Source code for reVX.wind_dirs.mean_wind_dirs_cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Wind Directions Command Line Interface
import click
import logging
import os

from rex.utilities.loggers import init_mult
from rex.utilities.cli_dtypes import STR, INT, STRLIST, FLOAT
from rex.utilities.hpc import SLURM
from rex.utilities.utilities import get_class_properties

from reVX.config.wind_dirs import MeanWindDirsConfig
from reVX.wind_dirs.mean_wind_dirs import MeanWindDirections
from reVX import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.option('--name', '-n', default='MeanWindDirs', type=STR,
              help='Job name.')
@click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True,
              help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.')
def main(ctx, name, verbose):
    Mean Wind Directions Command Line Interface
    ctx.obj['NAME'] = name
    ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose

def valid_config_keys():
    Echo the valid Mean Wind Dirs config keys
    click.echo(', '.join(get_class_properties(MeanWindDirsConfig)))

[docs]def run_local(ctx, config): """ Run MeanWindDirections locally using config Parameters ---------- ctx : click.ctx click ctx object config : reVX.config.mean_wind_dirs.MeanWindDirsConfig Mean Wind Directions config object. """ ctx.obj['NAME'] = ctx.invoke(local, res_h5_fpath=config.res_h5_fpath, excl_fpath=config.excl_fpath, wdir_dsets=config.wdir_dsets, out_dir=config.dirout, tm_dset=config.tm_dset, excl_dict=config.excl_dict, resolution=config.resolution, excl_area=config.excl_area, area_filter_kernel=config.area_filter_kernel, min_area=config.min_area, max_workers=config.execution_control.max_workers, sites_per_worker=config.execution_control.sites_per_worker, log_dir=config.log_directory, verbose=config.log_level)
@main.command() @click.option('--config', '-c', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Filepath to MeanWindDirections config json file.') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.') @click.pass_context def from_config(ctx, config, verbose): """ Run mean wind directions from a config. """ config = MeanWindDirsConfig(config) if 'VERBOSE' in ctx.obj: if any((ctx.obj['VERBOSE'], verbose)): config._log_level = logging.DEBUG elif verbose: config._log_level = logging.DEBUG if config.execution_control.option == 'local': run_local(ctx, config) if config.execution_control.option == 'eagle': eagle(config) @main.command() @click.option('--res_h5_fpath', '-res', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Filepath to .h5 file containing wind direction data") @click.option('--excl_fpath', '-excl', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Filepath to exclusions h5 with techmap dataset.") @click.option('--wdir_dsets', '-dsets', required=True, type=STRLIST, help="Wind direction dataset to average") @click.option('--out_dir', '-o', required=True, type=click.Path(), help='Directory to dump output files') @click.option('--tm_dset', '-td', default='techmap_wtk', type=STR, show_default=True, help=("Dataset name in the techmap file containing the " "exclusions-to-resource mapping data,")) @click.option('--excl_dict', '-exd', type=STR, default=None, help=('String representation of a dictionary of exclusion ' 'LayerMask arguments {layer: {kwarg: value}} where layer ' 'is a dataset in excl_fpath and kwarg can be ' '"inclusion_range", "exclude_values", "include_values", ' '"inclusion_weights", "force_inclusion_values", ' '"use_as_weights", "exclude_nodata", and/or "weight".')) @click.option('--resolution', '-res', default=128, type=INT, show_default=True, help=("SC resolution, must be input in combination with gid. " "Prefered option is to use the row / col slices to define " "the SC point instead")) @click.option('--excl_area', '-ea', default=None, type=float, show_default=True, help="Area of an exclusion cell (square km)") @click.option('--area_filter_kernel', '-afk', type=STR, default='queen', help='Contiguous area filter kernel name ("queen", "rook").') @click.option('--min_area', '-ma', type=FLOAT, default=None, help='Contiguous area filter minimum area, default is None ' '(No minimum area filter).') @click.option('--sites_per_worker', '-spw', default=1000, type=INT, show_default=True, help="Number of SC points to process on each parallel worker") @click.option('--max_workers', '-mw', default=None, type=INT, show_default=True, help=("Number of cores to run summary on. None is all " "available cpus")) @click.option('--log_dir', '-log', default=None, type=STR, show_default=True, help='Directory to dump log files. Default is out_dir.') