Source code for reV.losses.scheduled

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""reV scheduled losses module.

import logging
import warnings
import json

import numpy as np

from reV.losses.utils import (convert_to_full_month_names,
from reV.utilities.exceptions import reVLossesValueError, reVLossesWarning

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Outage: """A specific type of outage. This class stores and validates information about a single type of outage. In particular, the number of outages, duration, percentage of farm down, and the allowed months for scheduling the outage must all be provided. These inputs are then validated so that they can be used in instances of scheduling objects. """ REQUIRED_KEYS = {'count', 'duration', 'percentage_of_capacity_lost', 'allowed_months'} """Required keys in the input specification dictionary.""" def __init__(self, specs): """ Parameters ---------- specs : dict A dictionary containing specifications for this outage. This dictionary must contain the following keys: - `count` An integer value representing the total number of times this outage should be scheduled. This number should be larger than 0. - `duration` An integer value representing the total number of consecutive hours that this outage should take. This value must be larger than 0 and less than the number of hours in the allowed months. - `percentage_of_capacity_lost` An integer or float value representing the total percentage of the total capacity that will be lost for the duration of the outage. This value must be in the range (0, 100]. - `allowed_months` A list of month names corresponding to the allowed months for the scheduled outages. Month names can be unformatted and can be specified using 3-letter month abbreviations. The input dictionary can also provide the following optional keys: - `allow_outage_overlap` - by default, ``True`` A bool flag indicating whether or not this outage is allowed to overlap with other outages, including itself. It is recommended to set this value to ``True`` whenever possible, as it allows for more flexible scheduling. - `name` - by default, string containing init parameters A unique name for the outage, used for more descriptive error messages. """ self._specs = specs self._full_month_names = None self._total_available_hours = None self._name = None self._validate() def _validate(self): """Validate the input specs.""" self._validate_required_keys_exist() self._validate_count() self._validate_and_convert_to_full_name_months() self._validate_duration() self._validate_percentage() def _validate_required_keys_exist(self): """Raise an error if any required keys are missing.""" missing_keys = [n for n in self.REQUIRED_KEYS if n not in self._specs] if any(missing_keys): msg = ("The following required keys are missing from the Outage " "specification: {}".format(sorted(missing_keys))) logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) def _validate_count(self): """Validate that the total number of outages is an integer. """ if not isinstance(self.count, int): msg = ("Number of outages must be an integer, but got {} for {}" .format(self.count, logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) if self.count < 1: msg = ("Number of outages must be greater than 0, but got " "{} for {}".format(self.count, logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) def _validate_and_convert_to_full_name_months(self): """Validate month input and convert to full month names. """ months = convert_to_full_month_names(self._specs['allowed_months']) known_months, unknown_months = filter_unknown_month_names(months) if unknown_months: msg = ("The following month names were not understood: {}. Please " "use either the full month name or the standard 3-letter " "month abbreviation. For more info, see the month name " "documentation for the python standard package `calendar`." .format(unknown_months)) logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, reVLossesWarning) if not known_months: msg = ("No known month names were provided! Please use either the " "full month name or the standard 3-letter month " "abbreviation. For more info, see the month name " "documentation for the python standard package `calendar`. " "Received input: {!r}" .format(self._specs['allowed_months'])) logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) self._full_month_names = list(set(known_months)) def _validate_duration(self): """Validate that the duration is between 0 and the max total. """ if not isinstance(self.duration, int): msg = ("Duration must be an integer number of hours, " "but got {} for {}".format(self.duration, logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) if not 1 <= self.duration <= self.total_available_hours: msg = ("Duration of outage must be between 1 and the total " "available hours based on allowed month input ({} for " "a total hour count of {}), but got {} for {}" .format(self.allowed_months, self.total_available_hours, self.percentage_of_capacity_lost, logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) def _validate_percentage(self): """Validate that the percentage is in the range (0, 100]. """ if not 0 < self.percentage_of_capacity_lost <= 100: msg = ("Percentage of farm down during outage must be in the " "range (0, 100], but got {} for {}" .format(self.percentage_of_capacity_lost, logger.error(msg) raise reVLossesValueError(msg) def __repr__(self): return "Outage({!r})".format(self._specs) def __str__(self): if self._name is None: self._name = self._specs.get('name') or self._default_name() return self._name def _default_name(self): """Generate a default name for the outage.""" specs = self._specs.copy() specs.update({'allowed_months': self.allowed_months, 'allow_outage_overlap': self.allow_outage_overlap}) specs_as_str = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in specs.items()]) return "Outage({})".format(specs_as_str) @property def count(self): """int: Total number of times outage should be scheduled.""" return self._specs['count'] @property def duration(self): """int: Total number of consecutive hours per outage.""" return self._specs['duration'] @property def percentage_of_capacity_lost(self): """int | float: Percent of capacity taken down per outage.""" return self._specs['percentage_of_capacity_lost'] @property def allowed_months(self): """list: Months during which outage can be scheduled.""" return self._full_month_names @property def allow_outage_overlap(self): """bool: Indicator for overlap with other outages.""" return self._specs.get('allow_outage_overlap', True) @property def name(self): """str: Name of the outage.""" return self._specs.get('name', str(self)) @property def total_available_hours(self): """int: Total number of hours available based on allowed months.""" if self._total_available_hours is None: self._total_available_hours = len( hourly_indices_for_months(self.allowed_months)) return self._total_available_hours
[docs]class OutageScheduler: """A scheduler for multiple input outages. Given a list of information about different types of desired outages, this class leverages the stochastic scheduling routines of :class:`SingleOutageScheduler` to calculate the total losses due to the input outages on an hourly basis. Attributes ---------- outages : :obj:`list` of :obj:`Outages <Outage>` The user-provided list of :obj:`Outages <Outage>` containing info about all types of outages to be scheduled. seed : :obj:`int` The seed value used to seed the random generator in order to produce random but reproducible losses. This is useful for ensuring that stochastically scheduled losses vary between different sites (i.e. that randomly scheduled outages in two different location do not match perfectly on an hourly basis). total_losses : :obj:`np.array` An array (of length 8760) containing the per-hour total loss percentage resulting from the stochastically scheduled outages. This array contains only zero values before the :meth:`~OutageScheduler.calculate` method is run. can_schedule_more : :obj:`np.array` A boolean array (of length 8760) indicating wether or not more losses can be scheduled for a given hour. This array keeps track of all the scheduling conflicts between input outages. Warnings -------- It is possible that not all outages input by the user will be scheduled. This can happen when there is not enough time allowed for all of the input outages. To avoid this issue, always be sure to allow a large enough month range for long outages that take up a big portion of the farm and try to allow outage overlap whenever possible. See Also -------- :class:`SingleOutageScheduler` : Single outage scheduler. :class:`Outage` : Specifications for a single outage. """ def __init__(self, outages, seed=0): """ Parameters ---------- outages : list of :obj:`Outages <Outage>` A list of :obj:`Outages <Outage>`, where each :obj:`Outage` contains info about a single type of outage. See the documentation of :class:`Outage` for a description of the required keys of each outage dictionary. seed : int, optional An integer value used to seed the random generator in order to produce random but reproducible losses. This is useful for ensuring that stochastically scheduled losses vary between different sites (i.e. that randomly scheduled outages in two different location do not match perfectly on an hourly basis). By default, the seed is set to 0. """ self.outages = outages self.seed = seed self.total_losses = np.zeros(8760) self.can_schedule_more = np.full(8760, True)
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate total losses from stochastically scheduled outages. This function calls :meth:`SingleOutageScheduler.calculate` on every outage input (sorted by largest duration and then largest number of outages) and returns the aggregate the losses from the result. Returns ------- :obj:`np.array` An array (of length 8760) containing the per-hour total loss percentage resulting from the stochastically scheduled outages. """ sorted_outages = sorted(self.outages, key=lambda o: (o.duration, o.count, o.percentage_of_capacity_lost, sum(sum(map(ord, name)) for name in o.allowed_months), o.allow_outage_overlap)) for outage in sorted_outages[::-1]: self.seed += 1 SingleOutageScheduler(outage, self).calculate() return self.total_losses
[docs]class SingleOutageScheduler: """A scheduler for a single outage. Given information about a single type of outage, this class facilitates the (randomized) scheduling of all requested instances of the outage. See :meth:`SingleOutageScheduler.calculate` for specific details about the scheduling process. Attributes ---------- outage : :obj:`Outage` The user-provided :obj:`Outage` containing info about the outage to be scheduled. scheduler : :obj:`OutageScheduler` A scheduler object that keeps track of the total hourly losses from the input outage as well as any other outages it has already scheduled. can_schedule_more : :obj:`np.array` A boolean array (of length 8760) indicating wether or not more losses can be scheduled for a given hour. This is specific to the input outage only. Warnings -------- It is possible that not all outages input by the user can be scheduled. This can happen when there is not