# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reV supply curve extent
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rex.utilities.utilities import get_chunk_ranges
from reV.handlers.exclusions import LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ExclusionLayers
from reV.utilities import SupplyCurveField
from reV.utilities.exceptions import SupplyCurveError, SupplyCurveInputError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SupplyCurveExtent:
"""Supply curve full extent framework. This class translates the 90m
exclusion grid to the aggregated supply curve resolution."""
def __init__(self, f_excl, resolution=64):
f_excl : str | list | tuple | ExclusionLayers
File path(s) to the exclusions grid, or pre-initialized
ExclusionLayers. The exclusions dictate the SC analysis extent.
resolution : int
Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis.
This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per
SC point.
"Initializing SupplyCurveExtent with res {} from: {}".format(
resolution, f_excl
if not isinstance(resolution, int):
raise SupplyCurveInputError(
"Supply Curve resolution needs to be "
"an integer but received: {}".format(type(resolution))
if isinstance(f_excl, (str, list, tuple)):
self._excl_fpath = f_excl
self._excls = ExclusionLayers(f_excl)
elif isinstance(f_excl, ExclusionLayers):
self._excl_fpath = f_excl.h5_file
self._excls = f_excl
raise SupplyCurveInputError(
"SupplyCurvePoints needs an "
"exclusions file path, or "
"ExclusionLayers handler but "
"received: {}".format(type(f_excl))
self._excl_shape = self.exclusions.shape
# limit the resolution to the exclusion shape.
self._res = int(np.min(list(self.excl_shape) + [resolution]))
self._n_rows = None
self._n_cols = None
self._cols_of_excl = None
self._rows_of_excl = None
self._excl_row_slices = None
self._excl_col_slices = None
self._latitude = None
self._longitude = None
self._points = None
self._sc_col_ind, self._sc_row_ind = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(self.n_cols), np.arange(self.n_rows)
self._sc_col_ind = self._sc_col_ind.flatten()
self._sc_row_ind = self._sc_row_ind.flatten()
"Initialized SupplyCurveExtent with shape {} from "
"exclusions with shape {}".format(self.shape, self.excl_shape)
def __len__(self):
"""Total number of supply curve points."""
return self.n_rows * self.n_cols
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if type is not None:
def __getitem__(self, gid):
"""Get SC extent meta data corresponding to an SC point gid."""
if gid >= len(self):
raise KeyError(
"SC extent with {} points does not contain SC "
"point gid {}.".format(len(self), gid)
return self.points.loc[gid]
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close all file handlers."""
def shape(self):
"""Get the Supply curve shape tuple (n_rows, n_cols).
shape : tuple
2-entry tuple representing the full supply curve extent.
return (self.n_rows, self.n_cols)
def exclusions(self):
"""Get the exclusions object.
_excls : ExclusionLayers
ExclusionLayers h5 handler object.
return self._excls
def resolution(self):
"""Get the 1D resolution.
_res : int
Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis.
This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per
SC point.
return self._res
def excl_shape(self):
"""Get the shape tuple of the exclusion file raster.
return self._excl_shape
def excl_rows(self):
"""Get the unique row indices identifying the exclusion points.
excl_rows : np.ndarray
Array of exclusion row indices.
return np.arange(self.excl_shape[0])
def excl_cols(self):
"""Get the unique column indices identifying the exclusion points.
excl_cols : np.ndarray
Array of exclusion column indices.
return np.arange(self.excl_shape[1])
def rows_of_excl(self):
"""List representing the supply curve points rows and which
exclusions rows belong to each supply curve row.
_rows_of_excl : list
List representing the supply curve points rows. Each list entry
contains the exclusion row indices that are included in the sc
if self._rows_of_excl is None:
self._rows_of_excl = self._chunk_excl(
self.excl_rows, self.resolution
return self._rows_of_excl
def cols_of_excl(self):
"""List representing the supply curve points columns and which
exclusions columns belong to each supply curve column.
