Source code for reV.handlers.exclusions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Exclusion layers handler
import json
import logging

import numpy as np
from rex.multi_file_resource import MultiFileResource
from rex.resource import Resource
from rex.utilities.parse_keys import parse_keys

from reV.utilities.exceptions import HandlerKeyError, MultiFileExclusionError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LATITUDE, LONGITUDE = "latitude", "longitude"

[docs]class ExclusionLayers: """ Handler of .h5 file and techmap for Exclusion Layers """ def __init__(self, h5_file, hsds=False): """ Parameters ---------- h5_file : str | list | tuple .h5 file containing exclusion layers and techmap, or a list of h5 files hsds : bool Boolean flag to use h5pyd to handle .h5 'files' hosted on AWS behind HSDS """ self.h5_file = h5_file if isinstance(h5_file, str): self._h5 = Resource(h5_file, hsds=hsds) elif isinstance(h5_file, (list, tuple)): self._h5 = MultiFileResource(h5_file, check_files=False) self._preflight_multi_file() else: msg = ('Expected str, list, or tuple for h5_file input but ' 'received {}'.format(type(h5_file))) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) self._iarr = None def __repr__(self): msg = "{} for {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.h5_file) return msg def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise def __len__(self): return len(self.layers) def __getitem__(self, keys): ds, ds_slice = parse_keys(keys) if ds.lower().startswith('lat'): out = self._get_latitude(*ds_slice) elif ds.lower().startswith('lon'): out = self._get_longitude(*ds_slice) else: out = self._get_layer(ds, *ds_slice) return out def __contains__(self, layer): return layer in self.layers def _preflight_multi_file(self): """Run simple multi-file exclusion checks.""" lat_shape = self.h5.shapes[LATITUDE] lon_shape = self.h5.shapes[LONGITUDE] for layer in self.layers: lshape = self.h5.shapes[layer] lshape = lshape[1:] if len(lshape) > 2 else lshape if lshape != lon_shape or lshape != lat_shape: msg = ('Shape of layer "{}" is {} which does not match ' 'latitude and longitude shapes of {} and {}. ' 'Check your exclusion file inputs: {}' .format(layer, self.h5.shapes[layer], lat_shape, lon_shape, self.h5._h5_files)) logger.error(msg) raise MultiFileExclusionError(msg) check_attrs = ('height', 'width', 'crs', 'transform') base_profile = {} for fp in self.h5_file: with ExclusionLayers(fp) as f: if not base_profile: base_profile = f.profile else: for attr in check_attrs: if attr not in base_profile or attr not in f.profile: msg = ('Multi-file exclusion inputs from {} ' 'dont have profiles with height, width, ' 'crs, and transform: {} and {}' .format(self.h5_file, base_profile, f.profile)) logger.error(msg) raise MultiFileExclusionError(msg) base_attr = base_profile[attr] file_attr = f.profile[attr] attrs_are_str = (isinstance(base_attr, str) and isinstance(file_attr, str)) if attr == 'crs' and attrs_are_str: attrs_match = (set(base_attr.split(' ')) == set(file_attr.split(' '))) else: attrs_match = base_profile[attr] == f.profile[attr] if not attrs_match: msg = ('Multi-file exclusion inputs from {} ' 'dont have matching "{}": {} and {}' .format(self.h5_file, attr, base_profile[attr], f.profile[attr])) logger.error(msg) raise MultiFileExclusionError(msg)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close h5 instance """ self._h5.close()
@property def h5(self): """ Open h5py File instance. Returns ------- h5 : rex.MultiFileResource | rex.Resource """ return self._h5 @property def iarr(self): """Get an array of 1D index values for the flattened h5 excl extent. Returns ------- iarr : np.ndarray Uint array with same shape as exclusion extent, representing the 1D index values if the geotiff extent was flattened (with default flatten order 'C') """ if self._iarr is None: N = self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] self._iarr = np.arange(N, dtype=np.uint32) self._iarr = self._iarr.reshape(self.shape) return self._iarr @property def profile(self): """ GeoTiff profile for exclusions Returns ------- profile : dict """ return json.loads(self.h5.global_attrs['profile']) @property def crs(self): """ GeoTiff projection crs Returns ------- str """ return self.profile['crs'] @property def pixel_area(self): """Get