Source code for reV.SAM.defaults

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""PySAM default implementations."""
from abc import abstractmethod
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import PySAM.Geothermal as PySamGeothermal
import PySAM.Pvwattsv5 as PySamPV5
import PySAM.Pvwattsv8 as PySamPV8
import PySAM.Pvsamv1 as PySamDetailedPV
import PySAM.Windpower as PySamWindPower
import PySAM.TcsmoltenSalt as PySamCSP
import PySAM.Swh as PySamSWH
import PySAM.TroughPhysicalProcessHeat as PySamTPPH
import PySAM.LinearFresnelDsgIph as PySamLDS
import PySAM.Lcoefcr as PySamLCOE
import PySAM.Singleowner as PySamSingleOwner
import PySAM.MhkWave as PySamMhkWave

DEFAULTSDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DEFAULTSDIR = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'defaults')

[docs]class AbstractDefaultFromConfigFile: """Class for default PySAM object from a config file.""" @property @abstractmethod def CONFIG_FILE_NAME(self): """Name of JSON config file containing default PySAM inputs.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def PYSAM_MODULE(self): """PySAM module to initialize (e.g. Pvwattsv5, Geothermal, etc.). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def init_default_pysam_obj(cls): """Initialize a defualt PySM object from a config file.""" config_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, cls.CONFIG_FILE_NAME) # pylint: disable=no-member obj = with open(config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) for k, v in config.items(): if 'adjust:' in k or'file' in k : continue if 'geotherm.cost' in k: k = k.replace(".", "_") obj.value(k, v) obj.AdjustmentFactors.constant = 0.0 return obj
[docs]class DefaultGeothermal(AbstractDefaultFromConfigFile): """Class for default Geothermal""" CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'geothermal.json' PYSAM_MODULE = PySamGeothermal
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM Geothermal object""" obj = DefaultGeothermal.init_default_pysam_obj() res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj.GeoHourly.file_name = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultPvWattsv5(AbstractDefaultFromConfigFile): """Class for default PVWattsv5""" CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'i_pvwattsv5.json' PYSAM_MODULE = PySamPV5
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM pvwattsv5 object""" obj = DefaultPvWattsv5.init_default_pysam_obj() res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj.SolarResource.solar_resource_file = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultPvWattsv8: """class for default PVWattsv8"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM pvwattsv8 object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj = PySamPV8.default('PVWattsNone') obj.SolarResource.solar_resource_file = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultPvSamv1: """class for default detailed PV"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM Pvsamv1 object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj = PySamDetailedPV.default('FlatPlatePVNone') obj.SolarResource.solar_resource_file = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultTcsMoltenSalt: """Class for default CSP"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj = PySamCSP.default('MSPTSingleOwner') obj.SolarResource.solar_resource_file = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultWindPower: """Class for default windpower"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'WY Southern-Flat Lands.srw') obj = PySamWindPower.default('WindPowerNone') obj.Resource.wind_resource_filename = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultSwh: """Class for default solar water heating"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj = PySamSWH.default('SolarWaterHeatingNone') obj.Weather.solar_resource_file = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultTroughPhysicalProcessHeat: """Class for default parabolic trough process heat"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA AZ Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap (TMY3).csv') obj = PySamTPPH.default('PhysicalTroughIPHNone') obj.Weather.file_name = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultLinearFresnelDsgIph: """Class for default linear direct steam heat"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'USA CA Daggett (TMY2).csv') obj = PySamLDS.default('DSGLIPHNone') obj.Weather.file_name = res_file obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultMhkWave: """Class for default mhkwave"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" data_dict = {} data_dict['lat'] = 40.8418 data_dict['lon'] = 124.2477 data_dict['tz'] = -7 res_file = os.path.join(DEFAULTSDIR, 'US_Wave.csv') df = pd.read_csv(res_file) for col in df.columns: data_dict[col] = df[col].values.flatten().tolist() obj = PySamMhkWave.default('MEwaveLCOECalculator') obj.MHKWave.wave_resource_model_choice = 1 obj.unassign('significant_wave_height') obj.unassign('energy_period') obj.MHKWave.wave_resource_data = data_dict obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultLCOE: """Class for default LCOE calculator"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" pv = DefaultPvWattsv5.default() obj = PySamLCOE.default('PVWattsLCOECalculator') obj.SimpleLCOE.annual_energy = pv.Outputs.annual_energy obj.execute() return obj
[docs]class DefaultSingleOwner: """class for default Single Owner (PPA) calculator"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """Get the default PySAM object""" pv = DefaultPvWattsv5.default() obj = PySamSingleOwner.default('PVWattsSingleOwner') obj.SystemOutput.gen = obj.execute() return obj