Source code for reV.SAM.generation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""reV-to-SAM generation interface module.

Wraps the NREL-PySAM pvwattsv5, windpower, and tcsmolensalt modules with
additional reV features.
import copy
import os
import logging

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import PySAM.Geothermal as PySamGeothermal
import PySAM.LinearFresnelDsgIph as PySamLds
import PySAM.MhkWave as PySamMhkWave
import PySAM.Pvsamv1 as PySamDetailedPv
import PySAM.Pvwattsv5 as PySamPv5
import PySAM.Pvwattsv7 as PySamPv7
import PySAM.Pvwattsv8 as PySamPv8
import PySAM.Swh as PySamSwh
import PySAM.TcsmoltenSalt as PySamCSP
import PySAM.TroughPhysicalProcessHeat as PySamTpph
import PySAM.Windpower as PySamWindPower

from reV.losses import ScheduledLossesMixin, PowerCurveLossesMixin
from reV.SAM.defaults import (DefaultGeothermal,
from reV.SAM.econ import LCOE, SingleOwner
from reV.SAM.SAM import RevPySam
from reV.utilities.curtailment import curtail
from reV.utilities.exceptions import (SAMInputWarning, SAMExecutionError,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AbstractSamGeneration(RevPySam, ScheduledLossesMixin, ABC): """Base class for SAM generation simulations.""" def __init__(self, resource, meta, sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs=None, output_request=None, drop_leap=False): """Initialize a SAM generation object. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. site_sys_inputs : dict Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs. output_request : list Requested SAM outputs (e.g., 'cf_mean', 'annual_energy', 'cf_profile', 'gen_profile', 'energy_yield', 'ppa_price', 'lcoe_fcr'). drop_leap : bool Drops February 29th from the resource data. If False, December 31st is dropped from leap years. """ # drop the leap day if drop_leap: resource = self.drop_leap(resource) # make sure timezone and elevation are in the meta data meta = self.tz_elev_check(sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs, meta) # don't pass resource to base class, # set in concrete generation classes instead super().__init__(meta, sam_sys_inputs, output_request, site_sys_inputs=site_sys_inputs) # Set the site number using resource if hasattr(resource, 'name'): self._site = else: self._site = None # let children pass in None resource if resource is not None: self.check_resource_data(resource) self.set_resource_data(resource, meta) self.add_scheduled_losses(resource) @classmethod def _get_res(cls, res_df, output_request): """Get the resource arrays and pass through for output (single site). Parameters ---------- res_df : pd.DataFrame 2D table with resource data. output_request : list Outputs to retrieve from SAM. Returns ------- res_mean : dict | None Dictionary object with variables for resource arrays. out_req_cleaned : list Output request list with the resource request entries removed. """ out_req_cleaned = copy.deepcopy(output_request) res_out = None res_reqs = [] ti = res_df.index for req in out_req_cleaned: if req in res_df: res_reqs.append(req) if res_out is None: res_out = {} res_out[req] = cls.ensure_res_len(res_df[req].values, ti) for req in res_reqs: out_req_cleaned.remove(req) return res_out, out_req_cleaned @staticmethod def _get_res_mean(resource, res_gid, output_request): """Get the resource annual means (single site). Parameters ---------- resource : rex.sam_resource.SAMResource SAM resource object for WIND resource res_gid : int Site to extract means for output_request : list Outputs to retrieve from SAM. Returns ------- res_mean : dict | None Dictionary object with variables for resource means. out_req_nomeans : list Output request list with the resource mean entries removed. """ out_req_nomeans = copy.deepcopy(output_request) res_mean = None idx = resource.sites.index(res_gid) irrad_means = ('dni_mean', 'dhi_mean', 'ghi_mean', 'clearsky_dni_mean', 'clearsky_dhi_mean', 'clearsky_ghi_mean') if 'ws_mean' in out_req_nomeans: out_req_nomeans.remove('ws_mean') res_mean = {} res_mean['ws_mean'] = resource['mean_windspeed', idx] else: for var in resource.var_list: label_1 = '{}_mean'.format(var) label_2 = 'mean_{}'.format(var) if label_1 in out_req_nomeans: out_req_nomeans.remove(label_1) if res_mean is None: res_mean = {} res_mean[label_1] = resource[label_2, idx] if label_1 in irrad_means: # convert to kWh/m2/day res_mean[label_1] /= 1000 res_mean[label_1] *= 24 return res_mean, out_req_nomeans
[docs] def check_resource_data(self, resource): """Check resource dataframe for NaN values Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) """ if pd.isna(resource).any().any(): bad_vars = pd.isna(resource).any(axis=0) bad_vars = resource.columns[bad_vars].values.tolist() msg = ('Found NaN values for site {} in variables {}' .format(, bad_vars)) logger.error(msg) raise InputError(msg)
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Placeholder for resource data setting (nsrdb or wtk)"""
[docs] @staticmethod def tz_elev_check(sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs, meta): """Check timezone+elevation input and use json config timezone+elevation if not in resource meta. Parameters ---------- sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. site_sys_inputs : dict Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs. meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Datafram or series for a single site. Will include "timezone" and "elevation" from the sam and site system inputs if found. """ if meta is not None: if sam_sys_inputs is not None: if 'elevation' in sam_sys_inputs: meta['elevation'] = sam_sys_inputs['elevation'] if 'timezone' in sam_sys_inputs: meta['timezone'] = int(sam_sys_inputs['timezone']) # site-specific inputs take priority over generic system inputs if site_sys_inputs is not None: if 'elevation' in site_sys_inputs: meta['elevation'] = site_sys_inputs['elevation'] if 'timezone' in site_sys_inputs: meta['timezone'] = int(site_sys_inputs['timezone']) if 'timezone' not in meta: msg = ('Need timezone input to run SAM gen. Not found in ' 'resource meta or technology json input config.') raise SAMExecutionError(msg) return meta
@property def has_timezone(self): """ Returns true if instance has a timezone set """ if self._meta is not None: if 'timezone' in self.meta: return True return False
[docs] def cf_mean(self): """Get mean capacity factor (fractional) from SAM. Returns ------- output : float Mean capacity factor (fractional). """ return self['capacity_factor'] / 100
[docs] def cf_profile(self): """Get hourly capacity factor (frac) profile in local timezone. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- cf_profile : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of capacity factor profile. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return self.gen_profile() / self.sam_sys_inputs['system_capacity']
[docs] def annual_energy(self): """Get annual energy generation value in kWh from SAM. Returns ------- output : float Annual energy generation (kWh). """ return self['annual_energy']
[docs] def energy_yield(self): """Get annual energy yield value in kwh/kw from SAM. Returns ------- output : float Annual energy yield (kwh/kw). """ return self['kwh_per_kw']
