Source code for reV.qa_qc.summary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Compute and plot summary data
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotting as mplt
from rex import Resource
from rex.utilities import SpawnProcessPool, parse_table

from reV.utilities import SupplyCurveField, ResourceMetaField

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SummarizeH5: """ reV Summary data for QA/QC """ def __init__(self, h5_file, group=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_file : str Path to .h5 file to summarize data from group : str, optional Group within h5_file to summarize datasets for, by default None """"QAQC Summarize initializing on: {}".format(h5_file)) self._h5_file = h5_file self._group = group def __repr__(self): msg = "{} for {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.h5_file) return msg @property def h5_file(self): """ .h5 file path Returns ------- str """ return self._h5_file @staticmethod def _compute_sites_summary(h5_file, ds_name, sites=None, group=None): """ Compute summary stats for given sites of given dataset Parameters ---------- h5_file : str Path to .h5 file to summarize data from ds_name : str Dataset name of interest sites : list | slice, optional sites of interest, by default None group : str, optional Group within h5_file to summarize datasets for, by default None Returns ------- sites_summary : pandas.DataFrame Summary stats for given sites / dataset """ if sites is None: sites = slice(None) with Resource(h5_file, group=group) as f: sites_meta = f["meta", sites] sites_data = f[ds_name, :, sites] sites_summary = pd.DataFrame(sites_data, columns=sites_meta.index) sites_summary = sites_summary.describe().T.drop(columns=["count"]) sites_summary["sum"] = sites_data.sum(axis=0) return sites_summary @staticmethod def _compute_ds_summary(h5_file, ds_name, group=None): """ Compute summary statistics for given dataset (assumed to be a vector) Parameters ---------- h5_file : str Path to .h5 file to summarize data from ds_name : str Dataset name of interest group : str, optional Group within h5_file to summarize datasets for, by default None Returns ------- ds_summary : pandas.DataFrame Summary statistics for dataset """ with Resource(h5_file, group=group) as f: ds_data = f[ds_name, :] ds_summary = pd.DataFrame(ds_data, columns=[ds_name]) ds_summary = ds_summary.describe().drop(["count"])["sum", ds_name] = ds_data.sum() return ds_summary
[docs] def summarize_dset( self, ds_name, process_size=None, max_workers=None, out_path=None ): """ Compute dataset summary. If dataset is 2D compute temporal statistics for each site Parameters ---------- ds_name : str Dataset name of interest process_size : int, optional Number of sites to process at a time, by default None max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use in parallel, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores, by default None out_path : str File path to save summary to Returns ------- summary : pandas.DataFrame Summary summary for dataset """ with Resource(self.h5_file, group=self._group) as f: ds_shape, _, ds_chunks = f.get_dset_properties(ds_name) if len(ds_shape) > 1: sites = np.arange(ds_shape[1]) if max_workers != 1: if process_size is None and ds_chunks is not None: process_size = ds_chunks[1] if process_size is None: process_size = ds_shape[-1] sites = np.array_split( sites, int(np.ceil(len(sites) / process_size)) ) loggers = [__name__, "reV"] with SpawnProcessPool( max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers ) as ex: futures = [] for site_slice in sites: futures.append( ex.submit( self._compute_sites_summary, self.h5_file, ds_name, sites=site_slice, group=self._group, ) ) summary = [future.result() for future in futures] summary = pd.concat(summary) elif process_size is None: summary = self._compute_sites_summary(self.h5_file, ds_name, sites=sites, group=self._group) else: sites = np.array_split( sites, int(np.ceil(len(sites) / process_size))) summary = [] for site_slice in sites: summary.append(self._compute_sites_summary( self.h5_file, ds_name, sites=site_slice, group=self._group)) summary = pd.concat(summary) = ResourceMetaField.GID else: summary = self._compute_ds_summary( self.h5_file, ds_name, group=self._group ) if out_path is not None: summary.to_csv(out_path) return summary
