Utilities for SCADA data using expected power methods.
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._add_wd_ws_bins(df_: DataFrame, wd_cols: List[str], ws_cols: List[str], wd_step: float = 2.0, wd_min: float = 0.0, wd_max: float = 360.0, ws_step: float = 1.0, ws_min: float = 0.0, ws_max: float = 50.0) DataFrame [source]#
Add wind direction (wd) and wind speed (ws) bin columns to the dataframe.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe, exported from a_in.get_df()
wd_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names for wind direction
ws_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names for wind speed
wd_step (float) -- The step size for the wind direction bins. Defaults to 2.0.
wd_min (float) -- The minimum wind direction value. Defaults to 0.0.
wd_max (float) -- The maximum wind direction value. Defaults to 360.0.
ws_step (float) -- The step size for the wind speed bins. Defaults to 1.0.
ws_min (float) -- The minimum wind speed value. Defaults to 0.0.
ws_max (float) -- The maximum wind speed value. Defaults to 50.0.
df_ (DataFrame)
- Returns:
A polars dataframe with the wd and ws bin columns added.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._bin_and_group_dataframe_expected_power(df_: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str], bin_cols_without_df_name: List[str] = ['wd_bin', 'ws_bin']) DataFrame [source]#
Group dataframes by bin columns and calculate the mean and variance of the test columns.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe, exported from a_in.get_df()
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the mean and variance of
bin_cols_without_df_name (List[str]) -- A list of column names to bin the dataframes by. Defaults to ["wd_bin", "ws_bin"].
df_ (DataFrame)
- Returns:
- A polars dataframe with the mean and variance of the test columns
grouped by bin columns.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._synchronize_nulls(df_bin: DataFrame, sync_cols: List[str], uplift_pairs: List[List[str]], bin_cols_without_df_name: List[str] = ['wd_bin', 'ws_bin']) DataFrame [source]#
Copy the nans from the test columns in one of df_name to the other within uplift pairs.
- Parameters:
df_bin (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe with the mean and variance of the test columns grouped by bin columns.
sync_cols (List[str]) -- Columns to synchronize.
uplift_pairs (List[List[str]]) -- A list of the df_name values to copy the nans from for each pair
bin_cols_without_df_name (List[str]) -- A list of column names to bin the dataframes by. Defaults to ["wd_bin", "ws_bin"].
- Returns:
- A polars dataframe with the nans copied from one of the df_name values
to the other.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._get_num_points_pair(df_: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str], bin_cols_with_df_name: List[str]) DataFrame [source]#
Get the number of points for each pair of test columns.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the number of points for
bin_cols_with_df_name (List[str]) -- A list of column names to bin the dataframes by.
df_ (DataFrame)
- Returns:
A polars dataframe with the number of points for each pair of test columns.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._compute_covariance(df_: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str], bin_cols_with_df_name: List[str]) DataFrame [source]#
Compute the covariance matrix for the test columns.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the covariance of
bin_cols_with_df_name (List[str]) -- A list of column names to bin the dataframes by.
df_ (DataFrame)
- Returns:
A polars dataframe with the covariance matrix.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._fill_cov_with_var(df_cov: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str], fill_all: bool = True) DataFrame [source]#
Fill covariance terms with the product of the square root of the variances.
Fill the null (or all) values in the covariance matrix with the product of the square root of the variances of the corresponding test columns.
Leave the number of points as is (the number of shared points between the two test columns).
- Parameters:
df_cov (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe with the covariance matrix
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the covariance of
fill_all (bool) -- If True, fill all values of cov, regardless of whether or not missing/Null
- Returns:
A polars dataframe with the null values filled according to the strategy.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._set_cov_to_zero(df_cov: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str]) DataFrame [source]#
Set all covariance terms to 0, leaving only the variances.
- Parameters:
df_cov (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe with the covariance matrix
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the covariance of
- Returns:
A polars dataframe with the covariance terms set to 0.
- Return type:
- flasc.analysis.expected_power_analysis_utilities._synchronize_var_nulls_back_to_mean(df_bin: DataFrame, test_cols: List[str]) DataFrame [source]#
For each row, for any turbine with a null var, null mean power.
- For each row, if there are any turbines with undefined variances
(because count < 2), then the mean power for those turbines would get set to Null as well.
- Parameters:
df_bin (pl.DataFrame) -- A polars dataframe with the mean and variance of the test columns grouped by bin columns.
test_cols (List[str]) -- A list of column names to calculate the covariance of
- Returns:
Update df_bin dataframe
- Return type: