Source code for reV.supply_curve.points

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reV supply curve points frameworks.
from abc import ABC
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from warnings import warn

from reV.econ.economies_of_scale import EconomiesOfScale
from reV.econ.utilities import lcoe_fcr
from reV.handlers.exclusions import ExclusionLayers
from reV.supply_curve.exclusions import ExclusionMask, ExclusionMaskFromDict
from reV.utilities.exceptions import (SupplyCurveInputError,

from rex.resource import Resource, BaseResource
from rex.multi_time_resource import MultiTimeResource
from rex.utilities.utilities import jsonify_dict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AbstractSupplyCurvePoint(ABC): """ Abstract SC point based on only the point gid, SC shape, and resolution. """ def __init__(self, gid, exclusion_shape, resolution=64): """ Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. """ self._gid = gid self._resolution = resolution self._rows, self._cols = self._parse_slices( gid, resolution, exclusion_shape) @staticmethod def _ordered_unique(seq): """Get a list of unique values in the same order as the input sequence. Parameters ---------- seq : list | tuple Sequence of values. Returns ------- seq : list List of unique values in seq input with original order. """ seen = set() return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))] def _parse_slices(self, gid, resolution, exclusion_shape): """Parse inputs for the definition of this SC point. Parameters ---------- gid : int | None gid for supply curve point to analyze. resolution : int | None SC resolution, must be input in combination with gid. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. Returns ------- rows : slice Row slice to index the high-res layer (exclusions) for the gid in the agg layer (supply curve). cols : slice Col slice to index the high-res layer (exclusions) for the gid in the agg layer (supply curve). """ rows, cols = self.get_agg_slices(gid, exclusion_shape, resolution) return rows, cols @property def gid(self): """supply curve point gid""" return self._gid @property def sc_point_gid(self): """ Supply curve point gid Returns ------- int """ return self._gid @property def resolution(self): """Get the supply curve grid aggregation resolution""" return self._resolution @property def rows(self): """Get the rows of the exclusions layer associated with this SC point. Returns ------- rows : slice Row slice to index the high-res layer (exclusions layer) for the gid in the agg layer (supply curve layer). """ return self._rows @property def cols(self): """Get the cols of the exclusions layer associated with this SC point. Returns ------- cols : slice Column slice to index the high-res layer (exclusions layer) for the gid in the agg layer (supply curve layer). """ return self._cols
[docs] @staticmethod def get_agg_slices(gid, shape, resolution): """Get the row, col slices of an aggregation gid. Parameters ---------- gid : int Gid of interest in the aggregated layer. shape : tuple (row, col) shape tuple of the underlying high-res layer. resolution : int Resolution of the aggregation: number of pixels in 1D being aggregated. Returns ------- row_slice : slice Row slice to index the high-res layer for the gid in the agg layer. col_slice : slice Col slice to index the high-res layer for the gid in the agg layer. """ nrows = int(np.ceil(shape[0] / resolution)) ncols = int(np.ceil(shape[1] / resolution)) super_shape = (nrows, ncols) arr = np.arange(nrows * ncols).reshape(super_shape) try: loc = np.where(arr == gid) row = loc[0][0] col = loc[1][0] except IndexError as exc: msg = ('Gid {} out of bounds for extent shape {} and ' 'resolution {}.'.format(gid, shape, resolution)) raise IndexError(msg) from exc if row + 1 != nrows: row_slice = slice(row * resolution, (row + 1) * resolution) else: row_slice = slice(row * resolution, shape[0]) if col + 1 != ncols: col_slice = slice(col * resolution, (col + 1) * resolution) else: col_slice = slice(col * resolution, shape[1]) return row_slice, col_slice
[docs]class SupplyCurvePoint(AbstractSupplyCurvePoint): """Generic single SC point based on exclusions, resolution, and techmap""" def __init__(self, gid, excl, tm_dset, excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, exclusion_shape=None, close=True): """ Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | list | tuple | ExclusionMask Filepath(s) to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. """ self._excl_dict = excl_dict self._close = close self._excl_fpath, self._excls = self._parse_excl_file(excl) if exclusion_shape is None: exclusion_shape = self.exclusions.shape super().__init__(gid, exclusion_shape, resolution=resolution) self._gids = self._parse_techmap(tm_dset) self._h5_gids = self._gids self._h5_gid_set = None self._incl_mask = inclusion_mask self._incl_mask_flat = None if inclusion_mask is not None: msg = ('Bad inclusion mask input shape of {} with stated ' 'resolution of {}'.format(inclusion_mask.shape, resolution)) assert len(inclusion_mask.shape) == 2, msg assert inclusion_mask.shape[0] <= resolution, msg assert inclusion_mask.shape[1] <= resolution, msg assert inclusion_mask.size == len(self._gids), msg self._incl_mask = inclusion_mask.copy() self._centroid = None self._excl_area = excl_area self._check_excl() @staticmethod def _parse_excl_file(excl): """Parse excl filepath input or handler object and set to attrs. Parameters ---------- excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions geotiff or ExclusionMask handler Returns ------- excl_fpath : str | list | tuple Filepath(s) for exclusions file exclusions : ExclusionMask | None Exclusions mask if input is already an open handler or None if it is to be lazy instantiated. """ if isinstance(excl, (str, list, tuple)): excl_fpath = excl exclusions = None elif isinstance(excl, ExclusionMask): excl_fpath = excl.excl_h5.h5_file exclusions = excl else: raise SupplyCurveInputError('SupplyCurvePoints needs an ' 'exclusions file path, or ' 'ExclusionMask handler but ' 'received: {}' .format(type(excl))) return excl_fpath, exclusions def _parse_techmap(self, tm_dset): """Parse data from the tech map file (exclusions to resource mapping). Raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError if there are no valid resource points in this SC point. Parameters ---------- tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. Returns ------- res_gids : np.ndarray 1D array with length == number of exclusion points. reV resource gids (native resource index) from the original resource data corresponding to the tech exclusions. """ res_gids = self.exclusions.excl_h5[tm_dset, self.rows, self.cols] res_gids = res_gids.astype(np.int32).flatten() if (res_gids != -1).sum() == 0: emsg = ('Supply curve point gid {} has no viable exclusion points ' 'based on exclusions file: "{}"' .format(self._gid, self._excl_fpath)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(emsg) return res_gids def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise
