Source code for rex.utilities.hpc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Execution utilities.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import subprocess
import logging
import getpass
import shlex
from warnings import warn
import re

from rex.utilities.execution import SubprocessManager
from rex.utilities.exceptions import (ExecutionError, HpcError, SlurmWarning,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class HpcJobManager(SubprocessManager, ABC): """Abstract HPC job manager framework""" # get username as class attribute. USER = getpass.getuser() # HPC queue column headers QCOL_NAME = None # Job name column QCOL_ID = None # Job integer ID column QCOL_STATUS = None # Job status column # set a max job name length, will raise error if too long. MAX_NAME_LEN = 100 # default rows to skip in queue stdout QSKIP = None def __init__(self, user=None, queue_dict=None): """ Parameters ---------- user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() queue_dict : dict | None Parsed HPC queue dictionary (qstat for PBS or squeue for SLURM) from parse_queue_str(). None will get the queue from PBS or SLURM. """ self._user = user if self._user is None: self._user = self.USER if queue_dict is not None and not isinstance(queue_dict, dict): emsg = ('HPC queue_dict arg must be None or Dict but received: ' '{}, {}'.format(queue_dict, type(queue_dict))) logger.error(emsg) raise HpcError(emsg) self._queue = queue_dict @staticmethod def _skip_q_rows(queue_str, skip_rows): """Remove rows from the queue_str that are to be skipped. Parameters ---------- queue_str : str HPC queue output string. Can be split on line breaks to get list. skip_rows : int | list | None Optional row index values to skip. Returns ------- queue_str : str HPC queue output string. Can be split on line breaks to get list. """ if skip_rows is not None: if isinstance(skip_rows, int): skip_rows = [skip_rows] queue_str = [row for i, row in enumerate(queue_str.split('\n')) if i not in skip_rows] queue_str = '\n'.join(queue_str) return queue_str
[docs] @classmethod def parse_queue_str(cls, queue_str, keys=0): """Parse the qstat or squeue output string into a dict format keyed by integer job id with nested dictionary of job properties (queue printout columns). Parameters ---------- queue_str : str HPC queue output string (qstat for PBS or squeue for SLURM). Typically a space-delimited string with line breaks. keys : list | int Argument to set the queue job attributes (column headers). This defaults to an integer which says which row index contains the space-delimited column headers. Can also be a list to explicitly set the column headers. Returns ------- queue_dict : dict HPC queue parsed into dictionary format keyed by integer job id with nested dictionary of job properties (queue printout columns). """ queue_dict = {} queue_rows = queue_str.split('\n') if isinstance(keys, int): del_index = keys keys = [k.strip(' ') for k in queue_rows[keys].strip(' ').split(' ') if k != ''] del queue_rows[del_index] for row in queue_rows: job = [k.strip(' ') for k in row.strip(' ').split(' ') if k != ''] job_id = int(job[keys.index(cls.QCOL_ID)]) queue_dict[job_id] = {k: job[i] for i, k in enumerate(keys)} return queue_dict
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_queue(self, job_name=None, user=None, qformat=None, skip_rows=None): """Run the HPC queue command and return the raw stdout string. Parameters ---------- job_name : str | None Optional to check the squeue for a specific job name (not limited to the 8 shown characters) or None to show user's whole queue. user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() qformat : str | None Queue format string specification. Changing this form the default (None) could have adverse effects! skip_rows : int | list | None Optional row index values to skip. Returns ------- stdout : str HPC queue output string. Can be split on line breaks to get list. """
@property def queue(self): """Get the HPC queue parsed into dict format keyed by integer job id Returns ------- queue : dict HPC queue parsed into dictionary format keyed by integer job id with nested dictionary of job properties (queue printout columns). """ if self._queue is None: qstr = self.query_queue(user=self._user) self._queue = self.parse_queue_str(qstr) return self._queue @property def queue_job_names(self): """Get a list of the job names in the queue""" return [attrs[self.QCOL_NAME] for attrs in self.queue.values()] @property def queue_job_ids(self): """Get a list of the job integer ids in the queue""" return list(self.queue.keys())
