Source code for rex.temporal_stats.temporal_stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Temporal Statistics Extraction
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import gc
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd

from rex.resource import Resource
from rex.utilities.bc_utils import (sample_q_linear, sample_q_log,
from rex.utilities.execution import SpawnProcessPool
from rex.utilities.loggers import log_mem, log_versions, create_dirs
from rex.utilities.utilities import get_lat_lon_cols, slice_sites

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def circular_mean(data, weights=None, degrees=True, axis=0, exponential_weights=True): """ Computed the ciruclar average. if provided compute the weighed average with the given weights. For example, if averaging wind direction with wind speed as weights, wind directions that occur at higher wind speeds will have a larger weight of the final mean value. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to average weights : ndarray, optional Weights to apply to data during averaging, must be of the same shape as data, by default None degree : bool, optional Flag indicating that data is in degrees and needs to be converted to/from radians during averaging. By default True axis : int, optional Axis to compute average along, by default 0 which will produce site averages norm_weights: : bool, optional Flag to normalize weights, by default True exponential_weights : bool Flag to convert weights to exponential, by default True Returns ------- mean : ndarray Weighted circular mean along the given axis """ if degrees: data = np.radians(data, dtype=np.float32) sin = np.sin(data) cos = np.cos(data) if weights is None: sin = np.nanmean(sin, axis=axis) cos = np.nanmean(cos, axis=axis) else: if exponential_weights: weights = np.exp(weights) if weights.shape != data.shape: msg = ('The shape of weights {} does not match the shape of the ' 'data {} to which it is to be applied!' .format(weights.shape, data.shape)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) n_weights = np.expand_dims(np.nansum(weights, axis=axis), axis) sin = np.nansum(sin * weights, axis=axis) / n_weights cos = np.nansum(cos * weights, axis=axis) / n_weights mean = np.arctan2(sin, cos) if degrees: mean = np.degrees(mean) mask = mean < 0 if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): mean[mask] += 360 elif mask: mean += 360 return mean
[docs] def cdf(data, n_samples=50, sampling='linear', log_base=10, decimals=None): """Get a number of x-values that define a CDF for the input data. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray 1D array of data to make a CDF for n_samples : int Number of points to fit the CDF sampling : str Option for quantile sampling (see sampling functions in ``rex.utilities.bc_utils``), e.g., how to sample the y-axis of the distribution. "linear" will do even spacing, "log" will concentrate samples near quantile=0, and "invlog" will concentrate samples near quantile=1 log_base : int | float Log base value if sampling is "log" or "invlog". A higher value will concentrate more samples at the extreme sides of the distribution. decimals : int | None Precision to round output to (see docstring for np.round). None will not round outputs (default). Returns ------- x_values : np.ndarray 1D array of values with shape (n_samples,). Each value is in the same units as the input data argument. The x_values[0] is the minimum value of data (0th percentile) and x_values[-1] is the maximum (100th percentile). The values are spaced in quantile space (y-axis of the CDF) according to the sampling option (e.g., evenly spaced if sampling='linear'). """ nan_mask = np.isnan(data) if nan_mask.all(): return np.zeros(n_samples) sampling = sampling.casefold() if sampling == 'linear': quantiles = sample_q_linear(n_samples) elif sampling == 'log': quantiles = sample_q_log(n_samples, log_base) elif sampling == 'invlog': quantiles = sample_q_invlog(n_samples, log_base) else: msg = ('sampling option must be linear, log, or invlog, but received: ' '{}'.format(sampling)) logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) x_values = np.interp(quantiles, np.linspace(0, 1, len(data[~nan_mask])), sorted(data[~nan_mask])) msg = (f'First and last x-value points defining the CDF ' '({x_values[0]}, {x_values[-1]}) ' f'were not the min and max data values ' f'({np.nanmin(data)}, {np.nanmin(data)}).') assert x_values[0] == np.nanmin(data), msg assert x_values[-1] == np.nanmax(data), msg if decimals is not None: x_values = np.round(x_values, decimals=decimals) return x_values
