reVX Setbacks

This guide is supplemental to the setbacks documentation - please consult the latter for detailed explanations of all inputs.

Computing setbacks for CONUS

Ordinance database

The first step to computing setbacks is to obtain an up-to-date copy of the wind and/or solar local ordinance database (csv file) from reVXOrdinances (see the usage guide for instructions). You can skip this step if you only care about generic setbacks applied across the entire nation.

Config file setup

Each reVX setbacks project should be run from a new directory. The execution logic assumes exactly one set of setbacks configuration per directory. To begin, create a new directory for your project. The name should be descriptive since it will show up in all output filenames. A good naming convention for wind, for example, is "wind_XXXhh_XXXrd" (i.e. “wind_116hh_163rd”). After you have created your directory, cd into it, and run the following command (make sure your reVX environment has been activated):

$ setbacks template-configs

This will create some template configuration files for you to use:

$ ls
config_compute.json  config_merge.json  config_pipeline.json

You can change the config file type using the -t option for the template-configs command (e.g. setbacks template-configs -t yaml)

Open the config_compute.json template file. It should look something like this:

    "execution_control": {
        "option": "local",
        "allocation": "[REQUIRED IF ON HPC]",
        "walltime": "[REQUIRED IF ON HPC]",
        "qos": "normal",
        "memory": null,
        "queue": null,
        "feature": null,
        "conda_env": null,
        "module": null,
        "sh_script": null,
        "max_workers": null
    "log_directory": "./logs",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "excl_fpath": "[REQUIRED]",
    "hub_height": null,
    "rotor_diameter": null,
    "base_setback_dist": null,
    "regulations_fpath": null,
    "weights_calculation_upscale_factor": null,
    "replace": false,
    "hsds": false,
    "out_layers": null,
    "feature_specs": null,
    "features": "[REQUIRED]",
    "generic_setback_multiplier": null

The template provides all possible input keys and clearly indicates which ones must be filled out. The rest of the inputs are filled in with suitable default values, typically None (or null for JSON).

Begin by filling out the execution_control block. Typically, it is enough to simply update "option": "eagle" and just fill in the allocation and walltime parameters. The rest can be removed if unused.

The log_directory and log_level keys give you control over the location of output log files and their verbosity, respectively. Suitable options for log_level are DEBUG (most verbose), INFO (default), WARNING (only log warnings and errors), and ERROR (only log errors).

The next important parameter is excl_fpath. This key must be a path that points to a template exclusions file (path relative to the project directory are allowed). This file defines the raster grid - it must contain a county FIPS layer called cnty_fips. This layer is used to match local regulations in regulations_fpath to counties on the grid.

If you are running setbacks for a particular wind turbine, fill out the hub_height and rotor_diameter inputs, and delete the base_setback_dist input. reVX setbacks calculations do not allow base_setback_dist if the hub_height and rotor_diameter inputs pare provided, since it calculates base_setback_dist to be the max tip-height of the turbine: base_setback_dist = hub_height + rotor_diameter / 2.

On the other hand, if you are calculating setbacks for solar (or some other technology), the hub_height and rotor_diameter inputs are meaningless. In this case, you must remove them and use the base_setback_dist input to specify the distance that will be scaled by the generic and local regulation multipliers.

The regulations_fpath should point to the reVX ordinance CSV file you generated above (path relative to the project directory are allowed). If you are not modeling any local regulations, you can leave this input as None (null in JSON).

Basic execution of reVX setbacks will not require weights_calculation_upscale_factor, out_layers, or feature_specs, so we instead cover them in the Advanced Topics section below. For now, these keys are okay to remove from the configuration file entirely.

replace and hsds can be left with their default values, unless you would like reVX to replace any existing setbacks TIFFs in your project directory (replace: true) or your excl_fpath points to a file on AWS and you are using HSDS to access it (hsds: true).