[docs] def close(self): """Close all file handlers.""" if self._close: if self._excls is not None: self._excls.close()
@property def exclusions(self): """Get the exclusions object. Returns ------- _excls : ExclusionMask ExclusionMask h5 handler object. """ if self._excls is None: self._excls = ExclusionMaskFromDict(self._excl_fpath, layers_dict=self._excl_dict) return self._excls @property def centroid(self): """Get the supply curve point centroid coordinate. Returns ------- centroid : tuple SC point centroid (lat, lon). """ if self._centroid is None: lats = self.exclusions.excl_h5['latitude', self.rows, self.cols] lons = self.exclusions.excl_h5['longitude', self.rows, self.cols] self._centroid = (lats.mean(), lons.mean()) return self._centroid @property def pixel_area(self): """The area in km2 of a single exclusion pixel. If this value was not provided on initialization, it is determined from the profile of the exclusion file. Returns ------- float """ if self._excl_area is None: with ExclusionLayers(self._excl_fpath) as f: self._excl_area = f.pixel_area return self._excl_area @property def area(self): """Get the non-excluded resource area of the supply curve point in the current resource class. Returns ------- area : float Non-excluded resource/generation area in square km. """ mask = self._gids != -1 area = np.sum(self.include_mask_flat[mask]) * self.pixel_area return area @property def latitude(self): """Get the SC point latitude""" return self.centroid[0] @property def longitude(self): """Get the SC point longitude""" return self.centroid[1] @property def n_gids(self): """ Get the total number of not fully excluded pixels associated with the available resource/generation gids at the given sc gid. Returns ------- n_gids : list """ mask = self._gids != -1 n_gids = np.sum(self.include_mask_flat[mask] > 0) return n_gids @property def include_mask(self): """Get the 2D inclusion mask (normalized with expected range: [0, 1] where 1 is included and 0 is excluded). Returns ------- np.ndarray """ if self._incl_mask is None: self._incl_mask = self.exclusions[self.rows, self.cols] # make sure exclusion pixels outside resource extent are excluded out_of_extent = self._gids.reshape(self._incl_mask.shape) == -1 self._incl_mask[out_of_extent] = 0.0 if self._incl_mask.max() > 1: w = ('Exclusions data max value is > 1: {}' .format(self._incl_mask.max()), InputWarning) logger.warning(w) warn(w) return self._incl_mask @property def include_mask_flat(self): """Get the flattened inclusion mask (normalized with expected range: [0, 1] where 1 is included and 0 is excluded). Returns ------- np.ndarray """ if self._incl_mask_flat is None: self._incl_mask_flat = self.include_mask.flatten() return self._incl_mask_flat @property def bool_mask(self): """Get a boolean inclusion mask (True if excl point is not excluded). Returns ------- mask : np.ndarray Mask with length equal to the flattened exclusion shape """ return self._gids != -1 @property def h5(self): """ placeholder for h5 Resource handler object """ @property def h5_gid_set(self): """Get list of unique h5 gids corresponding to this sc point. Returns ------- h5_gids : list List of h5 gids. """ if self._h5_gid_set is None: self._h5_gid_set = self._ordered_unique(self._h5_gids) if -1 in self._h5_gid_set: self._h5_gid_set.remove(-1) return self._h5_gid_set @property def summary(self): """ Placeholder for Supply curve point's meta data summary """ def _check_excl(self): """ Check to see if supply curve point is fully excluded """ if all(self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] == 0): msg = ('Supply curve point gid {} is completely excluded!' .format(self._gid)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(msg)
[docs] def exclusion_weighted_mean(self, arr, drop_nan=True): """ Calc the exclusions-weighted mean value of an array of resource data. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Array of resource data. drop_nan : bool Flag to drop nan values from the mean calculation (only works for 1D arr input, profiles should not have NaN's) Returns ------- mean : float | np.ndarray Mean of arr masked by the binary exclusions then weighted by the non-zero exclusions. This will be a 1D numpy array if the input data is a 2D numpy array (averaged along axis=1) """ if len(arr.shape) == 2: x = arr[:, self._gids[self.bool_mask]].astype('float32') incl = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] x *= incl mean = x.sum(axis=1) / incl.sum() else: x = arr[self._gids[self.bool_mask]].astype('float32') incl = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] if np.isnan(x).all(): return np.nan elif drop_nan and np.isnan(x).any(): nan_mask = np.isnan(x) x = x[~nan_mask] incl = incl[~nan_mask] x *= incl mean = x.sum() / incl.sum() return mean
[docs] def mean_wind_dirs(self, arr): """ Calc the mean wind directions at every time-step Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Array of wind direction data. Returns ------- mean_wind_dirs : np.ndarray | float Mean wind direction of arr masked by the binary exclusions """ incl = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] gids = self._gids[self.bool_mask] if len(arr.shape) == 2: arr_slice = (slice(None), gids) ax = 1 else: arr_slice = gids ax = 0 angle = np.radians(arr[arr_slice], dtype=np.float32) sin = np.mean(np.sin(angle) * incl, axis=ax) cos = np.mean(np.cos(angle) * incl, axis=ax) mean_wind_dirs = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin, cos)) mask = mean_wind_dirs < 0 mean_wind_dirs[mask] += 360 return mean_wind_dirs
[docs] def aggregate(self, arr): """ Calc sum (aggregation) of the resource data. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Array of resource data. Returns ------- agg : float Sum of arr masked by the binary exclusions """ if len(arr.shape) == 2: x = arr[:, self._gids[self.bool_mask]].astype('float32') ax = 1 else: x = arr[self._gids[self.bool_mask]].astype('float32') ax = 0 x *= self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] agg = x.sum(axis=ax) return agg
[docs] @classmethod def sc_mean(cls, gid, excl, tm_dset, data, excl_dict=None, resolution=64, exclusion_shape=None, close=True): """ Compute exclusions weight mean for the sc point from data Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. data : ndarray | ResourceDataset Array of data or open dataset handler to apply exclusions too excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit Returns ------- ndarray Exclusions weighted means of data for supply curve point """ kwargs = {"excl_dict": excl_dict, "resolution": resolution, "exclusion_shape": exclusion_shape, "close": close} with cls(gid, excl, tm_dset, **kwargs) as point: means = point.exclusion_weighted_mean(data) return means