[docs] class TemporalStats: """ Temporal Statistics from Resource Data """ STATS = {'mean': {'func': np.nanmean, 'kwargs': {'axis': 0}}, 'median': {'func': np.nanmedian, 'kwargs': {'axis': 0}}, 'std': {'func': np.nanstd, 'kwargs': {'axis': 0}}} def __init__(self, res_h5, statistics='mean', res_cls=Resource, hsds=False): """ Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False """ log_versions(logger) self._res_h5 = res_h5 self._stats = None self.statistics = statistics self._res_cls = res_cls self._hsds = hsds with res_cls(res_h5, hsds=self._hsds) as f: self._time_index = f.time_index self._meta = f.meta @property def res_h5(self): """ Path to resource h5 file(s) Returns ------- str """ return self._res_h5 @property def statistics(self): """ Dictionary of statistic functions/kwargs to run Returns ------- dict """ return self._stats @statistics.setter def statistics(self, statistics): """ Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}} Parameters ---------- statistics : dict """ self._stats = self._check_stats(statistics) @property def res_cls(self): """ Resource class to use to access res_h5 Returns ------- Class """ return self._res_cls @property def time_index(self): """ Resource Datetimes Returns ------- pandas.DatetimeIndex """ return self._time_index @property def meta(self): """ Resource meta-data table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._meta @property def lat_lon(self): """ Resource (lat, lon) coordinates Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ lat_lon_cols = get_lat_lon_cols(self.meta) return self.meta[lat_lon_cols] @staticmethod def _format_grp_names(grp_names): """ Format groupby index values Parameters ---------- grp_names : list Group by index values, these correspond to each unique group in the groupby Returns ------- out : ndarray 2D array of grp index values properly formatted as strings """ month_map = {1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr', 5: 'May', 6: 'Jun', 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug', 9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct', 11: 'Nov', 12: 'Dec'} # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment, unnecessary-lambda year = lambda s: "{}".format(s) month = lambda s: "{}".format(month_map[s]) hour = lambda s: "{:02d}:00UTC".format(s) grp_names = np.array(grp_names).T if len(grp_names.shape) == 1: grp_names = np.expand_dims(grp_names, 0) out = [] for grp_i in grp_names: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable grp_max = grp_i.max() if grp_max <= 12: out.append(list(map(month, grp_i))) elif grp_max <= 23: out.append(list(map(hour, grp_i))) else: out.append(list(map(year, grp_i))) return np.array(out).T @classmethod def _create_names(cls, groups, stats): """ Generate statistics names Parameters ---------- groups : list List of group names, some combination of year, month, hour stats : list Statistics to be computed Returns ------- columns_map : dict Dictionary of column names to use for each statistic """ group_names = cls._format_grp_names(groups) columns_map = {} for s in stats: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable cols = ['{}_{}'.format('-'.join(n), s) for n in group_names] columns_map[s] = cols return columns_map @staticmethod def _compute_weighted_stats(func, res_data, weights, column_names, **kwargs): """ Computed the weighted means using given function and kwargs Parameters ---------- func : object Function to use to compute the weighted means res_data : pandas.DataFrame | pandas.GroupBy Resource data to compute weighted stats from weights : pandas.DataFrame | pandas.GroupBy Weights to use for weighted stats calculation Column names based on group by names, by default None column_names : list | str Either the state name or the list of output stat names, used out output column names. kwargs : dict Function kwargs """ if isinstance(column_names, list): s_data = {} for c_name, (grp_name, res_grp) in zip(column_names, res_data): if weights is not None: grp_w = weights.get_group(grp_name[0]) else: grp_w = None grp_s = func(res_grp, weights=grp_w, **kwargs) if grp_s.shape[0] == 1: grp_s = grp_s[0] s_data[c_name] = grp_s s_data = pd.DataFrame(s_data) else: s_data = func(res_data, weights=weights, **kwargs) if s_data.shape[0] == 1: s_data = s_data[0] s_data = pd.DataFrame(s_data.flatten(), columns=[column_names]) return s_data @classmethod def _compute_stats(cls, res_data, statistics, diurnal=False, month=False): """ Compute desired stats for desired time intervals from res_data Parameters ---------- res_data : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame or resource data. Index is time_index, columns are sites statistics : dict Dictionary of statistic functions/kwargs to run diurnal : bool, optional Extract diurnal stats, by default False month : bool, optional Extract monthly stats, by default False Returns ------- res_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of desired statistics at desired time intervals """ groupby = [] column_names = None if month: groupby.append(res_data.index.month) if diurnal: groupby.append(res_data.index.hour) if groupby: res_data = res_data.groupby(groupby) column_names = cls._create_names(list(res_data.groups), list(statistics)) res_stats = [] for name, stat in statistics.copy().items(): func = stat['func'] kwargs = stat.get('kwargs', {}).copy() if name.lower().startswith('weight'): weights = kwargs.pop('weights').copy() if groupby: weights = weights.groupby(groupby) weight_names = column_names[name] else: weight_names = name s_data = cls._compute_weighted_stats(func, res_data, weights, weight_names, **kwargs) else: axis = kwargs.pop('axis', 0) s_data = res_data.aggregate(func, axis=axis, **kwargs) if groupby: columns = column_names[name] s_data = s_data.T s_data.columns = columns elif not isinstance(s_data, pd.DataFrame): s_data = s_data.to_frame(name=name) elif isinstance(s_data, pd.DataFrame) and len(s_data) > 