[docs] def summarize_means(self, out_path=None): """ Add means datasets to meta data Parameters ---------- out_path : str, optional Path to .csv file to save update meta data to, by default None Returns ------- meta : pandas.DataFrame Meta data with means datasets added """ with Resource(self.h5_file, group=self._group) as f: meta = f.meta if ResourceMetaField.GID not in meta: if != ResourceMetaField.GID: = ResourceMetaField.GID meta = meta.reset_index() for ds_name in f.datasets: shape, dtype, _ = f.get_dset_properties(ds_name) if len(shape) == 1 and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number): meta[ds_name] = f[ds_name] if out_path is not None: meta.to_csv(out_path, index=False) return meta
[docs] @classmethod def run( cls, h5_file, out_dir, group=None, dsets=None, process_size=None, max_workers=None, ): """ Summarize all datasets in h5_file and dump to out_dir Parameters ---------- h5_file : str Path to .h5 file to summarize data from out_dir : str Directory to dump summary .csv files to group : str, optional Group within h5_file to summarize datasets for, by default None dsets : str | list, optional Datasets to summarize, by default None process_size : int, optional Number of sites to process at a time, by default None max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use when summarizing 2D datasets, by default None """ if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) if dsets is None: with Resource(h5_file, group=group) as f: dsets = [ dset for dset in f.datasets if dset not in ["meta", "time_index"] ] elif isinstance(dsets, str): dsets = [dsets] summary = cls(h5_file) for ds_name in dsets: out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "{}_summary.csv".format(ds_name)) summary.summarize_dset( ds_name, process_size=process_size, max_workers=max_workers, out_path=out_path, ) out_path = os.path.basename(h5_file).replace(".h5", "_summary.csv") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) summary.summarize_means(out_path=out_path)
[docs]class SummarizeSupplyCurve: """ Summarize Supply Curve table """ def __init__(self, sc_table): self._sc_table = self._parse_summary(sc_table) def __repr__(self): msg = "{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) return msg @property def sc_table(self): """ Supply Curve table Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return self._sc_table @staticmethod def _parse_summary(summary): """ Extract summary statistics Parameters ---------- summary : str | pd.DataFrame Path to .csv or .json or DataFrame to parse Returns ------- summary : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of summary statistics """ try: summary = parse_table(summary) except ValueError as ex: logger.error(ex) raise return summary
[docs] def supply_curve_summary(self, columns=None, out_path=None): """ Summarize Supply Curve Table Parameters ---------- sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply curve table or .csv containing table columns : str | list, optional Column(s) to summarize, if None summarize all numeric columns, by default None out_path : str, optional Path to .csv to save summary to, by default None Returns ------- sc_summary : pandas.DataFrame Summary statistics (mean, stdev, median, min, max, sum) for Supply Curve table columns """ sc_table = self.sc_table if columns is not None: if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] sc_table = sc_table[columns] sc_table = sc_table.select_dtypes(include=np.number) sc_summary = [] sc_stat = sc_table.mean(axis=0) = "mean" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_stat = sc_table.std(axis=0) = "stdev" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_stat = sc_table.median(axis=0) = "median" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_stat = sc_table.min(axis=0) = "min" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_stat = sc_table.max(axis=0) = "max" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_stat = sc_table.sum(axis=0) = "sum" sc_summary.append(sc_stat) sc_summary = pd.concat(sc_summary, axis=1).T if out_path is not None: sc_summary.to_csv(out_path) return sc_summary
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, sc_table, out_dir, columns=None): """ Summarize Supply Curve Table and save to disk Parameters ---------- sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Path to .csv containing Supply Curve table out_dir : str Directory to dump summary .csv files to columns : str | list, optional Column(s) to summarize, if None summarize all numeric columns, by default None """ if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) summary = cls(sc_table) out_path = os.path.basename(sc_table).replace(".csv", "_summary.csv") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) summary.supply_curve_summary(columns=columns, out_path=out_path)
