Source code for rex.multi_file_resource

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes to handle resource data
import os
from glob import glob
import logging
import numpy as np

from rex.renewable_resource import (NSRDB, SolarResource, GeothermalResource,
                                    WindResource, WaveResource,
from rex.resource import Resource, BaseDatasetIterable
from rex.utilities.exceptions import FileInputError, ResourceRuntimeError
from rex.utilities.utilities import unstupify_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MultiH5(BaseDatasetIterable): """ Class to handle multiple h5 file Resources """ def __init__(self, h5_files, check_files=False): """ Parameters ---------- h5_files : list List of .h5 files to source data from check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index """ self._dset_map = self._map_file_dsets(h5_files) self._h5_map = self._map_file_instances(set(self._dset_map.values())) if check_files: self._preflight_check() def __repr__(self): msg = ("{} contains {} files and {} datasets" .format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self), len(self._dset_map))) return msg def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise def __len__(self): return len(self._h5_map) def __getitem__(self, dset): if dset in self: path = self._dset_map[dset] h5 = self._h5_map[path] ds = h5[dset] else: msg = f'{dset} is invalid must be one of: {self.datasets}' logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return ds def __contains__(self, dset): return dset in self.datasets @property def attrs(self): """ Global .h5 file attributes sourced from first .h5 file Returns ------- attrs : dict .h5 file attributes sourced from first .h5 file """ path = self.h5_files[0] attrs = dict(self._h5_map[path].attrs) return attrs @property def datasets(self): """ Available datasets Returns ------- list List of dataset present in .h5 files """ return sorted(self._dset_map) @property def h5_files(self): """ .h5 files data is being sourced from Returns ------- list List of .h5 files data is being sourced from """ return sorted(self._h5_map) @staticmethod def _get_dsets(h5_path): """ Get datasets in given .h5 file Parameters ---------- h5_path : str Path to .h5 file to get variables for Returns ------- unique_dsets : list List of unique datasets in .h5 file shared_dsets : list List of shared datasets in .h5 file """ unique_dsets = [] shared_dsets = [] try: with Resource.open_file(h5_path, mode='r') as f: for dset in Resource._get_datasets(f): if dset not in ['meta', 'time_index', 'coordinates']: unique_dsets.append(dset) else: shared_dsets.append(dset) except Exception as e: msg = ('Could not read file: "{}"'.format(h5_path)) logger.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) from e return unique_dsets, shared_dsets @classmethod def _map_file_dsets(cls, h5_files): """ Map 5min variables to their .h5 files in given directory Parameters ---------- h5_files : list List of h5_files to source data from Returns ------- dset_map : dict Dictionary mapping datasets to file paths """ dset_map = {} for file in h5_files: unique_dsets, shared_dsets = cls._get_dsets(file) for dset in shared_dsets: if dset not in dset_map: dset_map[dset] = file for dset in unique_dsets: dset_map[dset] = file return dset_map @staticmethod def _map_file_instances(h5_files): """ Open all .h5 files and map the open h5py instances to the associated file paths Parameters ---------- h5_files : list List of .h5 files to open Returns ------- h5_map : dict Dictionary mapping file paths to open resource instances """ h5_map = {} for f_path in h5_files: h5_map[f_path] = Resource.open_file(f_path, mode='r') return h5_map def _preflight_check(self): """ Check time_index and coordinates accross files """ time_index = None lat_lon = None bad_files = [] for file in self.h5_files: with Resource(file) as f: if 'time_index' in f: ti = f.time_index if time_index is None: time_index = ti.copy() else: check = time_index.equals(ti) if not check: bad_files.append(file) ll = f.lat_lon if lat_lon is None: lat_lon = ll.copy() else: check = np.allclose(lat_lon, ll) if not check: bad_files.append(file) bad_files = list(set(bad_files)) if bad_files: msg = ("The following files' coordinates and time-index do not " "match:\n{}".format(bad_files)) logger.error(msg) raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all h5py.File instances """ for f in self._h5_map.values(): f.close()