1: # e.g., if func is, this collapses # multiple output parameters into list s_data['name'] = name s_data = s_data.groupby('name').agg(list).T res_stats.append(s_data) res_stats = pd.concat(res_stats, axis=1) return res_stats @staticmethod def _create_index(sites_slice): """ Create index from site slice Parameters ---------- sites_slice : slice | list | ndarray Sites to build index from Returns ------- idx : list site gids """ if isinstance(sites_slice, slice) and sites_slice.stop: idx = list(range(*sites_slice.indices(sites_slice.stop))) elif isinstance(sites_slice, (list, np.ndarray)): idx = sites_slice return idx @staticmethod def _extract_weights(res, weights_dsets, sites_slice, time_index): """ Extract weights datasets from resource and combine into weights to use for weighted stats Parameters ---------- res : rex.Resource Open Resource class or sub-class to extract datasets from weights_dsets : str | list | tuple List of weight(s) datasets to extract and combine sites_slice : slice Subslice of sites to extract weights for time_index : pandas.DatatimeIndex Resource DatetimeIndex, needed to output DataFrame Index Returns ------- weights : pandas.DataFrame Weights DataFrame to match res_data """ if not isinstance(weights_dsets, (list, tuple)): weights_dsets = [weights_dsets] weights = None for dset in weights_dsets: if weights is None: weights = res[dset, :, sites_slice] else: weights *= res[dset, :, sites_slice] return pd.DataFrame(weights, index=time_index) @classmethod def _extract_stats(cls, res_h5, statistics, dataset, res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, time_index=None, sites_slice=None, diurnal=False, month=False, combinations=False, mask_zeros=False): """ Extract stats for given dataset, sites, and temporal extent Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) statistics : dict Statistics to extract a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}} dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False time_index : pandas.DatatimeIndex | None, optional Resource DatetimeIndex, if None extract from res_h5, by default None sites_slice : slice | None, optional Sites to extract, if None all, by default None diurnal : bool, optional Extract diurnal stats, by default False month : bool, optional Extract monthly stats, by default False combinations : bool, optional Extract all combinations of temporal stats, by default False mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- res_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of desired statistics at desired time intervals """ if sites_slice is None: sites_slice = slice(None, None, None) with res_cls(res_h5, hsds=hsds) as f: if time_index is None: time_index = f.time_index res_data = pd.DataFrame(f[dataset, :, sites_slice], index=time_index) if mask_zeros: res_data[(res_data == 0)] = np.nan for s, s_dict in statistics.items(): weights = s_dict.get('kwargs', {}).get('weights') if weights is not None: weights = cls._extract_weights(f, weights, sites_slice, time_index) statistics[s]['kwargs']['weights'] = weights if combinations: res_stats = [cls._compute_stats(res_data, statistics)] if month: res_stats.append(cls._compute_stats(res_data, statistics, month=True)) if diurnal: res_stats.append(cls._compute_stats(res_data, statistics, diurnal=True)) if month and diurnal: res_stats.append(cls._compute_stats(res_data, statistics, month=True, diurnal=True)) res_stats = pd.concat(res_stats, axis=1) else: res_stats = cls._compute_stats(res_data, statistics, diurnal=diurnal, month=month) res_stats.index = cls._create_index(sites_slice) = 'gid' return res_stats def _get_slices(self, dataset, sites=None, chunks_per_slice=5): """ Get slices to extract Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract data from sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) chunks_per_slice : int, optional Number of chunks to extract in each slice, by default 5 Returns ------- slices : list List of slices to extract """ with self.res_cls(self.res_h5) as f: shape, _, chunks = f.get_dset_properties(dataset) if len(shape) != 2: msg = ('Cannot extract temporal stats for dataset {}, as it is ' 'not a timeseries dataset!'.format(dataset)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) slices = slice_sites(shape, chunks, sites=sites, chunks_per_slice=chunks_per_slice) return slices def _check_stats(self, statistics): """ check desired statistics to make sure inputs are valid Parameters ---------- statistics : str | tuple | dict Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}} Returns ------- stats : dict Dictionary of statistic functions/kwargs to run """ if isinstance(statistics, str): statistics = (statistics, ) if isinstance(statistics, (tuple, list)): statistics = {s: self.STATS[s] for s in statistics} for stat in statistics.values(): msg = 'A "func"(tion) must be provided for each statistic' assert 'func' in stat, msg if 'kwargs' in stat: msg = 'statistic function kwargs must be a dictionary ' assert isinstance(stat['kwargs'], dict), msg return statistics
