Source code for reV.bespoke.gradient_free

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
a simple genetic algorithm
import numpy as np
import time
from math import log
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GeneticAlgorithm(): """a simple genetic algorithm used to select bespoke turbine locations """ def __init__(self, bits, bounds, variable_type, objective_function, max_generation=100, population_size=0, crossover_rate=0.1, mutation_rate=0.01, tol=1E-6, convergence_iters=5, max_time=3600): """ Parameters ---------- bits : array of ints The number of bits assigned to each of the design variables. The number of discretizations for each design variables will be 2^n where n is the number of bits assigned to that variable. bounds : array of tuples The bounds for each design variable. This parameter looks like: np.array([(lower, upper), (lower, upper)...]) variable_type : array of strings ('int' or 'float') The type of each design variable (int or float). objective_function : function handle for the objective that is to be minimized. Should take a single variable as an input which is a list/array of the design variables. max_generation : int, optional The maximum number of generations that will be run in the genetic algorithm. population_size : int, optional The population size in the genetic algorithm. crossover_rate : float, optional The probability of crossover for a single bit during the crossover phase of the genetic algorithm. mutation_rate : float, optional The probability of a single bit mutating during the mutation phase of the genetic algorithm. tol : float, optional The absolute tolerance to determine convergence. convergence_iters : int, optional The number of generations to determine convergence. max_time : float The maximum time (in seconds) to run the genetic algorithm. """ logger.debug('Initializing GeneticAlgorithm...') logger.debug('Minimum convergence iterations: {}' .format(convergence_iters)) logger.debug('Max iterations (generations): {}'.format(max_generation)) logger.debug('Population size: {}'.format(population_size)) logger.debug('Crossover rate: {}'.format(crossover_rate)) logger.debug('Mutation rate: {}'.format(mutation_rate)) logger.debug('Convergence tolerance: {}'.format(tol)) logger.debug('Maximum runtime (in seconds): {}'.format(max_time)) # inputs self.bits = bits self.bounds = bounds self.variable_type = variable_type self.objective_function = objective_function self.max_generation = max_generation self.population_size = population_size self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.tol = tol self.convergence_iters = convergence_iters self.max_time = max_time # internal variables, you could output some of this info if you wanted self.design_variables = np.array([]) # the desgin variables as they # are passed into self.objective function self.nbits = 0 # the total number of bits in each chromosome self.nvars = 0 # the total number of design variables self.parent_population = np.array([]) # 2D array containing all of the # parent individuals self.offspring_population = np.array([]) # 2D array containing all of # the offspring individuals self.parent_fitness = np.array([]) # array containing all of the # parent fitnesses self.offspring_fitness = np.array([]) # array containing all of the # offspring fitnesses self.discretized_variables = {} # a dict of arrays containing all of # the discretized design variable # outputs self.solution_history = np.array([]) self.optimized_function_value = 0.0 self.optimized_design_variables = np.array([]) self.initialize_design_variables() self.initialize_bits() if self.population_size % 2 == 1: self.population_size += 1 self.initialize_population() self.initialize_fitness() if self.population_size > 5: n = 5 else: n = self.population_size logger.debug('The first few parent individuals are: {}' .format(self.parent_population[0:n])) logger.debug('The first few parent fitness values are: {}' .format(self.parent_fitness[0:n]))
[docs] def initialize_design_variables(self): """initialize the design variables from the randomly initialized population """ # determine the number of design variables and initialize self.nvars = len(self.variable_type) self.design_variables = np.zeros(self.nvars) float_ind = 0 for i in range(self.nvars): if self.variable_type[i] == "float": ndiscretizations = 2**self.bits[i] self.discretized_variables["float_var%s" % float_ind] = \ np.linspace(self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1], ndiscretizations) float_ind += 1
[docs] def initialize_bits(self): """determine the total number of bits""" # determine the total number of bits for i in range(self.nvars): if self.variable_type[i] == "int": int_range = self.bounds[i][1] - self.bounds[i][0] int_bits = int(np.ceil(log(int_range, 2))) self.bits[i] = int_bits self.nbits += self.bits[i]