[docs] def gen_profile(self): """Get power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of hourly power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['gen'], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def collect_outputs(self, output_lookup=None): """Collect SAM output_request, convert timeseries outputs to UTC, and save outputs to self.outputs property. Parameters ---------- output_lookup : dict | None Lookup dictionary mapping output keys to special output methods. None defaults to generation default outputs. """ if output_lookup is None: output_lookup = {'cf_mean': self.cf_mean, 'cf_profile': self.cf_profile, 'annual_energy': self.annual_energy, 'energy_yield': self.energy_yield, 'gen_profile': self.gen_profile, } super().collect_outputs(output_lookup=output_lookup)
[docs] def run_gen_and_econ(self): """Run SAM generation with possibility for follow on econ analysis.""" lcoe_out_reqs = None so_out_reqs = None lcoe_vars = ('lcoe_fcr', 'fixed_charge_rate', 'capital_cost', 'fixed_operating_cost', 'variable_operating_cost') so_vars = ('ppa_price', 'lcoe_real', 'lcoe_nom', 'project_return_aftertax_npv', 'flip_actual_irr', 'gross_revenue') if 'lcoe_fcr' in self.output_request: lcoe_out_reqs = [r for r in self.output_request if r in lcoe_vars] self.output_request = [r for r in self.output_request if r not in lcoe_out_reqs] elif any(x in self.output_request for x in so_vars): so_out_reqs = [r for r in self.output_request if r in so_vars] self.output_request = [r for r in self.output_request if r not in so_out_reqs] # Execute the SAM generation compute module (pvwattsv7, windpower, etc) # Execute a follow-on SAM econ compute module # (lcoe_fcr, singleowner, etc) if lcoe_out_reqs is not None: self.sam_sys_inputs['annual_energy'] = self.annual_energy() lcoe = LCOE(self.sam_sys_inputs, output_request=lcoe_out_reqs) lcoe.assign_inputs() lcoe.execute() lcoe.collect_outputs() self.outputs.update(lcoe.outputs) elif so_out_reqs is not None: self.sam_sys_inputs['gen'] = self.gen_profile() so = SingleOwner(self.sam_sys_inputs, output_request=so_out_reqs) so.assign_inputs() so.execute() so.collect_outputs() self.outputs.update(so.outputs)
[docs] def run(self): """Run a reV-SAM generation object by assigning inputs, executing the SAM simulation, collecting outputs, and converting all arrays to UTC. """ self.assign_inputs() self.execute() self.collect_outputs()
[docs] @classmethod def reV_run(cls, points_control, res_file, site_df, lr_res_file=None, output_request=('cf_mean',), drop_leap=False, gid_map=None, nn_map=None, bias_correct=None): """Execute SAM generation based on a reV points control instance. Parameters ---------- points_control : config.PointsControl PointsControl instance containing project points site and SAM config info. res_file : str Resource file with full path. site_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of site-specific input variables. Row index corresponds to site number/gid (via df.loc not df.iloc), column labels are the variable keys that will be passed forward as SAM parameters. lr_res_file : str | None Optional low resolution resource file that will be dynamically mapped+interpolated to the nominal-resolution res_file. This needs to be of the same format as resource_file, e.g. they both need to be handled by the same rex Resource handler such as WindResource output_request : list | tuple Outputs to retrieve from SAM. drop_leap : bool Drops February 29th from the resource data. If False, December 31st is dropped from leap years. gid_map : None | dict Mapping of unique integer generation gids (keys) to single integer resource gids (values). This enables the user to input unique generation gids in the project points that map to non-unique resource gids. This can be None or a pre-extracted dict. nn_map : np.ndarray Optional 1D array of nearest neighbor mappings associated with the res_file to lr_res_file spatial mapping. For details on this argument, see the rex.MultiResolutionResource docstring. bias_correct : None | pd.DataFrame Optional DataFrame or CSV filepath to a wind or solar resource bias correction table. This has columns: - ``gid``: GID of site (can be index name of dataframe) - ``method``: function name from ``rex.bias_correction`` module The ``gid`` field should match the true resource ``gid`` regardless of the optional ``gid_map`` input. Only ``windspeed`` **or** ``GHI`` + ``DNI`` + ``DHI`` are corrected, depending on the technology (wind for the former, PV or CSP for the latter). See the functions in the ``rex.bias_correction`` module for available inputs for ``method``. Any additional kwargs required for the requested ``method`` can be input as additional columns in the ``bias_correct`` table e.g., for linear bias correction functions you can include ``scalar`` and ``adder`` inputs as columns in the ``bias_correct`` table on a site-by-site basis. If ``None``, no corrections are applied. By default, ``None``. Returns ------- out : dict Nested dictionaries where the top level key is the site index, the second level key is the variable name, second level value is the output variable value. """ # initialize output dictionary out = {} # Get the RevPySam resource object resources = RevPySam.get_sam_res(res_file, points_control.project_points,, output_request=output_request, gid_map=gid_map, lr_res_file=lr_res_file, nn_map=nn_map, bias_correct=bias_correct) # run resource through curtailment filter if applicable curtailment = points_control.project_points.curtailment if curtailment is not None: resources = curtail(resources, curtailment, random_seed=curtailment.random_seed) # iterate through project_points gen_gid values for gen_gid in points_control.project_points.sites: # Lookup the resource gid if there's a mapping and get the resource # data from the SAMResource object using the res_gid. res_gid = gen_gid if gid_map is None else gid_map[gen_gid] site_res_df, site_meta = resources._get_res_df(res_gid) # drop the leap day if drop_leap: site_res_df = cls.drop_leap(site_res_df) _, inputs = points_control.project_points[gen_gid] # get resource data pass-throughs and resource means res_outs, out_req_cleaned = cls._get_res(site_res_df, output_request) res_mean, out_req_cleaned = cls._get_res_mean(resources, res_gid, out_req_cleaned) # iterate through requested sites. sim = cls(resource=site_res_df, meta=site_meta, sam_sys_inputs=inputs, output_request=out_req_cleaned, site_sys_inputs=dict(site_df.loc[gen_gid, :])) sim.run_gen_and_econ() # collect outputs to dictout out[gen_gid] = sim.outputs if res_outs is not None: out[gen_gid].update(res_outs) if res_mean is not None: out[gen_gid].update(res_mean) return out
[docs]class AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile(AbstractSamGeneration, ABC): """Base class for running sam generation with a weather file on disk. """ WF_META_DROP_COLS = {'elevation', 'timezone', 'country', 'state', 'county', 'urban', 'population', 'landcover', 'latitude', 'longitude'} @property @abstractmethod def PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG(self): """Name of the weather file input used by SAM generation module.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Generate the weather file and set the path as an input. Some PySAM models require a data file, not raw data. This method generates the weather data, writes it to a file on disk, and then sets the file as an input to the generation module. The function :meth:`~AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile.run_gen_and_econ` deletes the file on disk after a run is complete. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Time series resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed). meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. """ meta = self._parse_meta(meta) self.time_interval = self.get_time_interval(resource.index.values) pysam_w_fname = self._create_pysam_wfile(resource, meta) self[self.PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG] = pysam_w_fname
