Source code for rex.rechunk_h5.rechunk_h5

Module to rechunk existing .h5 files
import h5py
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from warnings import warn

from rex.rechunk_h5.chunk_size import TimeseriesChunkSize, ArrayChunkSize
from rex.utilities.loggers import log_versions
from rex.utilities.utilities import (get_chunk_ranges, to_records_array,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_dataset_attributes(h5_file, out_json=None, chunk_size=2, weeks_per_chunk=None): """ Extact attributes, dtype, and chunk size for all datasets in .h5 file Parameters ---------- h5_file : str Path to source h5 file to scrape dataset data from chunk_size : int, optional Chunk size in MB, by default 2 weeks_per_chunk : int, optional Number of weeks per time chunk, if None scale weeks based on 8 weeks for hourly data, by default None out_json : str, optional Path to output json to save DataFrame of dataset attributes to, by default None Returns ------- ds_attrs : pandas.DataFrame Attributes (attrs, dtype, shape, chunks) for all datasets in source .h5 file """ attrs_list = [] with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as f: global_attrs = dict(f.attrs) for ds_name in f: ds = f[ds_name] try: arr_size = ds_name in ['meta', 'coordinates', 'time_index'] arr_size |= len(ds.shape) < 2 if arr_size: chunks = ArrayChunkSize.compute(ds, chunk_size=chunk_size) else: chunks = TimeseriesChunkSize.compute( ds.shape, ds.dtype, chunk_size=chunk_size, weeks_per_chunk=weeks_per_chunk) attrs = dict(ds.attrs) if not attrs: attrs = {} ds_attrs = {'attrs': attrs, 'dtype':, 'shape': ds.shape, 'chunks': chunks} ds_attrs = pd.Series(ds_attrs) = ds_name attrs_list.append(ds_attrs.to_frame().T) except Exception as ex: msg = ('Could not extract attributes for {}: {}' .format(ds_name, ex)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) ds_attrs = pd.concat(attrs_list) if global_attrs: ds_attrs.loc['global'] = None['global', 'attrs'] = global_attrs if out_json is not None: ds_attrs.to_json(out_json) return ds_attrs
[docs] class RechunkH5: """ Class to create new .h5 file with new chunking .. WARNING:: This code does not currently support re-chunking H5 files with grouped datasets. """ # None time-series NON_TS_DSETS = ('meta', 'coordinates', 'time_index') def __init__(self, h5_src, h5_dst, var_attrs=None, hub_height=None, chunk_size=2, weeks_per_chunk=None, overwrite=True): """ Initalize class object Parameters ---------- h5_src : str Source .h5 file path h5_dst : str Destination path for rechunked .h5 file var_attrs : str | pandas.DataFrame, optional DataFrame of variable attributes or .json containing variable attributes, by default None hub_height : int | None, optional Rechunk specific hub_height, by default None chunk_size : int, optional Chunk size in MB, by default 2 weeks_per_chunk : int, optional Number of weeks per time chunk, if None scale weeks based on 8 weeks for hourly data, by default None overwrite : bool, optional Flag to overwrite an existing h5_dst file, by default True """ log_versions(logger) self._src_path = h5_src self._src_dsets = None self._dst_path = h5_dst self._dst_h5 = h5py.File(h5_dst, mode='w' if overwrite else 'w-') self._rechunk_attrs = self._get_var_attrs( var_attrs=var_attrs, hub_height=hub_height, chunk_size=chunk_size, weeks_per_chunk=weeks_per_chunk) if self.global_attrs is not None: for k, v in self.global_attrs['attrs'].items(): self._dst_h5.attrs[k] = v self._time_slice = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise
[docs] def close(self): """ Close h5 instance """ self._dst_h5.close()
@property def src_dsets(self): """ Available dsets in source .h5 Returns ------- list """ if self._src_dsets is None: with h5py.File(self._src_path, mode='r') as f: self._src_dsets = list(f) return self._src_dsets @property def dsets(self): """ Datasets available in h5_file Returns ------- list List of datasets in h5_file """ return list(self._dst_h5) @property def time_slice(self): """ Time slice or mask to use for rechunking temporal access Returns ------- slice """ return self._time_slice @property def rechunk_attrs(self): """ Attributes for rechunked files, includes dataset and global attrs Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._rechunk_attrs @property def global_attrs(self): """ Global attributes Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._get_attrs('global') @property def time_index_attrs(self): """ Time index attributes Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._get_attrs('time_index') @property def meta_attrs(self): """ Meta attributes Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._get_attrs('meta') @property def coordinates_attrs(self): """ Coordinates attributes Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._get_attrs('coordinates') @property def variable_attrs(self): """ Variable attributes Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._get_attrs('variables') @classmethod def _get_hub_height_attrs(cls, var_attrs, hub_height): """ Extract attributes for variables at given hub height Parameters ---------- var_attrs : pandas.DataFrame All variable attributes hub_height : int Hub height of interest Returns ------- var_attrs : pandas.DataFrame Variable attributes associated with given hub height """ variables = var_attrs.index h_flag = '_{}m'.format(hub_height) file_vars = [v for v in variables if h_flag in v] if h_flag == '_0m': for v in variables: check = (v not in cls.NON_TS_DSETS and not v.endswith(('0m', '2m'))) if check: file_vars.append(v) for v in variables: if v in cls.NON_TS_DSETS: file_vars.append(v) var_attrs = var_attrs.loc[file_vars] return var_attrs @staticmethod def _check_dtype(ds_in, dset_attrs): """ Check dataset dtype against source dataset dtype Parameters ---------- ds_in : h5py.Dataset Source h5 Dataset dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunk, attrs) """ dtype = dset_attrs['dtype'] attrs = dset_attrs['attrs'] if != dtype: msg = ('Source dtype ({}) does not match specified dtype ({}), ' .format(ds_in.dtype, dtype)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) float_to_int = (np.issubdtype(ds_in.dtype, np.floating) and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer)) int_to_float = (np.issubdtype(ds_in.dtype, np.integer) and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating)) if float_to_int: if not any(c for c in attrs if 'scale_factor' in c): msg = ('Cannot downscale from {} to {} without a ' 'scale_factor!'.format(ds_in.dtype, dtype)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: msg = 'Converting {} to {}'.format(ds_in.dtype, dtype) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) elif int_to_float: msg = ('Cannot scale up an {} to a {}' .format(ds_in.dtype, dtype)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif np.dtype(dtype).itemsize > ds_in.dtype.itemsize: msg = ('Output dtype ({}) has greater precision than input ' 'dtype ({}), using input dtype' .format(dtype, ds_in.dtype)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) dset_attrs['dtype'] = ds_in.dtype return dset_attrs @staticmethod def _check_attrs(ds_in, dset_attrs): """ Check dataset attributes against source dataset attributes Parameters ---------- ds_in : h5py.Dataset Source h5 Dataset dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunk, attrs) """ attrs = dset_attrs['attrs'] for key, value in attrs.items(): src_value = ds_in.attrs.get(key) if src_value: if isinstance(src_value, bytes): src_value = src_value.decode('utf-8') if src_value != value: msg = ('Attr {} value ({}) does not match ' 'source value ({}), using source value.' .format(key, value, src_value)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) dset_attrs['attrs'][key] = src_value return dset_attrs
[docs] @classmethod def check_dset_attrs(cls, ds_in, dset_attrs, check_attrs=False): """ Check dataset attributes (dtype, scale_factor, units) against source Dataset Parameters ---------- ds_in : h5py.Dataset Source h5 Dataset dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunk, attrs) check_attrs : bool, optional Flag to compare source and specified dataset attributes, by default False """ dset_attrs = cls._check_dtype(ds_in, dset_attrs) if check_attrs: dset_attrs = cls._check_attrs(ds_in, dset_attrs) return dset_attrs