[docs] @classmethod def sc_sum(cls, gid, excl, tm_dset, data, excl_dict=None, resolution=64, exclusion_shape=None, close=True): """ Compute the aggregate (sum) of data for the sc point Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. data : ndarray | ResourceDataset Array of data or open dataset handler to apply exclusions too excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. Returns ------- ndarray Sum / aggregation of data for supply curve point """ kwargs = {"excl_dict": excl_dict, "resolution": resolution, "exclusion_shape": exclusion_shape, "close": close} with cls(gid, excl, tm_dset, **kwargs) as point: agg = point.aggregate(data) return agg
@staticmethod def _mode(data): """ Compute the mode of the data vector and return a single value Parameters ---------- data : ndarray data layer vector to compute mode for Returns ------- float | int Mode of data """ if not data.size: return None else: # pd series is more flexible with non-numeric than stats mode return pd.Series(data).mode().values[0] @staticmethod def _categorize(data, incl_mult): """ Extract the sum of inclusion scalar values (where 1 is included, 0 is excluded, and 0.7 is included with 70 percent of available land) for each unique (categorical value) in data Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Vector of categorical values incl_mult : ndarray Vector of inclusion values Returns ------- str Jsonified string of the dictionary mapping categorical values to total inclusions """ data = {category: float(incl_mult[(data == category)].sum()) for category in np.unique(data)} data = jsonify_dict(data) return data @classmethod def _agg_data_layer_method(cls, data, incl_mult, method): """Aggregate the data array using specified method. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray | None Data array that will be flattened and operated on using method. This must be the included data. Exclusions should be applied before this method. incl_mult : np.ndarray | None Scalar exclusion data for methods with exclusion-weighted aggregation methods. Shape must match input data. method : str Aggregation method (mode, mean, max, min, sum, category) Returns ------- data : float | int | str | None Result of applying method to data. """ method_func = {'mode': cls._mode, 'mean': np.mean, 'max': np.max, 'min': np.min, 'sum': np.sum, 'category': cls._categorize} if data is not None: method = method.lower() if method not in method_func: e = ('Cannot recognize data layer agg method: ' '"{}". Can only {}'.format(method, list(method_func))) logger.error(e) raise ValueError(e) if len(data.shape) > 1: data = data.flatten() if data.shape != incl_mult.shape: e = ('Cannot aggregate data with shape that doesnt ' 'match excl mult!') logger.error(e) raise DataShapeError(e) if method == 'category': data = method_func['category'](data, incl_mult) elif method in ['mean', 'sum']: data = data * incl_mult data = method_func[method](data) else: data = method_func[method](data) return data
[docs] def agg_data_layers(self, summary, data_layers): """Perform additional data layer aggregation. If there is no valid data in the included area, the data layer will be taken from the full SC point extent (ignoring exclusions). If there is still no valid data, a warning will be raised and the data layer will have a NaN/None value. Parameters ---------- summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. data_layers : None | dict Aggregation data layers. Must be a dictionary keyed by data label name. Each value must be another dictionary with "dset", "method", and "fpath". Returns ------- summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. A new entry for each data layer is added. """ if data_layers is not None: for name, attrs in data_layers.items(): excl_fp = attrs.get('fpath', self._excl_fpath) if excl_fp != self._excl_fpath: fh = ExclusionLayers(attrs['fpath']) else: fh = self.exclusions.excl_h5 raw = fh[attrs['dset'], self.rows, self.cols] nodata = fh.get_nodata_value(attrs['dset']) data = raw.flatten()[self.bool_mask] incl_mult = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask].copy() if nodata is not None: valid_data_mask = (data != nodata) data = data[valid_data_mask] incl_mult = incl_mult[valid_data_mask] if not data.size: m = ('Data layer "{}" has no valid data for ' 'SC point gid {} because of exclusions ' 'and/or nodata values in the data layer.' .format(name, self._gid)) logger.debug(m) data = self._agg_data_layer_method(data, incl_mult, attrs['method']) summary[name] = data if excl_fp != self._excl_fpath: fh.close() return summary
[docs]class AggregationSupplyCurvePoint(SupplyCurvePoint): """Generic single SC point to aggregate data from an h5 file.""" def __init__(self, gid, excl, agg_h5, tm_dset, excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, exclusion_shape=None, close=True, gen_index=None, apply_exclusions=True): """ Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. agg_h5 : str | Resource Filepath to .h5 file to aggregate or Resource handler tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. gen_index : np.ndarray Array of generation gids with array index equal to resource gid. Array value is -1 if the resource index was not used in the generation run. apply_exclusions : bool Flag to apply exclusions to the resource / generation gid's on initialization. """ super().__init__(gid, excl, tm_dset, excl_dict=excl_dict, inclusion_mask=inclusion_mask, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, exclusion_shape=exclusion_shape, close=close) self._h5_fpath, self._h5 = self._parse_h5_file(agg_h5) if gen_index is not None: self._gids, _ = self._map_gen_gids(self._gids, gen_index) self._h5_gids = self._gids if (self._h5_gids != -1).sum() == 0: emsg = ('Supply curve point gid {} has no viable exclusion ' 'points based on exclusions file: "{}"' .format(self._gid, self._excl_fpath)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(emsg) if apply_exclusions: self._apply_exclusions() @staticmethod def _parse_h5_file(h5): """ Parse .h5 filepath input or handler object and set to attrs. Parameters ---------- h5 : str | Resource Filepath to .h5 file to aggregate or Resource handler Returns ------- h5_fpath : str Filepath for .h5 file to aggregate h5 : Resource | None Resource if input is already an open handler or None if it is to be lazy instantiated. """ if isinstance(h5, str): h5_fpath = h5 h5 = None elif issubclass(h5.__class__, BaseResource): h5_fpath = h5.h5_file elif issubclass(h5.__class__, MultiTimeResource): h5_fpath = h5.h5_files else: raise SupplyCurveInputError('SupplyCurvePoints needs a ' '.h5 file path, or ' 'Resource handler but ' 'received: {}' .format(type(h5))) return h5_fpath, h5 def _apply_exclusions(self): """Apply exclusions by masking the generation and resource gid arrays. This removes all res/gen entries that are masked by the exclusions or resource bin.""" # exclusions mask is False where excluded exclude = self.include_mask_flat == 0 self._gids[exclude] = -1 self._h5_gids[exclude] = -1 if (self._gids != -1).sum() == 0: msg = ('Supply curve point gid {} is completely excluded!' .format(self._gid)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(msg)