_cols_of_excl : list
List representing the supply curve points columns. Each list entry
contains the exclusion column indices that are included in the sc
if self._cols_of_excl is None:
self._cols_of_excl = self._chunk_excl(
self.excl_cols, self.resolution
return self._cols_of_excl
def excl_row_slices(self):
List representing the supply curve points rows and which
exclusions rows belong to each supply curve row.
_excl_row_slices : list
List representing the supply curve points rows. Each list entry
contains the exclusion row slice that are included in the sc
if self._excl_row_slices is None:
self._excl_row_slices = self._excl_slices(
self.excl_rows, self.resolution
return self._excl_row_slices
def excl_col_slices(self):
List representing the supply curve points cols and which
exclusions cols belong to each supply curve col.
_excl_col_slices : list
List representing the supply curve points cols. Each list entry
contains the exclusion col slice that are included in the sc
if self._excl_col_slices is None:
self._excl_col_slices = self._excl_slices(
self.excl_cols, self.resolution
return self._excl_col_slices
def n_rows(self):
"""Get the number of supply curve grid rows.
n_rows : int
Number of row entries in the full supply curve grid.
if self._n_rows is None:
self._n_rows = int(np.ceil(self.excl_shape[0] / self.resolution))
return self._n_rows
def n_cols(self):
"""Get the number of supply curve grid columns.
n_cols : int
Number of column entries in the full supply curve grid.
if self._n_cols is None:
self._n_cols = int(np.ceil(self.excl_shape[1] / self.resolution))
return self._n_cols
def latitude(self):
Get supply curve point latitudes
if self._latitude is None:
lats = []
lons = []
sc_cols, sc_rows = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(self.n_cols), np.arange(self.n_rows)
for r, c in zip(sc_rows.flatten(), sc_cols.flatten()):
r = self.excl_row_slices[r]
c = self.excl_col_slices[c]
lats.append(self.exclusions[LATITUDE, r, c].mean())
lons.append(self.exclusions[LONGITUDE, r, c].mean())
self._latitude = np.array(lats, dtype="float32")
self._longitude = np.array(lons, dtype="float32")
return self._latitude
def longitude(self):
Get supply curve point longitudes
if self._longitude is None:
lats = []
lons = []
sc_cols, sc_rows = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(self.n_cols), np.arange(self.n_rows)
for r, c in zip(sc_rows.flatten(), sc_cols.flatten()):
r = self.excl_row_slices[r]
c = self.excl_col_slices[c]
lats.append(self.exclusions[LATITUDE, r, c].mean())
lons.append(self.exclusions[LONGITUDE, r, c].mean())
self._latitude = np.array(lats, dtype="float32")
self._longitude = np.array(lons, dtype="float32")
return self._longitude
def lat_lon(self):
2D array of lat, lon coordinates for all sc points
return np.dstack((self.latitude, self.longitude))[0]
def row_indices(self):
"""Get a 1D array of row indices for every gid. That is, this property
has length == len(gids) and row_indices[sc_gid] yields the row index of
the target supply curve gid
return self._sc_row_ind
def col_indices(self):
"""Get a 1D array of col indices for every gid. That is, this property
has length == len(gids) and col_indices[sc_gid] yields the col index of
the target supply curve gid
return self._sc_col_ind
def points(self):
"""Get the summary dataframe of supply curve points.
_points : pd.DataFrame
Supply curve points with columns for attributes of each sc point.
if self._points is None:
self._points = pd.DataFrame(
"row_ind": self.row_indices.copy(),
"col_ind": self.col_indices.copy(),
self._points.index.name = "gid" # sc_point_gid
return self._points
def _chunk_excl(arr, resolution):
"""Split an array into a list of arrays with len == resolution.
arr : np.ndarray
1D array to be split into chunks.
resolution : int
Resolution of the chunks.
chunks : list
List of arrays, each with length equal to self.resolution
(except for the last array in the list which is the remainder).
