# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
rex bias correction utilities.
import json
import numpy as np
import logging
from warnings import warn
import rex.bias_correction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_bc_table(bc_df, gids):
"""Parse the bias correction table for required bc functions and kwargs
bc_df : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with wind or solar resource bias correction table. This
must have columns "gid" and "method", where "gid" is the resource
file indices, and "method" is a function name from the
``rex.bias_correction`` module. Only windspeed or GHI+DNI+DHI are
corrected, depending on the technology. See the
``rex.bias_correction`` module for more details on available
bias correction methods.
gids : list | np.ndarray
Array of integer gids (spatial indices) from the source h5 file.
This is used to get the correct bias correction parameters from
``bias_correct`` table based on its ``gid`` column
bc_fun : function
Function from ``rex.bias_correction`` to use.
bc_fun_kwargs : dict
Kwargs from ``bc_df`` to input to ``bc_fun``. This may include extra
kwargs that are not required by ``bc_fun`` and should be cleaned before
passing to the function.
bool_bc : np.ndarray
1D Boolean array with length equal to the ``gids`` input with ``True``
where data has available bias correction inputs in ``bc_df`` and
``False`` where not
if 'method' not in bc_df:
msg = ('Bias correction table provided, but "method" column not '
'found! Only see columns: {}. Need to specify "method" which '
'is a function name from `rex.bias_correction`'
raise KeyError(msg)
if bc_df.index.name != 'gid':
if 'gid' not in bc_df:
msg = ('Bias correction table must have "gid" column but only '
'found: {}'.format(list(bc_df.columns)))
raise KeyError(msg)
bc_df = bc_df.set_index('gid')
gid_arr = np.array(gids)
bool_bc = np.isin(gid_arr, bc_df.index.values)
if not bool_bc.any():
return None, {}, bool_bc
if not bool_bc.all():
missing = gid_arr[~bool_bc]
msg = ('{} sites were missing from the bias correction table, '
'not bias correcting: {}'.format(len(missing), missing))
fun_name = bc_df['method'].unique()
msg = ('rex bias correction currently only supports a single unique '
'bias correction method per chunk of sites but received: {}'
assert len(fun_name) == 1, msg
bc_fun = getattr(rex.bias_correction, fun_name[0], None)
if bc_fun is None:
avail = [x for x in dir(rex.bias_correction) if not x.startswith('_')]
msg = ('Could not find method name "{}" in ``rex.bias_correction`` '
'which has the available objects: {}'
.format(fun_name[0], avail))
raise KeyError(msg)
bc_fun_kwargs = {}
for col in bc_df.columns:
# load serialized lists from string columns in bc_df into nested lists
sample = bc_df[col].values[0]
if isinstance(sample, str) and '[' in sample and ']' in sample:
bc_df.loc[:, col] = bc_df[col].apply(json.loads)
arr = bc_df.loc[gid_arr[bool_bc], col].values
# nested lists in bc_df converted to arr of shape (space, N)
if isinstance(arr[0], (list, tuple)):
arr = np.array(arr.tolist())
bc_fun_kwargs[col] = arr
return bc_fun, bc_fun_kwargs, bool_bc