[docs] def compute_statistics(self, dataset, sites=None, diurnal=False, month=False, combinations=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute statistics Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) diurnal : bool, optional Extract diurnal stats, by default False month : bool, optional Extract monthly stats, by default False combinations : bool, optional Extract all combinations of temporal stats, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- res_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of desired statistics at desired time intervals """ if max_workers is None: max_workers = os.cpu_count() slices = self._get_slices(dataset, sites, chunks_per_slice=chunks_per_worker) if len(slices) == 1: max_workers = 1 if max_workers > 1: msg = ('Extracting {} for {} in parallel using {} workers' .format(list(self.statistics), dataset, max_workers)) loggers = [__name__, 'rex'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: futures = [] for sites_slice in slices: future = exe.submit(self._extract_stats, self.res_h5, self.statistics, dataset, res_cls=self.res_cls, hsds=self._hsds, time_index=self.time_index, sites_slice=sites_slice, diurnal=diurnal, month=month, combinations=combinations, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) futures.append(future) res_stats = [] for i, future in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): res_stats.append(future.result()) logger.debug('Completed {} out of {} workers' .format((i + 1), len(futures))) else: msg = ('Extracting {} for {} in serial' .format(self.statistics.keys(), dataset)) res_stats = [] for i, sites_slice in enumerate(slices): res_stats.append(self._extract_stats( self.res_h5, self.statistics, dataset, res_cls=self.res_cls, hsds=self._hsds, time_index=self.time_index, sites_slice=sites_slice, diurnal=diurnal, month=month, combinations=combinations, mask_zeros=mask_zeros)) logger.debug('Completed {} out of {} sets of sites' .format((i + 1), len(slices))) gc.collect() log_mem(logger) res_stats = pd.concat(res_stats) if lat_lon_only: meta = self.lat_lon else: meta = self.meta res_stats = meta.join(res_stats.sort_index(), how='inner') return res_stats
[docs] def full_stats(self, dataset, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute stats for entire temporal extent of file Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- full_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of statistics for the entire temporal extent of file """ full_stats = self.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return full_stats
[docs] def monthly_stats(self, dataset, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute monthly stats Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- monthly_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of monthly statistics """ monthly_stats = self.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, month=True, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return monthly_stats
[docs] def diurnal_stats(self, dataset, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute diurnal stats Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- diurnal_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of diurnal statistics """ diurnal_stats = self.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, diurnal=True, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return diurnal_stats
[docs] def monthly_diurnal_stats(self, dataset, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute monthly-diurnal stats Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- monthly_diurnal_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of monthly-diurnal statistics """ diurnal_stats = self.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, month=True, diurnal=True, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return diurnal_stats
[docs] def all_stats(self, dataset, sites=None, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False): """ Compute annual, monthly, monthly-diurnal, and diurnal stats Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). Returns ------- all_diurnal_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of temporal statistics """ all_stats = self.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, month=True, diurnal=True, combinations=True, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return all_stats
[docs] def save_stats(self, res_stats, out_path): """ Save statistics to disk Parameters ---------- res_stats : pandas.DataFrame Table of statistics to save out_path : str Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too """ if os.path.isdir(out_path): out_fpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.res_h5))[0] out_fpath = os.path.join(out_path, out_fpath + '.csv') else: out_fpath = out_path # Drop any wild card values out_fpath = out_fpath.replace('*', '') out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_fpath) create_dirs(out_dir)'Writing temporal statistics to {}'.format(out_fpath)) if out_fpath.endswith('.csv'): res_stats.to_csv(out_fpath) elif out_fpath.endswith('.json'): res_stats.to_json(out_fpath) else: msg = ("Cannot save statistics, expecting a directory, .csv, or " ".json path, but got: {}".format(out_path)) logger.error(msg) raise OSError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, res_h5, dataset, sites=None, statistics='mean', diurnal=False, month=False, combinations=False, res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False, out_path=None): """ Compute temporal stats, by default full temporal extent stats Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' diurnal : bool, optional Extract diurnal stats, by default False month : bool, optional Extract monthly stats, by default False combinations : bool, optional Extract all combinations of temporal stats, by default False res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). out_path : str, optional Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too, by default None Returns ------- out_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of resource statistics """'Computing temporal stats for {} in {}' .format(dataset, res_h5)) logger.debug('Computing {} using:' '\n-diurnal={}' '\n-month={}' '\n-combinations={}' '\n-max workers={}' '\n-chunks per worker={}' '\n-output lat lons only={}' .format(statistics, diurnal, month, combinations, max_workers, chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only)) res_stats = cls(res_h5, statistics=statistics, res_cls=res_cls, hsds=hsds) out_stats = res_stats.compute_statistics( dataset, sites=sites, diurnal=diurnal, month=month, combinations=combinations, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) if out_path is not None: res_stats.save_stats(out_stats, out_path) return out_stats
[docs] @classmethod def monthly(cls, res_h5, dataset, sites=None, statistics='mean', res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False, out_path=None): """ Compute monthly stats Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). out_path : str, optional Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too, by default None Returns ------- monthly_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of monthly statistics """ monthly_stats =, dataset, sites=sites, statistics=statistics, diurnal=False, month=True, combinations=False, res_cls=res_cls, hsds=hsds, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros, out_path=out_path) return monthly_stats
[docs] @classmethod def diurnal(cls, res_h5, dataset, sites=None, statistics='mean', res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False, out_path=None): """ Compute diurnal stats Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). out_path : str, optional Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too, by default None Returns ------- diurnal_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of diurnal statistics """ diurnal_stats =, dataset, sites=sites, statistics=statistics, diurnal=True, month=False, combinations=False, res_cls=res_cls, hsds=hsds, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros, out_path=out_path) return diurnal_stats
[docs] @classmethod def monthly_diurnal(cls, res_h5, dataset, sites=None, statistics='mean', res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False, out_path=None): """ Compute monthly-diurnal stats Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). out_path : str, optional Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too, by default None Returns ------- monthly_diurnal_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of monthly-diurnal statistics """ monthly_diurnal_stats =, dataset, sites=sites, statistics=statistics, diurnal=True, month=True, combinations=False, res_cls=res_cls, hsds=hsds, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, mask_zeros=mask_zeros, out_path=out_path) return monthly_diurnal_stats
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, res_h5, dataset, sites=None, statistics='mean', res_cls=Resource, hsds=False, max_workers=None, chunks_per_worker=5, lat_lon_only=True, mask_zeros=False, out_path=None): """ Compute annual, monthly, monthly-diurnal, and diurnal stats Parameters ---------- res_h5 : str Path to resource h5 file(s) dataset : str Dataset to extract stats for sites : list | slice, optional Subset of sites to extract, by default None or all sites (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) statistics : str | tuple | dict, optional Statistics to extract, either a key or tuple of keys in cls.STATS, or a dictionary of the form {'stat_name': {'func': *, 'kwargs: {**}}}, by default 'mean' max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None res_cls : Class, optional Resource class to use to access res_h5, by default Resource hsds : bool, optional Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS, by default False max_workers : None | int, optional Number of workers to use, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None chunks_per_worker : int, optional Number of chunks to extract on each worker, by default 5 lat_lon_only : bool, optional Only append lat, lon coordinates to stats, by default True mask_zeros : bool Flag to only calculate stats when all data is > 0 (useful for global horizontal irradiance). out_path : str, optional Directory, .csv, or .json path to save statistics too, by default None Returns ------- all_stats : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of temporal statistics """ all_stats =, dataset, sites=sites, statistics=statistics, diurnal=True, month=True, combinations=True, res_cls=res_cls, hsds=hsds, max_workers=max_workers, chunks_per_worker=chunks_per_worker, lat_lon_only=lat_lon_only, out_path=out_path, mask_zeros=mask_zeros) return all_stats