The features inputs points reVX to the feature data from which setbacks should be computed. The value for this key should always be another dictionary. The keys in the new dictionary are the names of the setbacks you are computing (see the keys of SETBACK_SPECS for all possible options - you may have to scroll down after clicking the link), and the values should point to the data on disk. There are several ways to point to a data file (though all files must be GeoPackages):

  • If the features for a particular setback calculation are contained within a single file, just set the value to the path to the file (relative paths are allowed)

  • If the features for a particular setback calculation are spread across several files (this is common practice to speed up execution; reVX will process each input file on a separate node in parallel), you have a few options:

    • You can provide a single unix-style wildcard path to specify the files (e.g. ../my_data/*/*.gpkg)

    • If you would like to run only particular files, or they are spread across multiple directories, or they do not fit within a wildcard pattern, you can specify a list of input paths. The paths in the list can be relative to the project directory, and they can also contain unix-style wildcards

Finally, you can specify a value for generic_setback_multiplier. This is a multiplier value that will be applied to base_setback_dist to compute setback exclusions wherever a local ordinance is not given.

At this point, your config file may look something like this:

    "execution_control": {
        "option": "eagle",
        "allocation": "revx",
        "walltime": 1
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "excl_fpath": "/path/to/Exclusions.h5",
    "hub_height": 116,
    "rotor_diameter": 163,
    "regulations_fpath": "./wind_regulations.csv",
    "generic_setback_multiplier": 1.1,
    "features": {
        "rail": "/absolute/path/to/rail_data.gpkg",
        "transmission": "../../relative/path/to/transmission/data/*.gpkg",
        "road": [


This config would calculate setbacks using a base_setback_dist of 197.5m (max tip-height) onto a raster defined vial the cnty_fips layer in "/path/to/Exclusions.h5". The local regulations would be pulled from "./wind_regulations.csv", and a generic multiplier of 1.1 would be applied to the max tip-height value everywhere else. Three types of setbacks would be computed:

  • Rail setbacks would be computed from all features in the file "/absolute/path/to/rail_data.gpkg"

  • Transmission line setbacks would be computed from all features in all files in the directory "../../relative/path/to/transmission/data"

  • Road setbacks would be computed from all features in the file "../relative/path/to/first/road/data/file.gpkg" as well as the features in all files matching the pattern "multiple_files*.gpkg" in the directory "/path/to/another/road/data/directory"

Once your setbacks run has been configured, you are ready to kick it off on the HPC.


When you are ready to run setbacks computation, run the following command from the project directory:

$ setbacks pipeline

This command runs the first step in the setbacks pipeline (which was configured for you automatically in config_pipeline.json). This command can be called repeatedly to execute the next step of the pipeline once the current step is done running. It can also be used to re-run a failed or partially-successful step.

Although it is not recommended, you can also run

$ setbacks pipeline --background

to execute all steps in the pipeline, one after another, without any other user intervention. Be aware, however, that this execution will be interrupted if any job fails for any reason, so you may still have to submit this call multiple times.

If your first step executes successfully, you should see one or more output TIFF files in your project directory (specifically, one output file per input file):

$ ls *.tif


Typically the next step is to merge the setbacks computed separately across all the input files into a single file per setback type.


The next (and final) step in the auto-generated pipeline will merge all the setback files for a particular setback type into a single TIFF file (the underlying assumption here is that the input files for each feature type do not overlap spatially). If you do not wish to merge the files, simply skip this step.

Before submitting the merge step to the HPC, open the config_merge.json file and update the execution_control block like you did before. The rest of the default inputs can be left as-is. Once the execution_control has been updated, run the following command from the project directory:

$ setbacks pipeline

This will submit the “merge” step. Once this step has finished running, you should see a single TIFF file per setback type in your directory (along with a chunk_files folder containing the individual TIFF files from the previous step):

$ ls

Congratulations, you have now computed setbacks using reVX!

If you need to move the output data into an HDF5 file to be as reV exclusion layers, you can use the reVX exclusions layers-to-h5 command.

Advanced Topics

In this section, we explore some more complex use-patterns that reVX supports for setbacks exclusion calculations.

Partial Setbacks

The size of some features you may want to calculate setbacks for may be on the order of (or even smaller!) than your exclusion grid size (e.g. parcels). In these cases, it’s useful to calculate partial setback exclusions, where pixels in your grid are not simply a binary flag but rather partial exclusion values. reVX supports this type of calculation - all you have to do is specify the weights_calculation_upscale_factor in your config_compute.json to be a value larger than 1. Under the hood, this upscales your exclusion grid by that factor during the setback calculation and uses the higher-resolution grid to calculate the partial area that should be excluded.