pixel area in km2 from the transform profile of the excl file. Returns ------- area : float Exclusion pixel area in km2. Will return None if the appropriate transform attribute is not found. """ area = None if 'transform' in self.profile: transform = self.profile['transform'] area = np.abs(transform[0] * transform[4]) area /= 1000 ** 2 return area @property def layers(self): """ Available exclusions layers Returns ------- layers : list """ layers = self.h5.datasets return layers @property def shape(self): """ Exclusion shape (latitude, longitude) Returns ------- shape : tuple """ shape = self.h5.attrs.get('shape', None) if shape is None: shape = self.h5.shapes[LATITUDE] return tuple(shape) @property def chunks(self): """ Exclusion layers chunks default chunk size Returns ------- chunks : tuple | None Chunk size of exclusion layers """ chunks = self.h5.attrs.get('chunks', None) if chunks is None: chunks = self.h5.chunks[LATITUDE] return chunks @property def latitude(self): """ Latitude coordinates array Returns ------- ndarray """ return self[LATITUDE] @property def longitude(self): """ Longitude coordinates array Returns ------- ndarray """ return self[LONGITUDE]
[docs] def get_layer_profile(self, layer): """ Get profile for a specific exclusion layer Parameters ---------- layer : str Layer to get profile for Returns ------- profile : dict | None GeoTiff profile for single exclusion layer """ profile = self.h5.get_attrs(dset=layer).get('profile', None) if profile is not None: profile = json.loads(profile) return profile
[docs] def get_layer_crs(self, layer): """ Get crs for a specific exclusion layer Parameters ---------- layer : str Layer to get profile for Returns ------- crs : str | None GeoTiff projection crs """ profile = self.get_layer_profile(layer) if profile is not None: crs = profile['crs'] else: crs = None return crs
[docs] def get_layer_values(self, layer): """ Get values for given layer in Geotiff format (bands, y, x) Parameters ---------- layer : str Layer to get values for Returns ------- values : ndarray GeoTiff values for single exclusion layer """ values = self.h5[layer] return values
[docs] def get_layer_description(self, layer): """ Get description for given layer Parameters ---------- layer : str Layer to get description for Returns ------- description : str Description of layer """ description = self.h5.get_attrs(dset=layer).get('description', None) return description
[docs] def get_nodata_value(self, layer): """ Get the nodata value for a given layer Parameters ---------- layer : str Layer to get nodata value for Returns ------- nodata : int | float | None nodata value for layer or None if not found """ profile = self.get_layer_profile(layer) nodata = profile.get('nodata', None) return nodata
def _get_latitude(self, *ds_slice): """ Extract latitude coordinates Parameters ---------- ds_slice : tuple of int | list | slice Pandas slicing describing which sites and columns to extract Returns ------- lat : ndarray Latitude coordinates """ if LATITUDE not in self.h5: msg = ('"latitude" is missing from {}' .format(self.h5_file)) logger.error(msg) raise HandlerKeyError(msg) ds_slice = (LATITUDE, ) + ds_slice lat = self.h5[ds_slice] return lat def _get_longitude(self, *ds_slice): """ Extract longitude coordinates Parameters ---------- ds_slice : tuple of int | list | slice Pandas slicing describing which sites and columns to extract Returns ------- lon : ndarray Longitude coordinates """ if LONGITUDE not in self.h5: msg = ('"longitude" is missing from {}' .format(self.h5_file)) logger.error(msg) raise HandlerKeyError(msg) ds_slice = (LONGITUDE, ) + ds_slice lon = self.h5[ds_slice] return lon def _get_layer(self, layer_name, *ds_slice): """ Extract data from given dataset Parameters ---------- layer_name : str Exclusion layer to extract ds_slice : tuple of int | list | slice tuple describing slice of layer array to extract Returns ------- layer_data : ndarray Array of exclusion data """ if layer_name not in self.layers: msg = ('{} not in available layers: {}' .format(layer_name, self.layers)) logger.error(msg) raise HandlerKeyError(msg) shape = self.h5.get_dset_properties(layer_name)[0] if len(shape) == 3: ds_slice = (layer_name, 0) + ds_slice else: ds_slice = (layer_name, ) + ds_slice layer_data = self.h5[ds_slice] return layer_data