Source code for rex.utilities.execution

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Execution utilities.
import multiprocessing
import concurrent.futures as cf
import subprocess
import logging
import gc
from math import floor
import os
import psutil
import shlex
from warnings import warn

from rex.utilities.loggers import LOGGERS, log_mem
from rex.utilities.exceptions import ExecutionError, ParallelExecutionWarning

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SubprocessManager: """Base class to handle subprocess execution."""
[docs] @staticmethod def make_path(d): """Make a directory tree if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- d : str Directory tree to check and potentially create. """ if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_sh(fname, script): """Make a shell script (.sh file) to execute a subprocess. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of the .sh file to create. script : str Contents to be written into the .sh file. """ logger.debug('The shell script "{n}" contains the following:\n' '~~~~~~~~~~ {n} ~~~~~~~~~~\n' '{s}\n' '~~~~~~~~~~ {n} ~~~~~~~~~~' .format(n=fname, s=script)) with open(fname, 'w+') as f: f.write(script)
[docs] @staticmethod def rm(fname): """Remove a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename (with path) to remove. """ os.remove(fname)
@staticmethod def _subproc_popen(cmd): """Open a subprocess popen constructor and submit a command. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be submitted using python subprocess. Returns ------- stdout : str Subprocess standard output. This is decoded from the subprocess stdout with rstrip. stderr : str Subprocess standard error. This is decoded from the subprocess stderr with rstrip. After decoding/rstrip, this will be empty if the subprocess doesn't return an error. """ cmd = shlex.split(cmd) # use subprocess to submit command and get piped o/e process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() stderr = stderr.decode('ascii').rstrip() stdout = stdout.decode('ascii').rstrip() if process.returncode != 0: raise OSError('Subprocess submission failed with return code {} ' 'and stderr:\n{}' .format(process.returncode, stderr)) return stdout, stderr @staticmethod def _subproc_run(cmd, background=False, background_stdout=False, shell=True): """Open a subprocess and submit a command. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be submitted using python subprocess. background : bool Flag to submit subprocess in the background. stdout stderr will be empty strings if this is True. background_stdout : bool Flag to capture the stdout/stderr from the background process in a nohup.out file. """ nohup_cmd = None if background and background_stdout: nohup_cmd = 'nohup {} &' elif background and not background_stdout: nohup_cmd = 'nohup {} </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &' if nohup_cmd is not None: cmd = nohup_cmd.format(cmd) shell = True, shell=shell, check=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def submit(cmd, background=False, background_stdout=False): """Open a subprocess and submit a command. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be submitted using python subprocess. background : bool Flag to submit subprocess in the background. stdout stderr will be empty strings if this is True. background_stdout : bool Flag to capture the stdout/stderr from the background process in a nohup.out file. Returns ------- stdout : str Subprocess standard output. This is decoded from the subprocess stdout with rstrip. stderr : str Subprocess standard error. This is decoded from the subprocess stderr with rstrip. After decoding/rstrip, this will be empty if the subprocess doesn't return an error. """ if background: SubprocessManager._subproc_run( cmd, background=background, background_stdout=background_stdout) stdout, stderr = '', '' else: stdout, stderr = SubprocessManager._subproc_popen(cmd) return stdout, stderr
[docs] @staticmethod def s(s): """Format input as str w/ appropriate quote types for python cli entry. Examples -------- list, tuple -> "['one', 'two']" dict -> "{'key': 'val'}" int, float, None -> '0' str, other -> 'string' """ if isinstance(s, (list, tuple, dict)): return '"{}"'.format(s) elif not isinstance(s, (int, float, type(None))): return "'{}'".format(s) else: return '{}'.format(s)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_walltime(hours): """Get the SLURM walltime string in format "HH:MM:SS" Parameters ---------- hours : float | int Requested number of job hours. Returns ------- walltime : str SLURM walltime request in format "HH:MM:SS" """ if hours is not None: m_str = '{0:02d}'.format(round(60 * (hours % 1))) h_str = '{0:02d}'.format(floor(hours)) hours = '{}:{}:00'.format(h_str, m_str) return hours
[docs] class SpawnProcessPool(cf.ProcessPoolExecutor): """An adaptation of concurrent futures ProcessPoolExecutor with spawn processes instead of fork or forkserver.""" def __init__(self, *args, loggers=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- loggers : str | list, optional logger(s) to initialize on workers, by default None """ if 'mp_context' in kwargs: w = ('SpawnProcessPool being initialized with mp_context: "{}". ' 'This will override default SpawnProcessPool behavior.' .format(kwargs['mp_context'])) logger.warning(w) warn(w, ParallelExecutionWarning) else: kwargs['mp_context'] = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn') if loggers is not None: kwargs['initializer'] = LOGGERS.init_loggers kwargs['initargs'] = (loggers, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute_parallel(fun, execution_iter, n_workers=None, **kwargs): """Execute concurrent futures with an established cluster. Parameters ---------- fun : function Python function object that will be submitted to futures. See downstream execution methods for arg passing structure. execution_iter : iter Python iterator that controls the futures submitted in parallel. n_workers : int Number of workers to run in parallel **kwargs : dict Key word arguments passed to the fun. Returns ------- results : list List of futures results. """ futures = [] # initialize a client based on the input cluster. with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=n_workers) as executor: # iterate through split executions, submitting each to worker for i, exec_slice in enumerate(execution_iter): logger.debug('Kicking off serial worker #{} for: {}' .format(i, exec_slice)) # submit executions and append to futures list futures.append(executor.submit(execute_single, fun, exec_slice, worker=i, **kwargs)) # gather results results = [future.result() for future in futures] return results
[docs] def execute_single(fun, input_obj, worker=0, **kwargs): """Execute a serial compute on a single core. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to execute. input_obj : object Object passed as first argument to fun. Typically a project control object that can be the result of iteration in the parallel execution framework. worker : int Worker number (for debugging purposes). **kwargs : dict Key word arguments passed to fun. """ logger.debug('Running single serial execution on worker #{} for: {}' .format(worker, input_obj)) out = fun(input_obj, **kwargs) log_mem() return out
[docs] class SmartParallelJob: """Single node parallel compute manager with smart data flushing.""" def __init__(self, obj, execution_iter, n_workers=None, mem_util_lim=0.7): """Single node parallel compute manager with smart data flushing. Parameters ---------- obj : object Python object that will be submitted to futures. Must have methods run(arg) and flush(). run(arg) must take the iteration result of execution_iter as the single positional argument. Additionally, the results of will be pa ssed to obj.out. obj.out will be passed None when the memory is to be cleared. It is advisable that be a @staticmethod for dramatically faster submission in parallel. execution_iter : iter Python iterator that controls the futures submitted in parallel. n_workers : int Number of workers to use in parallel. None will use all available workers. mem_util_lim : float Memory utilization limit (fractional). If the used memory divided by the total memory is greater than this value, the obj.out will be flushed and the local node memory will be cleared. """ if not hasattr(obj, 'run') or not hasattr(obj, 'flush'): raise ExecutionError('Parallel execution with object: "{}" ' 'failed. The target object must have methods ' 'run() and flush()'.format(obj)) self._obj = obj self._execution_iter = execution_iter self._n_workers = n_workers self._mem_util_lim = mem_util_lim @property def execution_iter(self): """Get the iterator object that controls the parallel execution. Returns ------- _execution_iter : iterable Iterable object that controls the processes of the parallel job. """ return self._execution_iter @property def mem_util_lim(self): """Get the memory utilization limit (fractional). Returns ------- _mem_util_lim : float Fractional memory utilization limit. If the used memory divided by the total memory is greater than this value, the obj.out will be flushed and the local node memory will be cleared. """ return self._mem_util_lim @property def n_workers(self): """Get the number of workers in the local cluster. Returns ------- _n_workers : int Number of workers. Default value is the number of CPU's. """ if self._n_workers is None: self._n_workers = os.cpu_count() return self._n_workers @property def obj(self): """Get the main python object that will be submitted to futures. Returns ------- _obj : Object Python object that will be submitted to futures. Must have methods run(arg) and flush(). run(arg) must take the iteration result of execution_iter as the single positional argument. Additionally, the results of will be passed to obj.out. obj.out will be passed None when the memory is to be cleared. It is advisable that be a @staticmethod for dramatically faster submission in parallel. """ return self._obj