[docs]class PlotBase: """ QA/QC Plotting base class """ def __init__(self, data): """ Parameters ---------- data : str | pandas.DataFrame | ndarray data to plot or file containing data to plot """ self._data = data def __repr__(self): msg = "{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) return msg @property def data(self): """ Data to plot Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame | ndarray """ return self._data @staticmethod def _save_plotly(fig, out_path): """ Save plotly figure to disk Parameters ---------- fig : plotly.Figure Plotly Figure object out_path : str File path to save plot to, can be a .html or static image """ if out_path.endswith(".html"): fig.write_html(out_path) else: fig.write_image(out_path) @staticmethod def _check_value(df, values, scatter=True): """ Check DataFrame for needed columns Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame to check values : str | list Column(s) to plot scatter : bool, optional Flag to check for latitude and longitude columns, by default True """ if isinstance(values, str): values = [values] if scatter: values += [SupplyCurveField.LATITUDE, SupplyCurveField.LONGITUDE] for value in values: if value not in df: msg = "{} is not a valid column in summary table:\n{}".format( value, df ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class SummaryPlots(PlotBase): """ Plot summary data for QA/QC """ def __init__(self, summary): """ Parameters ---------- summary : str | pandas.DataFrame Summary DataFrame or path to summary .csv """ self._data = SummarizeSupplyCurve._parse_summary(summary) @property def summary(self): """ Summary table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._data @property def columns(self): """ Available columns in summary table Returns ------- list """ return list(self.summary.columns)
[docs] def scatter_plot(self, value, cmap="viridis", out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot scatter plot of value versus longitude and latitude using pandas.plot.scatter Parameters ---------- value : str Column name to plot as color cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name, by default 'viridis' out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for plotting.dataframes.df_scatter """ self._check_value(self.summary, value) mplt.df_scatter(self.summary, x=SupplyCurveField.LONGITUDE, y=SupplyCurveField.LATITUDE, c=value, colormap=cmap, filename=out_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def scatter_plotly(self, value, cmap="Viridis", out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot scatter plot of value versus longitude and latitude using plotly Parameters ---------- value : str Column name to plot as color cmap : str | px.color, optional Continuous color scale to use, by default 'Viridis' out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, can be a .html or static image, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for """ self._check_value(self.summary, value) fig = px.scatter(self.summary, x=SupplyCurveField.LONGITUDE, y=SupplyCurveField.LATITUDE, color=value, color_continuous_scale=cmap, **kwargs) fig.update_layout(font=dict(family="Arial", size=18, color="black")) if out_path is not None: self._save_plotly(fig, out_path)
def _extract_sc_data(self, lcoe=SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE): """ Extract supply curve data Parameters ---------- lcoe : str, optional LCOE value to use for supply curve, by default :obj:`SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE` Returns ------- sc_df : pandas.DataFrame Supply curve data """ values = [SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW, lcoe] self._check_value(self.summary, values, scatter=False) sc_df = self.summary[values].sort_values(lcoe) sc_df['cumulative_capacity'] = ( sc_df[SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW].cumsum() ) return sc_df
[docs] def dist_plot(self, value, out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot distribution plot of value using seaborn.distplot Parameters ---------- value : str Column name to plot out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for plotting.dataframes.dist_plot """ self._check_value(self.summary, value, scatter=False) series = self.summary[value] mplt.dist_plot(series, filename=out_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def dist_plotly(self, value, out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot histogram of value using plotly Parameters ---------- value : str Column name to plot out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for """ self._check_value(self.summary, value, scatter=False) fig = px.histogram(self.summary, x=value) if out_path is not None: self._save_plotly(fig, out_path, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def