Source code for reV.supply_curve.tech_mapping

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""reV tech mapping framework.

This module manages the exclusions-to-resource mapping.
The core of this module is a parallel cKDTree.

Created on Fri Jun 21 16:05:47 2019

@author: gbuster
import logging
import os
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from math import ceil
from warnings import warn

import h5py
import numpy as np
from rex.resource import Resource
from rex.utilities.execution import SpawnProcessPool
from rex.utilities.utilities import res_dist_threshold
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from reV.supply_curve.extent import SupplyCurveExtent, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE
from reV.utilities.exceptions import FileInputError, FileInputWarning

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TechMapping: """Framework to create map between tech layer (exclusions), res, and gen""" def __init__( self, excl_fpath, res_fpath, sc_resolution=2560, dist_margin=1.05 ): """ Parameters ---------- excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5 file, must contain latitude and longitude arrays to allow for mapping to resource points res_fpath : str Filepath to .h5 resource file that we're mapping to. sc_resolution : int | None, optional Supply curve resolution, does not affect the exclusion to resource (tech) mapping, but defines how many exclusion pixels are mapped at a time, by default 2560 dist_margin : float, optional Extra margin to multiply times the computed distance between neighboring resource points, by default 1.05 """ self._excl_fpath = excl_fpath self._check_fout() self._tree, self._dist_thresh = self._build_tree( res_fpath, dist_margin=dist_margin ) with SupplyCurveExtent( self._excl_fpath, resolution=sc_resolution ) as sc: self._sc_resolution = sc.resolution self._gids = np.array(list(range(len(sc))), dtype=np.uint32) self._excl_shape = sc.exclusions.shape self._n_excl = np.product(self._excl_shape) self._sc_row_indices = sc.row_indices self._sc_col_indices = sc.col_indices self._excl_row_slices = sc.excl_row_slices self._excl_col_slices = sc.excl_col_slices "Initialized TechMapping object with {} calc chunks " "for {} tech exclusion points".format( len(self._gids), self._n_excl ) ) @property def distance_threshold(self): """Get the upper bound on NN distance between excl and res points. Returns ------- float Estimate the distance between resource points. Calculated as half of the diagonal between closest resource points, with desired extra margin """ return self._dist_thresh @staticmethod def _build_tree(res_fpath, dist_margin=1.05): """ Build cKDTree from resource lat, lon coordinates. Compute minimum intra point distance between resource gids with provided extra margin. Parameters ---------- res_fpath : str Filepath to .h5 resource file that we're mapping to. dist_margin : float, optional Extra margin to multiply times the computed distance between neighboring resource points, by default 1.05 Returns ------- tree : cKDTree cKDTree built from resource lat, lon coordinates dist_tresh : float Estimate the distance between resource points. Calculated as half of the diagonal between closest resource points, with desired extra margin """ with Resource(res_fpath) as f: lat_lons = f.lat_lon # pylint: disable=not-callable tree = cKDTree(lat_lons) dist_thresh = res_dist_threshold( lat_lons, tree=tree, margin=dist_margin ) return tree, dist_thresh @staticmethod def _make_excl_iarr(shape): """ Create 2D array of 1D index values for the flattened h5 excl extent Parameters ---------- shape : tuple exclusion extent shape Returns ------- iarr : ndarray 2D array of 1D index values for the flattened h5 excl extent """ iarr = np.arange(np.product(shape), dtype=np.uint32) return iarr.reshape(shape) @staticmethod def _get_excl_slices( gid, sc_row_indices, sc_col_indices, excl_row_slices, excl_col_slices ): """ Get the row and column slices of the exclusions grid corresponding to the supply curve point gid. Parameters ---------- gid : int Supply curve point gid. sc_row_indices : list List of row indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid sc_col_indices : list List of column indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid excl_row_slices : list List representing the supply curve points rows. Each list entry contains the exclusion row slice that are included in the sc point. excl_col_slices : list List representing the supply curve points columns. Each list entry contains the exclusion columns slice that are