[docs] def initialize_population(self): """randomly initialize the parent and offspring populations""" all_bits_on = np.ones((1, self.nbits)) random_bits_on = np.random.randint( 0, high=2, size=(self.population_size - 1, self.nbits) ) self.parent_population = np.r_[all_bits_on, random_bits_on] self.offspring_population = np.zeros_like(self.parent_population)
[docs] def initialize_fitness(self): """initialize the fitness of member of the parent population""" # initialize the fitness arrays self.parent_fitness = np.zeros(self.population_size) self.offspring_fitness = np.zeros(self.population_size) # initialize fitness of the parent population for i in range(self.population_size): self.chromosome_2_variables(self.parent_population[i]) self.parent_fitness[i] = \ self.objective_function(self.design_variables)
[docs] def chromosome_2_variables(self, chromosome): """convert the binary chromosomes to design variable values""" first_bit = 0 float_ind = 0 for i in range(self.nvars): binary_value = 0 for j in range(self.bits[i]): binary_value += chromosome[first_bit + j] * 2**j first_bit += self.bits[i] if self.variable_type[i] == "float": self.design_variables[i] = \ self.discretized_variables["float_var%s" % float_ind][binary_value] float_ind += 1 elif self.variable_type[i] == "int": self.design_variables[i] = self.bounds[i][0] + binary_value
[docs] def crossover(self): """perform crossover between individual parents""" self.offspring_population[:, :] = self.parent_population[:, :] # mate conscutive pairs of parents (0, 1), (2, 3), ... # The population is shuffled so this does not need to be randomized for i in range(int(self.population_size / 2)): # trade bits in the offspring crossover_arr = np.random.rand(self.nbits) for j in range(self.nbits): if crossover_arr[j] < self.crossover_rate: self.offspring_population[2 * i][j], \ self.offspring_population[2 * i + 1][j] = \ self.offspring_population[2 * i + 1][j], \ self.offspring_population[2 * i][j]
[docs] def mutate(self): """randomly mutate bits of each chromosome""" for i in range(int(self.population_size)): # mutate bits in the offspring mutate_arr = np.random.rand(self.nbits) for j in range(self.nbits): if mutate_arr[j] < self.mutation_rate: self.offspring_population[i][j] = \ (self.offspring_population[i][j] + 1) % 2
[docs] def optimize_ga(self): """run the genetic algorithm""" converged = False ngens = 1 generation = 1 difference = self.tol * 10000.0 self.solution_history = np.zeros(self.max_generation + 1) self.solution_history[0] = np.min(self.parent_fitness) run_time = 0.0 start_time = time.time() while converged is False and ngens < self.max_generation and \ run_time < self.max_time: self.crossover() self.mutate() # determine fitness of offspring for i in range(self.population_size): self.chromosome_2_variables(self.offspring_population[i]) self.offspring_fitness[i] = \ self.objective_function(self.design_variables) # rank the total population from best to worst total_fitness = np.append(self.parent_fitness, self.offspring_fitness) ranked_fitness = \ np.argsort(total_fitness)[0:int(self.population_size)] total_population = \ np.vstack([self.parent_population, self.offspring_population]) self.parent_population[:, :] = total_population[ranked_fitness, :] self.parent_fitness[:] = total_fitness[ranked_fitness] # store solution history and wrap up generation self.solution_history[generation] = np.min(self.parent_fitness) if generation > self.convergence_iters: difference = \ self.solution_history[generation - self.convergence_iters]\ - self.solution_history[generation] else: difference = 1000 if abs(difference) <= self.tol: converged = True # shuffle up the order of the population shuffle_order = np.arange(1, self.population_size) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_order) shuffle_order = np.append([0], shuffle_order) self.parent_population = self.parent_population[shuffle_order] self.parent_fitness = self.parent_fitness[shuffle_order] generation += 1 ngens += 1 run_time = time.time() - start_time # Assign final outputs self.solution_history = self.solution_history[0:ngens] self.optimized_function_value = np.min(self.parent_fitness) self.chromosome_2_variables( self.parent_population[np.argmin(self.parent_fitness)]) self.optimized_design_variables = self.design_variables logger.debug('The GA ran for this many generations: {}' .format(ngens)) logger.debug('The GA ran for this many seconds: {:.3f}' .format(run_time)) logger.debug('The optimized function value was: {:.3e}' .format(self.optimized_function_value)) logger.debug('The optimal design variables were: {}' .format(self.optimized_design_variables))