
class WindX(res_h5, res_cls=None, tree=None, unscale=True, str_decode=True, group=None, hsds=False, hsds_kwargs=None, log_vers=True)[source]

Bases: ResourceX

Wind Resource extraction class

  • res_h5 (str) – Path to resource .h5 file of interest

  • res_cls (obj, optional) – Resource class to use to open and access resource data, by default Resource (default changes for subclasses like NSRDBX)

  • tree (str | cKDTree, optional) – cKDTree or path to .pkl file containing pre-computed tree of lat, lon coordinates, by default None

  • unscale (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction, by default True

  • str_decode (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. by default True

  • group (str, optional) – Group within .h5 resource file to open, by default None

  • hsds (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False

  • hsds_kwargs (dict, optional) – Dictionary of optional kwargs for h5pyd, e.g., bucket, username, password, by default None

  • log_vers (bool) – Flag to log rex versions, True by default. Disable this if wrapping in a parallel process (logs get very verbose).


box_gids(lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Get gids within bounding lat_lon coordinates


Close res_cls instance

get_SAM_gid(hub_height, gid[, out_path, ...])

Extract time-series of all variables needed to run SAM for nearest site to given resource gid and hub height

get_SAM_lat_lon(hub_height, lat_lon[, ...])

Extract time-series of all variables needed to run SAM for nearest site to given lat_lon and hub height

get_box_df(ds_name, lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given bounding box and return as a DataFrame

get_box_ts(ds_name, lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given bounding box

get_gid_df(ds_name, gid)

Extract timeseries of site(s) nearest to given lat_lon(s) and return as a DataFrame

get_gid_ts(ds_name, gid)

Extract timeseries of site(s) neareset to given lat_lon(s)

get_grid_vectors(target[, meta])

Get vectors representing pure horizontal/vertical movements in the meta data coordinate system.

get_lat_lon_df(ds_name, lat_lon[, check_lat_lon])

Extract timeseries of site(s) nearest to given lat_lon(s) and return as a DataFrame

get_lat_lon_ts(ds_name, lat_lon[, check_lat_lon])

Extract timeseries of site(s) neareset to given lat_lon(s)

get_raster_index(target, shape[, meta, ...])

Get meta data index values that correspond to a 2D rectangular grid of the requested shape starting with the target coordinate in the bottom left hand corner.

get_region_df(ds_name, region[, region_col])

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given region and return as a DataFrame

get_region_ts(ds_name, region[, region_col])

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given region

get_timestep_map(ds_name, timestep[, ...])

Extract a map of the given dataset at the given timestep for the given region if supplied

lat_lon_gid(lat_lon[, check_lat_lon])

Get nearest gid to given (lat, lon) pair or pairs

make_SAM_files(hub_height, res_h5, gids, ...)

A performant parallel entry point for making many SAM csv files for many gids

region_gids(region[, region_col])

Get the gids for given region

save_region(out_fpath, region[, datasets, ...])

Extract desired datasets from desired region and save to a new out_fpath .h5 file

save_subset(out_fpath, gids[, datasets])

Extract desired datasets for given gids and save to a new out_fpath .h5 file


Get the index of the desired timestep



Global (file) attributes


(lat, lon) pairs


Available Counties


Available Countires


Get the version attribute of the data.


Datasets available


Distance threshold, calculated as half of the diagonal between closest resource points, with an extra 5% margin


Datasets available


Global (file) attributes


Groups available


Open h5py File instance.


Extract (latitude, longitude) pairs


Resource meta data DataFrame


Available resource datasets


Open res_cls instance to access res_h5 data


Available resource datasets


Resource shape (timesteps, sites) shape = (len(time_index), len(meta))


Available states


Resource DatetimeIndex


Pre-initialized cKDTree on the resource lat, lon coordinates


alias of WindResource

get_SAM_gid(hub_height, gid, out_path=None, write_time=True, extra_meta_data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Extract time-series of all variables needed to run SAM for nearest site to given resource gid and hub height

  • hub_height (int) – Hub height of interest

  • gid (int | list) – Resource gid(s) of interset

  • out_path (str, optional) – Path to save SAM data to in SAM .csv format, by default None

  • write_time (bool) – Flag to write the time columns (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute)

  • extra_meta_data (dict, optional) – Dictionary that maps the names and values of extra meta info. For example, extra_meta_data={‘TMY Year’: ‘2020’} will add a column ‘TMY Year’ to the meta data with a value of ‘2020’.