chunks = get_chunk_ranges(len(arr), resolution)
chunks = list(map(lambda i: np.arange(*i), chunks))
return chunks
def _excl_slices(arr, resolution):
"""Split row or col ind into slices of excl rows or slices
arr : np.ndarray
1D array to be split into slices
resolution : int
Resolution of the sc points
slices : list
List of arr slices, each with length equal to self.resolution
(except for the last array in the list which is the remainder).
slices = get_chunk_ranges(len(arr), resolution)
slices = list(map(lambda i: slice(*i), slices))
return slices
[docs] def get_sc_row_col_ind(self, gid):
"""Get the supply curve grid row and column index values corresponding
to a supply curve gid.
gid : int
Supply curve point gid.
row_ind : int
Row index that the gid is located at in the sc grid.
col_ind : int
Column index that the gid is located at in the sc grid.
row_ind = self.points.loc[gid, "row_ind"]
col_ind = self.points.loc[gid, "col_ind"]
return row_ind, col_ind
[docs] def get_excl_slices(self, gid):
"""Get the row and column slices of the exclusions grid corresponding
to the supply curve point gid.
gid : int
Supply curve point gid.
row_slice : slice
Exclusions grid row slice corresponding to the sc point gid.
col_slice : slice
Exclusions grid col slice corresponding to the sc point gid.
if gid >= len(self):
raise SupplyCurveError(
'Requested gid "{}" is out of bounds for '
'supply curve points with length "{}".'.format(gid, len(self))
row_slice = self.excl_row_slices[self.row_indices[gid]]
col_slice = self.excl_col_slices[self.col_indices[gid]]
return row_slice, col_slice
[docs] def get_flat_excl_ind(self, gid):
"""Get the index values of the flattened exclusions grid corresponding
to the supply curve point gid.
gid : int
Supply curve point gid.
excl_ind : np.ndarray
Index values of the flattened exclusions grid corresponding to
the SC gid.
row_slice, col_slice = self.get_excl_slices(gid)
excl_ind = self.exclusions.iarr[row_slice, col_slice].flatten()
return excl_ind
[docs] def get_excl_points(self, dset, gid):
"""Get the exclusions data corresponding to a supply curve gid.
dset : str | int
Used as the first arg in the exclusions __getitem__ slice.
String can be "meta", integer can be layer number.
gid : int
Supply curve point gid.
excl_points : pd.DataFrame
Exclusions data reduced to just the exclusion points associated
with the requested supply curve gid.
row_slice, col_slice = self.get_excl_slices(gid)
return self.exclusions[dset, row_slice, col_slice]
[docs] def get_coord(self, gid):
"""Get the centroid coordinate for the supply curve gid point.
gid : int
Supply curve point gid.
coord : tuple
Two entry coordinate tuple: (latitude, longitude)
lat = self.latitude[gid]
lon = self.longitude[gid]
return (lat, lon)
[docs] def valid_sc_points(self, tm_dset):
Determine which sc_point_gids contain resource gids and are thus
valid supply curve points
tm_dset : str
Techmap dataset name
valid_gids : ndarray
Vector of valid sc_point_gids that contain resource gis
logger.info('Getting valid SC points from "{}"...'.format(tm_dset))
valid_bool = np.zeros(self.n_rows * self.n_cols)
tm = self._excls[tm_dset]
gid = 0
for r in self.excl_row_slices:
for c in self.excl_col_slices:
if np.any(tm[r, c] != -1):
valid_bool[gid] = 1
gid += 1
valid_gids = np.where(valid_bool == 1)[0].astype(np.uint32)
"Found {} valid SC points out of {} total possible "
"(valid SC points that map to valid resource gids)".format(
len(valid_gids), len(valid_bool)
return valid_gids
[docs] def get_slice_lookup(self, sc_point_gids):
Get exclusion slices for all requested supply curve point gids
sc_point_gids : list | ndarray
List or 1D array of sc_point_gids to get exclusion slices for
lookup mapping sc_point_gid to exclusion slice
return {g: self.get_excl_slices(g) for g in sc_point_gids}