FLASC data format#

Data used by FLASC adheres to the following conventions:

  • time represents the time, preferably in UTC

  • turbines are sequentially numbered, starting from 0, and numbers are always 3 digits long (e.g. the "8th" turbine is represented as 007)

  • pow_000 represents the power output of turbine 0

  • ws_000 represents the wind speed at turbine 0

  • wd_000 represents the wind direction at turbine 0

  • wd represents the wind direction chosen for example to represent the overall inflow direction

  • ws represents the wind speed chosen for example to represent the overall inflow speed

  • pow_ref represents the power output of the reference turbine (or average of reference turbines)

  • pow_test represents the power output of the test turbine (or average of test turbines)

import pandas as pd

# This dataframe adhere's to FLASC's data formatting requirements and could be used for
# FLASC analysis
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "time": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        "pow_000": [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100],
        "pow_001": [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100],
        "ws_000": [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
        "ws_001": [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
        "wd_000": [270, 270, 270, 270, 270, 270],
        "wd_001": [270, 270, 270, 270, 270, 270],


FLASC has historically used a pandas.DataFrame to store the data to be processed, as demonstrated above. Beginning in version 2.1, the FlascDataFrame class was introduced to provide additional methods and functionality to the data. FlascDataFrame is a subclass of pandas.DataFrame and can be used in place of a pandas.DataFrame. The following code cells provide an overview of the FlascDataFrame class and its methods. Support is added for converting between "FLASC" style data formatting and "user" formats, to make adhering to FLASC's data formatting conventions more straightforward.

Using FlascDataFrame#

# The above pandas.DataFrame can be converted to a FlascDataFrame directly
from flasc import FlascDataFrame

fdf = FlascDataFrame(df)
FlascDataFrame in FLASC format
   time  pow_000  pow_001  ws_000  ws_001  wd_000  wd_001
0     0      100      100      10      10     270     270
1     1      100      100      10      10     270     270
2     2      100      100      10      10     270     270
3     3      100      100      10      10     270     270
4     4      100      100      10      10     270     270
# The FlascDataFrame includes a few helper functions added to the base pandas dataframe.
# The following returns the number of turbines found in the dataframe.

Creating a FlascDataFrame from User Data#

More value from a FlascDataFrame is obtained when using it convert back and forth between user-formatted data and Flasc Data.

import numpy as np

# Suppose the we have a 3 turbine farm with turbines names 'TB01', 'TB02', 'TB03'
# For each turbine we have power, wind speed and wind direction data
# Assume that in the native data collection system,
# the signal names for each channel are given below

N = 20  # Number of data points

# Wind speeds
wind_speed_TB01 = np.random.rand(N) + 8.0
wind_speed_TB02 = np.random.rand(N) + 7.5
wind_speed_TB03 = np.random.rand(N) + 8.5

# Wind directions
wind_dir_TB01 = 10 * np.random.rand(N) + 270.0
wind_dir_TB02 = 10 * np.random.rand(N) + 270.0
wind_dir_TB03 = 10 * np.random.rand(N) + 270.0

# Power
power_TB01 = wind_speed_TB01**3
power_TB02 = wind_speed_TB02**3
power_TB03 = wind_speed_TB03**3

# Time
time = np.arange(N)
# Create a dictrionary storing this data, which could be used to instantiate a pandas.DataFrame
# or a FlascDataFrame
data_dict = {
    "time": time,
    "wind_speed_TB01": wind_speed_TB01,
    "wind_speed_TB02": wind_speed_TB02,
    "wind_speed_TB03": wind_speed_TB03,
    "wind_dir_TB01": wind_dir_TB01,
    "wind_dir_TB02": wind_dir_TB02,
    "wind_dir_TB03": wind_dir_TB03,
    "power_TB01": power_TB01,
    "power_TB02": power_TB02,
    "power_TB03": power_TB03,

The data is currently stored using the the channel and turbine names of the user. By supplying additional metadata to the FlascDataFrame, the data can be converted to and from the FLASC format.