enough time allowed for all of the input outages. To avoid this issue, always be sure to allow a large enough month range for long outages that take up a big portion of the farm and try to allow outage overlap whenever possible. See Also -------- :class:`OutageScheduler` : Scheduler for multiple outages. :class:`Outage` : Specifications for a single outage. """ MAX_ITER = 10_000 """Max number of extra attempts to schedule outages.""" def __init__(self, outage, scheduler): """ Parameters ---------- outage : Outage An outage object containing info about the outage to be scheduled. scheduler : OutageScheduler A scheduler object that keeps track of the total hourly losses from the input outage as well as any other outages it has already scheduled. """ self.outage = outage self.scheduler = scheduler self.can_schedule_more = np.full(8760, False) self._scheduled_outage_inds = []
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate losses from stochastically scheduled outages. This function attempts to schedule outages according to the specification provided in the :obj:`Outage` input. Specifically, it checks the available hours based on the main :obj:`Scheduler <OutageScheduler>` (which may have other outages already scheduled) and attempts to randomly add new outages with the specified duration and percent of losses. The function terminates when the desired number of outages (specified by :attr:`Outage.count`) have been successfully scheduled, or when the number of attempts exceeds :attr:`~SingleOutageScheduler.MAX_ITER` + :attr:`Outage.count`. Warns ----- reVLossesWarning If the number of requested outages could not be scheduled. """ self.update_when_can_schedule_from_months() for iter_ind in range(self.outage.count + self.MAX_ITER): self.update_when_can_schedule() if not self.can_schedule_more.any(): break seed = self.scheduler.seed + iter_ind outage_slice = self.find_random_outage_slice(seed=seed) if self.can_schedule_more[outage_slice].all(): self.schedule_losses(outage_slice) if len(self._scheduled_outage_inds) == self.outage.count: break if len(self._scheduled_outage_inds) < self.outage.count: if len(self._scheduled_outage_inds) == 0: msg_start = "Could not schedule any requested outages" else: msg_start = ("Could only schedule {} out of {} requested " "outages" .format(len(self._scheduled_outage_inds), self.outage.count)) msg = ("{} after a max of {:,} iterations. You are likely " "attempting to schedule a lot of long outages or a lot " "of short outages with a large percentage of the farm at " "a time. Please adjust the outage specifications and try " "again" .format(msg_start, self.outage.count + self.MAX_ITER)) logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, reVLossesWarning)
[docs] def update_when_can_schedule_from_months(self): """ Update :attr:`can_schedule_more` using :attr:`Outage.allowed_months`. This function sets the :attr:`can_schedule_more` bool array to `True` for all of the months in :attr:`Outage.allowed_months`. """ inds = hourly_indices_for_months(self.outage.allowed_months) self.can_schedule_more[inds] = True
[docs] def update_when_can_schedule(self): """Update :attr:`can_schedule_more` using :obj:`OutageScheduler`. This function sets the :attr:`can_schedule_more` bool array to `True` wherever :attr:`OutageScheduler.can_schedule_more` is also `True` and wherever the losses from this outage would not cause the :attr:`OutageScheduler.total_losses` to exceed 100%. """ self.can_schedule_more &= self.scheduler.can_schedule_more if self.outage.allow_outage_overlap: total_new_losses = (self.scheduler.total_losses + self.outage.percentage_of_capacity_lost) losses_will_not_exceed_100 = total_new_losses <= 100 self.can_schedule_more &= losses_will_not_exceed_100 else: self.can_schedule_more &= self.scheduler.total_losses == 0
[docs] def find_random_outage_slice(self, seed=None): """Find a random slot of time for this type of outage. This function randomly selects a starting time for this outage given the allowed times in :attr:`can_schedule_more`. It does **not** verify that the outage can be scheduled for the entire requested duration. Parameters ---------- seed : int, optional Integer used to seed the :func:`np.random.choice` call. If :obj:`None`, seed is not used. Returns ------- :obj:`slice` A slice corresponding to the random slot of time for this type of outage. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) outage_ind = np.random.choice(np.where(self.can_schedule_more)[0]) return slice(outage_ind, outage_ind + self.outage.duration)
[docs] def schedule_losses(self, outage_slice): """Schedule the input outage during the given slice of time. Given a slice in the hourly loss array, add the losses from this outage (which is equivalent to scheduling them). Parameters ---------- outage_slice : slice A slice corresponding to the slot of time to schedule this outage. """ self._scheduled_outage_inds.append(outage_slice.start) self.scheduler.total_losses[outage_slice] += ( self.outage.percentage_of_capacity_lost) if not self.outage.allow_outage_overlap: self.scheduler.can_schedule_more[outage_slice] = False
[docs]class ScheduledLossesMixin: """Mixin class for :class:`reV.SAM.generation.AbstractSamGeneration`. Warning ------- Using this class for anything except as a mixin for :class:`~reV.SAM.generation.AbstractSamGeneration` may result in unexpected results and/or errors. """ OUTAGE_CONFIG_KEY = 'reV_outages' """Specify outage information in the config file using this key.""" OUTAGE_SEED_CONFIG_KEY = 'reV_outages_seed' """Specify a randomizer seed in the config file using this key."""