[docs] class MultiH5Path(MultiH5): """ Class to handle multiple h5 file Resources derived from a path """ def __init__(self, h5_path, check_files=False): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index """ self.h5_path, h5_files = self._get_h5_files(h5_path) super().__init__(h5_files, check_files=check_files) def __repr__(self): msg = ("{} for {}:\n Contains {} files and {} datasets" .format(self.__class__.__name__, self.h5_path, len(self), len(self._dset_map))) return msg @staticmethod def _get_h5_files(h5_path): """ Parameters ---------- h5_path : str Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. Returns ------- h5_path : str Just like the input except unstupified file_paths : list List of full file paths found by matching the h5_path input. """ h5_path = unstupify_path(h5_path) if os.path.isdir(h5_path): msg = ('h5_path must be a unix shell style pattern with ' 'wildcard * in order to find files, but received ' 'directory specification: {}'.format(h5_path)) logger.error(msg) raise FileInputError(msg) file_paths = glob(h5_path) if not any(file_paths): msg = ('Could not find any file paths with pattern: {}' .format(h5_path)) logger.error(msg) raise FileInputError(msg) return h5_path, file_paths
[docs] class MultiFileResource(AbstractInterpolatedResource): """ Class to handle fine spatial resolution resource data stored in multiple .h5 files See Also -------- resource.Resource : Parent class Examples -------- Due to the size of the 2018 NSRDB and 5min WTK, datasets are stored in multiple files. MultiFileResource and it's sub-classes allow for interaction with all datasets as if they are in a single file. MultiFileResource can take a directory containing all files to source data from, or a filepath with a wildcard (*) indicating the filename format. >>> file = '$TESTDATADIR/wtk/wtk_2010_*m.h5' >>> with MultiFileResource(file) as res: >>> print(self._h5_files) ['$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_200m.h5', '$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_100m.h5'] >>> file_100m = '$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_100m.h5' >>> with Resource(file_100m) as res: >>> print(res.datasets) ['coordinates', 'meta', 'pressure_100m', 'temperature_100m', 'time_index', 'winddirection_100m', 'windspeed_100m'] >>> file_200m = '$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_200m.h5' >>> with Resource(file_200m) as res: >>> print(res.datasets) ['coordinates', 'meta', 'pressure_200m', 'temperature_200m', 'time_index', 'winddirection_200m', 'windspeed_200m'] >>> with MultiFileResource(file) as res: >>> print(res.datasets) ['coordinates', 'meta', 'pressure_100m', 'pressure_200m', 'temperature_100m', 'temperature_200m', 'time_index', 'winddirection_100m', 'winddirection_200m', 'windspeed_100m', 'windspeed_200m'] >>> with MultiFileResource(file) as res: >>> wspd = res['windspeed_100m'] >>> >>> wspd [[15.13 15.17 15.21 ... 15.3 15.32 15.31] [15.09 15.13 15.16 ... 15.26 15.29 15.31] [15.09 15.12 15.15 ... 15.24 15.23 15.26] ... [10.29 11.08 11.51 ... 14.43 14.41 14.19] [11. 11.19 11.79 ... 13.27 11.93 11.8 ] [12.16 12.44 13.09 ... 11.94 10.88 11.12]] """ INTERPOLABLE_DSETS = ["temperature", "pressure", "windspeed", "winddirection"] VARIABLE_NAME = "height" VARIABLE_UNIT = "m" def __init__(self, h5_source, unscale=True, str_decode=True, check_files=False, use_lapse_rate=True): """ Parameters ---------- h5_source : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. Can also be an explicit list of complete filepaths. unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index use_lapse_rate : bool If a dataset is only available at a single hub-height and this flag value is set to `True`, pressure / temperature values will be calculated using linear lapse rate adjustment from the available hub height to the requested one. If the flag value is set to `False`, the value of these variables at the single available hub-height will be returned for *all* requested heights. This option has no effect if data is available at multiple hub-heights. """ self._unscale = unscale self._meta = None self._time_index = None self._lat_lon = None self._str_decode = str_decode self._group = None # Map variables to their .h5 files self._h5 = self._init_multi_h5(h5_source, check_files=check_files) self._h5_files = self._h5.h5_files self.h5_file = self._h5_files[0] self._attrs = None self._shapes = None self._chunks = None self._dtypes = None self._interp_var = None self._use_lapse = use_lapse_rate # this is where self.heights or self.depths gets set self._interpolation_variable = self._parse_interp_var(self.datasets) prop_name = "{}s".format(self.VARIABLE_NAME) setattr(self, prop_name, self._interpolation_variable) def __repr__(self): msg = "{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) return msg @staticmethod def _init_multi_h5(h5_source, check_files=False): """ Initialize MultiH5 handler class based on input type Parameters ---------- h5_source : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. Can also be an explicit list of complete filepaths. check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index Returns ------- multi_h5 : MultiH5 | MultiH5Path Initialized multi h5 handler """ if isinstance(h5_source, str): multi_h5 = MultiH5Path(h5_source, check_files=check_files) elif isinstance(h5_source, (list, tuple)): multi_h5 = MultiH5(h5_source, check_files=check_files) else: msg = ('Cannot initialize MultiH5 from {}, expecting a path or a ' 'list of .h5 file paths'.format(type(h5_source))) logger.error(msg) raise ResourceRuntimeError(msg) return multi_h5