def _create_pysam_wfile(self, resource, meta): """Create PySAM weather input file. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Time series resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed). meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. Returns ------- fname : str Name of weather csv file. Notes ----- PySAM will not accept data on Feb 29th. For leap years, December 31st is dropped and time steps are shifted to relabel Feb 29th as March 1st, March 1st as March 2nd, etc. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,consider-using-with self._temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() fname = os.path.join(, 'weather.csv') logger.debug('Creating PySAM weather data file: {}'.format(fname)) # ------- Process metadata m = pd.DataFrame(meta).T timezone = m['timezone'] m['Source'] = 'NSRDB' m['Location ID'] = m['City'] = '-' m['State'] = m['state'].apply(lambda x: '-' if x == 'None' else x) m['Country'] = m['country'].apply(lambda x: '-' if x == 'None' else x) m['Latitude'] = m['latitude'] m['Longitude'] = m['longitude'] m['Time Zone'] = timezone m['Elevation'] = m['elevation'] m['Local Time Zone'] = timezone m['Dew Point Units'] = 'c' m['DHI Units'] = 'w/m2' m['DNI Units'] = 'w/m2' m['Temperature Units'] = 'c' m['Pressure Units'] = 'mbar' m['Wind Speed'] = 'm/s' keep_cols = [c for c in m.columns if c not in self.WF_META_DROP_COLS] m[keep_cols].to_csv(fname, index=False, mode='w') # --------- Process data var_map = {'dni': 'DNI', 'dhi': 'DHI', 'wind_speed': 'Wind Speed', 'air_temperature': 'Temperature', 'dew_point': 'Dew Point', 'surface_pressure': 'Pressure', } resource = resource.rename(mapper=var_map, axis='columns') time_index = resource.index # Adjust from UTC to local time local = np.roll(resource.values, int(timezone * self.time_interval), axis=0) resource = pd.DataFrame(local, columns=resource.columns, index=time_index) mask = (time_index.month == 2) & ( == 29) time_index = time_index[~mask] df = pd.DataFrame(index=time_index) df['Year'] = time_index.year df['Month'] = time_index.month df['Day'] = df['Hour'] = time_index.hour df['Minute'] = time_index.minute df = df.join(resource.loc[~mask]) df.to_csv(fname, index=False, mode='a') return fname
[docs] def run_gen_and_econ(self): """Run SAM generation and possibility follow-on econ analysis.""" try: super().run_gen_and_econ() finally: temp_dir = getattr(self, "_temp_dir", None) if temp_dir is not None: temp_dir.cleanup()
[docs]class AbstractSamSolar(AbstractSamGeneration, ABC): """Base Class for Solar generation from SAM"""
[docs] @staticmethod def agg_albedo(time_index, albedo): """Aggregate a timeseries of albedo data to monthly values w len 12 as required by pysam Pvsamv1 Tech spec from pysam docs: #PySAM.Pvsamv1.Pvsamv1.SolarResource.albedo Parameters ---------- time_index : pd.DatetimeIndex Timeseries solar resource datetimeindex albedo : list Timeseries Albedo data to be aggregated. Should be 0-1 and likely hourly or less. Returns ------- monthly_albedo : list 1D list of monthly albedo values with length 12 """ monthly_albedo = np.zeros(12).tolist() albedo = np.array(albedo) for month in range(1, 13): m = np.where(time_index.month == month)[0] monthly_albedo[int(month - 1)] = albedo[m].mean() return monthly_albedo
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Set NSRDB resource data arrays. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. """ meta = self._parse_meta(meta) time_index = resource.index self.time_interval = self.get_time_interval(resource.index.values) # map resource data names to SAM required data names var_map = {'dni': 'dn', 'dhi': 'df', 'ghi': 'gh', 'clearskydni': 'dn', 'clearskydhi': 'df', 'clearskyghi': 'gh', 'windspeed': 'wspd', 'airtemperature': 'tdry', 'temperature': 'tdry', 'temp': 'tdry', 'dewpoint': 'tdew', 'surfacepressure': 'pres', 'pressure': 'pres', 'surfacealbedo': 'albedo', } lower_case = {k: k.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('_', '') for k in resource.columns} irrad_vars = ['dn', 'df', 'gh'] resource = resource.rename(mapper=lower_case, axis='columns') resource = resource.rename(mapper=var_map, axis='columns') time_index = resource.index resource = {k: np.array(v) for (k, v) in resource.to_dict(orient='list').items()} # set resource variables for var, arr in resource.items(): if var != 'time_index': # ensure that resource array length is multiple of 8760 arr = self.ensure_res_len(arr, time_index) n_roll = int(self._meta['timezone'] * self.time_interval) arr = np.roll(arr, n_roll) if var in irrad_vars: if np.min(arr) < 0: warn('Solar irradiance variable "{}" has a minimum ' 'value of {}. Truncating to zero.' .format(var, np.min(arr)), SAMInputWarning) arr = np.where(arr < 0, 0, arr) resource[var] = arr.tolist() resource['lat'] = meta['latitude'] resource['lon'] = meta['longitude'] resource['tz'] = meta['timezone'] if 'elevation' in meta: resource['elev'] = meta['elevation'] else: resource['elev'] = 0.0 time_index = self.ensure_res_len(time_index, time_index) resource['minute'] = time_index.minute resource['hour'] = time_index.hour resource['month'] = time_index.month resource['year'] = time_index.year resource['day'] = if 'albedo' in resource: self['albedo'] = self.agg_albedo( time_index, resource.pop('albedo')) self['solar_resource_data'] = resource
[docs]class AbstractSamPv(AbstractSamSolar, ABC): """Photovoltaic (PV) generation with either pvwatts of detailed pv. """ # set these class attrs in concrete subclasses MODULE = None PYSAM = None # pylint: disable=line-too-long def __init__(self, resource, meta, sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs=None, output_request=None, drop_leap=False): """Initialize a SAM solar object. See the PySAM :py:class:`~PySAM.Pvwattsv8.Pvwattsv8` (or older version model) or :py:class:`~PySAM.Pvsamv1.Pvsamv1` documentation for the configuration keys required in the `sam_sys_inputs` config for the respective models. Some notable keys include the following to enable a lifetime simulation (non-exhaustive): - ``system_use_lifetime_output`` : Integer flag indicating whether or not to run a full lifetime model (0 for off, 1 for on). If running a lifetime model, the resource file will be repeated for the number of years specified as the lifetime of the plant and a performance degradation term will be used to simulate reduced performance over time. - ``analysis_period`` : Integer representing the number of years to include in the lifetime of the model generator. Required if ``system_use_lifetime_output``=1. - ``dc_degradation`` : List of percentage values representing the annual DC degradation of capacity factors. Maybe a single value that will be compound each year or a vector of yearly rates. Required if ``system_use_lifetime_output``=1. You may also include the following ``reV``-specific keys: - ``reV_outages`` : Specification for ``reV``-scheduled stochastic outage losses. For example:: outage_info = [ { 'count': 6, 'duration': 24, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 100, 'allowed_months': ['January', 'March'], 'allow_outage_overlap': True }, { 'count': 10, 'duration': 1, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 10, 'allowed_months': ['January'], 'allow_outage_overlap': False }, ... ] See the description of :meth:`~reV.losses.scheduled.ScheduledLossesMixin.add_scheduled_losses` or the `reV losses demo notebook <>`_ for detailed instructions on how to specify this input. - ``reV_outages_seed`` : Integer value used to seed the RNG used to compute stochastic outage losses. - ``time_index_step`` : Integer representing the step size used to sample the ``time_index`` in the resource data. This can be used to reduce temporal resolution (i.e. for 30 minute NSRDB input data, ``time_index_step=1`` yields the full 30 minute time series as output, while ``time_index_step=2`` yields hourly output, and so forth). .. Note:: The reduced data shape (i.e. after applying a step size of `time_index_step`) must still be an integer multiple of 8760, or the execution will fail. - ``clearsky`` : Boolean flag value indicating wether computation should use clearsky resource data to compute generation data. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. site_sys_inputs : dict Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs. output_request : list Requested SAM outputs (e.g., 'cf_mean', 'annual_energy', 'cf_profile', 'gen_profile', 'energy_yield', 'ppa_price', 'lcoe_fcr'). drop_leap : bool Drops February 29th from the resource data. If False, December 31st is dropped from leap years. """ # need to check tilt=lat and azimuth for pv systems meta = self._parse_meta(meta) sam_sys_inputs = self.set_latitude_tilt_az(sam_sys_inputs, meta) super().__init__(resource, meta, sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs=site_sys_inputs, output_request=output_request, drop_leap=drop_leap)
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Set NSRDB resource data arrays. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. Raises ------ ValueError : If lat/lon outside of -90 to 90 and -180 to 180, respectively. """ bad_location_input = ((meta['latitude'] < -90) | (meta['latitude'] > 90) | (meta['longitude'] < -180) | (meta['longitude'] > 180)) if bad_location_input.any(): raise ValueError("Detected latitude/longitude values outside of " "the range -90 to 90 and -180 to 180, " "respectively. Please ensure input resource data" "locations conform to these ranges. ") return super().set_resource_data(resource, meta)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_latitude_tilt_az(sam_sys_inputs, meta): """Check if tilt is specified as latitude and set tilt=lat, az=180 or 0 Parameters ---------- sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. Returns ------- sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. If for a pv simulation the "tilt" parameter was originally not present or set to 'lat' or 'latitude', the tilt will be set to the absolute value of the latitude found in meta and the azimuth will be 180 if lat>0, 0 if lat<0. """ set_tilt = False if sam_sys_inputs is not None and meta is not None: if 'tilt' not in sam_sys_inputs: warn('No tilt specified, setting at latitude.', SAMInputWarning) set_tilt = True else: if (sam_sys_inputs['tilt'] == 'lat' or sam_sys_inputs['tilt'] == 'latitude'): set_tilt = True if set_tilt: # set tilt to abs(latitude) sam_sys_inputs['tilt'] = np.abs(meta['latitude']) if meta['latitude'] > 0: # above the equator, az = 180 sam_sys_inputs['azimuth'] = 180 else: # below the equator, az = 0 sam_sys_inputs['azimuth'] = 0 logger.debug('Tilt specified at "latitude", setting tilt to: {}, ' 'azimuth to: {}' .format(sam_sys_inputs['tilt'], sam_sys_inputs['azimuth'])) return sam_sys_inputs
[docs] def system_capacity_ac(self): """Get AC system capacity from SAM inputs. NOTE: AC nameplate = DC nameplate / ILR Returns ------- cf_profile : float AC nameplate = DC nameplate / ILR """ return (self.sam_sys_inputs['system_capacity'] / self.sam_sys_inputs['dc_ac_ratio'])
[docs] def cf_mean(self): """Get mean capacity factor (fractional) from SAM. NOTE: PV capacity factor is the AC power production / the DC nameplate Returns ------- output : float Mean capacity factor (fractional). PV CF is calculated as AC power / DC nameplate. """ return self['capacity_factor'] / 100
[docs] def cf_mean_ac(self): """Get mean AC capacity factor (fractional) from SAM. NOTE: This value only available in PVWattsV8 and up. Returns ------- output : float Mean AC capacity factor (fractional). PV AC CF is calculated as AC power / AC nameplate. """ return self['capacity_factor_ac'] / 100
[docs] def cf_profile(self): """Get hourly capacity factor (frac) profile in local timezone. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. NOTE: PV capacity factor is the AC power production / the DC nameplate Returns ------- cf_profile : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of capacity factor profile. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. PV CF is calculated as AC power / DC nameplate. """ return self.gen_profile() / self.sam_sys_inputs['system_capacity']
[docs] def cf_profile_ac(self): """Get hourly AC capacity factor (frac) profile in local timezone. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. NOTE: PV AC capacity factor is the AC power production / the AC nameplate. AC nameplate = DC nameplate / ILR Returns ------- cf_profile : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of capacity factor profile. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. PV AC CF is calculated as AC power / AC nameplate. """ return self.gen_profile() / self.system_capacity_ac()
[docs] def gen_profile(self): """Get AC inverter power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. This is an alias of the "ac" SAM output variable if PySAM version>=3. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of AC inverter power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['gen'], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def ac(self): """Get AC inverter power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of AC inverter power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['ac'], dtype=np.float32) / 1000
[docs] def dc(self): """ Get DC array power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of DC array power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['dc'], dtype=np.float32) / 1000
[docs] def clipped_power(self): """ Get the clipped DC power generated behind the inverter (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- clipped : np.ndarray 1D array of clipped DC power in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ ac = dc = self.dc() return np.where(ac < ac.max(), 0, dc - ac)
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam object."""
[docs] def collect_outputs(self, output_lookup=None): """Collect SAM output_request, convert timeseries outputs to UTC, and save outputs to self.outputs property. Parameters ---------- output_lookup : dict | None Lookup dictionary mapping output keys to special output methods. None defaults to generation default outputs. """ if output_lookup is None: output_lookup = {'cf_mean': self.cf_mean, 'cf_mean_ac': self.cf_mean_ac, 'cf_profile': self.cf_profile, 'cf_profile_ac': self.cf_profile_ac, 'annual_energy': self.annual_energy, 'energy_yield': self.energy_yield, 'gen_profile': self.gen_profile, 'ac':, 'dc': self.dc, 'clipped_power': self.clipped_power, 'system_capacity_ac': self.system_capacity_ac, } super().collect_outputs(output_lookup=output_lookup)
[docs]class PvWattsv5(AbstractSamPv): """Photovoltaic (PV) generation with pvwattsv5. """ MODULE = 'pvwattsv5' PYSAM = PySamPv5
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam PVWATTSV5 object. Returns ------- PySAM.Pvwattsv5 """ return DefaultPvWattsv5.default()
[docs]class PvWattsv7(AbstractSamPv): """Photovoltaic (PV) generation with pvwattsv7. """ MODULE = 'pvwattsv7' PYSAM = PySamPv7
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam PVWATTSV7 object. Returns ------- PySAM.Pvwattsv7 """ raise NotImplementedError("Pvwattsv7 default file no longer exists!")
