
Definition of friction, barrier, and costs processing JSON config file

Module attributes


Mapping of friction layers.


Mapping of barrier layers.


CombineCosts(*, landfall_cost, dry_h5_fpath, ...)

Config items required to combine wet and dry costs


Config items required to generate dry costs

FBLayerConfig(*, extent[, map, range, ...])

Friction and barrier layers config model.

LayerCreationConfig(*, ...[, layer_dir, ...])

Definition of friction, barrier, and costs processing JSON config file.

MergeFrictionBarriers(*[, barrier_multiplier])

Combine friction and barriers and save to H5.

RangeConfig(*[, min, max])

Config for defining a range and a value to assign to cells matching that range.

Rasterize(*, value[, buffer, reproject])

Rasterize a vector layer and apply a value to it.

WetCosts(*, bins, bathy_tiff[, wet_costs_tiff])

Config items required to generate wet costs