If you set weights_calculation_upscale_factor > 1 in your config_compute.json, your output data will now be an inclusion mask (as opposed to an exclusion layer), where each pixel will contain a float indicating the fractional inclusion weight. In other words, a value of 1 represents 100% inclusion, a value of 0.75 represents a 75% inclusion, and a value of 0 represents 0% inclusion, or full exclusion. This is the opposite of normal setback exclusions outputs, where the output values are bools with 1 == exclusion and 0 == inclusion. The reason for this discrepancy is for direct coupling with reV, which expects all partial exclusions to be input as an inclusion mask.

Writing directly to HDF5 files

reVX supports writing the output setback data directly to the excl_fpath exclusions h5 file in addition to an output TIFF file. This is rarely useful for setbacks, since the input features are often broken out over may files and thus the output needs to be merged before writing to an exclusion layer. Nevertheless, if your features come in a single input file (or you really like having hundreds of layers in your h5 files), you can request to have the output data stored directly in the excl_fpath file by including the out_layers key in your config file:

"out_layers": {
    "rail_data.gpkg": "rail_setbacks_116hh_163rd",
    "transmission_az.gpkg": "transmission_setbacks_116hh_167rd_az",
    "transmission_il.gpkg": "transmission_setbacks_116hh_167rd_il",

Note that you are mapping the input data files directly to the layer where the output setback data should be stored.

Feature-specific generic multipliers

Often, you may wish to model a different generic multiplier for each type of setback feature. Instead of setting up many different configuration files with one feature type each, reVX lets you specify feature-specific generic multipliers in a separate config file. For example, suppose you create a file generic_multipliers.json with the following contents:

    "road": 1.5,
    "parcel": 1.1,
    "structure": 5

Then, in your config_compute.json config file, instead of specifying a single value for generic_setback_multiplier, you can simply point to the new config:

"generic_setback_multiplier": "./generic_multipliers.json"

With this configuration, reVX will use a multiplier of 1.5 for all generic road setbacks, a multiplier of 1.1 for all generic parcel setbacks, and a multiplier of 5 for all generic structure setbacks. Note that you must provide a multiplier for each feature type you specify in the features input of your config_compute.json config file.

Custom setbacks computations

Sometimes a user may want to compute setbacks from a feature type that is not explicitly supported in reVX. A historical example of this are setbacks from oil and natural gas pipelines. As of April 14, 2023, reVX still does not provide explicit support for calculating setbacks from pipelines, even though setbacks from roads and transmission lines are conceptually and computationally similar to pipeline setbacks.

In order to compute such setbacks, users can create their own “feature types” using the feature_specs input. This input must be a dictionary where keys are the names of the new setback types, and the values are also dictionaries containing keyword-value pairs for the setbacks_calculator function. For example, the input:

"feature_specs": {
    "oil_and_gas": {
        "feature_type": "Oil And Gas Pipelines",
        "feature_subtypes_to_exclude": null,
        "num_features_per_worker": 10000

would define a new feature type "oil_and_gas" that would be identified in the regulations CSV file as "Oil And Gas Pipelines" under the "Feature Type" column. Only the feature_type key is required in the inner-most dictionary (default values are provided by the function for all other keys). In this case, we updated the feature_filter_type to "clip" instead of centroid, because we want pipelines ot be clipped to the county for which setbacks are being computed (as opposed to requiring the centroid to be within the county - the centroid may be quite far away depending on the shape of the pipeline). For more details on the input keys for each new feature type, please see the documentation for the setbacks_calculator function.