@staticmethod def _check_data(data, dset_attrs): """ Check data dtype and scale if needed Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to be written to disc dtype : str dtype of data on disc scale_factor : int Scale factor to scale data to integer (if needed) Returns ------- data : ndarray Data ready for writing to disc: - Scaled and converted to dtype """ dtype = dset_attrs['dtype'] float_to_int = (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) and np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.floating)) if float_to_int: attrs = dset_attrs['attrs'] scale_factor = [c for c in attrs if 'scale_factor' in c][0] scale_factor = attrs[scale_factor] # apply scale factor and dtype data = np.multiply(data, scale_factor) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): data = np.round(data) data = data.astype(dtype) return data @staticmethod def _check_chunks(chunks, shape): """ Check chunks to ensure they are properly formatted: - None or a tuple - same shape as dset_shape - contain all integer values Parameters ---------- chunks : list | tuple | None Dataset chunks shape : tuple Dataset shape Returns ------- chunks : tuple | None Updated chunks if "None" was supplied for either axis. """ if chunks is not None: if not isinstance(chunks, tuple): chunks = tuple(chunks) msg = ("Chunks {} do not match dataset shape {}!" .format(chunks, shape)) assert len(chunks) == len(shape), msg if None in chunks: chunk_sizes = chunks chunks = () for i, c in enumerate(chunk_sizes): if c is None: chunks += (shape[i], ) else: chunks += (c, ) return chunks def _get_var_attrs(self, var_attrs=None, hub_height=None, chunk_size=2, weeks_per_chunk=None): """ Parse variable attributes from file if needed Parameters ---------- var_attrs : str | pandas.DataFrame, optional DataFrame of variable attributes or .json containing variable attributes, if None build from source .h5 file, by default None hub_height : int | None, optional Rechunk specific hub_height, by default None Returns ------- var_attrs : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame mapping variable (dataset) name to .h5 attributes """ if var_attrs is None: var_attrs = get_dataset_attributes(self._src_path, chunk_size=chunk_size, weeks_per_chunk=weeks_per_chunk) if isinstance(var_attrs, str): var_attrs = pd.read_json(var_attrs) elif not isinstance(var_attrs, pd.DataFrame): msg = ("Variable attributes are expected as a .json file or a " "pandas DataFrame, but a {} was provided!" .format(type(var_attrs))) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) var_attrs = var_attrs.where(var_attrs.notnull(), None) if hub_height is not None: var_attrs = self._get_hub_height_attrs(var_attrs, hub_height) logger.debug('Reducing variable attributes to variables at hub ' 'height {}m:\n{}'.format(hub_height, var_attrs.index)) return var_attrs def _get_attrs(self, index): """ Extract attributes for desired dataset(s) Parameters ---------- index : str rechunk_attrs index to extract. To extract variable attrs, use 'variables' Returns ------- pandas.Series Attributes for given index value(s) """ non_ts_attrs = self.NON_TS_DSETS + ('global', ) if index in self.rechunk_attrs.index: attrs = self.rechunk_attrs.loc[index] elif index.lower().startswith('variable'): variables = [idx for idx in self.rechunk_attrs.index if (idx in self.src_dsets) and (idx not in non_ts_attrs)] attrs = self.rechunk_attrs.loc[variables] else: attrs = None return attrs
[docs] def init_dset(self, dset_name, dset_shape, dset_attrs): """ Create dataset and add attributes and load data if needed Parameters ---------- dset_name : str Dataset name to be created dset_shape : tuple Dataset shape dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunks, attrs, name) Returns ------- ds : h5py.Dataset Initalized h5py Dataset instance """ dtype = dset_attrs['dtype'] attrs = dset_attrs['attrs'] chunks = self._check_chunks(dset_attrs['chunks'], dset_shape) name = dset_attrs.get('name', None) if name is not None: if name is not str: msg = ("dataset attribute `name` (value: {}, type: {}) must " "be a string. Check the attributes of the dataset " "({}). If using an external json file for variable " "attributes, it might be using `null` for the name." .format(name, type(name), dset_name)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) dset_name = name logger.debug('Creating {} with shape: {}, dtype: {}, chunks: {}' .format(dset_name, dset_shape, dtype, chunks)) ds = self._dst_h5.create_dataset(dset_name, shape=dset_shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks) if attrs: for attr, value in attrs.items(): ds.attrs[attr] = value'- {} initialized'.format(dset_name)) return ds
