_TYPE = "trans_type" TOTAL_LCOE_FRICTION = "lcoe_total_friction_usd_per_mwh" TRANS_CAPACITY = "trans_capacity" DIST_SPUR_KM = "dist_spur_km" DIST_EXPORT_KM = "dist_export_km" REINFORCEMENT_DIST_KM = "dist_reinforcement_km" TIE_LINE_COST_PER_MW = "cost_spur_usd_per_mw" CONNECTION_COST_PER_MW = "cost_poi_usd_per_mw" EXPORT_COST_PER_MW = "cost_export_usd_per_mw" REINFORCEMENT_COST_PER_MW = "cost_reinforcement_usd_per_mw" TOTAL_TRANS_CAP_COST_PER_MW = "cost_total_trans_usd_per_mw" LCOT = "lcot_usd_per_mwh" TOTAL_LCOE = "lcoe_all_in_usd_per_mwh" N_PARALLEL_TRANS = "count_num_parallel_trans" POI_LAT = "latitude_poi" POI_LON = "longitude_poi" REINFORCEMENT_POI_LAT = "latitude_reinforcement_poi" REINFORCEMENT_POI_LON = "longitude_reinforcement_poi"
[docs] @classmethod def map_from_legacy(cls): """Map of legacy names to current values. Returns ------- dict Dictionary that maps legacy supply curve column names to members of this enum. """ legacy_map = {} for current_field, old_field in cls.map_to(_LegacySCAliases).items(): aliases = old_field.value if isinstance(aliases, str): aliases = [aliases] legacy_map.update({alias: current_field for alias in aliases}) return legacy_map
class _LegacySCAliases(Enum): """Legacy supply curve column names. Enum values can be either a single string or an iterable of string values where each string value represents a previously known alias. """ ELEVATION = "elevation" MEAN_RES = "mean_res" MEAN_CF_AC = "mean_cf" MEAN_LCOE = "mean_lcoe" CAPACITY_AC_MW = "capacity" AREA_SQ_KM = "area_sq_km" MEAN_FRICTION = "mean_friction" MEAN_LCOE_FRICTION = "mean_lcoe_friction" RAW_LCOE = "raw_lcoe" TRANS_TYPE = "category" TRANS_CAPACITY = "avail_cap" DIST_SPUR_KM = "dist_km" REINFORCEMENT_DIST_KM = "reinforcement_dist_km" TIE_LINE_COST_PER_MW = "tie_line_cost_per_mw" CONNECTION_COST_PER_MW = "connection_cost_per_mw" REINFORCEMENT_COST_PER_MW = "reinforcement_cost_per_mw" TOTAL_TRANS_CAP_COST_PER_MW = "trans_cap_cost_per_mw" LCOT = "lcot" TOTAL_LCOE = "total_lcoe" TOTAL_LCOE_FRICTION = "total_lcoe_friction" N_PARALLEL_TRANS = "n_parallel_trans" EOS_MULT = "eos_mult", "capital_cost_multiplier" REG_MULT = "reg_mult" SC_POINT_ANNUAL_ENERGY_MWH = "sc_point_annual_energy" POI_LAT = "poi_lat" POI_LON = "poi_lon" REINFORCEMENT_POI_LAT = "reinforcement_poi_lat" REINFORCEMENT_POI_LON = "reinforcement_poi_lon" BESPOKE_AEP = "bespoke_aep" BESPOKE_OBJECTIVE = "bespoke_objective" BESPOKE_CAPITAL_COST = "bespoke_capital_cost" BESPOKE_FIXED_OPERATING_COST = "bespoke_fixed_operating_cost" BESPOKE_VARIABLE_OPERATING_COST = "bespoke_variable_operating_cost" BESPOKE_BALANCE_OF_SYSTEM_COST = "bespoke_balance_of_system_cost" INCLUDED_AREA = "included_area" INCLUDED_AREA_CAPACITY_DENSITY = "included_area_capacity_density" CONVEX_HULL_AREA = "convex_hull_area" CONVEX_HULL_CAPACITY_DENSITY = "convex_hull_capacity_density" FULL_CELL_CAPACITY_DENSITY = "full_cell_capacity_density"
[docs]class ModuleName(str, Enum): """A collection of the module names available in reV. Each module name should match the name of the click command that will be used to invoke its respective cli. As of 3/1/2022, this means that all commands are lowercase with underscores replaced by dashes. Reference --------- See this line in the click source code to get the most up-to-date click name conversions: """ BESPOKE = "bespoke" COLLECT = "collect" ECON = "econ" GENERATION = "generation" HYBRIDS = "hybrids" MULTI_YEAR = "multi-year" NRWAL = "nrwal" QA_QC = "qa-qc" REP_PROFILES = "rep-profiles" SUPPLY_CURVE = "supply-curve" SUPPLY_CURVE_AGGREGATION = "supply-curve-aggregation" def __str__(self): return self.value def __format__(self, format_spec): return str.__format__(self.value, format_spec)
[docs] @classmethod def all_names(cls): """All module names. Returns ------- set The set of all module name strings. """ # pylint: disable=no-member return {v.value for v in cls.__members__.values()}
[docs]def log_versions(logger): """Log package versions: - rex and reV to info - h5py, numpy, pandas, scipy, and PySAM to debug Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger Logger object to log memory message to. """"Running with reV version {}".format(__version__)) rex_log_versions(logger) logger.debug("- PySAM version {}".format(PySAM.__version__))