  • kwargs (dict) – Internal kwargs for get_SAM_df: - require_wind_dir - icing


SAM_df (pandas.DataFrame | list) – Time-series DataFrame for given site and dataset If multiple lat, lon pairs are given a list of DatFrames is returned

get_SAM_lat_lon(hub_height, lat_lon, check_lat_lon=True, out_path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Extract time-series of all variables needed to run SAM for nearest site to given lat_lon and hub height

  • hub_height (int) – Hub height of interest

  • lat_lon (tuple) – (lat, lon) coordinate of interest

  • check_lat_lon (bool, optional) – Flag to check to make sure the requested lat lons are inside the resource grid. This is done by comparing with the bounding box of the resource coordinates and by ensuring the nearest neighbor distance are below the distance threshold to ensure that requested lat, lon coordinates are within the resource grid, by default True

  • out_path (str, optional) – Path to save SAM data to in SAM .csv format, by default None

  • kwargs (dict) – Internal kwargs for get_SAM_df: - require_wind_dir - icing


SAM_df (pandas.DataFrame | list) – Time-series DataFrame for given site and dataset If multiple lat, lon pairs are given a list of DatFrames is returned

classmethod make_SAM_files(hub_height, res_h5, gids, out_path, write_time=True, extra_meta_data=None, max_workers=1, n_chunks=36, **kwargs)[source]

A performant parallel entry point for making many SAM csv files for many gids

  • hub_height (int) – Hub height of interest

  • res_h5 (str) – Filepath to resource h5 file.

  • gids (list | tuple | np.ndarray) – Resource gid(s) of interset

  • out_path (str, optional) – Path to save SAM data to in SAM .csv format. A gid index “*_{gid}.csv” will be appended to the file path

  • write_time (bool) – Flag to write the time columns (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute)

  • extra_meta_data (dict, optional) – Dictionary that maps the names and values of extra meta info. For example, extra_meta_data={‘TMY Year’: ‘2020’} will add a column ‘TMY Year’ to the meta data with a value of ‘2020’.

  • max_workers (int | None) – Number of parallel workers. None for all workers.

  • n_chunks (int) – Number of chunks to split gids into for parallelization

  • kwargs (dict) – Internal kwargs for get_SAM_df

property attrs

Global (file) attributes


attrs (dict)

box_gids(lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Get gids within bounding lat_lon coordinates

  • lat_lon_1 (list | tuple) – One corner of the bounding box

  • lat_lon_2 (list | tuple) – The other corner of the bounding box


gids (ndarray) – Gids in bounding box


Close res_cls instance

property coordinates

(lat, lon) pairs


lat_lon (ndarray)



property counties

Available Counties


counties (ndarray)

property countries

Available Countires


countries (ndarray)

property data_version

Get the version attribute of the data. None if not available.


version (str | None)

property datasets

Datasets available



property distance_threshold

Distance threshold, calculated as half of the diagonal between closest resource points, with an extra 5% margin



property dsets

Datasets available



get_box_df(ds_name, lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given bounding box and return as a DataFrame

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • lat_lon_1 (list | tuple) – One corner of the bounding box

  • lat_lon_2 (list | tuple) – The other corner of the bounding box


box_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Time-series array of desired dataset for all sites in desired bounding box

get_box_ts(ds_name, lat_lon_1, lat_lon_2)

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given bounding box

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • lat_lon_1 (list | tuple) – One corner of the bounding box

  • lat_lon_2 (list | tuple) – The other corner of the bounding box


box_ts (ndarray) – Time-series array of desired dataset for all sites in desired bounding box

get_gid_df(ds_name, gid)

Extract timeseries of site(s) nearest to given lat_lon(s) and return as a DataFrame

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • gid (int | list) – Resource gid(s) of interset


df (pandas.DataFrame) – Time-series DataFrame for given site(s) and dataset

get_gid_ts(ds_name, gid)

Extract timeseries of site(s) neareset to given lat_lon(s)

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • gid (int | list) – Resource gid(s) of interset


ts (ndarray) – Time-series for given site(s) and dataset

get_grid_vectors(target, meta=None)

Get vectors representing pure horizontal/vertical movements in the meta data coordinate system. Note that this can break down if a target is requested outside of the main grid area.

  • target (tuple) – Starting coordinate (latitude, longitude) in decimal degrees for the bottom left hand corner of the raster grid.

  • meta (pd.DataFrame | None) – Optional meta data input with latitude, longitude fields. Default is None which extracts self.meta from the resource data.


  • gid_target (np.ndarray) – 1D array of shape (2,) with (latitude, longitude) corresponding to the meta data grid cell closest to the requested target.

  • vector_x (np.ndarray) – 1D array of shape (2,) with (delta_latitude, delta_longitude) corresponding to the vector for pure positive horizontal movement in the meta data

  • vector_y (np.ndarray) – 1D array of shape (2,) with (delta_latitude, delta_longitude) corresponding to the vector for pure positive vertical movement in the meta data

  • close (np.ndarray) – Meta data index values corresponding to the 3x3 box of pixels closest to gid_target.

get_lat_lon_df(ds_name, lat_lon, check_lat_lon=True)

Extract timeseries of site(s) nearest to given lat_lon(s) and return as a DataFrame

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • lat_lon (tuple) – (lat, lon) coordinate of interest

  • check_lat_lon (bool, optional) – Flag to check to make sure the requested lat lons are inside the resource grid. This is done by comparing with the bounding box of the resource coordinates and by ensuring the nearest neighbor distance are below the distance threshold to ensure that requested lat, lon coordinates are within the resource grid, by default True


df (pandas.DataFrame) – Time-series DataFrame for given site(s) and dataset

get_lat_lon_ts(ds_name, lat_lon, check_lat_lon=True)