[docs] def load_time_index(self, attrs, resolution=None): """ Transfer time_index to rechunked .h5 Parameters ---------- attrs : pandas.Series Dataset attributes associated with time_index resolution : str, optional New time resolution, by default None """ ts = time.time()'Rechunking time_index') with h5py.File(self._src_path, 'r') as f: time_index = f['time_index'][...] timezone = attrs['attrs'].get('timezone', None) if timezone is not None or resolution is not None: time_index = pd.to_datetime(time_index.astype(str)) if timezone is not None: if is not None: time_index = time_index.tz_convert(timezone) else: time_index = time_index.tz_localize(timezone) if resolution is not None: resample = pd_date_range(time_index.min(), time_index.max(), freq=resolution) if len(resample) > len(time_index): msg = ("Resolution ({}) must be > time_index resolution " "({})".format(resolution, time_index.freq)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._time_slice = time_index.isin(resample) time_index = time_index[self.time_slice] time_index = time_index.astype(str) dtype = 'S{}'.format(len(time_index[0])) time_index = np.array(time_index, dtype=dtype) attrs['dtype'] = time_index.dtype ds = self.init_dset('time_index', time_index.shape, attrs) ds[...] = time_index'- time_index transfered') tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('\t- {:.2f} minutes'.format(tt))
[docs] def load_meta(self, attrs, meta_path=None): """ Transfer meta data to rechunked .h5 Parameters ---------- attrs : pandas.Series Dataset attributes associated with meta """ ts = time.time()'Rechunking meta') meta = None if meta_path is not None: if meta_path.endswith('.csv'): meta = pd.read_csv(meta_path) meta = to_records_array(meta) elif meta_path.endswith('.npy'): meta = np.load(meta_path) if meta is None: with h5py.File(self._src_path, 'r') as f: meta = f['meta'][...] if isinstance(attrs['chunks'], int): attrs['chunks'] = (attrs['chunks'], ) attrs['dtype'] = meta.dtype ds = self.init_dset('meta', meta.shape, attrs) ds[...] = meta'- meta transfered') tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('\t- {:.2f} minutes'.format(tt))
[docs] def load_coords(self, attrs): """ Create coordinates and add to rechunked .h5 Parameters ---------- attrs : pandas.Series Dataset attributes associated with coordinates """ ts = time.time()'Rechunking coordinates') meta_data = self._dst_h5['meta'][...] coords = np.dstack((meta_data['latitude'], meta_data['longitude']))[0] attrs['dtype'] = 'float32' if isinstance(attrs['chunks'], int): attrs['chunks'] = (attrs['chunks'], 2) ds = self.init_dset('coordinates', coords.shape, attrs) ds[...] = coords'- coordinates transfered') tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('\t- {:.2f} minutes'.format(tt))
[docs] def load_data(self, ds_in, ds_out, shape, dset_attrs, process_size=None, data=None, reduce=False): """ Load data from ds_in to ds_out Parameters ---------- ds_in : h5py.Dataset Open dataset instance for source data ds_out : h5py.Dataset Open dataset instance for rechunked data shape : tuple Dataset shape dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunks, attrs) process_size : int, optional Size of each chunk to be processed at a time, by default None data : ndarray, optional Data to load into ds_out, by default None reduce : bool, optional Reduce temporal resolution, by default False """ if process_size is not None and data is None: by_rows = False chunks = ds_in.chunks if isinstance(chunks, tuple): sites = shape[1] else: by_rows = True sites = shape[0] slice_map = get_chunk_ranges(sites, process_size) for s, e in slice_map: if by_rows: ds_out[s:e] = self._check_data(ds_in[s:e], dset_attrs) else: data = ds_in[:, s:e] if reduce: data = data[self.time_slice] ds_out[:, s:e] = self._check_data(data, dset_attrs) logger.debug('\t- chunk {}:{} transfered'.format(s, e)) else: if data is None: data = ds_in[:] if reduce: data = data[self.time_slice] ds_out[:] = self._check_data(data, dset_attrs) else: ds_out[:] = self._check_data(data, dset_attrs)