scatter( cls, summary_csv, out_dir, value, plot_type="plotly", cmap="viridis", **kwargs, ): """ Create scatter plot for given value in summary table and save to out_dir Parameters ---------- summary_csv : str Path to .csv file containing summary table out_dir : str Output directory to save plots to value : str Column name to plot as color plot_type : str, optional plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by default 'plotly' cmap : str, optional Colormap name, by default 'viridis' kwargs : dict Additional plotting kwargs """ splt = cls(summary_csv) if plot_type == "plot": out_path = os.path.basename(summary_csv).replace(".csv", ".png") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.scatter_plot( value, cmap=cmap.lower(), out_path=out_path, **kwargs ) elif plot_type == "plotly": out_path = os.path.basename(summary_csv).replace(".csv", ".html") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.scatter_plotly( value, cmap=cmap.capitalize(), out_path=out_path, **kwargs ) else: msg = ( "plot_type must be 'plot' or 'plotly' but {} was given".format( plot_type ) ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def scatter_all( cls, summary_csv, out_dir, plot_type="plotly", cmap="viridis", **kwargs ): """ Create scatter plot for all summary stats in summary table and save to out_dir Parameters ---------- summary_csv : str Path to .csv file containing summary table out_dir : str Output directory to save plots to plot_type : str, optional plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by default 'plotly' cmap : str, optional Colormap name, by default 'viridis' kwargs : dict Additional plotting kwargs """ splt = cls(summary_csv) splt._data = splt.summary.select_dtypes(include=np.number) datasets = [ c for c in splt.summary.columns if not c.startswith(("lat", "lon")) ] for value in datasets: if plot_type == "plot": out_path = "_{}.png".format(value) out_path = os.path.basename(summary_csv).replace( ".csv", out_path ) out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.scatter_plot( value, cmap=cmap.lower(), out_path=out_path, **kwargs ) elif plot_type == "plotly": out_path = "_{}.html".format(value) out_path = os.path.basename(summary_csv).replace( ".csv", out_path ) out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.scatter_plotly( value, cmap=cmap.capitalize(), out_path=out_path, **kwargs ) else: msg = ("plot_type must be 'plot' or 'plotly' but {} was given" .format(plot_type)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class SupplyCurvePlot(PlotBase): """ Plot supply curve data for QA/QC """ def __init__(self, sc_table): """ Parameters ---------- sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply curve table or path to supply curve .csv """ self._data = SummarizeSupplyCurve._parse_summary(sc_table) @property def sc_table(self): """ Supply curve table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._data @property def columns(self): """ Available columns in supply curve table Returns ------- list """ return list(self.sc_table.columns) def _extract_sc_data(self, lcoe=SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE): """ Extract supply curve data Parameters ---------- lcoe : str, optional LCOE value to use for supply curve, by default :obj:`SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE` Returns ------- sc_df : pandas.DataFrame Supply curve data """ values = [SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW, lcoe] self._check_value(self.sc_table, values, scatter=False) sc_df = self.sc_table[values].sort_values(lcoe) sc_df['cumulative_capacity'] = ( sc_df[SupplyCurveField.CAPACITY_AC_MW].cumsum() ) return sc_df
[docs] def supply_curve_plot(self, lcoe=SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE, out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot supply curve (cumulative capacity vs lcoe) using seaborn.scatter Parameters ---------- lcoe : str, optional LCOE value to plot, by default :obj:`SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE` out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for plotting.dataframes.df_scatter """ sc_df = self._extract_sc_data(lcoe=lcoe) mplt.df_scatter( sc_df, x="cumulative_capacity", y=lcoe, filename=out_path, **kwargs )
[docs] def supply_curve_plotly(self, lcoe=SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE, out_path=None, **kwargs): """ Plot supply curve (cumulative capacity vs lcoe) using plotly Parameters ---------- lcoe : str, optional LCOE value to plot, by default SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, can be a .html or static image, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for """ sc_df = self._extract_sc_data(lcoe=lcoe) fig = px.scatter(sc_df, x="cumulative_capacity", y=lcoe, **kwargs) fig.update_layout(font=dict(family="Arial", size=18, color="black")) if out_path is not None: self._save_plotly(fig, out_path)