[docs]class PvWattsv8(AbstractSamPv): """Photovoltaic (PV) generation with pvwattsv8. """ MODULE = 'pvwattsv8' PYSAM = PySamPv8
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam PVWATTSV8 object. Returns ------- PySAM.Pvwattsv8 """ return DefaultPvWattsv8.default()
[docs]class PvSamv1(AbstractSamPv): """Detailed PV model""" MODULE = 'Pvsamv1' PYSAM = PySamDetailedPv
[docs] def ac(self): """Get AC inverter power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of AC inverter power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['gen'], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def dc(self): """ Get DC array power generation profile (local timezone) in kW. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- output : np.ndarray 1D array of DC array power generation in kW. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return np.array(self['dc_net'], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam Pvsamv1 object. Returns ------- PySAM.Pvsamv1 """ return DefaultPvSamv1.default()
[docs]class TcsMoltenSalt(AbstractSamSolar): """Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) generation with tower molten salt """ MODULE = 'tcsmolten_salt' PYSAM = PySamCSP
[docs] def cf_profile(self): """Get absolute value hourly capacity factor (frac) profile in local timezone. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- cf_profile : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of capacity factor profile. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ x = np.abs(self.gen_profile() / self.sam_sys_inputs['system_capacity']) return x
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam CSP object. Returns ------- PySAM.TcsmoltenSalt """ return DefaultTcsMoltenSalt.default()
[docs]class SolarWaterHeat(AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile): """ Solar Water Heater generation """ MODULE = 'solarwaterheat' PYSAM = PySamSwh PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG = 'solar_resource_file'
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam swh object. Returns ------- PySAM.Swh """ return DefaultSwh.default()
[docs]class LinearDirectSteam(AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile): """ Process heat linear Fresnel direct steam generation """ MODULE = 'lineardirectsteam' PYSAM = PySamLds PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG = 'file_name'
[docs] def cf_mean(self): """Calculate mean capacity factor (fractional) from SAM. Returns ------- output : float Mean capacity factor (fractional). """ net_power = self['annual_field_energy'] \ - self['annual_thermal_consumption'] # kW-hr # q_pb_des is in MW, convert to kW-hr name_plate = self['q_pb_des'] * 8760 * 1000 return net_power / name_plate
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam linear Fresnel object. Returns ------- PySAM.LinearFresnelDsgIph """ return DefaultLinearFresnelDsgIph.default()
[docs]class TroughPhysicalHeat(AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile): """ Trough Physical Process Heat generation """ MODULE = 'troughphysicalheat' PYSAM = PySamTpph PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG = 'file_name'
[docs] def cf_mean(self): """Calculate mean capacity factor (fractional) from SAM. Returns ------- output : float Mean capacity factor (fractional). """ net_power = self['annual_gross_energy'] \ - self['annual_thermal_consumption'] # kW-hr # q_pb_des is in MW, convert to kW-hr name_plate = self['q_pb_design'] * 8760 * 1000 return net_power / name_plate
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam trough object. Returns ------- PySAM.TroughPhysicalProcessHeat """ return DefaultTroughPhysicalProcessHeat.default()
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs]class Geothermal(AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile): """reV-SAM geothermal generation. As of 12/20/2022, the resource potential input in SAM is only used to calculate the number of well replacements during the lifetime of a geothermal plant. It was decided that reV would not model well replacements. Therefore, reV sets the resource potential to match (or be just above) the gross potential so that SAM does not throw any errors. Also as of 12/20/2022, the SAM GETEM module requires a weather file, but does not actually require any weather data to run. Therefore, reV currently generates an empty weather file to pass to SAM. This behavior can be easily updated in the future should the SAM GETEM module start using weather data. See the PySAM :py:class:`~PySAM.Geothermal.Geothermal` documentation for the configuration keys required in the `sam_sys_inputs` config. Some notable keys include (non-exhaustive): - ``resource_type`` : Integer flag representing either Hydrothermal (0) or EGS (1) resource. Only values of 0 or 1 allowed. - ``resource_potential`` : Total resource potential at location (in MW). .. Important:: ``reV`` automatically sets the resource potential to match the gross potential (see documentation above), so this key should be left out of the config (it will be overridden in any case). - ``resource_temp`` : Temperature of resource (in C). .. Important:: This value is set by ``reV`` based on the user's geothermal resource data input. To override this behavior, users *may* specify their own ``resource_temp`` value (either a single value for all sites in the SAM geothermal config or a site-dependent value in the project points CSV). In this case, the resource temperature from the input data will be ignored completely, and the temperature at each location will be determined solely from this input. - ``resource_depth`` : Depth to geothermal resource (in m). - ``analysis_type`` : Integer flag representing the plant configuration. If the ``nameplate`` input is to be used to specify the plant capacity, then this flag should be set to 0 (this is the default ``reV`` assumption). Otherwise, if the ``num_wells`` input is to be used to specify the plant site, then this flag should be set to 1. Only values of 0 or 1 allowed. - ``nameplate`` : Geothermal plant size (in kW). Only affects the output if ``analysis_type=0``. .. Important:: Unlike wind or solar, ``reV`` geothermal dynamically sets the size of a geothermal plant. In particular, the plant capacity is set to match the resource potential (obtained from the input data) for each site. For this to work, users **must** leave out the ``nameplate`` key from the SAM config. Alternatively, users *may* specify their own ``nameplate`` capacity value (either a single value for all sites in the SAM geothermal config or a site-dependent value in the project points CSV). In this case, the resource potential from the input data will be ignored completely, and the capacity at each location will be determined solely from this input. - ``num_wells`` : Number of wells at each plant. This value is used to determined plant capacity if ``analysis_type=1``. Otherwise this input has no effect. - ``num_wells_getem`` : Number of wells assumed at each plant for power block calculations. Only affects power block outputs if ``analysis_type=0`` (otherwise the ``num_wells`` input is used in power block calculations). .. Note:: ``reV`` does not currently adjust this value based on the resource input (as it probably should). If any power block outputs are required in the future, there may need to be extra development to set this value based on the dynamically calculated plant size. - ``conversion_type`` : Integer flag representing the conversion plant type. Either Binary (0) or Flash (1). Only values of 0 or 1 allowed. - ``design_temp`` : EGS plant design temperature (in C). Only affects EGS runs. This value may be adjusted internally by ``reV under the following conditions: - The design temperature