[docs] def close(self): """Close all file handlers.""" if self._close: if self._excls is not None: self._excls.close() if self._h5 is not None: self._h5.close()
@staticmethod def _map_gen_gids(res_gids, gen_index): """ Map resource gids from techmap to gen gids in .h5 source file Parameters ---------- res_gids : ndarray resource gids from techmap gen_index : ndarray Equivalent gen gids to resource gids Returns ------- gen_gids : ndarray gen gid to excl mapping res_gids : ndarray updated resource gid to excl mapping """ mask = (res_gids >= len(gen_index)) | (res_gids == -1) res_gids[mask] = -1 gen_gids = gen_index[res_gids] gen_gids[mask] = -1 res_gids[(gen_gids == -1)] = -1 return gen_gids, res_gids @property def h5(self): """ h5 Resource handler object Returns ------- _h5 : Resource Resource h5 handler object. """ if self._h5 is None and '*' in self._h5_fpath: self._h5 = MultiTimeResource(self._h5_fpath) elif self._h5 is None: self._h5 = Resource(self._h5_fpath) return self._h5 @property def country(self): """Get the SC point country based on the resource meta data.""" country = None if 'country' in self.h5.meta and self.county is not None: # make sure country and county are coincident counties = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'county'].values iloc = np.where(counties == self.county)[0][0] country = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'country'].values country = country[iloc] elif 'country' in self.h5.meta: country = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'country'].mode() country = country.values[0] return country @property def state(self): """Get the SC point state based on the resource meta data.""" state = None if 'state' in self.h5.meta and self.county is not None: # make sure state and county are coincident counties = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'county'].values iloc = np.where(counties == self.county)[0][0] state = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'state'].values state = state[iloc] elif 'state' in self.h5.meta: state = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'state'].mode() state = state.values[0] return state @property def county(self): """Get the SC point county based on the resource meta data.""" county = None if 'county' in self.h5.meta: county = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'county'].mode() county = county.values[0] return county @property def elevation(self): """Get the SC point elevation based on the resource meta data.""" elevation = None if 'elevation' in self.h5.meta: elevation = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'elevation'].mean() return elevation @property def timezone(self): """Get the SC point timezone based on the resource meta data.""" timezone = None if 'timezone' in self.h5.meta and self.county is not None: # make sure timezone flag and county are coincident counties = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'county'].values iloc = np.where(counties == self.county)[0][0] timezone = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'timezone'].values timezone = timezone[iloc] elif 'timezone' in self.h5.meta: timezone = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'timezone'].mode() timezone = timezone.values[0] return timezone @property def offshore(self): """Get the SC point offshore flag based on the resource meta data (if offshore column is present).""" offshore = None if 'offshore' in self.h5.meta and self.county is not None: # make sure offshore flag and county are coincident counties = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'county'].values iloc = np.where(counties == self.county)[0][0] offshore = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'offshore'].values offshore = offshore[iloc] elif 'offshore' in self.h5.meta: offshore = self.h5.meta.loc[self.h5_gid_set, 'offshore'].mode() offshore = offshore.values[0] return offshore @property def gid_counts(self): """Get the sum of the inclusion values in each resource/generation gid corresponding to this sc point. The sum of the gid counts can be less than the value provided by n_gids if fractional exclusion/inclusions are provided. Returns ------- gid_counts : list """ gid_counts = [self.include_mask_flat[(self._h5_gids == gid)].sum() for gid in self.h5_gid_set] return gid_counts @property def summary(self): """ Supply curve point's meta data summary Returns ------- pandas.Series List of supply curve point's meta data """ meta = {'sc_point_gid': self.sc_point_gid, 'source_gids': self.h5_gid_set, 'gid_counts': self.gid_counts, 'n_gids': self.n_gids, 'area_sq_km': self.area, 'latitude': self.latitude, 'longitude': self.longitude, 'country':, 'state': self.state, 'county': self.county, 'elevation': self.elevation, 'timezone': self.timezone, } meta = pd.Series(meta) return meta
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, gid, excl, agg_h5, tm_dset, *agg_dset, agg_method='mean', excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, resolution=64, excl_area=None, exclusion_shape=None, close=True, gen_index=None): """ Compute exclusions weight mean for the sc point from data Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. agg_h5 : str | Resource Filepath to .h5 file to aggregate or Resource handler tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. agg_dset : str Dataset to aggreate, can supply multiple datasets or no datasets. The datasets should be scalar values for each site. This method cannot aggregate timeseries data. agg_method : str Aggregation method, either mean or sum/aggregate excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. gen_index : np.ndarray Array of generation gids with array index equal to resource gid. Array value is -1 if the resource index was not used in the generation run. Returns ------- out : dict Given datasets and meta data aggregated to supply curve points """ if isinstance(agg_dset, str): agg_dset = (agg_dset, ) kwargs = {"excl_dict": excl_dict, "inclusion_mask": inclusion_mask, "resolution": resolution, "excl_area": excl_area, "exclusion_shape": exclusion_shape, "close": close, "gen_index": gen_index} with cls(gid, excl, agg_h5, tm_dset, **kwargs) as point: if agg_method.lower().startswith('mean'): agg_method = point.exclusion_weighted_mean elif agg_method.lower().startswith(('sum', 'agg')): agg_method = point.aggregate elif 'wind_dir' in agg_method.lower(): agg_method = point.mean_wind_dirs else: msg = ('Aggregation method must be either mean, ' 'sum/aggregate, or wind_dir') logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) out = {'meta': point.summary} for dset in agg_dset: ds = point.h5.open_dataset(dset) out[dset] = agg_method(ds) return out