[docs] def add_scheduled_losses(self, resource=None): """Add stochastically scheduled losses to SAM config file. This function reads the information in the ``reV_outages`` key of the ``sam_sys_inputs`` dictionary and computes stochastically scheduled losses from that input. If the value for ``reV_outages`` is a string, it must have been generated by calling :func:`json.dumps` on the list of dictionaries containing outage specifications. Otherwise, the outage information is expected to be a list of dictionaries containing outage specifications. See :class:`Outage` for a description of the specifications allowed for each outage. The scheduled losses are passed to SAM via the ``hourly`` key to signify which hourly capacity factors should be adjusted with outage losses. If no outage info is specified in ``sam_sys_inputs``, no scheduled losses are added. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame, optional Time series resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. The ``year`` value of the index will be used to seed the stochastically scheduled losses. If `None`, no yearly seed will be used. See Also -------- :class:`Outage` : Single outage specification. Notes ----- The scheduled losses are passed to SAM via the ``hourly`` key to signify which hourly capacity factors should be adjusted with outage losses. If the user specifies other hourly adjustment factors via the ``hourly`` key, the effect is combined. For example, if the user inputs a 33% hourly adjustment factor and reV schedules an outage for 70% of the farm down for the same hour, then the resulting adjustment factor is .. math: 1 - [(1 - 70/100) * (1 - 33/100)] = 0.799 This means the generation will be reduced by ~80%, because the user requested 33% losses for the 30% the farm that remained operational during the scheduled outage (i.e. 20% remaining of the original generation). """ outages = self._user_outage_input() if not outages: return self._set_base_seed(resource) logger.debug("Adding the following stochastically scheduled outages: " "{}".format(outages)) logger.debug("Scheduled outages seed: {}".format(self.outage_seed)) scheduler = OutageScheduler(outages, seed=self.outage_seed) hourly_outages = scheduler.calculate() self._add_outages_to_sam_inputs(hourly_outages) logger.debug("Hourly adjustment factors after scheduled outages: {}" .format(list(self.sam_sys_inputs['hourly'])))
def _user_outage_input(self): """Get outage and seed info from config. """ outage_specs = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop(self.OUTAGE_CONFIG_KEY, None) if outage_specs is None: return # site-specific info is input as str if isinstance(outage_specs, str): outage_specs = json.loads(outage_specs) outages = [Outage(spec) for spec in outage_specs] return outages def _set_base_seed(self, resource): """Set the base seed base don user input. """ self.__base_seed = 0 if resource is not None: self.__base_seed += int(resource.index.year.values[0]) self.__base_seed += self.sam_sys_inputs.pop( self.OUTAGE_SEED_CONFIG_KEY, 0) def _add_outages_to_sam_inputs(self, outages): """Add the hourly adjustment factors to config, checking user input.""" hourly_mult = 1 - outages / 100 user_hourly_input = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop('hourly', [0] * 8760) user_hourly_mult = 1 - np.array(user_hourly_input) / 100 final_hourly_mult = hourly_mult * user_hourly_mult self.sam_sys_inputs['hourly'] = (1 - final_hourly_mult) * 100 @property def outage_seed(self): """int: A value to use as the seed for the outage losses. """ # numpy seeds must be between 0 and 2**32 - 1 return self._seed_from_inputs() % 2**32 def _seed_from_inputs(self): """Get seed value from inputs. """ try: return int( + self.__base_seed except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): pass try: return hash(tuple(self.meta)) + self.__base_seed except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass return self.__base_seed