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.') @click.pass_context def local(ctx, res_h5_fpath, excl_fpath, wdir_dsets, out_dir, tm_dset, excl_dict, resolution, excl_area, area_filter_kernel, min_area, sites_per_worker, max_workers, log_dir, verbose): """ Compute mean wind directions on local hardware """ sites_per_worker = sites_per_worker if sites_per_worker else 1000 ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) out_fpath = os.path.basename(res_h5_fpath) out_fpath = out_fpath.replace('.h5', '_means_{}.h5' .format(resolution)) out_fpath = os.path.join(out_dir, out_fpath) if log_dir is None: log_dir = out_dir name = ctx.obj['NAME'] if 'VERBOSE' in ctx.obj: verbose = any((ctx.obj['VERBOSE'], verbose)) log_modules = [__name__, 'reVX', 'reV', 'rex'] init_mult(name, log_dir, modules=log_modules, verbose=verbose)'Averaging Wind Directions \n' 'Outputs to be stored in: {}'.format(out_dir)), excl_fpath, wdir_dsets, tm_dset=tm_dset, excl_dict=excl_dict, area_filter_kernel=area_filter_kernel, min_area=min_area, resolution=resolution, excl_area=excl_area, max_workers=max_workers, sites_per_worker=sites_per_worker, out_fpath=out_fpath)
[docs]def get_node_cmd(config): """ Get the node CLI call for mean wind direction computation. Parameters ---------- config : reVX.config.mean_wind_dirs.MeanWindDirsConfig Mean Wind Directions config object. Returns ------- cmd : str CLI call to submit to SLURM execution. """ spw = config.execution_control.sites_per_worker args = ['-n {}'.format(SLURM.s(, 'local', '-res {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.res_h5_fpath)), '-excl {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.excl_fpath)), '-dsets {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.wdir_dsets)), '-o {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.dirout)), '-td {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.tm_dset)), '-exd {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.excl_dict)), '-res {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.resolution)), '-ea {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.excl_area)), '-afk {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.area_filter_kernel)), '-ma {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.min_area)), '-mw {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.execution_control.max_workers)), '-spw {}'.format(SLURM.s(spw)), '-log {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.log_directory)), ] if config.log_level == logging.DEBUG: args.append('-v') cmd = ('python -m reVX.wind_dirs.mean_wind_dirs_cli {}' .format(' '.join(args))) logger.debug('Submitting the following cli call:\n\t{}'.format(cmd)) return cmd
[docs]def eagle(config): """ Run mean wind directions on Eagle HPC. Parameters ---------- config : reVX.config.mean_wind_dirs.MeanWindDirsConfig Mean Wind Directions config object. """ cmd = get_node_cmd(config) name = log_dir = config.log_directory stdout_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'stdout/') slurm_manager = SLURM()'Averaging wind directions on Eagle with ' 'node name "{}"'.format(name)) out = slurm_manager.sbatch(cmd, alloc=config.execution_control.allocation, memory=config.execution_control.memory, walltime=config.execution_control.walltime, feature=config.execution_control.feature, name=name, stdout_path=stdout_path, conda_env=config.execution_control.conda_env, module=config.execution_control.module)[0] if out: msg = ('Kicked off mean wind direction calculation "{}" ' '(SLURM jobid #{}) on Eagle.' .format(name, out)) else: msg = ('Was unable to kick off mean wind direction calculation ' '"{}". Please see the stdout error messages' .format(name)) click.echo(msg)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(obj={}) except Exception: logger.exception('Error running Mean Wind Directions CLI') raise