- class BaseProfileAggregation[source]
Base framework to aggregate rev generation profiles to plants or plexos nodes.
Placeholder for concrete initialization
(df, gid_column)Convert a bespoke supply curve table to reference resource gids (res_gids) based on the bespoke generation outputs that are on the supply curve grid not the resource grid
(meta, time_index, profiles, out_fpath)Export generation profiles to h5 and plexos-formatted csv
(table, name_col[, ...])Get a list of ordered unique plant names
(profiles, timezone)Convert profiles to local time and forward/back fill missing data.
Resource gids available in the cf file.
An array mapping the reV "actuals" generation data to forecast data of a different resolution (if input).
Nearest neighbor output mapping rev supply curve points to plants or plexos nodes.
Get the generation profile time index.
Get a short 3-char tz alias if the timezone is common in the US (pst, mst, cst, est)
- property time_index
Get the generation profile time index.
- Returns:
time_index (pd.Datetimeindex) – Pandas datetime index sourced from the capacity factor data.
- property tz_alias
Get a short 3-char tz alias if the timezone is common in the US (pst, mst, cst, est)
- Returns:
- property available_res_gids
Resource gids available in the cf file.
- Returns:
res_gids (np.ndarray) – Array of resource GIDs available in the cf file.
- property node_map
Nearest neighbor output mapping rev supply curve points to plants or plexos nodes.
- Returns:
- property forecast_map
An array mapping the reV “actuals” generation data to forecast data of a different resolution (if input). This is an (n, 1) array where n is the number of “actuals” generation data points. So self.forecast_map[9] yields the forecast index that corresponds to index 9 in the cf_fpath reV generation output.
- Returns:
np.ndarray | None
- static tz_convert_profiles(profiles, timezone)[source]
Convert profiles to local time and forward/back fill missing data.
- Parameters:
profiles (np.ndarray) – Profiles of shape (time, n_plants) in UTC
timezone (str) – Timezone for output generation profiles. This is a string that will be passed to pytz.timezone() e.g. US/Pacific, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/Eastern, or UTC. For a list of all available timezones, see pytz.all_timezones
- Returns:
profiles (np.ndarray) – Profiles of shape (time, n_plants) in timezone
- static get_unique_plant_names(table, name_col, tech_tag=None)[source]
Get a list of ordered unique plant names
- Parameters:
table (pd.DataFrame) – Plexos / plant meta data table where every row is a plant
name_col (str) – Column label in table. Exception will be raised if not found.
tech_tag (str) – Technology tag to append to plant names like “pv” or “wind”
- Returns:
names (list | None) – List of unique plant names
- static convert_bespoke_sc(df, gid_column)[source]
Convert a bespoke supply curve table to reference resource gids (res_gids) based on the bespoke generation outputs that are on the supply curve grid not the resource grid
- Parameters:
table (pd.DataFrame) – rev_sc and reeds_build inner joined on supply curve gid.
gid_column (str) – String to use for sc_gid.
- Returns:
table (pd.DataFrame) – Modified so that the “res_gids” points to the supply curve gids in the bespoke file so that the resource generation profiles will be taken based on the bespoke indexing.
- export(meta, time_index, profiles, out_fpath)[source]
Export generation profiles to h5 and plexos-formatted csv
- Parameters:
plant_meta (pd.DataFrame) – Plant / plexos node meta data with built capacities and mappings to the resource used.
time_index (pd.datetimeindex) – Time index for the profiles.
profiles (np.ndarray) – Generation profile timeseries in MW at each plant / plexos node.
out_fpath (str, optional) – Path to .h5 file into which plant buildout should be saved. A plexos-formatted csv will also be written in the same directory. By default None.