is larger than the resource temperature - The design temperature is lower than the resource temperature by a factor of ``MAX_RT_TO_EGS_RATIO`` If either of these conditions are true, the ``design_temp`` is a adjusted to match the resource temperature input in order to avoid SAM errors. - ``set_EGS_PDT_to_RT`` : Boolean flag to set EGS design temperature to match the resource temperature input. If this is ``True``, the ``design_temp`` input is ignored. This helps avoid SAM/GETEM errors when the plant design temperature is too high/low compared to the resource temperature. - ``geotherm.cost.inj_prod_well_ratio`` : Fraction representing the injection to production well ratio (0-1). SAM GUI defaults to 0.5 for this value, but it is recommended to set this to the GETEM default of 0.75. You may also include the following ``reV``-specific keys: - ``num_confirmation_wells`` : Number of confirmation wells that can also be used as production wells. This number is used to determined to total number of wells required at each plant, and therefore the total drilling costs. This value defaults to 2 (to match the SAM GUI as of 8/1/2023). However, the default value can lead to negative costs if the plant size is small (e.g. only 1 production well is needed, so the costs equal -1 * ``drill_cost_per_well``). This is a limitation of the SAM calculations (as of 8/1/2023), and it is therefore useful to set ``num_confirmation_wells=0`` when performing ``reV`` runs for small plant sizes. - ``capital_cost_per_kw`` : Capital cost values in $/kW. If this value is specified in the config, reV calculates and overrides the total ``capital_cost`` value based on the geothermal plant size (capacity) at each location. - ``fixed_operating_cost`` : Fixed operating cost values in $/kW. If this value is specified in the config, reV calculates and overrides the total ``fixed_operating_cost`` value based on the geothermal plant size (capacity) at each location. - ``drill_cost_per_well`` : Drilling cost per well, in $. If this value is specified in the config, reV calculates the total drilling costs based on the number of wells that need to be drilled at each location. The drilling costs are added to the total ``capital_cost`` at each location. - ``reV_outages`` : Specification for ``reV``-scheduled stochastic outage losses. For example:: outage_info = [ { 'count': 6, 'duration': 24, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 100, 'allowed_months': ['January', 'March'], 'allow_outage_overlap': True }, { 'count': 10, 'duration': 1, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 10, 'allowed_months': ['January'], 'allow_outage_overlap': False }, ... ] See the description of :meth:`~reV.losses.scheduled.ScheduledLossesMixin.add_scheduled_losses` or the `reV losses demo notebook <>`_ for detailed instructions on how to specify this input. - ``reV_outages_seed`` : Integer value used to seed the RNG used to compute stochastic outage losses. - ``time_index_step`` : Integer representing the step size used to sample the ``time_index`` in the resource data. This can be used to reduce temporal resolution (i.e. for 30 minute NSRDB input data, ``time_index_step=1`` yields the full 30 minute time series as output, while ``time_index_step=2`` yields hourly output, and so forth). """ # Per Matt Prilliman on 2/22/24, it's unclear where this ratio originates, # but SAM errors out if it's exceeded. MAX_RT_TO_EGS_RATIO = 1.134324 """Max value of ``resource_temperature``/``EGS_plan_design_temperature``""" MODULE = 'geothermal' PYSAM = PySamGeothermal PYSAM_WEATHER_TAG = "file_name" _RESOURCE_POTENTIAL_MULT = 1.001 _DEFAULT_NUM_CONFIRMATION_WELLS = 2 # SAM GUI default as of 5/26/23
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default PySAM Geothermal object. Returns ------- PySAM.Geothermal """ return DefaultGeothermal.default()
[docs] def cf_profile(self): """Get hourly capacity factor (frac) profile in local timezone. See self.outputs attribute for collected output data in UTC. Returns ------- cf_profile : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of capacity factor profile. Datatype is float32 and array length is 8760*time_interval. """ return self.gen_profile() / self.sam_sys_inputs['nameplate']
[docs] def assign_inputs(self): """Assign the self.sam_sys_inputs attribute to the PySAM object.""" if self.sam_sys_inputs.get("ui_calculations_only"): msg = ('reV requires model run - cannot set ' '"ui_calculations_only" to `True` (1). Automatically ' 'setting to `False` (0)!') logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) self.sam_sys_inputs["ui_calculations_only"] = 0 super().assign_inputs()
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Generate the weather file and set the path as an input. The Geothermal PySAM model requires a data file, not raw data. This method generates the weather data, writes it to a file on disk, and then sets the file as an input to the Geothermal generation module. The function :meth:`~AbstractSamGenerationFromWeatherFile.run_gen_and_econ` deletes the file on disk after a run is complete. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Time series resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. """ super().set_resource_data(resource, meta) self._set_resource_temperature(resource) self._set_egs_plant_design_temperature() self._set_nameplate_to_match_resource_potential(resource) self._set_resource_potential_to_match_gross_output() self._set_costs()
def _set_resource_temperature(self, resource): """Set resource temp from data if user did not specify it. """ if "resource_temp" in self.sam_sys_inputs: logger.debug("Found 'resource_temp' value in SAM config: {:.2f}" .format(self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_temp"])) return val = set(resource["temperature"].unique()) logger.debug("Found {} value(s) for 'temperature' in resource data" .format(len(val))) if len(val) > 1: msg = ("Found multiple values for 'temperature' for site {}: {}" .format(, val)) logger.error(msg) raise InputError(msg) val = val.pop() logger.debug("Input 'resource_temp' not found in SAM config - setting " "to {:.2f} based on input resource data." .format(val)) self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_temp"] = val def _set_egs_plant_design_temperature(self): """Set the EGS plant temp to match resource, if necessary""" if self.sam_sys_inputs.get("resource_type") != 1: return # Not EGS run set_egs_pdt_to_rt = self.sam_sys_inputs.get("set_EGS_PDT_to_RT", False) egs_plant_design_temp = self.sam_sys_inputs.get("design_temp", 0) resource_temp = self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_temp"] if set_egs_pdt_to_rt: msg = ('Setting EGS plant design temperature ({}C) to match ' 'resource temperature ({}C)' .format(egs_plant_design_temp, resource_temp)) self.sam_sys_inputs["design_temp"] = resource_temp return if egs_plant_design_temp > resource_temp: msg = ('EGS plant design temperature ({}C) exceeds resource ' 'temperature ({}C). Lowering EGS plant design temperature ' 'to match resource temperature' .format(egs_plant_design_temp, resource_temp)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) self.sam_sys_inputs["design_temp"] = resource_temp return if resource_temp / egs_plant_design_temp > self.MAX_RT_TO_EGS_RATIO: msg = ('EGS plant design temperature ({}C) is lower than resource ' 'temperature ({}C) by more than a factor of {}. Increasing ' 'EGS plant design temperature to match resource temperature' .format(egs_plant_design_temp, resource_temp, self.MAX_RT_TO_EGS_RATIO)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) self.sam_sys_inputs["design_temp"] = resource_temp def _set_nameplate_to_match_resource_potential(self, resource): """Set the nameplate capacity