[docs] def load_dset(self, dset_name, dset_attrs, process_size=None, check_attrs=False): """ Transfer dataset from domain to combined .h5 Parameters ---------- dset_name : str Dataset to transfer dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunks, attrs) process_size : int, optional Size of each chunk to be processed at a time, by default None check_attrs : bool, optional Flag to compare source and specified dataset attributes, by default False """ if dset_name not in self._dst_h5: ts = time.time()'Rechunking {}'.format(dset_name)) with h5py.File(self._src_path, 'r') as f_in: ds_in = f_in[dset_name] shape = ds_in.shape data = None if shape[0] == 1: shape = (shape[1], ) data = ds_in[0] logger.debug('\t- Reduce Dataset shape to {}' .format(shape)) reduce = (self.time_slice is not None and len(self.time_slice) == shape[0]) if reduce: shape = (self.time_slice.sum(), shape[1]) dset_attrs = self.check_dset_attrs(ds_in, dset_attrs, check_attrs=check_attrs) ds_out = self.init_dset(dset_name, shape, dset_attrs) self.load_data(ds_in, ds_out, shape, dset_attrs, process_size=process_size, data=data, reduce=reduce)'- {} transfered'.format(dset_name)) tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('\t- {:.2f} minutes'.format(tt)) else: logger.warning('{} already exists in {}' .format(dset_name, self._dst_path))
[docs] def rechunk(self, meta=None, process_size=None, check_dset_attrs=False, resolution=None): """ Rechunk all variables in given variable attributes json Parameters ---------- meta : str, optional Path to .csv or .npy file containing meta to load into rechunked .h5 file, by default None process_size : int, optional Size of each chunk to be processed at a time, by default None check_dset_attrs : bool, optional Flag to compare source and specified dataset attributes, by default False resolution : str, optional New time resolution, by default None """ try: ts = time.time() with h5py.File(self._src_path, 'r') as f_in: for k, v in f_in.attrs.items(): logger.debug('Transfering global attribute {}' .format(k)) self._dst_h5.attrs[k] = v # Process time_index if self.time_index_attrs is not None: self.load_time_index(self.time_index_attrs, resolution=resolution) # Process meta if self.meta_attrs is not None: self.load_meta(self.meta_attrs, meta_path=meta) # Process coordinates if self.coordinates_attrs is not None: self.load_coords(self.coordinates_attrs) for dset_name, dset_attrs in self.variable_attrs.iterrows(): self.load_dset(dset_name, dset_attrs, process_size=process_size, check_attrs=check_dset_attrs) tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('\t- {:} created in {:.2f} minutes' .format(self._dst_path, tt)) except Exception: logger.exception('Error creating {:}'.format(self._dst_path)) raise
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, h5_src, h5_dst, var_attrs=None, hub_height=None, chunk_size=2, weeks_per_chunk=None, overwrite=True, meta=None, process_size=None, check_dset_attrs=False, resolution=None): """ Rechunk h5_src to h5_dst using given attributes Parameters ---------- h5_src : str Source .h5 file path h5_dst : str Destination path for rechunked .h5 file var_attrs : str | pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of variable attributes or .json containing variable attributes hub_height : int | None, optional Rechunk specific hub_height, by default None chunk_size : int, optional Chunk size in MB, by default 2 weeks_per_chunk : int, optional Number of weeks per time chunk, if None scale weeks based on 8 weeks for hourly data, by default None overwrite : bool, optional Flag to overwrite an existing h5_dst file, by default True meta : str, optional Path to .csv or .npy file containing meta to load into rechunked .h5 file, by default None process_size : int, optional Size of each chunk to be processed at a time, by default None check_dset_attrs : bool, optional Flag to compare source and specified dataset attributes, by default False resolution : str, optional New time resolution, by default None """'Rechunking {} to {} using chunks given in {}' .format(h5_src, h5_dst, var_attrs)) try: kwargs = {'hub_height': hub_height, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'weeks_per_chunk': weeks_per_chunk, 'overwrite': overwrite} with cls(h5_src, h5_dst, var_attrs, **kwargs) as r: r.rechunk(meta=meta, process_size=process_size, check_dset_attrs=check_dset_attrs, resolution=resolution)'{} complete'.format(h5_dst)) except Exception: logger.exception("Error rechunking {}".format(h5_src)) raise