
Least Cost Xmission Command Line Interface

least-cost-xmission [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



Show the version and exit.

-n, --name <name>

Job name.



-v, --verbose

Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.


Run Least Cost Xmission from a config.

least-cost-xmission from-config [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <config>

Required Filepath to Least Cost Xmission config json file.

-v, --verbose

Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.


Run Least Cost Xmission on local hardware

least-cost-xmission local [OPTIONS]


-cost, --cost_fpath <cost_fpath>

Required Path to h5 file with cost rasters and other required layers

-feats, --features_fpath <features_fpath>

Required Path to GeoPackage with transmission features

-regs, --regions_fpath <regions_fpath>

Path to reinforcement regions GeoPackage. If not None, Least Cost Xmission is run with reinforcement path costs. Features must be substations only, and the substation file must contain a region_identifier_column column that matches the region_identifier_column ID in this file for the reinforcement region containing that substation.

-rid, --region_identifier_column <region_identifier_column>

Name of column in reinforcement regions GeoPackagecontaining a unique identifier for each region.

-cap, --capacity_class <capacity_class>

Required Capacity class of transmission features to connect supply curve points to

-res, --resolution <resolution>

SC point resolution



-xcfg, --xmission_config <xmission_config>

Path to Xmission config .json

-mll, --min_line_length <min_line_length>

Minimum Tie-line length.



-gids, --sc_point_gids <sc_point_gids>

List of sc_point_gids to connect to. If running from_config, this can also be a path to a CSV file with a ‘sc_point_gid’ column containing the GID’s to run. Note the missing ‘s’ in the column name - this makes it seamless to run on a supply curve output from reV

-nn, --nn_sinks <nn_sinks>

Number of nearest neighbor sinks to use for clipping radius calculation. This is overridden by –radius



-buffer, --clipping_buffer <clipping_buffer>

Buffer to expand clipping radius by



-bmult, --barrier_mult <barrier_mult>

Tranmission barrier multiplier, used when computing the least cost tie-line path



-mw, --max_workers <max_workers>

Number of workers to use for processing, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores

-o, --out_dir <out_dir>

Directory to save least cost xmission values to.



-log, --log_dir <log_dir>

Directory to dump log files.

-v, --verbose

Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.


Save least cost paths and data to GeoPackage.

-rad, --radius <radius>

Radius to clip costs raster to in pixels This overrides –nn_sinks if set.

-er, --expand_radius

Flag to expand radius until at least one transmission feature is included for connection. Has no effect if radius input is None.

--simplify-geo <simplify_geo>

Simplify path geometries by a value before writing to GeoPackage.

-cl, --cost-layers <cost_layers>

Required Layer in H5 to add to total cost raster used for routing. Multiple layers may be specified. Layer name may have curly brackets ({}), which will be filled in based on the capacity class input (e.g. “tie_line_costs_{}MW”)

-licl, --li-cost-layers <li_cost_layers>

Length-invariant cost layer in H5 to add to total cost raster used for routing. These costs do not scale with distance traversed acroiss the cell. Multiple layers may be specified.


Merge output GeoPackage/CSV files and optionally convert to GeoJSON

least-cost-xmission merge-output [OPTIONS] [FILES]...


-s, --split-to-geojson

After merging GeoPackages, split into GeoJSON by POI name.


Don’t create combined layer.

-of, --out-file <out_file>

Name for output GeoPackage/CSV file.

-d, --drop <drop>

Transmission feature category types to drop from results. Options: TransLine, LoadCen, PCALoadCen, Substation

-od, --out-dir <out_dir>

Output directory for output files.



--simplify-geo <simplify_geo>

Simplify path geometries by a value before exporting.



Optional argument(s)


Merge reinforcement costs into transmission costs.

least-cost-xmission merge-reinforcement-costs [OPTIONS]


-f, --cost_fpath <cost_fpath>

Required Path to GeoPackage/CSV file with calculated transmission costs. This file must have a ‘trans_gid’ column that will be used to merge in the reinforcement costs.

-r, --reinforcement_cost_fpath <reinforcement_cost_fpath>

Required Path to GeoPackage/CSV file with calculated reinforcement costs. This file must have a ‘gid’ column that will be used to merge in the reinforcement costs.

-of, --out_file <out_file>

Name for output GeoPackage/CSV file.


Echo the valid Least Cost Xmission config keys

least-cost-xmission valid-config-keys [OPTIONS]