After adding the above input to the config_compute.json config file, you can use "oil_and_gas" just like any of the “standard” feature types. In particular, you can specify this feature in the features input:

"features": {
    "oil_and_gas": "/path/to/oil_gas/pipelines.gpkg",

and the generic_setback_multiplier config input:

    "road": 1.5,
    "parcel": 1.1,
    "structure": 5,
    "oil_and_gas": 3

The feature_specs input can also be used to calculate the same type of setback for two separate input datasets simultaneously:

"feature_specs": {
    "water-nwi": {
        "feature_type": "water",
        "buffer_type": "default",
        "feature_filter_type": "clip",
        "num_features_per_worker": 1000,
    "water-nhd": {
        "feature_type": "water",
        "buffer_type": "default",
        "feature_filter_type": "clip",
        "num_features_per_worker": 1000,

Of course, you would have to point "water-nwi" and "water-nhd" to separate input datasets using the features input.

Batched execution

Although reVX provides a lot of flexibility when it comes to calculating different setbacks for a single turbine (or other technology specification), the setup can still become cumbersome when working with even a handful of technology/ siting scenarios. To facilitate setup in these cases, users are encouraged to use the batch functionality (provided by the underlying GAPs framework). There are several ways to set up batched setbacks runs. Here will will focus on the CSV input method.

First, we need to generate a csv config file that tells batch how we want to parameterize our runs. Let’s suppose that we want to compute setbacks for five different turbines, each with three different siting (setback) scenarios. Here is a short python script to generate the CSV config file:

import json
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd

# Define generic mults for the three different siting scenarios (open has no mults)
reference_access_generic_mults = {"rail": 1.5, "road": 2.1, "structure": 3.2, "transmission": 1.7, "water": 2}
limited_access_generic_mults = {"rail": 3, "road": 4, "structure": 5, "transmission": 2, "water": 3}

# Define generic mults config filepaths
ra_fp = "./reference_access_generic_mults.json"
la_fp = "./limited_access_generic_mults.json"

# Write generic mults to files
with open(ra_fp, "w") as fh:
    json.dump(reference_access_generic_mults, fh)
with open(la_fp, "w") as fh:
    json.dump(limited_access_generic_mults, fh)

# Define our parametrizations
mults = {"open": None, "reference": ra_fp, "limited": la_fp}
turbines = [(120, 90), (150, 100), (170, 120), (190, 145), (190, 160)]  # (rd, hh)

# Generate our parametrizations
rows = []
for (rd, hh), scenario in product(turbines, mults):
    tag = f"{scenario}_{hh}hh_{rd}rd"  # tag is used as the directory name for each run
    rows.append([tag, rd, hh, mults[scenario]])

# Generate a pandas DataFrame from our parametrizations
# `batch` will update the "rotor_diameter", "hub_height", "generic_setback_multiplier" inputs in our
# `config_compute.json` file to the required value for the parametric run
batch = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["set_tag", "rotor_diameter", "hub_height", "generic_setback_multiplier"])

# Next two columns required by the `batch` command.
batch["pipeline_config"] = "./config_pipeline.json"  # point to pipeline config file
batch["files"] = "['./config_compute.json']"  # Python list of all the files batch should update, wrapped in quotes
batch.to_csv("config_batch.csv", index=False)

Running this script, we get the following table as output:

































































































This table tells batch to create 15 different run folders (one for each set_tag) and update the rotor_diameter, hub_height, and generic_setback_multiplier input keys appropriately for each run. The two extra things batch needs to know are the path to the pipeline file to run for each folder (pipeline_config column) and the config files that batch should look in for our input keys (rotor_diameter, hub_height, and generic_setback_multiplier). The latter is given in the files column (note that the syntax to fill this value using the python script above resembles a string representation of a Python list).

Once this config CSV file is generated, generate the rest of the config files and fill them out, as outlined above. Your directory should look like this:

$ ls

At this point, you can run

$ setbacks batch -c config_batch.csv

This command will create 15 subdirectories (with set_tag for names), copy over all relevant config files, and kickoff the pipeline job in each directory:

$ ls

After the first step of the pipeline completes for all of the sub-directories, you will have to run

$ setbacks batch -c config_batch.csv

again to kickoff the “merge” step. Once the “merge” step completes, you have computed setbacks for 15 different turbine/siting combinations!

Job Status

You can check the status of a project directory by running

$ setbacks status

This command will print a table of submitted/running/completed jobs for a particular project directory. The jobs will be identified using a tag. In order to see the input file being processed by each job run the following command:

$ setbacks status -i node_file_path