[docs] def check_status(self, job_id=None, job_name=None): """Check the status of an HPC job using the HPC queue. Parameters ---------- job_id : int | None Job integer ID number (preferred input) job_name : str Job name string. Returns ------- status : str | NoneType Queue job status str or None if not found. SLURM status strings: PD, R, CG (pending, running, complete). PBS status strings: Q, R, C (queued, running, complete). """ status = None if job_id is not None: if int(job_id) in self.queue: status = self.queue[int(job_id)][self.QCOL_STATUS] elif job_name is not None: if job_name in self.queue_job_names: for attrs in self.queue.values(): if attrs[self.QCOL_NAME] == job_name: status = attrs[self.QCOL_STATUS] break else: msg = 'Need a job_id or job_name to check HPC job status!' logger.error(msg) raise HpcError(msg) return status
[docs] class PBS(HpcJobManager): """Subclass for PBS subprocess jobs.""" # PBS qstat column headers QCOL_NAME = 'Name' # Job name column QCOL_ID = 'Job id' # Job integer ID column QCOL_STATUS = 'S' # Job status column # Frozen PBS qstat column headers cached b/c its not space delimited QSTAT_KEYS = ('Job id', 'Name', 'User', 'Time Use', 'S', 'Queue') # set a max job name length, will raise error if too long. MAX_NAME_LEN = 100 # default rows to skip in queue stdout QSKIP = (0, 1) def __init__(self, user=None, queue_dict=None): """ Parameters ---------- user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() queue_dict : dict | None Parsed HPC queue dictionary (qstat for PBS or squeue for SLURM) from parse_queue_str(). None will get the queue from PBS or SLURM. """ super().__init__(user=user, queue_dict=queue_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def query_queue(cls, job_name=None, user=None, qformat=None, skip_rows=None): """Run the PBS qstat command and return the raw stdout string. Parameters ---------- job_name : str | None Optional to check the squeue for a specific job name (not limited to the 8 shown characters) or None to show user's whole queue. user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() qformat : str | None Queue format string specification. Changing this form the default (None) could have adverse effects! skip_rows : int | list | None Optional row index values to skip. Returns ------- stdout : str qstat output string. Can be split on line breaks to get list. """ if user is None: user = cls.USER if skip_rows is None: skip_rows = cls.QSKIP cmd = 'qstat -u {user}'.format(user=user) stdout, _ = cls.submit(cmd) stdout = cls._skip_q_rows(stdout, skip_rows) return stdout
@property def queue(self): """Get the HPC queue parsed into dict format keyed by integer job id Returns ------- queue : dict HPC queue parsed into dictionary format keyed by integer job id with nested dictionary of job properties (queue printout columns). """ if self._queue is None: qstr = self.query_queue(user=self._user) self._queue = self.parse_queue_str(qstr, keys=self.QSTAT_KEYS) return self._queue
[docs] def qsub(self, cmd, alloc, queue, name='reV', feature=None, stdout_path='./stdout', keep_sh=False): """Submit a PBS job via qsub command and PBS shell script Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be submitted in PBS shell script. Example: 'python -m reV.generation.cli_gen' alloc : str HPC allocation account. Example: 'rev'. queue : str HPC queue to submit job to. Example: 'short', 'batch-h', etc... name : str PBS job name. feature : str | None PBS feature request (-l {feature}). Example: 'feature=24core', 'qos=high', etc... stdout_path : str Path to print .stdout and .stderr files. keep_sh : bool Boolean to keep the .sh files. Default is to remove these files after job submission. Returns ------- out : str qsub standard output, this is typically the PBS job ID. err : str qsub standard error, this is typically an empty string if the job was submitted successfully. """ if len(name) > self.MAX_NAME_LEN: msg = ('Cannot submit job with name longer than {} chars: "{}"' .format(self.MAX_NAME_LEN, name)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) status = self.check_status(job_name=name) if status in ('Q', 'R'):'Not submitting job "{}" because it is already in ' 'qstat with status: "{}"'.format(name, status)) out = None err = 'already_running' else: self.make_path(stdout_path) feature_str = '#PBS -l {}\n'.format(str(feature).replace(' ', '')) fname = '{}.sh'.format(name) script = ('#!/bin/bash\n' '#PBS -N {n} # job name\n' '#PBS -A {a} # allocation account\n' '#PBS -q {q} # queue (debug, short, batch, or long)\n' '#PBS -o {p}/{n}_$PBS_JOBID.o\n' '#PBS -e {p}/{n}_$PBS_JOBID.e\n' '{L}' 'echo Running on: $HOSTNAME, Machine Type: $MACHTYPE\n' '{cmd}' .format(n=name, a=alloc, q=queue, p=stdout_path, L=feature_str if feature else '', cmd=cmd)) # write the shell script file and submit as qsub job self.make_sh(fname, script) out, err = self.submit('qsub {script}'.format(script=fname)) if not keep_sh: self.rm(fname) if err: msg = 'Received a PBS error or warning: {}'.format(err) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg, PbsWarning) else: logger.debug('PBS job "{}" with id #{} submitted successfully' .format(name, out)) self._queue[int(out)] = {self.QCOL_ID: int(out), self.QCOL_NAME: name, self.QCOL_STATUS: 'Q'} return out, err