to match the resource potential. """ if "nameplate" in self.sam_sys_inputs: msg = ('Found "nameplate" input in config! Resource potential ' 'from input data will be ignored. Nameplate capacity is {}' .format(self.sam_sys_inputs["nameplate"])) return val = set(resource["potential_MW"].unique()) if len(val) > 1: msg = ('Found multiple values for "potential_MW" for site {}: {}' .format(, val)) logger.error(msg) raise InputError(msg) val = val.pop() * 1000 logger.debug("Setting the nameplate to {}".format(val)) self.sam_sys_inputs["nameplate"] = val def _set_resource_potential_to_match_gross_output(self): """Set the resource potential input to match the gross generation. If SAM throws an error during the UI calculation of the gross output, the resource_potential is simply set to -1 since SAM will error out for this point regardless of the resource_potential input. """ super().assign_inputs() self["ui_calculations_only"] = 1 try: self.execute() except SAMExecutionError: self["ui_calculations_only"] = 0 self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_potential"] = -1 return gross_gen = (getattr(self.pysam.Outputs, "gross_output") * self._RESOURCE_POTENTIAL_MULT) if "resource_potential" in self.sam_sys_inputs: msg = ('Setting "resource_potential" is not allowed! Updating ' 'user input of {} to match the gross generation: {}' .format(self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_potential"], gross_gen)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) logger.debug("Setting the resource potential to {} MW" .format(gross_gen)) self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_potential"] = gross_gen ncw = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop("num_confirmation_wells", self._DEFAULT_NUM_CONFIRMATION_WELLS) self.sam_sys_inputs["prod_and_inj_wells_to_drill"] = ( getattr(self.pysam.Outputs, "num_wells_getem_output") - ncw + getattr(self.pysam.Outputs, "num_wells_getem_inj")) self["ui_calculations_only"] = 0 def _set_costs(self): """Set the costs based on gross plant generation.""" plant_size_kw = (self.sam_sys_inputs["resource_potential"] / self._RESOURCE_POTENTIAL_MULT) * 1000 cc_per_kw = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop("capital_cost_per_kw", None) if cc_per_kw is not None: capital_cost = cc_per_kw * plant_size_kw logger.debug("Setting the capital_cost to ${:,.2f}" .format(capital_cost)) self.sam_sys_inputs["capital_cost"] = capital_cost dc_per_well = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop("drill_cost_per_well", None) num_wells = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop("prod_and_inj_wells_to_drill", None) if dc_per_well is not None: if num_wells is None: msg = ('Could not determine number of wells to be drilled. ' 'No drilling costs added!') logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) else: capital_cost = self.sam_sys_inputs["capital_cost"] drill_cost = dc_per_well * num_wells logger.debug("Setting the drilling cost to ${:,.2f} " "({:.2f} wells at ${:,.2f} per well)" .format(drill_cost, num_wells, dc_per_well)) self.sam_sys_inputs["capital_cost"] = capital_cost + drill_cost foc_per_kw = self.sam_sys_inputs.pop("fixed_operating_cost_per_kw", None) if foc_per_kw is not None: fixed_operating_cost = foc_per_kw * plant_size_kw logger.debug("Setting the fixed_operating_cost to ${:,.2f}" .format(capital_cost)) self.sam_sys_inputs["fixed_operating_cost"] = fixed_operating_cost def _create_pysam_wfile(self, resource, meta): """Create PySAM weather input file. Geothermal module requires a weather file, but does not actually require any weather data to run. Therefore, an empty file is generated and passed through. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Time series resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, and timezone. Returns ------- fname : str Name of weather csv file. Notes ----- PySAM will not accept data on Feb 29th. For leap years, December 31st is dropped and time steps are shifted to relabel Feb 29th as March 1st, March 1st as March 2nd, etc. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, consider-using-with self._temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() fname = os.path.join(, 'weather.csv') logger.debug('Creating PySAM weather data file: {}'.format(fname)) # ------- Process metadata m = pd.DataFrame(meta).T m = m.rename({"latitude": "Latitude", "longitude": "Longitude", "timezone": "Time Zone"}, axis=1) m[["Latitude", "Longitude", "Time Zone"]].to_csv(fname, index=False, mode='w') # --------- Process data, blank for geothermal time_index = resource.index mask = (time_index.month == 2) & ( == 29) time_index = time_index[~mask] df = pd.DataFrame(index=time_index) df['Year'] = time_index.year df['Month'] = time_index.month df['Day'] = df['Hour'] = time_index.hour df['Minute'] = time_index.minute df.to_csv(fname, index=False, mode='a') return fname
[docs] def run_gen_and_econ(self): """Run SAM generation and possibility follow-on econ analysis.""" try: super().run_gen_and_econ() except SAMExecutionError as e: logger.error("Skipping site {}; received sam error: {}" .format(self._site, str(e))) self.outputs = {}
[docs]class AbstractSamWind(AbstractSamGeneration, PowerCurveLossesMixin, ABC): """AbstractSamWind""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wind generation from SAM. See the PySAM :py:class:`~PySAM.Windpower.Windpower` documentation for the configuration keys required in the `sam_sys_inputs` config. You may also include the following ``reV``-specific keys: - ``reV_power_curve_losses`` : A dictionary that can be used to initialize :class:`~reV.losses.power_curve.PowerCurveLossesInput`. For example:: reV_power_curve_losses = { 'target_losses_percent': 9.8, 'transformation': 'exponential_stretching' } See the description of the class mentioned above or the `reV losses demo notebook <>`_ for detailed instructions on how to specify this input. - ``reV_outages`` : Specification for ``reV``-scheduled stochastic outage losses. For example:: outage_info = [ { 'count': 6, 'duration': 24, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 100, 'allowed_months': ['January', 'March'], 'allow_outage_overlap': True }, { 'count': 10, 'duration': 1, 'percentage_of_capacity_lost': 10, 'allowed_months': ['January'], 'allow_outage_overlap': False }, ... ] See the description of :meth:`~reV.losses.scheduled.ScheduledLossesMixin.add_scheduled_losses` or the `reV losses demo notebook <>`_ for detailed instructions on how to specify this input. - ``reV_outages_seed`` : Integer value used to seed the RNG used to compute stochastic outage losses. - ``time_index_step`` : Integer representing the step size used to sample the ``time_index`` in the resource data. This can be used to reduce temporal resolution (i.e. for 30 minute input data, ``time_index_step=1`` yields the full 30 minute time series as output, while ``time_index_step=2`` yields hourly output, and so forth). .. Note:: The reduced data shape (i.e. after applying a step size of `time_index_step`) must still be an integer multiple of 8760, or the execution will fail. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. site_sys_inputs : dict Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs. output_request : list Requested SAM outputs (e.g., 'cf_mean', 'annual_energy', 'cf_profile', 'gen_profile', 'energy_yield', 'ppa_price', 'lcoe_fcr'). drop_leap : bool Drops February 29th from the resource data. If False, December 31st is dropped from leap years. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_power_curve_losses()
[docs]class WindPower(AbstractSamWind): """Class for Wind generation from SAM """ MODULE = 'windpower' PYSAM = PySamWindPower
