
class JointPD(res_h5, res_cls=<class 'rex.resource.Resource'>, hsds=False)[source]

Bases: object

Compute the joint probability distribution between the desired variables

  • res_h5 (str) – Path to resource h5 file(s)

  • res_cls (Class, optional) – Resource handler class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource

  • hsds (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False


compute(dset1, dset2, bins1, bins2[, sites, ...])

Compute joint probability distribution between given datasets using given bins for all sites.

compute_joint_pd(res_h5, dset1, dset2, ...)

Compute the joint probability distribution between the two given datasets using the given bins for given sites

plot_joint_pd(jpd[, site])

Plot the mean joint probability distribution accross all sites (site=None), or the distribution for the single given site

run(res_h5, dset1, dset2, bins1, bins2[, ...])

Compute joint probability distribution between given datasets using given bins

save(jpd, out_fpath)

Save joint probability distribution to disk

wind_rose(wind_h5, hub_height[, wspd_bins, ...])

Compute wind rose at given hub height



Resource class to use to access wind_h5


Path to resource h5 file(s)

property res_h5

Path to resource h5 file(s)



property res_cls

Resource class to use to access wind_h5



classmethod compute_joint_pd(res_h5, dset1, dset2, bins1, bins2, res_cls=<class 'rex.resource.Resource'>, hsds=False, sites_slice=None)[source]

Compute the joint probability distribution between the two given datasets using the given bins for given sites

  • res_h5 (str) – Path to resource h5 file(s)

  • dset1 (str) – Dataset 1 to generate joint probability distribution for

  • dset2 (str) – Dataset 2 to generate joint probabilty distribution for

  • bins1 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 1 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • bins2 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 2 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • res_cls (Class, optional) – Resource handler class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource

  • hsds (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False

  • sites_slice (slice | None, optional) – Sites to extract, if None all, by default None (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)


jpd (dict) – Dictionary of joint probabilty distribution densities for given sites

compute(dset1, dset2, bins1, bins2, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5)[source]

Compute joint probability distribution between given datasets using given bins for all sites.

  • dset1 (str) – Dataset 1 to generate joint probability distribution for

  • dset2 (str) – Dataset 2 to generate joint probabilty distribution for

  • bins1 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 1 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • bins2 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 2 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • sites (list | slice, optional) – Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)

  • max_workers (None | int, optional) – Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None

  • chunks_per_worker (int, optional) – Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5


jpd (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of joint probability distribution between given datasets with given bins

save(jpd, out_fpath)[source]

Save joint probability distribution to disk

  • jpd (pandas.DataFrame) – Table of joint probability distribution densities to save

  • out_fpath (str) – .csv, or .h5 file path to save joint probability distribution to

static plot_joint_pd(jpd, site=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the mean joint probability distribution accross all sites (site=None), or the distribution for the single given site

  • jpd (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of joint probability distribution between given datasets with given bins

  • site (int, optional) – Site to plot distribution for, if None plot mean distribution across all sites, by default None

classmethod run(res_h5, dset1, dset2, bins1, bins2, sites=None, res_cls=<class 'rex.resource.Resource'>, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, out_fpath=None)[source]

Compute joint probability distribution between given datasets using given bins

  • res_h5 (str) – Path to resource h5 file(s)

  • dset1 (str) – Dataset 1 to generate joint probability distribution for

  • dset2 (str) – Dataset 2 to generate joint probabilty distribution for

  • bins1 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 1 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • bins2 (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for dataset 2 bins. The stop value is inclusive, so (0, 6, 2) would yield three bins with edges (0, 2, 4, 6). If the stop value is not perfectly divisible by the step, the last bin will overshoot the stop value.

  • sites (list | slice, optional) – Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)

  • res_cls (Class, optional) – Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource

  • hsds (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False

  • max_workers (None | int, optional) – Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None

  • chunks_per_worker (int, optional) – Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5

  • out_fpath (str, optional) – .csv, or .h5 file path to save joint probability distribution to


out (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of joint probability distribution between given datasets with given bins

classmethod wind_rose(wind_h5, hub_height, wspd_bins=(0, 30, 1), wdir_bins=(0, 360, 5), sites=None, res_cls=<class 'rex.renewable_resource.WindResource'>, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, out_fpath=None)[source]

Compute wind rose at given hub height

  • wind_h5 (str) – Path to resource h5 file(s)

  • hub_height (str | int) – Hub-height to compute wind rose at

  • wspd_bins (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for wind speed bins

  • wdir_bins (tuple) – (start, stop, step) for wind direction bins

  • sites (list | slice, optional) – Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices)

  • res_cls (Class, optional) – Resource class to use to access wind_h5, by default Resource

  • hsds (bool, optional) – Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 ‘files’ hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False

  • max_workers (None | int, optional) – Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None

  • chunks_per_worker (int, optional) – Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5

  • out_fpath (str, optional) – .csv, or .h5 file path to save wind rose to


wind_rose (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of wind rose frequencies at desired hub-height