Source code for rex.rechunk_h5.combine_h5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to rechunk existing .h5 files
import h5py
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import time

from rex.resource import Resource
from rex.rechunk_h5.rechunk_h5 import get_chunk_ranges
from rex.utilities.loggers import log_versions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CombineH5: """ Class to combine multiple .h5 files """ def __init__(self, combined_h5, *source_h5, axis=1, overwrite=True): """ Parameters ---------- combined_h5 : str Path to save combined .h5 file to source_h5 : str Path to source .h5 files axis : int, optional axis to combine datasets along, by default 1 overwrite : bool, optional Flag to overwrite an existing h5_dst file, by default True """ log_versions(logger) self._combined_h5 = combined_h5 self._source_h5 = source_h5 self._axis = axis self._datasets = None self._dset_attrs = self._check_datasets() self._dst_h5 = h5py.File(self.combined_h5, mode='w' if overwrite else 'w-') self._transfer_global_attrs() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise
[docs] def close(self): """ Close h5 instance """ self._dst_h5.close()
@property def combined_h5(self): """ Path to combined .h5 file Returns ------- str """ return self._combined_h5 @property def source_h5(self): """ Paths to source .h5 files Returns ------- tuple """ return self._source_h5 @property def datasets(self): """ Datasets to combine Returns ------- list """ if self._datasets is None: datasets = [] for h5_path in self._source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: datasets.append(f.datasets) self._datasets = list(set(datasets[0]).intersection(*datasets[1:])) return self._datasets def _check_dset_properties(self, dset_name): """ Check to ensure dataset is in both domains and extract dataset attributes Parameters ---------- dset_name : str Dataset to check Returns ------- attrs : dict Dataset attributes {k: v} shape : tuple Dataset shape dtype : str | np.dtype Dataset dtype chunks : tuple | None Dataset chunk size """ attrs = {} shape = None dtype = None chunks = None for h5_path in self.source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: if dset_name in f: dset_attrs = f.get_attrs(dset=dset_name) dset_shape, dset_dtype, dset_chunks = \ f.get_dset_properties(dset_name) else: msg = '{} not in {}'.format(dset_name, h5_path) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) attrs.update(dset_attrs) if shape is None: shape = list(dset_shape) chunks = dset_chunks dtype = dset_dtype else: if dset_chunks != chunks: msg = ("{} chunks ({} != {}) do not match between source " "files!".format(dset_name, chunks, dset_chunks)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if dset_dtype != dtype: msg = ("{} dtypes ({} != {}) do not match between source " "files!".format(dset_name, dtype, dset_dtype)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) for i, s in enumerate(dset_shape): # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if i != self._axis and s != shape[i]: msg = ("{} shape ({} != {}) does not match between " "source files!" .format(dset_name, dset_shape, shape)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if self._axis <= len(shape): # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation shape[self._axis] += dset_shape[self._axis] return attrs, tuple(shape), dtype, chunks def _check_datasets(self): """ Check datasets to ensure compatible dtype and shape Returns ------- dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of combined dataset properties and attributes """ dset_attrs = {} for dset in self.datasets: if dset not in ['meta', 'coordinates', 'time_index']: attrs, shape, dtype, chunks = self._check_dset_properties(dset) dset_attrs[dset] = {"attrs": attrs, "shape": shape, "dtype": dtype, "chunks": chunks} return dset_attrs def _transfer_global_attrs(self): """ Transfer global attributes """ global_attrs = {} for h5_path in self.source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: global_attrs.update(f.get_attrs()) if global_attrs:'Transfering global attributes') for k, v in global_attrs.items(): logger.debug("- Transfering {}: {}".format(k, v)) self._dst_h5.attrs[k] = v def _combine_time_index(self): """ Combine time_index """'Combining time_index') if self._axis == 0: time_index = None chunks = None attrs = {} for h5_path in self.source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: ti = f.h5['time_index'][...] attrs.update(f.get_attrs('time_index')) if time_index is None: time_index = ti chunks = f.get_dset_properties('time_index')[-1] else: time_index = np.append(time_index, ti) else: with Resource(self.source_h5[0]) as f: time_index = f.h5['time_index'][...] attrs = f.get_attrs('time_index') chunks = f.get_dset_properties('time_index')[-1] logger.debug('Combined time_index has:\n' 'shape: {}\n' 'dtype: {}\n' 'chunks: {}' .format(time_index.shape, time_index.dtype, chunks)) ds = self._dst_h5.create_dataset('time_index', shape=time_index.shape, dtype=time_index.dtype, chunks=chunks, data=time_index) if attrs: for k, v in attrs.items(): logger.debug("- Transfering attr {}: {}".format(k, v)) ds.attrs[k] = v def _combine_meta(self): """ Combine meta """'Combining meta') if self._axis == 1: meta = None chunks = None attrs = {} for h5_path in