Source code for rex.utilities.solar_position

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to compute solar zenith angle outside of SAM
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] class SolarPosition: """ Class to compute solar position for time(s) and site(s) Based off of SAM Solar Position Function: """ def __init__(self, time_index, lat_lon): """ Parameters ---------- time_index : ndarray | pandas.DatetimeIndex | str Datetime stamps of interest lat_lon : ndarray (latitude, longitude) for site(s) of interest """ if not isinstance(time_index, pd.DatetimeIndex): if isinstance(time_index, str): time_index = [time_index] time_index = pd.to_datetime(time_index) self._time_index = time_index if not isinstance(lat_lon, np.ndarray): lat_lon = np.array(lat_lon) self._lat_lon = np.expand_dims(lat_lon, axis=0).T @property def time_index(self): """ Datetime stamp(s) of interest Returns ------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex """ return self._time_index @property def latitude(self): """ Latitudes of site(s) Returns ------- lat : ndarray """ lat = self._lat_lon[0] return lat @property def longitude(self): """ longitude of site(s) Returns ------- lon : ndarray """ lon = self._lat_lon[1] return lon @staticmethod def _parse_time(time_index): """ Convert UTC datetime index into: - Days since Greenwhich Noon - Zulu hour Parameters ---------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex Datetime stamps of interest Returns ------- n : ndarray Days since Greenwich Noon zulu : ndarray Decimal hour in UTC (Zulu Hour) """ n = (time_index.to_julian_date() - 2451545).values zulu = (time_index.hour + time_index.minute / 60).values return n, zulu @staticmethod def _calc_right_ascension(eclong, oblqec): """ Compute Right Ascension angle in radians Parameters ---------- eclong : ndarray Ecliptic longitude in radians oblqec : ndarray Obliquity of ecliptic in radians Returns ------- ra : ndarray Right Ascension angle in radians """ num = np.cos(oblqec) * np.sin(eclong) den = np.cos(eclong) ra = np.arctan2(num, den) return ra @staticmethod def _calc_sun_pos(n): """ Compute right ascension and declination angles of the sun in radians Parameters ---------- n : ndarray Days since Grenwich Noon Returns ------- ra : ndarray Right ascension angle of the sun in radians dec : ndarray Declination angle of the sun in radians """ # Mean Longitude in degrees mnlong = np.remainder(280.460 + 0.9856474 * n, 360) # Mean anomaly in radians mnanom = np.radians(np.remainder(357.528 + 0.9856003 * n, 360)) # Ecliptic longitude in radians eclong = mnlong + 1.915 * np.sin(mnanom) + 0.02 * np.sin(2 * mnanom) eclong = np.radians(np.remainder(eclong, 360)) # Obliquity of ecliptic in radians oblqec = np.radians(23.439 - 0.0000004 * n) # Right ascension angle in radians ra = SolarPosition._calc_right_ascension(eclong, oblqec) # Declination angle in radians dec = np.arcsin(np.sin(oblqec) * np.sin(eclong)) return ra, dec @staticmethod def _calc_hour_angle(n, zulu, ra, lon): """ Compute the hour angle of the sun Parameters ---------- n : ndarray Days since Greenwich Noon zulu : ndarray Decimal hour in UTC (Zulu Hour) ra : ndarray Right Ascension angle in radians lon : float Longitude in degrees Returns ------- ha : ndarray Hour angle in radians between -pi and pi """ # Greenwich mean sidereal time in degrees gmst = (6.697375 + 0.06570982441908 * n + 1.00273790935 * zulu) * 15 # Local mean sidereal time in radians lmst = np.radians(np.remainder(gmst + lon, 360)) # Hour angle in radians ha = lmst - ra # Ensure hour angle falls between -pi and pi ha[ha < -np.pi] += 2 * np.pi ha[ha > np.pi] += -2 * np.pi return ha @staticmethod def _calc_elevation(dec, ha, lat): """ Calculate the solar elevation Parameters ---------- dec : ndarray Declination angle of the sun in radians ha : ndarray Hour angle in radians lat : float Latitude in degrees Returns ------- elv : ndarray Solar elevation in radians """ lat = np.radians(lat) arg = (np.sin(dec) * np.sin(lat) + np.cos(dec) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(ha)) elv = np.arcsin(arg) elv[arg > 1] = np.pi / 2 elv[arg < -1] = -np.pi / 2 return elv @staticmethod def _elevation(time_index, lat, lon): """ Compute solar elevation angle from time_index and location Parameters ---------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex Datetime stamp(s) of interest lat : ndarray Latitude of