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush obj.out to disk, set obj.out=None, and garbage collect.""" # memory utilization limit exceeded, flush memory to disk self.obj.flush() self.obj.out = None gc.collect()
[docs] def gather_and_flush(self, i, futures, force_flush=False): """Wait on futures, potentially update obj.out and flush to disk. Parameters ---------- i : int | str Iteration number (for logging purposes). futures : list List of parallel future objects to wait on or gather. force_flush : bool Option to force a disk flush. Useful for end-of-iteration. If this is False, will only flush to disk if the memory utilization exceeds the mem_util_lim. Returns ------- futures : list List of parallel future objects. If the memory was flushed, this is a cleared list: futures.clear() """ # gather on each iteration so there is no big mem spike during flush # (obj.out should be a property setter that will append new data.) self.obj.out = [future.result() for future in futures] futures.clear() # useful log statements mem = psutil.virtual_memory()'Parallel run at iteration {0}. ' 'Memory utilization is {1:.3f} GB out of {2:.3f} GB ' 'total ({3:.1f}% used, limit of {4:.1f}%)' .format(i, mem.used / 1e9, / 1e9, 100 * mem.used /, 100 * self.mem_util_lim)) # check memory utilization against the limit if ((mem.used / >= self.mem_util_lim) or force_flush: # restart client to free up memory # also seems to sync stderr messages (including warnings) # flush data to disk'Flushing memory to disk. The memory utilization is ' '{0:.2f}% and the limit is {1:.2f}%.' .format(100 * (mem.used /, 100 * self.mem_util_lim)) self.flush() return futures
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """ Run ParallelSmartJobs Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to Makes it easier to have as a @staticmethod. """'Executing parallel run on a local cluster with ' '{0} workers over {1} total iterations.' .format(self.n_workers, 1 + len(self.execution_iter))) log_mem() # initialize a client based on the input cluster. with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=self.n_workers) as executor: futures = [] # iterate through split executions, submitting each to worker for i, exec_slice in enumerate(self.execution_iter): logger.debug('Kicking off serial worker #{0} for: {1}. ' .format(i, exec_slice)) # submit executions and append to futures list futures.append(executor.submit(, exec_slice, **kwargs)) # Take a pause after one complete set of workers if (i + 1) % self.n_workers == 0: futures = self.gather_and_flush(i, futures) # All futures complete self.gather_and_flush('END', futures, force_flush=True) logger.debug('Smart parallel job complete. Returning execution ' 'control to higher level processes.') log_mem()
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, obj, execution_iter, n_workers=None, mem_util_lim=0.7, **kwargs): """Execute the smart parallel run with data flushing. Parameters ---------- obj : object Python object that will be submitted to futures. Must have methods run(arg) and flush(). run(arg) must take the iteration result of execution_iter as the single positional argument. Additionally, the results of will be passed to obj.out. obj.out will be passed None when the memory is to be cleared. It is advisable that be a @staticmethod for dramatically faster submission in parallel. execution_iter : iter Python iterator that controls the futures submitted in parallel. n_workers : int Number of workers to scale the cluster to. None will use all available workers in a local cluster. mem_util_lim : float Memory utilization limit (fractional). If the used memory divided by the total memory is greater than this value, the obj.out will be flushed and the local node memory will be cleared. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to Makes it easier to have as a @staticmethod. """ manager = cls(obj, execution_iter, n_workers=n_workers, mem_util_lim=mem_util_lim)**kwargs)