included in the sc point. Returns ------- row_slice : int Exclusions grid row index slice corresponding to the sc point gid. col_slice : int Exclusions grid col index slice corresponding to the sc point gid. """ row_slice = excl_row_slices[sc_row_indices[gid]] col_slice = excl_col_slices[sc_col_indices[gid]] return row_slice, col_slice @classmethod def _get_excl_coords(cls, excl_fpath, gids, sc_row_indices, sc_col_indices, excl_row_slices, excl_col_slices, coord_labels=(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE)): """ Extract the exclusion coordinates for the desired gids for TechMapping. Parameters ---------- gids : np.ndarray Supply curve gids with tech exclusion points to map to the resource meta points. excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5 file, must contain latitude and longitude arrays to allow for mapping to resource points sc_row_indices : list List of row indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid sc_col_indices : list List of column indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid excl_row_slices : list List representing the supply curve points rows. Each list entry contains the exclusion row slice that are included in the sc point. excl_col_slices : list List representing the supply curve points columns. Each list entry contains the exclusion columns slice that are included in the sc point. coord_labels : tuple Labels for the coordinate datasets. Returns ------- coords_out : list List of arrays of the un-projected latitude, longitude array of tech exclusion points. List entries correspond to input gids. """ coords_out = [] with h5py.File(excl_fpath, "r") as f: for gid in gids: row_slice, col_slice = cls._get_excl_slices( gid, sc_row_indices, sc_col_indices, excl_row_slices, excl_col_slices, ) try: lats = f[coord_labels[0]][row_slice, col_slice] lons = f[coord_labels[1]][row_slice, col_slice] emeta = np.vstack((lats.flatten(), lons.flatten())).T except Exception as e: m = ( "Could not unpack coordinates for gid {} with " "row/col slice {}/{}. Received the following " "error:\n{}".format(gid, row_slice, col_slice, e) ) logger.error(m) raise e coords_out.append(emeta) return coords_out
[docs] @classmethod def map_resource_gids( cls, gids, excl_fpath, sc_row_indices, sc_col_indices, excl_row_slices, excl_col_slices, tree, dist_thresh, ): """Map exclusion gids to the resource meta. Parameters ---------- gids : np.ndarray Supply curve gids with tech exclusion points to map to the resource meta points. excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5 file, must contain latitude and longitude arrays to allow for mapping to resource points sc_row_indices : list List of row indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid sc_col_indices : list List of column indices in exclusion array for for every sc_point gid excl_row_slices : list List representing the supply curve points rows. Each list entry contains the exclusion row slice that are included in the sc point. excl_col_slices : list List representing the supply curve points columns. Each list entry contains the exclusion columns slice that are included in the sc point. tree : cKDTree cKDTree built from resource lat, lon coordinates dist_tresh : float Estimate the distance between resource points. Calculated as half of the diagonal between closest resource points, with an extra 5% margin Returns ------- ind : list List of arrays of index values from the NN. List entries correspond to input gids. """ logger.debug( "Getting tech map coordinates for chunks {} through {}".format( gids[0], gids[-1] ) ) ind_out = [] coords_out = cls._get_excl_coords( excl_fpath, gids, sc_row_indices, sc_col_indices, excl_row_slices, excl_col_slices, ) logger.debug( "Running tech mapping for chunks {} through {}".format( gids[0], gids[-1] ) ) for i, _ in enumerate(gids): dist, ind = tree.query(coords_out[i]) ind[(dist >= dist_thresh)] = -1 ind_out.append(ind) return ind_out