# Declare a channel_name_map dictionary to map the signal names to the turbine names.
# The turbine numbers when 0-indexed in FLASC format should
# align with their numbering in the FLORIS model of the same farm.
channel_name_map = {
    "time": "time",
    "wind_speed_TB01": "ws_000",
    "wind_speed_TB02": "ws_001",
    "wind_speed_TB03": "ws_002",
    "wind_dir_TB01": "wd_000",
    "wind_dir_TB02": "wd_001",
    "wind_dir_TB03": "wd_002",
    "power_TB01": "pow_000",
    "power_TB02": "pow_001",
    "power_TB03": "pow_002",

We are now in a position to instantiate a FlascDataFrame

fdf = FlascDataFrame(data_dict, channel_name_map=channel_name_map)
FlascDataFrame in user (wide) format
   time  wind_speed_TB01  wind_speed_TB02  wind_speed_TB03  wind_dir_TB01  \
0     0         8.819463         8.143603         9.143759     276.267989   
1     1         8.651251         7.848077         8.855556     274.254916   
2     2         8.769868         8.354315         8.738283     276.248912   
3     3         8.374190         7.783613         8.626236     279.792350   
4     4         8.234033         8.472874         8.617795     279.531329   

   wind_dir_TB02  wind_dir_TB03  power_TB01  power_TB02  power_TB03  
0     277.721718     278.267233  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  
1     279.627606     273.665876  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  
2     276.667794     278.483416  674.495629  583.085975  667.234311  
3     276.915828     273.567836  587.257344  471.567348  641.894940  
4     277.227216     271.583554  558.261588  608.264229  640.012570  

Converting this to the FLASC format (and back) now simply requires calling the appropriate method. This makes it convenient to work with FLASC functions (that require the data to be in FLASC format) and user-provided functions (that may require the user's formatting) within the same workflow.

# Convert now into FLASC format (as a copy)
fdf_flasc = fdf.convert_to_flasc_format()

# Convert back to user format (as a copy)
fdf_user = fdf_flasc.convert_to_user_format()

# Conversions can also happen in place, if the inplace argument is set to True
FlascDataFrame in FLASC format
   time    ws_000    ws_001    ws_002      wd_000      wd_001      wd_002  \
0     0  8.819463  8.143603  9.143759  276.267989  277.721718  278.267233   
1     1  8.651251  7.848077  8.855556  274.254916  279.627606  273.665876   

      pow_000     pow_001     pow_002  
0  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  
1  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  

FlascDataFrame in user (wide) format
   time  wind_speed_TB01  wind_speed_TB02  wind_speed_TB03  wind_dir_TB01  \
0     0         8.819463         8.143603         9.143759     276.267989   
1     1         8.651251         7.848077         8.855556     274.254916   

   wind_dir_TB02  wind_dir_TB03  power_TB01  power_TB02  power_TB03  
0     277.721718     278.267233  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  
1     279.627606     273.665876  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  

FlascDataFrame in FLASC format
   time    ws_000    ws_001    ws_002      wd_000      wd_001      wd_002  \
0     0  8.819463  8.143603  9.143759  276.267989  277.721718  278.267233   
1     1  8.651251  7.848077  8.855556  274.254916  279.627606  273.665876   

      pow_000     pow_001     pow_002  
0  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  
1  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  

FlascDataFrame in user (wide) format
   time  wind_speed_TB01  wind_speed_TB02  wind_speed_TB03  wind_dir_TB01  \
0     0         8.819463         8.143603         9.143759     276.267989   
1     1         8.651251         7.848077         8.855556     274.254916   

   wind_dir_TB02  wind_dir_TB03  power_TB01  power_TB02  power_TB03  
0     277.721718     278.267233  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  
1     279.627606     273.665876  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  

Converting Wide and Long#

FlascDataFrame also provides methods to convert between wide and long formats. FLASC's native format is always "wide", that is, each channel has its own column. But FlascDataFrame can be used to convert to a user format that is "long" where each channel is a row in the dataframe.