site(s) of interest lon : ndarray Longitude of site(s) of interest Returns ------- elevation : ndarray Solar elevation angle in radians """ n, zulu = SolarPosition._parse_time(time_index) ra, dec = SolarPosition._calc_sun_pos(n) ha = SolarPosition._calc_hour_angle(n, zulu, ra, lon) elevation = SolarPosition._calc_elevation(dec, ha, lat) return elevation @staticmethod def _atm_correction(elv): """ Apply atmospheric correction to elevation Parameters ---------- elv : ndarray Solar elevation in radians Returns ------- elv : ndarray Atmospheric corrected elevation in radians """ elv = np.degrees(elv) refrac = (3.51561 * (0.1594 + 0.0196 * elv + 0.00002 * elv**2) / (1 + 0.505 * elv + 0.0845 * elv**2)) refrac[elv < -0.56] = 0.56 elv = np.radians(elv + refrac) elv[elv > np.pi / 2] = np.pi / 2 return elv @staticmethod def _calc_azimuth(dec, ha, lat): """ Calculate the solar azimuth angle from solar position variables Parameters ---------- dec : ndarray Declination angle of the sun in radians ha : ndarray Hour angle in radians lat : float Latitude in degrees Returns ------- azm : ndarray Solar azimuth in radians """ elv = SolarPosition._calc_elevation(dec, ha, lat) lat = np.radians(lat) arg = ((np.sin(elv) * np.sin(lat) - np.sin(dec)) / (np.cos(elv) * np.cos(lat))) azm = np.arccos(arg) # Assign azzimuth = 180 deg if elv == 90 or -90 azm[np.cos(elv) == 0] = np.pi azm[arg > 1] = 0 azm[arg < -1] = np.pi return azm @staticmethod def _azimuth(time_index, lat, lon): """ Compute solar azimuth angle from time_index and location Parameters ---------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex Datetime stamp(s) of interest lat : ndarray Latitude of site(s) of interest lon : ndarray Longitude of site(s) of interest Returns ------- azimuth : ndarray Solar azimuth angle in radians """ n, zulu = SolarPosition._parse_time(time_index) ra, dec = SolarPosition._calc_sun_pos(n) ha = SolarPosition._calc_hour_angle(n, zulu, ra, lon) azimuth = SolarPosition._calc_azimuth(dec, ha, lat) return azimuth @staticmethod def _calc_zenith(dec, ha, lat): """ Calculate the solar zenith angle from solar position variables Parameters ---------- dec : ndarray Declination angle of the sun in radians ha : ndarray Hour angle in radians lat : float Latitude in degrees Returns ------- zen : ndarray Solar azimuth in radians """ elv = SolarPosition._calc_elevation(dec, ha, lat) # Atmospheric correct elevation elv = SolarPosition._atm_correction(elv) zen = np.pi / 2 - elv return zen @staticmethod def _zenith(time_index, lat, lon): """ Compute solar zenith angle from time_index and location Parameters ---------- time_index : pandas.DatetimeIndex Datetime stamp(s) of interest lat : ndarray Latitude of site(s) of interest lon : ndarray Longitude of site(s) of interest Returns ------- zenith : ndarray Solar zenith angle in radians """ n, zulu = SolarPosition._parse_time(time_index) ra, dec = SolarPosition._calc_sun_pos(n) ha = SolarPosition._calc_hour_angle(n, zulu, ra, lon) zenith = SolarPosition._calc_zenith(dec, ha, lat) return zenith def _format_output(self, arr): """ Format radians array for output: - Convert to degrees - Transpose if needed Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Data array in radians Returns ------- arr : ndarray Data array in degrees and formatted as (time x sites) """ arr = np.degrees(arr) if arr.shape[0] != len(self._time_index): arr = arr.T return arr @property def azimuth(self): """ Solar azimuth angle Returns ------- azimuth : ndarray Solar azimuth angle in degrees """ azimuth = self._azimuth(self.time_index, self.latitude, self.longitude) return self._format_output(azimuth) @property def elevation(self): """ Solar elevation angle Returns ------- elevation : ndarray Solar elevation angle in degrees """ elevation = self._elevation(self.time_index, self.latitude, self.longitude) return self._format_output(elevation) @property def apparent_elevation(self): """ Refracted solar elevation angle Returns ------- elevation : ndarray Solar elevation angle in degrees """ elevation = self._elevation(self.time_index, self.latitude, self.longitude) elevation = self._atm_correction(elevation) return self._format_output(elevation) @property def zenith(self): """ Solar zenith angle Returns ------- zenith : ndarray Solar zenith angle in degrees """ zenith = self._zenith(self.time_index, self.latitude, self.longitude) return self._format_output(zenith)