[docs]class GenerationSupplyCurvePoint(AggregationSupplyCurvePoint): """Supply curve point summary framework that ties a reV SC point to its respective generation and resource data.""" # technology-dependent power density estimates in MW/km2 POWER_DENSITY = {'pv': 36, 'wind': 3} def __init__(self, gid, excl, gen, tm_dset, gen_index, excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, res_class_dset=None, res_class_bin=None, excl_area=None, power_density=None, cf_dset='cf_mean-means', lcoe_dset='lcoe_fcr-means', h5_dsets=None, resolution=64, exclusion_shape=None, close=False, friction_layer=None, recalc_lcoe=True, apply_exclusions=True): """ Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. gen : str | reV.handlers.Outputs Filepath to .h5 reV generation output results or reV Outputs file handler. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the techmap file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. gen_index : np.ndarray Array of generation gids with array index equal to resource gid. Array value is -1 if the resource index was not used in the generation run. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. res_class_dset : str | np.ndarray | None Dataset in the generation file dictating resource classes. Can be pre-extracted resource data in np.ndarray. None if no resource classes. res_class_bin : list | None Two-entry lists dictating the single resource class bin. None if no resource classes. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None power_density : float | None | pd.DataFrame Constant power density float, None, or opened dataframe with (resource) "gid" and "power_density columns". cf_dset : str | np.ndarray Dataset name from gen containing capacity factor mean values. Can be pre-extracted generation output data in np.ndarray. lcoe_dset : str | np.ndarray Dataset name from gen containing LCOE mean values. Can be pre-extracted generation output data in np.ndarray. h5_dsets : None | list | dict Optional list of dataset names to summarize from the gen/econ h5 files. Can also be pre-extracted data dictionary where keys are the dataset names and values are the arrays of data from the h5 files. resolution : int | None SC resolution, must be input in combination with gid. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. friction_layer : None | FrictionMask Friction layer with scalar friction values if valid friction inputs were entered. Otherwise, None to not apply friction layer. recalc_lcoe : bool Flag to re-calculate the LCOE from the multi-year mean capacity factor and annual energy production data. This requires several datasets to be aggregated in the h5_dsets input: system_capacity, fixed_charge_rate, capital_cost, fixed_operating_cost, and variable_operating_cost. apply_exclusions : bool Flag to apply exclusions to the resource / generation gid's on initialization. """ self._res_class_dset = res_class_dset self._res_class_bin = res_class_bin self._cf_dset = cf_dset self._lcoe_dset = lcoe_dset self._h5_dsets = h5_dsets self._mean_res = None self._res_data = None self._gen_data = None self._lcoe_data = None self._pd_obj = None self._power_density = self._power_density_ac = power_density self._friction_layer = friction_layer self._recalc_lcoe = recalc_lcoe super().__init__(gid, excl, gen, tm_dset, excl_dict=excl_dict, inclusion_mask=inclusion_mask, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, exclusion_shape=exclusion_shape, close=close, apply_exclusions=False) self._res_gid_set = None self._gen_gid_set = None self._gen_fpath, self._gen = self._h5_fpath, self._h5 self._gen_gids, self._res_gids = self._map_gen_gids(self._gids, gen_index) self._gids = self._gen_gids if (self._gen_gids != -1).sum() == 0: emsg = ('Supply curve point gid {} has no viable exclusion ' 'points based on exclusions file: "{}"' .format(self._gid, self._excl_fpath)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(emsg) if apply_exclusions: self._apply_exclusions()
[docs] def exclusion_weighted_mean(self, flat_arr): """Calc the exclusions-weighted mean value of a flat array of gen data. Parameters ---------- flat_arr : np.ndarray Flattened array of resource/generation/econ data. Must be index-able with the self._gen_gids array (must be a 1D array with an entry for every site in the generation extent). Returns ------- mean : float Mean of flat_arr masked by the binary exclusions then weighted by the non-zero exclusions. """ x = flat_arr[self._gen_gids[self.bool_mask]].astype('float32') incl = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] x *= incl mean = x.sum() / incl.sum() return mean
@property def gen(self): """Get the generation output object. Returns ------- _gen : Resource reV generation Resource object """ if self._gen is None: self._gen = Resource(self._gen_fpath, str_decode=False) return self._gen @property def res_gid_set(self): """Get list of unique resource gids corresponding to this sc point. Returns ------- res_gids : list List of resource gids. """ if self._res_gid_set is None: self._res_gid_set = self._ordered_unique(self._res_gids) if -1 in self._res_gid_set: self._res_gid_set.remove(-1) return self._res_gid_set @property def gen_gid_set(self): """Get list of unique generation gids corresponding to this sc point. Returns ------- gen_gids : list List of generation gids. """ if self._gen_gid_set is None: self._gen_gid_set = self._ordered_unique(self._gen_gids) if -1 in self._gen_gid_set: self._gen_gid_set.remove(-1) return self._gen_gid_set @property def h5_gid_set(self): """Get list of unique h5 gids corresponding to this sc point. Same as gen_gid_set Returns ------- h5_gids : list List of h5 gids. """ return self.gen_gid_set @property def gid_counts(self): """Get the number of exclusion pixels in each resource/generation gid corresponding to this sc point. Returns ------- gid_counts : list List of exclusion pixels in each resource/generation gid. """ gid_counts = [self.include_mask_flat[(self._res_gids == gid)].sum() for gid in self.res_gid_set] return gid_counts @property def res_data(self): """Get the resource data array. Returns ------- _res_data : np.ndarray Multi-year-mean resource data array for all sites in the generation data output file. """ if isinstance(self._res_class_dset, np.ndarray): return self._res_class_dset else: if self._res_data is None: if self._res_class_dset in self.gen.datasets: self._res_data = self.gen[self._res_class_dset] return self._res_data @property def gen_data(self): """Get the generation capacity factor data array. Returns ------- _gen_data : np.ndarray Multi-year-mean capacity factor data array for all sites in the generation data output file. """ if isinstance(self._cf_dset, np.ndarray): return self._cf_dset else: if self._gen_data is None: if self._cf_dset in self.gen.datasets: self._gen_data = self.gen[self._cf_dset] return self._gen_data @property def lcoe_data(self): """Get the LCOE data array. Returns ------- _lcoe_data : np.ndarray Multi-year-mean LCOE data array for all sites in the generation data output file. """ if isinstance(self._lcoe_dset, np.ndarray): return self._lcoe_dset else: if self._lcoe_data is None: if self._lcoe_dset in self.gen.datasets: self._lcoe_data = self.gen[self._lcoe_dset] return self._lcoe_data @property def mean_cf(self): """Get the mean capacity factor for the non-excluded data. Capacity factor is weighted by the exclusions (usually 0 or 1, but 0.5 exclusions will weight appropriately). Returns ------- mean_cf : float | None Mean capacity factor value for the non-excluded data. """ mean_cf = None if self.gen_data is not None: mean_cf = self.exclusion_weighted_mean(self.gen_data) return mean_cf @property def mean_lcoe(self): """Get the mean LCOE for the non-excluded data. Returns ------- mean_lcoe : float | None Mean LCOE value for the non-excluded data. """ mean_lcoe = None # prioritize the calculation of lcoe explicitly from the multi year # mean CF (the lcoe re-calc will still happen if mean_cf is a single # year CF, but the output should be identical to the original LCOE and # so is not consequential). if self._recalc_lcoe: required = ('fixed_charge_rate', 'capital_cost', 'fixed_operating_cost', 'variable_operating_cost', 'system_capacity') if self.mean_h5_dsets_data is not None: if all(k in self.mean_h5_dsets_data for k in required): aep = (self.mean_h5_dsets_data['system_capacity'] * self.mean_cf * 8760) # Note the AEP computation uses the SAM config # `system_capacity`, so no need to scale `capital_cost` # or `fixed_operating_cost` by anything mean_lcoe = lcoe_fcr( self.mean_h5_dsets_data['fixed_charge_rate'], self.mean_h5_dsets_data['capital_cost'], self.mean_h5_dsets_data['fixed_operating_cost'], aep, self.mean_h5_dsets_data['variable_operating_cost']) # alternative if lcoe was not able to be re-calculated from # multi year mean CF if mean_lcoe is None and self.lcoe_data is not None: mean_lcoe = self.exclusion_weighted_mean(self.lcoe_data) return mean_lcoe @property def mean_res(self): """Get the mean resource for the non-excluded data. Returns ------- mean_res : float | None Mean resource for the non-excluded data. """ mean_res = None if self._res_class_dset is not None: mean_res = self.exclusion_weighted_mean(self.res_data) return mean_res @property def mean_lcoe_friction(self): """Get the mean LCOE for the non-excluded data, multiplied by the mean_friction scalar value. Returns ------- mean_lcoe_friction : float | None Mean LCOE value for the non-excluded data multiplied by the mean friction scalar value. """ mean_lcoe_friction = None if self.mean_lcoe is not None and self.mean_friction is not None: mean_lcoe_friction = self.mean_lcoe * self.mean_friction return mean_lcoe_friction @property def mean_friction(self): """Get the mean friction scalar for the non-excluded data. Returns ------- friction : None | float Mean value of the friction data layer for the non-excluded data. If friction layer is not input to this class, None is returned. """ friction = None if self._friction_layer is not None: friction = self.friction_data.flatten()[self.bool_mask].mean() return friction @property def friction_data(self): """Get the friction data for the full SC point (no exclusions) Returns ------- friction_data : None | np.ndarray 2D friction data layer corresponding to the exclusions grid in the SC domain. If friction layer is not input to this class, None is returned. """ friction_data = None if self._friction_layer is not None: friction_data = self._friction_layer[self.rows, self.cols] return friction_data @property def power_density(self): """Get the estimated power density either from input or infered from generation output meta. Returns ------- _power_density : float Estimated power density in MW/km2 """ if self._power_density is None: tech = self.gen.meta['reV_tech'][0] if tech in self.POWER_DENSITY: self._power_density = self.POWER_DENSITY[tech] else: warn('Could not recognize reV technology in generation meta ' 'data: "{}". Cannot lookup an appropriate power density ' 'to calculate SC point capacity.'.format(tech)) elif isinstance(self._power_density, pd.DataFrame): self._pd_obj = self._power_density missing = set(self.res_gid_set) - set(self._pd_obj.index.values) if any(missing): msg = ('Variable power density input is missing the ' 'following resource GIDs: {}'.format(missing)) logger.error(msg) raise FileInputError(msg) pds = self._pd_obj.loc[self._res_gids[self.bool_mask], 'power_density'].values pds = pds.astype(np.float32) pds *= self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] denom = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask].sum() self._power_density = pds.sum() / denom return self._power_density @property def power_density_ac(self): """Get the estimated AC power density either from input or inferred from generation output meta. This value is only available for solar runs with a "dc_ac_ratio" dataset in the generation file. If these conditions are not met, this value is `None`. Returns ------- _power_density_ac : float | None Estimated AC power density in MW/km2 """ if "dc_ac_ratio" not in self.gen.datasets: return None ilr = self.gen["dc_ac_ratio", self._gen_gids[self.bool_mask]] ilr = ilr.astype('float32') weights = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] if self._power_density_ac is None: tech = self.gen.meta['reV_tech'][0] if tech in self.POWER_DENSITY: power_density_ac = self.POWER_DENSITY[tech] / ilr power_density_ac *= weights power_density_ac = power_density_ac.sum() / weights.sum() else: warn('Could not recognize reV technology in generation meta ' 'data: "{}". Cannot lookup an appropriate power density ' 'to calculate SC point capacity.'