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "time": time,
        "wind_speed_TB01": wind_speed_TB01,
        "wind_speed_TB02": wind_speed_TB02,
        "wind_speed_TB03": wind_speed_TB03,
        "wind_dir_TB01": wind_dir_TB01,
        "wind_dir_TB02": wind_dir_TB02,
        "wind_dir_TB03": wind_dir_TB03,
        "power_TB01": power_TB01,
        "power_TB02": power_TB02,
        "power_TB03": power_TB03,

# Convert to "long" format; this is taken to be the user's desired format in this example.
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["time"], var_name="channel", value_name="value")
     time          channel       value
0       0  wind_speed_TB01    8.819463
1       1  wind_speed_TB01    8.651251
2       2  wind_speed_TB01    8.769868
3       3  wind_speed_TB01    8.374190
4       4  wind_speed_TB01    8.234033
..    ...              ...         ...
175    15       power_TB03  654.216809
176    16       power_TB03  793.997896
177    17       power_TB03  847.282010
178    18       power_TB03  623.109117
179    19       power_TB03  644.814703

[180 rows x 3 columns]
# This time include in the specification of the FlascDataFrame the name of the
# columns of the long data
fdf = FlascDataFrame(
    long_data_columns={"variable_column": "channel", "value_column": "value"},
FlascDataFrame in user (long) format
   time          channel     value
0     0  wind_speed_TB01  8.819463
1     1  wind_speed_TB01  8.651251
2     2  wind_speed_TB01  8.769868
3     3  wind_speed_TB01  8.374190
4     4  wind_speed_TB01  8.234033

The data can still be converted to FLASC format (and back)

fdf_flasc = fdf.convert_to_flasc_format()
fdf_user = fdf_flasc.convert_to_user_format()

# As before, conversions can also happen in place, if the inplace argument is set to True
FlascDataFrame in FLASC format
   time     pow_000     pow_001     pow_002      wd_000      wd_001  \
0     0  686.003632  540.069719  764.494463  276.267989  277.721718   
1     1  647.495586  483.381225  694.460360  274.254916  279.627606   

       wd_002    ws_000    ws_001    ws_002  
0  278.267233  8.819463  8.143603  9.143759  
1  273.665876  8.651251  7.848077  8.855556  

FlascDataFrame in user (long) format
   time     channel       value
0     0  power_TB01  686.003632
1     0  power_TB02  540.069719

Exporting to wind-up format#

Another use case for FlascDataFrame is to export the data into the "wind-up" format. Wind-up is an open source tool for assessing uplift provided by RES. This conversion provides a convenient way to assess the data, in the case of uplift assessment, using the wind-up tool, which is imported by FLASC. A full demonstration of the usage of the wind-up tool in FLASC is provided within the Smarteole example set.

fdf = fdf.convert_to_flasc_format()

df_windup = fdf.export_to_windup_format()  # df_windup is a pandas DataFrame
                       raw_ActivePowerMean  raw_YawAngleMean  \
0                               686.003632        276.267989   
1                               647.495586        274.254916   
2                               674.495629        276.248912   
3                               587.257344        279.792350   
4                               558.261588        279.531329   

                       raw_WindSpeedMean TurbineName  PitchAngleMean  \
0                               8.819463         000               0   
1                               8.651251         000               0   
2                               8.769868         000               0   
3                               8.374190         000               0   
4                               8.234033         000               0   

                       GenRpmMean  raw_ShutdownDuration  ActivePowerMean  \
0                            1000                     0       686.003632   
1                            1000                     0       647.495586   
2                            1000                     0       674.495629   
3                            1000                     0       587.257344   
4                            1000                     0       558.261588   

                       WindSpeedMean  YawAngleMean  ShutdownDuration  
0                           8.819463    276.267989                 0  
1                           8.651251    274.254916                 0  
2                           8.769868    276.248912                 0  
3                           8.374190    279.792350                 0  
4                           8.234033    279.531329                 0