WindRose Command Line Interface
wind-rose [OPTIONS]
- --version
Show the version and exit.
- -h5, --wind_path <wind_path>
Required Path to wind resource .h5 files
- -height, --hub_height <hub_height>
Required Hub-height at which to compute wind rose
- -o, --out_dir <out_dir>
Required Directory to dump output files
- -wspd, --wspd_bins <wspd_bins>
(start, stop, step) for wind speed bins
- Default:
0, 30, 1
- -dir, --wdir_bins <wdir_bins>
(start, stop, step) for wind direction bins
- Default:
0, 360, 5
- -mw, --max_workers <max_workers>
Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores
- -res, --res_cls <res_cls>
Resource Handler
- Default:
- Options:
Wind | MultiFile | MultiYear
- -hsds, --hsds
Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS
- -cpw, --chunks_per_worker <chunks_per_worker>
Number of chunks to extract on each worker
- -log, --log_file <log_file>
Path to .log file, if None only log to stdout
- -v, --verbose
Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.