[docs] class SLURM(HpcJobManager): """Subclass for SLURM subprocess jobs.""" # SLURM squeue column headers QCOL_NAME = 'NAME' # Job name column QCOL_ID = 'JOBID' # Job integer ID column QCOL_STATUS = 'ST' # Job status column MAX_NAME_LEN = 100 SQ_FORMAT = ("%.15i %.30P %.{}j %.20u %.10t %.15M %.25R %q" .format(MAX_NAME_LEN)) # default rows to skip in queue stdout QSKIP = None def __init__(self, user=None, queue_dict=None): """ Parameters ---------- user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() queue_dict : dict | None Parsed HPC queue dictionary (qstat for PBS or squeue for SLURM) from parse_queue_str(). None will get the queue from PBS or SLURM. """ super().__init__(user=user, queue_dict=queue_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def query_queue(cls, job_name=None, user=None, qformat=None, skip_rows=None): """Run the HPC queue command and return the raw stdout string. Parameters ---------- job_name : str | None Optional to check the squeue for a specific job name (not limited to the 8 shown characters) or None to show user's whole queue. user : str | None HPC username. None will get your username using getpass.getuser() qformat : str | None Queue format string specification. Changing this form the default (None) could have adverse effects! skip_rows : int | list | None Optional row index values to skip. Returns ------- stdout : str HPC queue output string. Can be split on line breaks to get list. """ job_name_str = '' if job_name is not None: job_name_str = ' -n {}'.format(job_name) if user is None: user = cls.USER if qformat is None: qformat = cls.SQ_FORMAT if skip_rows is None: skip_rows = cls.QSKIP cmd = ('squeue -u {user}{job_name} --format="{format_str}"' .format(user=user, job_name=job_name_str, format_str=qformat)) stdout, _ = cls.submit(cmd) stdout = cls._skip_q_rows(stdout, skip_rows) return stdout
[docs] @staticmethod def scontrol(cmd): """Submit an scontrol command. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command string after "scontrol" word """ cmd = 'scontrol {}'.format(cmd) cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
[docs] def scancel(self, arg): """Cancel a slurm job. Parameters ---------- arg : int | list | str SLURM integer job id(s) to cancel. Can be a list of integer job ids, 'all' to cancel all jobs, or a feature (-p short) to cancel all jobs with a given feature """ if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): for job_id in arg: self.scancel(job_id) elif str(arg).lower() == 'all': self._queue = None for job_id in self.queue_job_ids: self.scancel(job_id) elif isinstance(arg, (int, str)): cmd = ('scancel {}'.format(arg)) cmd = shlex.split(cmd) else: e = ('Could not cancel: {} with type {}' .format(arg, type(arg))) logger.error(e) raise ExecutionError(e)
[docs] def change_qos(self, arg, qos): """Change the priority (quality of service) for a job. Parameters ---------- arg : int | list | str SLURM integer job id(s) to change qos for. Can be 'all' for all jobs. qos : str New qos value """ if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): for job_id in arg: self.change_qos(job_id, qos) elif isinstance(arg, int): cmd = 'update job {} QOS={}'.format(arg, qos) self.scontrol(cmd) elif str(arg).lower() == 'all': self._queue = None for job_id, attrs in self.queue.items(): status = attrs[self.QCOL_STATUS].lower() if status == 'pd': self.change_qos(job_id, qos) else: e = ('Could not change qos of: {} with type {}' .format(arg, type(arg))) logger.error(e) raise ExecutionError(e)
[docs] def hold(self, arg): """Temporarily hold a job from submitting. Held jobs will stay in queue but will not get nodes until released. Parameters ---------- arg : int | list | str SLURM integer job id(s) to hold. Can be 'all' to hold all jobs. """ if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): for job_id in arg: self.hold(job_id) elif isinstance(arg, int): cmd = 'hold {}'.format(arg) self.scontrol(cmd) elif str(arg).lower() == 'all': self._queue = None for job_id, attrs in self.queue.items(): status = attrs[self.QCOL_STATUS].lower() if status == 'pd': self.hold(job_id) else: e = ('Could not hold: {} with type {}' .format(arg, type(arg))) logger.error(e) raise ExecutionError(e)
[docs] def release(self, arg): """Release a job that was previously on hold so it will be submitted to a compute node. Parameters ---------- arg : int | list | str SLURM integer job id(s) to release. Can be 'all' to release all jobs. """ if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): for job_id in arg: self.release(job_id) elif isinstance(arg, int): cmd = 'release {}'.format(arg) self.scontrol(cmd) elif str(arg).lower() == 'all': self._queue = None for job_id, attrs in self.queue.items(): status = attrs[self.QCOL_STATUS].lower() reason = attrs['NODELIST(REASON)'].lower() if status == 'pd' and 'jobheld' in reason: self.release(job_id) else: e = ('Could not release: {} with type {}' .format(arg, type(arg))) logger.error(e) raise ExecutionError(e)
