Least Cost Xmission Command Line Interface
least-cost-xmission [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
- --version
Show the version and exit.
- -n, --name <name>
Job name.
- Default:
- -v, --verbose
Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.
Run Least Cost Xmission from a config.
least-cost-xmission from-config [OPTIONS]
- -c, --config <config>
Required Filepath to Least Cost Xmission config json file.
- -v, --verbose
Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.
Run Least Cost Xmission on local hardware
least-cost-xmission local [OPTIONS]
- -cost, --cost_fpath <cost_fpath>
Required Path to h5 file with cost rasters and other required layers
- -feats, --features_fpath <features_fpath>
Required Path to GeoPackage with transmission features
- -regs, --regions_fpath <regions_fpath>
Path to reinforcement regions GeoPackage. If not None, Least Cost Xmission is run with reinforcement path costs. Features must be substations only, and the substation file must contain a region_identifier_column column that matches the region_identifier_column ID in this file for the reinforcement region containing that substation.
- -rid, --region_identifier_column <region_identifier_column>
Name of column in reinforcement regions GeoPackagecontaining a unique identifier for each region.
- -cap, --capacity_class <capacity_class>
Required Capacity class of transmission features to connect supply curve points to
- -res, --resolution <resolution>
SC point resolution
- Default:
- -xcfg, --xmission_config <xmission_config>
Path to Xmission config .json
- -mll, --min_line_length <min_line_length>
Minimum Tie-line length.
- Default:
- -gids, --sc_point_gids <sc_point_gids>
List of sc_point_gids to connect to. If running from_config, this can also be a path to a CSV file with a ‘sc_point_gid’ column containing the GID’s to run. Note the missing ‘s’ in the column name - this makes it seamless to run on a supply curve output from reV
- -nn, --nn_sinks <nn_sinks>
Number of nearest neighbor sinks to use for clipping radius calculation. This is overridden by –radius
- Default:
- -buffer, --clipping_buffer <clipping_buffer>
Buffer to expand clipping radius by
- Default:
- -tbln, --tb_layer_name <tb_layer_name>
Name of transmission barrier layer in cost_fpath file. This layer defines the multipliers applied to the cost layer to determine LCP routing (but does not actually affect output costs
- Default:
- -bmult, --barrier_mult <barrier_mult>
Tranmission barrier multiplier, used when computing the least cost tie-line path
- Default:
- -irln, --iso_regions_layer_name <iso_regions_layer_name>
Name of ISO regions layer in cost_fpath file. The layer maps pixels to ISO region ID’s (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) .
- Default:
- -mw, --max_workers <max_workers>
Number of workers to use for processing, if 1 run in serial, if None use all available cores
- -o, --out_dir <out_dir>
Directory to save least cost xmission values to.
- Default:
- -log, --log_dir <log_dir>
Directory to dump log files.
- -v, --verbose
Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.
- --save_paths
Save least cost paths and data to GeoPackage.
- -rad, --radius <radius>
Radius to clip costs raster to in pixels This overrides –nn_sinks if set.
- -mpd, --mp_delay <mp_delay>
Delay in seconds between starting multi-process workers. Useful for reducing memory spike at working startup.
- Default:
- -er, --expand_radius
Flag to expand radius until at least one transmission feature is included for connection. Has no effect if radius input is
- --simplify-geo <simplify_geo>
Simplify path geometries by a value before writing to GeoPackage.
- -cl, --cost-layers <cost_layers>
Required Layer in H5 to add to total cost raster used for routing. Multiple layers may be specified. Layer name may have curly brackets (
), which will be filled in based on the capacity class input (e.g. “tie_line_costs_{}MW”)
- -licl, --li-cost-layers <li_cost_layers>
Length-invariant cost layer in H5 to add to total cost raster used for routing. These costs do not scale with distance traversed acroiss the cell. Multiple layers may be specified.
- -trl, --tracked_layers <tracked_layers>
Dictionary mapping layer names to strings, where the strings are numpy methods that should be applied to the layer along the LCP.
- -lmk, --length_mult_kind <length_mult_kind>
Type of length multiplier calcualtion. “step” computes length multipliers using a step function, while “linear” computes the length multiplier using a linear interpolation between 0 amd 10 mile spur-line lengths.
- Default:
- -cs, --cell_size <cell_size>
Side length of a single cell in meters. Cells are assumed to be square. Default is
- Default:
Merge output GeoPackage/CSV files and optionally convert to GeoJSON
least-cost-xmission merge-output [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
- -s, --split-to-geojson
After merging GeoPackages, split into GeoJSON by POI name.
- --suppress-combined-file
Don’t create combined layer.
- -of, --out-file <out_file>
Name for output GeoPackage/CSV file.
- -d, --drop <drop>
Transmission feature category types to drop from results. Options: TransLine, LoadCen, PCALoadCen, Substation
- -od, --out-dir <out_dir>
Output directory for output files.
- Default:
- --simplify-geo <simplify_geo>
Simplify path geometries by a value before exporting.
- -ssid, --ss_id_col <ss_id_col>
Name of column used to unqiuely identify substations. Used for reinforcement calcaultions only.
Optional argument(s)
Merge reinforcement costs into transmission costs.
least-cost-xmission merge-reinforcement-costs [OPTIONS]
- -f, --cost_fpath <cost_fpath>
Required Path to GeoPackage/CSV file with calculated transmission costs. This file must have a ‘trans_gid’ column that will be used to merge in the reinforcement costs.
- -r, --reinforcement_cost_fpath <reinforcement_cost_fpath>
Required Path to GeoPackage/CSV file with calculated reinforcement costs. This file must have a ‘gid’ column that will be used to merge in the reinforcement costs.
- -mc, --merge_column <merge_column>
Name of column in cost_fpath and reinforcement_cost_fpath files to merge on.
- -of, --out_file <out_file>
Name for output GeoPackage/CSV file.
Echo the valid Least Cost Xmission config keys
least-cost-xmission valid-config-keys [OPTIONS]