Extract timeseries of site(s) neareset to given lat_lon(s)

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • lat_lon (tuple | list) – (lat, lon) coordinate of interest or pairs of coordinates

  • check_lat_lon (bool, optional) – Flag to check to make sure the requested lat lons are inside the resource grid. This is done by comparing with the bounding box of the resource coordinates and by ensuring the nearest neighbor distance are below the distance threshold to ensure that requested lat, lon coordinates are within the resource grid, by default True


ts (ndarray) – Time-series for given site(s) and dataset

get_raster_index(target, shape, meta=None, max_delta=50)

Get meta data index values that correspond to a 2D rectangular grid of the requested shape starting with the target coordinate in the bottom left hand corner. Note that this can break down if a target is requested outside of the main grid area.

  • target (tuple) – Starting coordinate (latitude, longitude) in decimal degrees for the bottom left hand corner of the raster grid.

  • shape (tuple) – Desired raster shape in format (number_rows, number_cols)

  • meta (pd.DataFrame | None) – Optional meta data input with latitude, longitude fields. Default is None which extracts self.meta from the resource data.

  • max_delta (int) – Optional maximum limit on the raster shape that is retrieved at once. If shape is (20, 20) and max_delta=10, the full raseter will be retrieved in four chunks of (10, 10). This helps adapt to non-regular grids that curve over large distances.


raster_index (np.ndarray) – 2D array of meta data index values that form a 2D rectangular grid with latitudes descending from top to bottom and longitudes ascending from left to right.

get_region_df(ds_name, region, region_col='state')

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given region and return as a DataFrame

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • region (str) – Region to extract all pixels for

  • region_col (str) – Region column to search


region_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Time-series array of desired dataset for all sites in desired region

get_region_ts(ds_name, region, region_col='state')

Extract timeseries of of all sites in given region

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • region (str) – Region to search for

  • region_col (str) – Region column to search


region_ts (ndarray) – Time-series array of desired dataset for all sites in desired region

get_timestep_map(ds_name, timestep, region=None, region_col='state', box=None)

Extract a map of the given dataset at the given timestep for the given region if supplied

  • ds_name (str) – Dataset to extract

  • timestep (str) – Timestep of interest

  • region (str, optional) – Region to extract all pixels for, by default None

  • region_col (str, optional) – Region column to search, by default ‘state’

  • box (tuple, optional) – Bounding corners of box to extract pixels for


ts_map (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of map values

property global_attrs

Global (file) attributes


global_attrs (dict)

property groups

Groups available


groups (list)

property h5

Open h5py File instance. If _group is not None return open Group


h5 (h5py.File | h5py.Group)

property lat_lon

Extract (latitude, longitude) pairs


lat_lon (ndarray)

lat_lon_gid(lat_lon, check_lat_lon=True)

Get nearest gid to given (lat, lon) pair or pairs

  • lat_lon (ndarray) – Either a single (lat, lon) pair or series of (lat, lon) pairs

  • check_lat_lon (bool, optional) – Flag to check to make sure the requested lat lons are inside the resource grid. This is done by comparing with the bounding box of the resource coordinates and by ensuring the nearest neighbor distance are below the distance threshold to ensure that requested lat, lon coordinates are within the resource grid, by default True


gids (int | ndarray) – Nearest gid(s) to given (lat, lon) pair(s)

property meta

Resource meta data DataFrame


meta (pandas.DataFrame)

region_gids(region, region_col='state')

Get the gids for given region

  • region (str) – Region to search for

  • region_col (str) – Region column to search


gids (ndarray) – Vector of gids in given region

property res_dsets

Available resource datasets



property resource

Open res_cls instance to access res_h5 data


res_cls (rex.resource.Resource | rex.renewable_resource.*)

property resource_datasets

Available resource datasets



save_region(out_fpath, region, datasets=None, region_col='state')

Extract desired datasets from desired region and save to a new out_fpath .h5 file

  • out_fpath (str) – Path to .h5 file to save region datasets to

  • region (str, optional) – Region to extract all pixels for, by default None

  • datasets (str | list, optional) – Dataset(s) to extract from given region and save to out_fpath, if None extract all datasets, by default None

  • region_col (str, optional) – Region column to search, by default ‘state’

save_subset(out_fpath, gids, datasets=None)

Extract desired datasets for given gids and save to a new out_fpath .h5 file

  • out_fpath (str) – Path to .h5 file to save region datasets to

  • gids (list) – List of gids to extract data from and save to .h5

  • datasets (str | list, optional) – Dataset(s) to extract from given region and save to out_fpath, if None extract all datasets, by default None

property shape

Resource shape (timesteps, sites) shape = (len(time_index), len(meta))


shape (tuple)

property states

Available states


states (ndarray)

property time_index

Resource DatetimeIndex


time_index (pandas.DatetimeIndex)


Get the index of the desired timestep


timestep (str) – Timestep of interest


ts_idx (int) – Time index value

property tree

Pre-initialized cKDTree on the resource lat, lon coordinates


tree (cKDTree)