[docs] class MultiFileNSRDB(MultiFileResource, NSRDB): """ Class to handle 2018 and beyond NSRDB data that is at 2km and sub 30 min resolution See Also -------- resource.MultiFileResource : Parent class resource.NSRDB : Parent class """
[docs] @classmethod def preload_SAM(cls, h5_source, sites, unscale=True, str_decode=True, tech='pvwattsv7', time_index_step=None, means=False, clearsky=False, bifacial=False, downscale=None, check_files=False): """ Pre-load project_points for SAM Parameters ---------- h5_source : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. Can also be an explicit list of complete filepaths. sites : list List of sites to be provided to SAM (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. tech : str, optional SAM technology string, by default 'pvwattsv7' time_index_step: int, optional Step size for time_index, used to reduce temporal resolution, by default None means : bool, optional Boolean flag to compute mean resource when res_array is set, by default False clearsky : bool Boolean flag to pull clearsky instead of real irradiance bifacial : bool Boolean flag to pull surface albedo for bifacial modeling. downscale : NoneType | str Option for NSRDB resource downscaling to higher temporal resolution. Expects a string in the Pandas frequency format, e.g. '5min'. check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index Returns ------- SAM_res : SAMResource Instance of SAMResource pre-loaded with Solar resource for sites in project_points """ with cls(h5_source, unscale=unscale, str_decode=str_decode, check_files=check_files) as res: # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return SAM_res = res._preload_SAM(res, sites, tech=tech, time_index_step=time_index_step, means=means, clearsky=clearsky, bifacial=bifacial, downscale=downscale) return SAM_res
[docs] class MultiFileWTK(MultiFileResource, WindResource): """ Class to handle 5min WIND Toolkit data See Also -------- resource.MultiFileResource : Parent class resource.WindResource : Parent class Examples -------- MultiFileWTK automatically searches for files of the form *m.h5 >>> file = '$TESTDATADIR/wtk' >>> with MultiFileWTK(file) as res: >>> print(list(res._h5_files) >>> print(res.datasets) ['$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_200m.h5', '$TESTDATADIR/wtk_2010_100m.h5'] ['coordinates', 'meta', 'pressure_100m', 'pressure_200m', 'temperature_100m', 'temperature_200m', 'time_index', 'winddirection_100m', 'winddirection_200m', 'windspeed_100m', 'windspeed_200m'] MultiFileWTK, like WindResource can interpolate / extrapolate hub-heights >>> with MultiFileWTK(file) as res: >>> wspd = res['windspeed_150m'] >>> >>> wspd [[16.19 16.25 16.305 ... 16.375 16.39 16.39 ] [16.15 16.205 16.255001 ... 16.35 16.365 16.39 ] [16.154999 16.195 16.23 ... 16.335 16.32 16.34 ] ... [10.965 11.675 12.08 ... 15.18 14.805 14.42 ] [11.66 11.91 12.535 ... 13.31 12.23 12.335 ] [12.785 13.295 14.014999 ... 12.205 11.360001 11.64 ]] """
[docs] @classmethod def preload_SAM(cls, h5_source, sites, hub_heights, unscale=True, str_decode=True, time_index_step=None, means=False, require_wind_dir=False, precip_rate=False, icing=False, check_files=False): """ Placeholder for classmethod that will pre-load project_points for SAM Parameters ---------- h5_source : str | list Unix shell style pattern path with * wildcards to multi-file resource file sets. Files must have the same time index and coordinates but can have different datasets. Can also be an explicit list of complete filepaths. sites : list List of sites to be provided to SAM (sites is synonymous with gids aka spatial indices) hub_heights : int | float | list Hub heights to extract for SAM unscale : bool Boolean flag to automatically unscale variables on extraction str_decode : bool Boolean flag to decode the bytestring meta data into normal strings. Setting this to False will speed up the meta data read. time_index_step: int, optional Step size for time_index, used to reduce temporal resolution, by default None means : bool, optional Boolean flag to compute mean resource when res_array is set, by default False require_wind_dir : bool Boolean flag as to whether wind direction will be loaded. precip_rate : bool Boolean flag as to whether precipitationrate_0m will be preloaded icing : bool Boolean flag as to whether icing is analyzed. This will preload relative humidity. check_files : bool Check to ensure files have the same coordinates and time_index Returns ------- SAM_res : SAMResource Instance of SAMResource pre-loaded with Solar resource for sites in project_points """ with cls(h5_source, unscale=unscale, str_decode=str_decode, check_files=check_files) as res: # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return SAM_res = res._preload_SAM(res, sites, hub_heights, time_index_step=time_index_step, means=means, require_wind_dir=require_wind_dir, precip_rate=precip_rate, icing=icing) return SAM_res
MULTI_FILE_CLASS_MAP = {Resource: MultiFileResource, NSRDB: MultiFileNSRDB, SolarResource: MultiFileResource, WindResource: MultiFileWTK, WaveResource: MultiFileResource, GeothermalResource: MultiFileResource, }