[docs] @staticmethod def save_tech_map( excl_fpath, dset, indices, distance_threshold=None, res_fpath=None, chunks=(128, 128), ): """Save tech mapping indices and coordinates to an h5 output file. Parameters ---------- excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5 file to add techmap to as 'dset' dset : str Dataset name in fpath_out to save mapping results to. indices : np.ndarray Index values of the NN resource point. -1 if no res point found. 2D integer array with shape equal to the exclusions extent shape. distance_threshold : float Distance upper bound to save as attr. res_fpath : str, optional Filepath to .h5 resource file that we're mapping to, by default None chunks : tuple Chunk shape of the 2D output datasets. """'Writing tech map "{}" to {}'.format(dset, excl_fpath)) shape = indices.shape chunks = (np.min((shape[0], chunks[0])), np.min((shape[1], chunks[1]))) with h5py.File(excl_fpath, "a") as f: if dset in list(f): wmsg = ( 'TechMap results dataset "{}" is being replaced ' 'in pre-existing Exclusions TechMapping file "{}"'.format( dset, excl_fpath ) ) logger.warning(wmsg) warn(wmsg, FileInputWarning) f[dset][...] = indices else: f.create_dataset( dset, shape=shape, dtype=indices.dtype, data=indices, chunks=chunks, ) if distance_threshold: f[dset].attrs["distance_threshold"] = distance_threshold if res_fpath: f[dset].attrs["src_res_fpath"] = res_fpath 'Successfully saved tech map "{}" to {}'.format(dset, excl_fpath) )
def _check_fout(self): """Check the TechMapping output file for cached data.""" with h5py.File(self._excl_fpath, 'r') as f: if LATITUDE not in f or LONGITUDE not in f: emsg = ('Datasets "latitude" and/or "longitude" not in ' 'pre-existing Exclusions TechMapping file "{}". ' 'Cannot proceed.' .format(os.path.basename(self._excl_fpath))) logger.exception(emsg) raise FileInputError(emsg)
[docs] def map_resource(self, max_workers=None, points_per_worker=10): """ Map all resource gids to exclusion gids Parameters ---------- max_workers : int, optional Number of cores to run mapping on. None uses all available cpus, by default None points_per_worker : int, optional Number of supply curve points to map to resource gids on each worker, by default 10 Returns ------- indices : np.ndarray Index values of the NN resource point. -1 if no res point found. 2D integer array with shape equal to the exclusions extent shape. """ gid_chunks = ceil(len(self._gids) / points_per_worker) gid_chunks = np.array_split(self._gids, gid_chunks) # init full output arrays indices = -1 * np.ones((self._n_excl,), dtype=np.int32) iarr = self._make_excl_iarr(self._excl_shape) futures = {} loggers = [__name__, "reV"] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: # iterate through split executions, submitting each to worker for i, gid_set in enumerate(gid_chunks): # submit executions and append to futures list futures[ exe.submit( self.map_resource_gids, gid_set, self._excl_fpath, self._sc_row_indices, self._sc_col_indices, self._excl_row_slices, self._excl_col_slices, self._tree, self.distance_threshold, ) ] = i n_finished = 0 for future in as_completed(futures): n_finished += 1 "Parallel TechMapping futures collected: " "{} out of {}".format(n_finished, len(futures)) ) i = futures[future] result = future.result() for j, gid in enumerate(gid_chunks[i]): row_slice, col_slice = self._get_excl_slices( gid, self._sc_row_indices, self._sc_col_indices, self._excl_row_slices, self._excl_col_slices, ) ind_slice = iarr[row_slice, col_slice].flatten() indices[ind_slice] = result[j] indices = indices.reshape(self._excl_shape) return indices
[docs] @classmethod def run( cls, excl_fpath, res_fpath, dset=None, sc_resolution=2560, dist_margin=1.05, max_workers=None, points_per_worker=10, ): """Run parallel mapping and save to h5 file. Parameters ---------- excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5 (tech layer). dset will be created in excl_fpath. res_fpath : str Filepath to .h5 resource file that we're mapping to. dset : str, optional Dataset name in excl_fpath to save mapping results to, if None do not save tech_map to excl_fpath, by default None sc_resolution : int | None, optional Supply curve resolution, does not affect the exclusion to resource (tech) mapping, but defines how many exclusion pixels are mapped at a time, by default 2560 dist_margin : float, optional Extra margin to multiply times the computed distance between neighboring resource points, by default 1.05 max_workers : int, optional Number of cores to run mapping on. None uses all available cpus, by default None points_per_worker : int, optional Number of supply curve points to map to resource gids on each worker, by default 10 Returns ------- indices : np.ndarray Index values of the NN resource point. -1 if no res point found. 2D integer array with shape equal to the exclusions extent shape. """ kwargs = {"dist_margin": dist_margin, "sc_resolution": sc_resolution} mapper = cls(excl_fpath, res_fpath, **kwargs) indices = mapper.map_resource( max_workers=max_workers, points_per_worker=points_per_worker ) if dset: mapper.save_tech_map( excl_fpath, dset, indices, distance_threshold=mapper.distance_threshold, res_fpath=res_fpath, ) return indices