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Set WTK resource data arrays. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries solar or wind resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. Remapping will be done to convert typical NSRDB/WTK names into SAM names (e.g. DNI -> dn and wind_speed -> windspeed) meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. """ meta = self._parse_meta(meta) # map resource data names to SAM required data names var_map = {'speed': 'windspeed', 'direction': 'winddirection', 'airtemperature': 'temperature', 'temp': 'temperature', 'surfacepressure': 'pressure', 'relativehumidity': 'rh', 'humidity': 'rh', } lower_case = {k: k.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('_', '') for k in resource.columns} resource = resource.rename(mapper=lower_case, axis='columns') resource = resource.rename(mapper=var_map, axis='columns') data_dict = {} var_list = ['temperature', 'pressure', 'windspeed', 'winddirection'] if 'winddirection' not in resource: resource['winddirection'] = 0.0 time_index = resource.index self.time_interval = self.get_time_interval(resource.index.values) data_dict['fields'] = [1, 2, 3, 4] data_dict['heights'] = 4 * [self.sam_sys_inputs['wind_turbine_hub_ht']] if 'rh' in resource: # set relative humidity for icing. rh = self.ensure_res_len(resource['rh'].values, time_index) n_roll = int(meta['timezone'] * self.time_interval) rh = np.roll(rh, n_roll, axis=0) data_dict['rh'] = rh.tolist() # must be set as matrix in [temperature, pres, speed, direction] order # ensure that resource array length is multiple of 8760 # roll the truncated resource array to local timezone temp = self.ensure_res_len(resource[var_list].values, time_index) n_roll = int(meta['timezone'] * self.time_interval) temp = np.roll(temp, n_roll, axis=0) data_dict['data'] = temp.tolist() data_dict['lat'] = float(meta['latitude']) data_dict['lon'] = float(meta['longitude']) data_dict['tz'] = int(meta['timezone']) data_dict['elev'] = float(meta['elevation']) time_index = self.ensure_res_len(time_index, time_index) data_dict['minute'] = time_index.minute.tolist() data_dict['hour'] = time_index.hour.tolist() data_dict['year'] = time_index.year.tolist() data_dict['month'] = time_index.month.tolist() data_dict['day'] = # add resource data to and clear self['wind_resource_data'] = data_dict self['wind_resource_model_choice'] = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default pysam WindPower object. Returns ------- PySAM.Windpower """ return DefaultWindPower.default()
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs]class WindPowerPD(AbstractSamGeneration, PowerCurveLossesMixin): """WindPower analysis with wind speed/direction joint probabilty distrubtion input""" MODULE = 'windpower' PYSAM = PySamWindPower def __init__(self, ws_edges, wd_edges, wind_dist, meta, sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs=None, output_request=None): """Initialize a SAM generation object for windpower with a speed/direction joint probability distribution. Parameters ---------- ws_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of windspeed (m/s) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability distribution. Same len as wind_dist.shape[0] + 1 wd_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of winddirections (deg) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability dist. Same len as wind_dist.shape[1] + 1 wind_dist : np.ndarray 2D array probability distribution of (windspeed, winddirection). meta : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. sam_sys_inputs : dict Site-agnostic SAM system model inputs arguments. site_sys_inputs : dict Optional set of site-specific SAM system inputs to complement the site-agnostic inputs. output_request : list Requested SAM outputs (e.g., 'cf_mean', 'annual_energy', 'cf_profile', 'gen_profile', 'energy_yield', 'ppa_price', 'lcoe_fcr'). """ # make sure timezone and elevation are in the meta data meta = self.tz_elev_check(sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs, meta) # don't pass resource to base class, # set in concrete generation classes instead super().__init__(None, meta, sam_sys_inputs, site_sys_inputs=site_sys_inputs, output_request=output_request, drop_leap=False) # Set the site number using meta data if hasattr(meta, 'name'): self._site = else: self._site = None self.set_resource_data(ws_edges, wd_edges, wind_dist) self.add_power_curve_losses()
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, ws_edges, wd_edges, wind_dist): """Send wind PD to pysam Parameters ---------- ws_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of windspeed (m/s) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability distribution. Same len as wind_dist.shape[0] + 1 wd_edges : np.ndarray 1D array of winddirections (deg) values that set the bin edges for the wind probability dist. Same len as wind_dist.shape[1] + 1 wind_dist : np.ndarray 2D array probability distribution of (windspeed, winddirection). """ assert len(ws_edges) == wind_dist.shape[0] + 1 assert len(wd_edges) == wind_dist.shape[1] + 1 wind_dist /= wind_dist.sum() # SAM wants the midpoints of the sample bins ws_points = ws_edges[:-1] + np.diff(ws_edges) / 2 wd_points = wd_edges[:-1] + np.diff(wd_edges) / 2 wd_points, ws_points = np.meshgrid(wd_points, ws_points) vstack = (ws_points.flatten(), wd_points.flatten(), wind_dist.flatten()) wrd = np.vstack(vstack).T.tolist() self['wind_resource_model_choice'] = 2 self['wind_resource_distribution'] = wrd
[docs]class MhkWave(AbstractSamGeneration): """Class for Wave generation from SAM """ MODULE = 'mhkwave' PYSAM = PySamMhkWave
[docs] def set_resource_data(self, resource, meta): """Set Hindcast US Wave resource data arrays. Parameters ---------- resource : pd.DataFrame Timeseries resource data for a single location with a pandas DatetimeIndex. There must be columns for all the required variables to run the respective SAM simulation. meta : pd.Series Meta data corresponding to the resource input for the single location. Should include values for latitude, longitude, elevation, and timezone. """ meta = self._parse_meta(meta) # map resource data names to SAM required data names var_map = {'significantwaveheight': 'significant_wave_height', 'waveheight': 'significant_wave_height', 'height': 'significant_wave_height', 'swh': 'significant_wave_height', 'energyperiod': 'energy_period', 'waveperiod': 'energy_period', 'period': 'energy_period', 'ep': 'energy_period', } lower_case = {k: k.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('_', '') for k in resource.columns} resource = resource.rename(mapper=lower_case, axis='columns') resource = resource.rename(mapper=var_map, axis='columns') data_dict = {} time_index = resource.index self.time_interval = self.get_time_interval(resource.index.values) # must be set as matrix in [temperature, pres, speed, direction] order # ensure that resource array length is multiple of 8760 # roll the truncated resource array to local timezone for var in ['significant_wave_height', 'energy_period']: arr = self.ensure_res_len(resource[var].values, time_index) n_roll = int(meta['timezone'] * self.time_interval) data_dict[var] = np.roll(arr, n_roll, axis=0).tolist() data_dict['lat'] = meta['latitude'] data_dict['lon'] = meta['longitude'] data_dict['tz'] = meta['timezone'] time_index = self.ensure_res_len(time_index, time_index) data_dict['minute'] = time_index.minute data_dict['hour'] = time_index.hour data_dict['year'] = time_index.year data_dict['month'] = time_index.month data_dict['day'] = # add resource data to and clear self['wave_resource_data'] = data_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the executed default PySAM MhkWave object. Returns ------- PySAM.MhkWave """ return DefaultMhkWave.default()