.format(tech)) power_density_ac = None elif isinstance(self._power_density_ac, pd.DataFrame): self._pd_obj = self._power_density_ac missing = set(self.res_gid_set) - set(self._pd_obj.index.values) if any(missing): msg = ('Variable power density input is missing the ' 'following resource GIDs: {}'.format(missing)) logger.error(msg) raise FileInputError(msg) pds = self._pd_obj.loc[self._res_gids[self.bool_mask], 'power_density'].values power_density_ac = pds.astype(np.float32) / ilr power_density_ac *= weights power_density_ac = power_density_ac.sum() / weights.sum() else: power_density_ac = self._power_density_ac * weights / ilr power_density_ac = power_density_ac.sum() / weights.sum() return power_density_ac @property def capacity(self): """Get the estimated capacity in MW of the supply curve point in the current resource class with the applied exclusions. Returns ------- capacity : float Estimated capacity in MW of the supply curve point in the current resource class with the applied exclusions. """ capacity = None if self.power_density is not None: capacity = self.area * self.power_density return capacity @property def capacity_ac(self): """Get the AC estimated capacity in MW of the supply curve point in the current resource class with the applied exclusions. This values is provided only for solar inputs that have the "dc_ac_ratio" dataset in the generation file. If these conditions are not met, this value is `None`. Returns ------- capacity : float | None Estimated AC capacity in MW of the supply curve point in the current resource class with the applied exclusions. Only not `None` for solar runs with "dc_ac_ratio" dataset in the generation file """ if self.power_density_ac is None: return None return self.area * self.power_density_ac @property def sc_point_capital_cost(self): """Get the capital cost for the entire SC point. This method scales the capital cost based on the included-area capacity. The calculation requires 'capital_cost' and 'system_capacity' in the generation file and passed through as `h5_dsets`, otherwise it returns `None`. Returns ------- sc_point_capital_cost : float | None Total supply curve point capital cost ($). """ if self.mean_h5_dsets_data is None: return None required = ('capital_cost', 'system_capacity') if not all(k in self.mean_h5_dsets_data for k in required): return None cap_cost_per_mw = (self.mean_h5_dsets_data['capital_cost'] / self.mean_h5_dsets_data['system_capacity']) return cap_cost_per_mw * self.capacity @property def sc_point_fixed_operating_cost(self): """Get the fixed operating cost for the entire SC point. This method scales the fixed operating cost based on the included-area capacity. The calculation requires 'fixed_operating_cost' and 'system_capacity' in the generation file and passed through as `h5_dsets`, otherwise it returns `None`. Returns ------- sc_point_fixed_operating_cost : float | None Total supply curve point fixed operating cost ($). """ if self.mean_h5_dsets_data is None: return None required = ('fixed_operating_cost', 'system_capacity') if not all(k in self.mean_h5_dsets_data for k in required): return None fixed_cost_per_mw = (self.mean_h5_dsets_data['fixed_operating_cost'] / self.mean_h5_dsets_data['system_capacity']) return fixed_cost_per_mw * self.capacity @property def sc_point_annual_energy(self): """Get the total annual energy (MWh) for the entire SC point. This value is computed using the capacity of the supply curve point as well as the mean capacity factor. If the mean capacity factor is `None`, this value will also be `None`. Returns ------- sc_point_annual_energy : float | None Total annual energy (MWh) for the entire SC point. """ if self.mean_cf is None: return None return self.mean_cf * self.capacity * 8760 @property def sc_point_annual_energy_ac(self): """Get the total AC annual energy (MWh) for the entire SC point. This value is computed using the AC capacity of the supply curve point as well as the mean capacity factor. If either the mean capacity factor or the AC capacity value is `None`, this value will also be `None`. Returns ------- sc_point_annual_energy_ac : float | None Total AC annual energy (MWh) for the entire SC point. """ if self.mean_cf is None or self.capacity_ac is None: return None return self.mean_cf * self.capacity_ac * 8760 @property def h5_dsets_data(self): """Get any additional/supplemental h5 dataset data to summarize. Returns ------- h5_dsets_data : dict | None """ _h5_dsets_data = None if isinstance(self._h5_dsets, (list, tuple)): _h5_dsets_data = {} for dset in self._h5_dsets: if dset in self.gen.datasets: _h5_dsets_data[dset] = self.gen[dset] elif isinstance(self._h5_dsets, dict): _h5_dsets_data = self._h5_dsets elif self._h5_dsets is not None: e = ('Cannot recognize h5_dsets input type, should be None, ' 'a list of dataset names, or a dictionary or ' 'pre-extracted data. Received: {} {}' .format(type(self._h5_dsets), self._h5_dsets)) logger.error(e) raise TypeError(e) return _h5_dsets_data @property def mean_h5_dsets_data(self): """Get the mean supplemental h5 datasets data (optional) Returns ------- mean_h5_dsets_data : dict | None Mean dataset values for the non-excluded data for the optional h5_dsets input. """ _mean_h5_dsets_data = None if self.h5_dsets_data is not None: _mean_h5_dsets_data = {} for dset, arr in self.h5_dsets_data.items(): _mean_h5_dsets_data[dset] = self.exclusion_weighted_mean(arr) return _mean_h5_dsets_data def _apply_exclusions(self): """Apply exclusions by masking the generation and resource gid arrays. This removes all res/gen entries that are masked by the exclusions or resource bin.""" # exclusions mask is False where excluded exclude = self.include_mask_flat == 0 exclude = self._resource_exclusion(exclude) self._gen_gids[exclude] = -1 self._res_gids[exclude] = -1 # ensure that excluded pixels (including resource exclusions!) # has an exclusions multiplier of 0 exclude = exclude.reshape(self.include_mask.shape) self._incl_mask[exclude] = 0.0 self._incl_mask = self._incl_mask.flatten() if (self._gen_gids != -1).sum() == 0: msg = ('Supply curve point gid {} is completely excluded for res ' 'bin: {}'.format(self._gid, self._res_class_bin)) raise EmptySupplyCurvePointError(msg) def _resource_exclusion(self, boolean_exclude): """Include the resource exclusion into a pre-existing bool exclusion. Parameters ---------- boolean_exclude : np.ndarray Boolean exclusion array (True is exclude). Returns ------- boolean_exclude : np.ndarray Same as input but includes additional exclusions for resource outside of current resource class bin. """ if (self._res_class_dset is not None and self._res_class_bin is not None): rex = self.res_data[self._gen_gids] rex = ((rex < np.min(self._res_class_bin)) | (rex >= np.max(self._res_class_bin))) boolean_exclude = (boolean_exclude | rex) return boolean_exclude