[docs] @classmethod def plot(cls, sc_table, out_dir, plot_type='plotly', lcoe=SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE, **kwargs): """ Create supply curve plot from supply curve table using lcoe value and save to out_dir Parameters ---------- sc_table : str Path to .csv file containing Supply Curve table out_dir : str Output directory to save plots to plot_type : str, optional plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by default 'plotly' lcoe : str, optional LCOE value to plot, by default :obj:`SupplyCurveField.MEAN_LCOE` kwargs : dict Additional plotting kwargs """ splt = cls(sc_table) if plot_type == "plot": out_path = os.path.basename(sc_table).replace(".csv", ".png") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.supply_curve_plot(lcoe=lcoe, out_path=out_path, **kwargs) elif plot_type == "plotly": out_path = os.path.basename(sc_table).replace(".csv", ".html") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) splt.supply_curve_plotly(lcoe=lcoe, out_path=out_path, **kwargs) else: msg = ( "plot_type must be 'plot' or 'plotly' but {} was given".format( plot_type ) ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class ExclusionsMask(PlotBase): """ Plot Exclusions mask as a heat map data for QA/QC """ def __init__(self, excl_mask): """ Parameters ---------- excl_mask : str | ndarray Exclusions mask or path to .npy file containing final mask """ self._data = self._parse_mask(excl_mask) @property def mask(self): """ Final Exclusions mask Returns ------- ndarray """ return self._data @staticmethod def _parse_mask(excl_mask): """ Load exclusions mask if needed Parameters ---------- excl_mask : str | ndarray Exclusions mask or path to .npy file containing final mask Returns ------- excl_mask : ndarray [n, m] array of final exclusion values """ if isinstance(excl_mask, str): excl_mask = np.load(excl_mask) elif not isinstance(excl_mask, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("excl_mask must be a .npy file or an ndarray") return excl_mask
[docs] def exclusions_plot( self, cmap="Viridis", plot_step=100, out_path=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot exclusions mask as a seaborn heatmap Parameters ---------- cmap : str | px.color, optional Continuous color scale to use, by default 'Viridis' plot_step : int Step between points to plot out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, can be a .html or static image, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for plotting.colormaps.heatmap_plot """ mplt.heatmap_plot( self.mask[::plot_step, ::plot_step], cmap=cmap, filename=out_path, **kwargs, )
[docs] def exclusions_plotly( self, cmap="Viridis", plot_step=100, out_path=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot exclusions mask as a plotly heatmap Parameters ---------- cmap : str | px.color, optional Continuous color scale to use, by default 'Viridis' plot_step : int Step between points to plot out_path : str, optional File path to save plot to, can be a .html or static image, by default None kwargs : dict Additional kwargs for """ fig = px.imshow( self.mask[::plot_step, ::plot_step], color_continuous_scale=cmap, **kwargs, ) fig.update_layout(font=dict(family="Arial", size=18, color="black")) if out_path is not None: SummaryPlots._save_plotly(fig, out_path)
[docs] @classmethod def plot( cls, mask, out_dir, plot_type="plotly", cmap="Viridis", plot_step=100, **kwargs, ): """ Plot exclusions mask and save to out_dir Parameters ---------- mask : ndarray ndarray of final exclusions mask out_dir : str Output directory to save plots to plot_type : str, optional plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by default 'plotly' cmap : str, optional Colormap name, by default 'viridis' plot_step : int Step between points to plot kwargs : dict Additional plotting kwargs """ excl_mask = cls(mask) if plot_type == "plot": out_path = "exclusions_mask.png" out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) excl_mask.exclusions_plot( cmap=cmap.lower(), plot_step=plot_step, out_path=out_path, **kwargs, ) elif plot_type == "plotly": out_path = "exclusions_mask.html" out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) excl_mask.exclusions_plotly( cmap=cmap.capitalize(), plot_step=plot_step, out_path=out_path, **kwargs, ) else: msg = ( "plot_type must be 'plot' or 'plotly' but {} was given".format( plot_type ) ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)