@staticmethod def _special_cmd_strs(feature, memory, module, module_root, conda_env): """Get special sbatch request strings for SLURM features, memory, modules, and conda environments Parameters ---------- feature : str Additional flags for SLURM job. Format is "--qos=high" or "--depend=[state:job_id]". Default is None. memory : int Node memory request in GB. module : bool Module to load module_root : str Path to module root to load conda_env : str Conda environment to activate Returns ------- feature_str : str SBATCH shell script feature request string. mem_str : str SBATCH shell script memory request string. env_str : str SBATCH shell script module load or source activate environment request string. """ feature_str = '' if feature is not None: feature_str = '#SBATCH {} # extra feature\n'.format(feature) mem_str = '' if memory is not None: mem_str = ('#SBATCH --mem={} # node RAM in MB\n' .format(int(memory * 1000))) env_str = '' if module is not None: env_str = ("echo module use {module_root}\n" "module use {module_root}\n" "echo module load {module}\n" "module load {module}\n" "echo module load complete!\n" .format(module_root=module_root, module=module)) elif conda_env is not None: env_str = ("echo source activate {conda_env}\n" "source activate {conda_env}\n" "echo conda env activate complete!\n" .format(conda_env=conda_env)) return feature_str, mem_str, env_str @staticmethod def _job_id_or_out(out): """Check stdout for a job id and return just the job id if present, otherwise return full stdout. Parameters ---------- out : str stdout from self.submit() Returns ------- stdout : str If job id is present in out then this is just the job id otherwise it is the full stdout """ stdout = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", str(out)) if not stdout: stdout = out return stdout
[docs] def sbatch(self, cmd, alloc=None, walltime=None, memory=None, nodes=1, feature=None, name='reV', stdout_path='./stdout', keep_sh=False, conda_env=None, module=None, module_root='/shared-projects/rev/modulefiles'): """Submit a SLURM job via sbatch command and SLURM shell script Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be submitted in SLURM shell script. Example: 'python -m reV.generation.cli_gen' alloc : str HPC project (allocation) handle. Example: 'rev'. Default is not to state an allocation (does not work on Eagle slurm). walltime : float Node walltime request in hours. Default is not to state a walltime (does not work on Eagle slurm). memory : int Node memory request in GB. nodes : int Number of nodes to use for this sbatch job. Default is 1. feature : str Additional flags for SLURM job. Format is "--qos=high" or "--depend=[state:job_id]". Default is None. name : str SLURM job name. stdout_path : str Path to print .stdout and .stderr files. keep_sh : bool Boolean to keep the .sh files. Default is to remove these files after job submission. conda_env : str Conda environment to activate module : bool Module to load module_root : str Path to module root to load Returns ------- out : str sbatch standard output, if submitted successfully, this is the slurm job id. err : str sbatch standard error, this is typically an empty string if the job was submitted successfully. """ if len(name) > self.MAX_NAME_LEN: msg = ('Cannot submit job with name longer than {} chars: "{}"' .format(self.MAX_NAME_LEN, name)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) status = self.check_status(job_name=name) if status is not None:'Not submitting job "{}" because it is in ' 'squeue or has been recently submitted'.format(name)) out = None err = 'already_running' else: fname = '{}.sh'.format(name) self.make_path(stdout_path) # make all the sbatch arguments sb_a = f'#SBATCH --account={alloc}' if alloc is not None else '' walltime = self.format_walltime(walltime) sb_t = f'#SBATCH --time={walltime}' if walltime is not None else '' sb_jn = f'#SBATCH --job-name={name} # job name' sb_no = f'#SBATCH --nodes={nodes} # number of nodes' sb_out = f'#SBATCH --output={stdout_path}/{name}_%j.o' sb_err = f'#SBATCH --error={stdout_path}/{name}_%j.e' sbf, sbm, env_str = self._special_cmd_strs(feature, memory, module, module_root, conda_env) script_args = ['#!/bin/bash'] sb_args = (sb_a, sb_t, sb_jn, sb_no, sb_out, sb_err, sbf, sbm, env_str) for sb_arg in sb_args: if sb_arg: script_args.append(sb_arg) script_args.append('echo Running on: $HOSTNAME, ' 'Machine Type: $MACHTYPE') script_args.append(cmd) script = '\n'.join(script_args) # write the shell script file and submit as qsub job self.make_sh(fname, script) out, err = self.submit('sbatch {script}'.format(script=fname)) out = self._job_id_or_out(out) if not keep_sh: self.rm(fname) if err: msg = 'Received a SLURM error or warning: {}'.format(err) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg, SlurmWarning) else: job_id = int(out.split(' ', maxsplit=-1)[-1]) out = str(job_id) logger.debug('SLURM job "{}" with id #{} submitted ' 'successfully'.format(name, job_id)) self._queue[job_id] = {self.QCOL_ID: job_id, self.QCOL_NAME: name, self.QCOL_STATUS: 'PD'} return out, err