[docs] def point_summary(self, args=None): """ Get a summary dictionary of a single supply curve point. Parameters ---------- args : tuple | list | None List of summary arguments to include. None defaults to all available args defined in the class attr. Returns ------- summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. """ ARGS = {'res_gids': self.res_gid_set, 'gen_gids': self.gen_gid_set, 'gid_counts': self.gid_counts, 'n_gids': self.n_gids, 'mean_cf': self.mean_cf, 'mean_lcoe': self.mean_lcoe, 'mean_res': self.mean_res, 'capacity': self.capacity, 'area_sq_km': self.area, 'latitude': self.latitude, 'longitude': self.longitude, 'country':, 'state': self.state, 'county': self.county, 'elevation': self.elevation, 'timezone': self.timezone, } extra_atts = ['capacity_ac', 'offshore', 'sc_point_capital_cost', 'sc_point_fixed_operating_cost', 'sc_point_annual_energy', 'sc_point_annual_energy_ac'] for attr in extra_atts: value = getattr(self, attr) if value is not None: ARGS[attr] = value if self._friction_layer is not None: ARGS['mean_friction'] = self.mean_friction ARGS['mean_lcoe_friction'] = self.mean_lcoe_friction if self._h5_dsets is not None: for dset, data in self.mean_h5_dsets_data.items(): ARGS['mean_{}'.format(dset)] = data if args is None: args = list(ARGS.keys()) summary = {} for arg in args: if arg in ARGS: summary[arg] = ARGS[arg] else: warn('Cannot find "{}" as an available SC self summary ' 'output', OutputWarning) return summary
[docs] @staticmethod def economies_of_scale(cap_cost_scale, summary): """Apply economies of scale to this point summary Parameters ---------- cap_cost_scale : str LCOE scaling equation to implement "economies of scale". Equation must be in python string format and return a scalar value to multiply the capital cost by. Independent variables in the equation should match the names of the columns in the reV supply curve aggregation table. summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. Returns ------- summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. """ eos = EconomiesOfScale(cap_cost_scale, summary) summary['raw_lcoe'] = eos.raw_lcoe summary['mean_lcoe'] = eos.scaled_lcoe summary['capital_cost_scalar'] = eos.capital_cost_scalar summary['scaled_capital_cost'] = eos.scaled_capital_cost if "sc_point_capital_cost" in summary: scaled_costs = (summary["sc_point_capital_cost"] * eos.capital_cost_scalar) summary['scaled_sc_point_capital_cost'] = scaled_costs return summary
[docs] @classmethod def summarize(cls, gid, excl_fpath, gen_fpath, tm_dset, gen_index, excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, res_class_dset=None, res_class_bin=None, excl_area=None, power_density=None, cf_dset='cf_mean-means', lcoe_dset='lcoe_fcr-means', h5_dsets=None, resolution=64, exclusion_shape=None, close=False, friction_layer=None, args=None, data_layers=None, cap_cost_scale=None, recalc_lcoe=True): """Get a summary dictionary of a single supply curve point. Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl_fpath : str Filepath to exclusions h5. gen_fpath : str Filepath to .h5 reV generation output results. tm_dset : str Dataset name in the techmap file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. gen_index : np.ndarray Array of generation gids with array index equal to resource gid. Array value is -1 if the resource index was not used in the generation run. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion keyword arugments of the format {layer_dset_name: {kwarg: value}} where layer_dset_name is a dataset in the exclusion h5 file and kwarg is a keyword argument to the reV.supply_curve.exclusions.LayerMask class. None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. res_class_dset : str | np.ndarray | None Dataset in the generation file dictating resource classes. Can be pre-extracted resource data in np.ndarray. None if no resource classes. res_class_bin : list | None Two-entry lists dictating the single resource class bin. None if no resource classes. excl_area : float | None, optional Area of an exclusion pixel in km2. None will try to infer the area from the profile transform attribute in excl_fpath, by default None power_density : float | None | pd.DataFrame Constant power density float, None, or opened dataframe with (resource) "gid" and "power_density columns". cf_dset : str | np.ndarray Dataset name from gen containing capacity factor mean values. Can be pre-extracted generation output data in np.ndarray. lcoe_dset : str | np.ndarray Dataset name from gen containing LCOE mean values. Can be pre-extracted generation output data in np.ndarray. h5_dsets : None | list | dict Optional list of dataset names to summarize from the gen/econ h5 files. Can also be pre-extracted data dictionary where keys are the dataset names and values are the arrays of data from the h5 files. resolution : int | None SC resolution, must be input in combination with gid. exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. friction_layer : None | FrictionMask Friction layer with scalar friction values if valid friction inputs were entered. Otherwise, None to not apply friction layer. args : tuple | list, optional List of summary arguments to include. None defaults to all available args defined in the class attr, by default None data_layers : dict, optional Aggregation data layers. Must be a dictionary keyed by data label name. Each value must be another dictionary with "dset", "method", and "fpath", by default None cap_cost_scale : str | None Optional LCOE scaling equation to implement "economies of scale". Equations must be in python string format and return a scalar value to multiply the capital cost by. Independent variables in the equation should match the names of the columns in the reV supply curve aggregation table. recalc_lcoe : bool Flag to re-calculate the LCOE from the multi-year mean capacity factor and annual energy production data. This requires several datasets to be aggregated in the h5_dsets input: system_capacity, fixed_charge_rate, capital_cost, fixed_operating_cost, and variable_operating_cost. Returns ------- summary : dict Dictionary of summary outputs for this sc point. """ kwargs = {"excl_dict": excl_dict, "inclusion_mask": inclusion_mask, "res_class_dset": res_class_dset, "res_class_bin": res_class_bin, "excl_area": excl_area, "power_density": power_density, "cf_dset": cf_dset, "lcoe_dset": lcoe_dset, "h5_dsets": h5_dsets, "resolution": resolution, "exclusion_shape": exclusion_shape, "close": close, 'friction_layer': friction_layer, 'recalc_lcoe': recalc_lcoe, } with cls(gid, excl_fpath, gen_fpath, tm_dset, gen_index, **kwargs) as point: summary = point.point_summary(args=args) if data_layers is not None: summary = point.agg_data_layers(summary, data_layers) if cap_cost_scale is not None: summary = point.economies_of_scale(cap_cost_scale, summary) return summary