self.source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: m = f.h5['meta'][...] attrs.update(f.get_attrs('meta')) if meta is None: meta = m chunks = f.get_dset_properties('meta')[-1] else: meta = np.append(meta, m) else: with Resource(self.source_h5[0]) as f: meta = f.h5['meta'][...] attrs = f.get_attrs('meta') chunks = f.get_dset_properties('meta')[-1] logger.debug('Combined meta has:\n' 'shape: {}\n' 'dtype: {}\n' 'chunks: {}' .format(meta.shape, meta.dtype, chunks)) ds = self._dst_h5.create_dataset('meta', shape=meta.shape, dtype=meta.dtype, chunks=chunks, data=meta) if attrs: for k, v in attrs.items(): logger.debug("- Transfering attr {}: {}".format(k, v)) ds.attrs[k] = v def _combine_coordinates(self): """ combine coordinates """'Combining coordinates') if 'coordinates' in self.datasets: with Resource(self.source_h5[0]) as f: chunks = f.get_dset_properties('coordinates')[-1] attrs = f.get_attrs('coordinates') else: chunks = None attrs = {} if self._axis == 1: coords = None for h5_path in self.source_h5: with Resource(h5_path) as f: c = f.lat_lon if coords is None: coords = c else: coords = np.append(coords, c, axis=0) else: with Resource(self.source_h5[0]) as f: coords = f.lat_lon logger.debug('Combined coordinates have:\n' 'shape: {}\n' 'dtype: {}\n' 'chunks: {}' .format(coords.shape, coords.dtype, chunks)) ds = self._dst_h5.create_dataset('coordinates', shape=coords.shape, dtype=coords.dtype, chunks=chunks, data=coords) if attrs: for k, v in attrs.items(): logger.debug("- Transfering attr {}: {}".format(k, v)) ds.attrs[k] = v def _init_dataset(self, dset_name, dset_attrs): """ Initialize dataset Parameters ---------- dset_name : str Name of dataset to initialize dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset and properties and attributes Returns ------- ds : h5py.Dataset Initialized Dataset instance """'Initializing {}'.format(dset_name)) logger.debug('- has:\n' 'shape: {}\n' 'dtype: {}\n' 'chunks: {}' .format(dset_attrs['shape'], dset_attrs['dtype'], dset_attrs['chunks'])) ds = self._dst_h5.create_dataset(dset_name, shape=dset_attrs['shape'], dtype=dset_attrs['dtype'], chunks=dset_attrs['chunks']) attrs = dset_attrs['attrs'] if attrs: for k, v in attrs.items(): logger.debug("- Transfering attr {}: {}".format(k, v)) ds.attrs[k] = v return ds def _load_data(self, ds_in, ds_out, start, process_size=None): """ Load data from ds_in to ds_out Parameters ---------- ds_in : h5py.Dataset Open dataset instance for source data ds_out : h5py.Dataset Open dataset instance for rechunked data start : int Start position in combined dataset dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset attributes (dtype, chunks, attrs) process_size : int, optional Ammount of data to be transfered at a time, by default None """ ts = time.time() shape = ds_in.shape sites = shape[self._axis] if process_size is not None: slice_map = get_chunk_ranges(sites, process_size) for i, (s, e) in enumerate(slice_map): dset_slice = [] s += start e += start for i, _ in enumerate(shape): if i == self._axis: dset_slice.append(slice(s, e)) else: dset_slice.append(slice(None)) dset_slice = tuple(dset_slice) ds_out[dset_slice] = ds_in[dset_slice] logger.debug('\t- chunk # {} ({}:{}) transfered' .format(i, s, e)) else: dset_slice = [] for i, s in enumerate(shape): if i == self._axis: end = start + s dset_slice.append(slice(start, end)) else: dset_slice.append(slice(None)) ds_out[tuple(dset_slice)] = ds_in[:] tt = (time.time() - ts) / 60 logger.debug('Data transfered in {:.4f} min'.format(tt)) def _combine_dataset(self, dset_name, dset_attrs, process_size=None): """ Load data from ds_in to ds_out Parameters ---------- dset_name : str Name of dataset to initialize dset_attrs : dict Dictionary of dataset and properties and attributes process_size : int, optional Ammount of data to be transfered at a time, by default None """'Combining {}'.format(dset_name)) ds_comb = self._init_dataset(dset_name, dset_attrs) start = 0 for h5_path in self.source_h5: logger.debug('Transfering data from {}' .format(os.path.basename(h5_path))) with Resource(h5_path) as f: ds_in = f.h5[dset_name] self._load_data(ds_in, ds_comb, start, process_size=process_size) start += ds_in.shape[self._axis]
[docs] def combine(self, process_size=None): """ Combine source .h5 files Parameters ---------- process_size : int, optional Ammount of data to be transfered at a time, by default None """ self._combine_time_index() self._combine_meta() self._combine_coordinates() for dset_name, dset_attrs in self._dset_attrs.items(): self._combine_dataset(dset_name, dset_attrs, process_size=process_size)
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, combined_h5, *source_h5, axis=1, overwrite=True, process_size=None): """ Combine source .h5 files Parameters ---------- combined_h5 : str Path to save combined .h5 file to source_h5 : str Path to source .h5 files axis : int, optional axis to combine datasets along, by default 1 overwrite : bool, optional Flag to overwrite an existing h5_dst file, by default True process_size : int, optional Ammount of data to be transfered at a time, by default None """'Combining data from {} into {}' .format(source_h5, combined_h5)) with cls(combined_h5, *source_h5, axis=axis, overwrite=overwrite) as comb: comb.combine(process_size=process_size)