Source code for reVX.wind_dirs.mean_wind_dirs_point

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reVX mean wind directions point sub-class
import logging
import numpy as np

from reV.supply_curve.points import AggregationSupplyCurvePoint
from rex.renewable_resource import WindResource

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MeanWindDirectionsPoint(AggregationSupplyCurvePoint): """ SC point class to compute mean wind directions """ @property def h5(self): """ h5 Resource handler object Returns ------- _h5 : Resource Resource h5 handler object. """ # pylint: disable=E0203,W0201 if self._h5 is None: self._h5 = WindResource(self._h5_fpath) return self._h5
[docs] def mean_wind_dirs(self, dset): """ Calc the mean wind directions at every time-step Parameters ---------- dset : str Wind direction dataset to aggregate Returns ------- mean_wind_dirs : np.ndarray | float Mean wind direction masked by the binary exclusions """ incl = self.include_mask_flat[self.bool_mask] gids = self._gids[self.bool_mask] arr_slice = (dset, slice(None), gids) angle = np.radians(self.h5[arr_slice], dtype=np.float32) sin = np.mean(np.sin(angle) * incl, axis=1) cos = np.mean(np.cos(angle) * incl, axis=1) mean_wind_dirs = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin, cos)) mask = mean_wind_dirs < 0 mean_wind_dirs[mask] += 360 return mean_wind_dirs
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, gid, excl, agg_h5, tm_dset, *wind_dir_dsets, excl_dict=None, inclusion_mask=None, resolution=64, excl_area=0.0081, exclusion_shape=None, close=True, gen_index=None): """ Compute exclusions weight mean for the sc point from data Parameters ---------- gid : int gid for supply curve point to analyze. excl : str | ExclusionMask Filepath to exclusions h5 or ExclusionMask file handler. agg_h5 : str | Resource Filepath to .h5 file to aggregate or Resource handler tm_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. wind_dir_dsets : str Wind direction dataset(s) to aggregate, can supply multiple datasets excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion LayerMask arugments {layer: {kwarg: value}} None if excl input is pre-initialized. inclusion_mask : np.ndarray 2D array pre-extracted inclusion mask where 1 is included and 0 is excluded. The shape of this will be checked against the input resolution. resolution : int Number of exclusion points per SC point along an axis. This number**2 is the total number of exclusion points per SC point. excl_area : float Area of an exclusion cell (square km). exclusion_shape : tuple Shape of the full exclusions extent (rows, cols). Inputing this will speed things up considerably. close : bool Flag to close object file handlers on exit. gen_index : np.ndarray Array of generation gids with array index equal to resource gid. Array value is -1 if the resource index was not used in the generation run. Returns ------- out : dict Wind direction(s) and meta data aggregated to given supply curve point gid """ kwargs = {"excl_dict": excl_dict, "inclusion_mask": inclusion_mask, "resolution": resolution, "excl_area": excl_area, "exclusion_shape": exclusion_shape, "close": close, "gen_index": gen_index} with cls(gid, excl, agg_h5, tm_dset, **kwargs) as point: out = {'meta': point.summary} for dset in wind_dir_dsets: out[dset] = point.mean_wind_dirs(dset) return out