
preprocess_setbacks_config(config, features, generic_setback_multiplier=None)[source]

Pre-process setbacks computation config.

  • config (dict) – Setbacks compute config. This config will be updated to include a the node_feature_type, node_file_path, and node_multiplier keys based on user input.

  • features (dict) – Dictionary specifying which features/data to process. The keys of this dictionary must be the a key from the SETBACK_SPECS dictionary or the feature_specs input dictionary specifying the feature type to run setbacks for. The value of each key must be a path or a list of paths to calculate that particular setback for. The path(s) can contain unix-style file-pattern matching syntax to point to multiple files. The paths may be specified relative to the config file. For example:

    features: {
        "parcel": "../relative/path/to/parcel_colorado.gpkg",
        "road": [

    With this input, parcel setbacks would be computed for the data in ../relative/path/to/parcel_colorado.gpkg, and road setbacks would be calculated for all GeoPackage data files in /full/path/to/road/data/ and for the files ../../relative/path/to/data_il.gpkg and ../../relative/path/to/data_in.gpkg.

  • generic_setback_multiplier (int | float | str, optional) – Optional setback multiplier to use where local regulations are not supplied. This multiplier will be applied to the base_setback_dist (or the turbine tip-height) to calculate the setback. If supplied along with regulations_fpath, this input will be used to apply a setback to all counties not listed in the regulations file. This input can also be a path to a config file containing feature types as keys and feature-specific generic multipliers as values. For example:

        "parcel": 1.1,
        "road": 2,
        "structure": 3.5

    If specified this way, every key in the features inputs must also be given in the generic multipliers config. If None, no generic setback computation is performed. By default, None.


config (dict) – Updated setbacks computation config dictionary.

  • ValueError – If features is not a dictionary, or any key in features is not a valid key of SETBACKS.

  • FileNotFoundError – If no input GeoPackage files are found on disk.