Source code for reV.qa_qc.cli_qa_qc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
QA/QC CLI utility functions.
import click
import logging
import numpy as np
import os

from rex.utilities.cli_dtypes import STR, STRLIST, INT
from rex.utilities.loggers import init_logger
from gaps.cli import as_click_command, CLICommandFromFunction

from reV.utilities import ModuleName
from reV.qa_qc.qa_qc import QaQc, QaQcModule
from reV.qa_qc.summary import (SummarizeH5, SummarizeSupplyCurve,
                               SupplyCurvePlot, ExclusionsMask)
from reV import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cli_qa_qc(modules, out_dir, max_workers=None): """Run QA/QC on reV outputs ``reV`` QA/QC performs quality assurance checks on ``reV`` output data. Users can specify the type of QA/QC that should be applied to each ``reV`` module. Parameters ---------- modules : dict Dictionary of modules to QA/QC. Keys should be the names of the modules to QA/QC. The values are dictionaries that represent the config for the respective QA/QC step. Allowed config keys for QA/QC are the "property" attributes of :class:`~reV.qa_qc.qa_qc.QaQcModule`. out_dir : str Path to output directory. max_workers : int, optional Max number of workers to run for QA/QA. If ``None``, uses all CPU cores. By default, ``None``. Raises ------ ValueError If fpath is not an H5 or CSV file. """ for module, mcf in modules.items(): module_config = QaQcModule(module, mcf, out_dir) qa_dir = out_dir if module_config.sub_dir is not None: qa_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, module_config.sub_dir) if module.lower() == 'exclusions': QaQc.exclusions_mask(module_config.fpath, qa_dir, layers_dict=module_config.excl_dict, min_area=module_config.min_area, kernel=module_config.area_filter_kernel, plot_type=module_config.plot_type, cmap=module_config.cmap, plot_step=module_config.plot_step) elif module_config.fpath.endswith('.h5'): QaQc.h5(module_config.fpath, qa_dir, dsets=module_config.dsets,, process_size=module_config.process_size, max_workers=max_workers, plot_type=module_config.plot_type, cmap=module_config.cmap) elif module_config.fpath.endswith('.csv'): QaQc.supply_curve(module_config.fpath, qa_dir, columns=module_config.columns, lcoe=module_config.lcoe, plot_type=module_config.plot_type, cmap=module_config.cmap) else: msg = ("Cannot run QA/QC for {}: 'fpath' must be a '*.h5' " "or '*.csv' reV output file, but {} was given!" .format(module, module_config.fpath)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
qa_qc_command = CLICommandFromFunction(cli_qa_qc, name=str(ModuleName.QA_QC), split_keys=None) main = as_click_command(qa_qc_command) @click.version_option(version=__version__) @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.') @click.pass_context def qa_qc_extra(ctx, verbose): """Execute extra QA/QC utility""" ctx.ensure_object(dict) ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose @click.option('--out_dir', '-o', type=click.Path(), required=True, help="Directory path to save summary tables and plots too") @click.option('--log_file', '-log', type=click.Path(), default=None, show_default=True, help='File to log to, by default None') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging.') @click.pass_context def summarize(ctx, out_dir, log_file, verbose): """ Summarize reV data """ ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir if any([verbose, ctx.obj['VERBOSE']]): log_level = 'DEBUG' else: log_level = 'INFO' init_logger('reV', log_file=log_file, log_level=log_level) @summarize.command() @click.option('--h5_file', '-h5', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, help='Path to .h5 file to summarize') @click.option('--dsets', '-ds', type=STRLIST, default=None, show_default=True, help='Datasets to summarize, by default None') @click.option('--group', '-grp', type=STR, default=None, show_default=True, help=('Group within h5_file to summarize datasets for, by ' 'default None')) @click.option('--process_size', '-ps', type=INT, default=None, show_default=True, help='Number of sites to process at a time, by default None') @click.option('--max_workers', '-w', type=INT, default=None, show_default=True, help=('Number of workers to use when summarizing 2D datasets,' ' by default None')) @click.pass_context def h5(ctx, h5_file, dsets, group, process_size, max_workers): """ Summarize datasets in .h5 file """, ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'], group=group, dsets=dsets, process_size=process_size, max_workers=max_workers) @summarize.command() @click.option('--plot_type', '-plt', default='plotly', type=click.Choice(['plot', 'plotly'], case_sensitive=False), show_default=True, help=(" plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by " "default 'plot'")) @click.option('--cmap', '-cmap', type=str, default='viridis', show_default=True, help="Colormap name, by default 'viridis'") @click.pass_context def scatter_plots(ctx, plot_type, cmap): """ create scatter plots from h5 summary tables """ QaQc.create_scatter_plots(ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'], plot_type, cmap) @summarize.command() @click.option('--sc_table', '-sct', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, help='Path to .csv containing Supply Curve table') @click.option('--columns', '-cols', type=STRLIST, default=None, show_default=True, help=('Column(s) to summarize, if None summarize all numeric ' 'columns, by default None')) @click.pass_context def supply_curve_table(ctx, sc_table, columns): """ Summarize Supply Curve Table """ ctx.obj['SC_TABLE'] = sc_table, ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'], columns=columns) @summarize.command() @click.option('--sc_table', '-sct', type=click.Path(exists=True), default=None, show_default=True, help=("Path to .csv containing Supply Curve table, can be " "supplied in 'supply-curve-table'")) @click.option('--plot_type', '-plt', default='plotly', type=click.Choice(['plot', 'plotly'], case_sensitive=False), show_default=True, help=(" plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by " "default 'plot'")) @click.option('--lcoe', '-lcoe', type=STR, default='mean_lcoe', help="LCOE value to plot, by default 'mean_lcoe'") @click.pass_context def supply_curve_plot(ctx, sc_table, plot_type, lcoe): """ Plot Supply Curve (cumulative capacity vs LCOE) """ if sc_table is None: sc_table = ctx.obj['SC_TABLE'] SupplyCurvePlot.plot(sc_table, ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'], plot_type=plot_type, lcoe=lcoe) @summarize.command() @click.option('--excl_mask', '-mask', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, help='Path to .npy file containing final exclusions mask') @click.option('--plot_type', '-plt', default='plotly', type=click.Choice(['plot', 'plotly'], case_sensitive=False), show_default=True, help=(" plot_type of plot to create 'plot' or 'plotly', by " "default 'plot'")) @click.option('--cmap', '-cmap', type=str, default='viridis', show_default=True, help="Colormap name, by default 'viridis'") @click.option('--plot_step', '-step', type=int, default=100, show_default=True, help="Step between points to plot") @click.pass_context def exclusions_mask(ctx, excl_mask, plot_type, cmap, plot_step): """ create heat map of exclusions mask """ excl_mask = np.load(excl_mask) ExclusionsMask.plot(excl_mask, ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'], plot_type=plot_type, cmap=cmap, plot_step=plot_step) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(obj={}) except Exception: logger.exception('Error running reV QA/QC CLI.') raise